Captain Jack
New member
FBI parte due said:So, if net nannies can detect color tags in swears, what keeps them from detecting asterisks in swears?
I don't have a f*cking clue. D*mn good question.

FBI parte due said:So, if net nannies can detect color tags in swears, what keeps them from detecting asterisks in swears?
FBI parte due said:Perhaps it might be... a convenient lie?!?
No, the staff would never do anything like that.
HeroicFool said:Hmm, so you're saying I should go to Ei and start a thread on this Gode?
I will you know...
You'll likely grow to regret the invitation too.![]()
Godeskian said:Yes, woe and lamentations and so forth, but I genuinely believe that sitting here at TK and complaining about Exisle is a huge waste of time compared to actually going there and trying to fix things.
Godeskian said:Yes, woe and lamentations and so forth, but I genuinely believe that sitting here at TK and complaining about Exisle is a huge waste of time compared to actually going there and trying to fix things.
Captain Jack said:Well, okay. How do you propose "I" go there and fix things then? I've already PM'ed LoP even before you suggested it, and got nothing worth mentioning in terms of any action.
If I post a thread, I'd be flamed for "witch hunting", or calling for sanctions, or just being a troublemaker. And if I PM anyone, I'll just get some excuse for not doing anything.
Godeskian said:So PM him again, PM the mods of the relevant forum untill you get answers from them, debate the answers if not satisfactory. I'm Dutch okay, if there's one thing we're good at culturally speaking, it's talking. A dutch saying is that it's better to debate something without reaching a conclusion than to conclude something without debating it.
Sending one PM and then dropping the issue is not the way to achieve results. (of course, that's just me)
I think primarily people would be wondering why you haven't brought this up int he last month, and before you say that you've been talking about it here remember that only a tiny fraction of exislers actually reads TK.
Besides, I still think that your best bet is to actually engage in a dialogue with the moderators of the forum first. Ultimately they are the ones who would be giving out any warnings in that forum.
and as to not getting any result, well then PM them again and ask them why they haven't responded, or PM an admin and ask them to follow up on why the moderator didn't respond, and if that nets you nothing, PM LoP as the boardowner and ask him why neither his moderators nor his admins are responding.
It was looked into, by me if noone else (and I have the PM's to prove it) and the explanation I gave you was the one found. Now if that explanation isn't good enough for you, then frankly you need to adopt better tactics than going to a completely unrelated messageboard and venting.
bad dog said:I will one time slam fuck troll them, you just wait.
Captain Jack said:But, Gode, since when have the admins/mods ever changed their minds, or lreally listened to members differing opinions?
And that is EXACTLY what happened. I sent the PM, but the issued was dropped. Not by me though. And that is one of EI's problem.
Oh, yes, I'm sure that eryn would love to hear from me. :roll: I know what the response would be.
It's the STAFF's job to do that. Otherwise, what good are the mods, Gode?
Because nothing would be done. I can send a hundred PM's, and nothing will ever change.
Yes, a technicality conveniently made to brush this off, and Rhea gets away with another troll. Nice. No thanks.
Godeskian said:That's harsh, not particularly fair either.
Really? Did you send a followup to LoP? Did you contact Jid and Eryn? Because the impression I got from your posts is that you sent one PM, got a reply, then stopped trying to deal with the issue and came here to complain.
Did it ever occur to you that this kind of sentiment is probably part of the reason you get those responses? I don't know if Eryn reads Tk or not, I've never asked and it's none of my business, but if I knew someone was being openly contemptous about me, i'd probably be less inclined to cut them a break.
You cannot, absolutely cannot have it both ways. Either the members support the staff by bringing issues to their attention, and they get looked at (even if they don't get resolved to your satisfaction, which appears to be the case here) or members don't bring things to the staff, and have to accept the staff's decisions about what is and isn't a problem.
We have almost nine hundred thousand posts on Exisle at the moment, and not only does that mean that there will be posts that are missed, but also that with over a dozen people on the moderating staff there will be widely diverging opinions on what is and what isn't warnable.
And before you say 'but I Pmmed LoP', he is not a moderator of AGQ. If you really can't help the contempt towards Eryn, then talk to Jid. The whole point of having two moderators in most high-strung forums is so that if you have personal issues with one, you can go to the other.
You know, deciding what other people will and won't do is a dicey proposition in many ways, and requires far greated knowledge than can be gleaned from message-board conversations.
but herein also lies the rub. You demand that something be done, that your complaints be heard, and I offer you a way to do so. You then immediately reject that alternative without even trying it and conclude that the staff is at fault. Which, false logic aside, means that no matter what I suggest, you can always just dismiss it out of hand because 'you know' what the staff is going to do.
No, a decision made by the same moderating staff you so cavalierly dumped the entire responsibility for Exisle onto earlier in your post.
You don't agree with the decision, that's fine. Dissent is the basis for civilisation at the end of the day but going to an unrelated forum to complain, not to mention insult people back at Exisle isn't going to fix anything.
I've been trying to explain this for days now, and I don't seem to be getting anywhere, so I can only assume my facility with the english language is degrading. Telling me what the problem is on TK, complaining about how Eryn doesn't like you and you think Rhea's a troll achieves nothing, worse than nothing actually, because the vitriol predisposes people's reactions against you.
In terms of fixing the problem, we're no further now than we were when we started this debate a page and a half ago. I'd actually like to get this fixed sooner or later.
bad dog said:^^ hey fucker , you writing a book?
Godeskian said:That's harsh, not particularly fair either.
Really? Did you send a followup to LoP? Did you contact Jid and Eryn? Because the impression I got from your posts is that you sent one PM, got a reply, then stopped trying to deal with the issue and came here to complain.
Did it ever occur to you that this kind of sentiment is probably part of the reason you get those responses? I don't know if Eryn reads Tk or not, I've never asked and it's none of my business, but if I knew someone was being openly contemptous about me, i'd probably be less inclined to cut them a break.
You cannot, absolutely cannot have it both ways. Either the members support the staff by bringing issues to their attention, and they get looked at (even if they don't get resolved to your satisfaction, which appears to be the case here) or members don't bring things to the staff, and have to accept the staff's decisions about what is and isn't a problem.
We have almost nine hundred thousand posts on Exisle at the moment, and not only does that mean that there will be posts that are missed, but also that with over a dozen people on the moderating staff there will be widely diverging opinions on what is and what isn't warnable.
And before you say 'but I Pmmed LoP', he is not a moderator of AGQ. If you really can't help the contempt towards Eryn, then talk to Jid. The whole point of having two moderators in most high-strung forums is so that if you have personal issues with one, you can go to the other.
You know, deciding what other people will and won't do is a dicey proposition in many ways, and requires far greated knowledge than can be gleaned from message-board conversations.
but herein also lies the rub. You demand that something be done, that your complaints be heard, and I offer you a way to do so. You then immediately reject that alternative without even trying it and conclude that the staff is at fault. Which, false logic aside, means that no matter what I suggest, you can always just dismiss it out of hand because 'you know' what the staff is going to do.
No, a decision made by the same moderating staff you so cavalierly dumped the entire responsibility for Exisle onto earlier in your post.
You don't agree with the decision, that's fine. Dissent is the basis for civilisation at the end of the day but going to an unrelated forum to complain, not to mention insult people back at Exisle isn't going to fix anything.
I've been trying to explain this for days now, and I don't seem to be getting anywhere, so I can only assume my facility with the english language is degrading. Telling me what the problem is on TK, complaining about how Eryn doesn't like you and you think Rhea's a troll achieves nothing, worse than nothing actually, because the vitriol predisposes people's reactions against you.
In terms of fixing the problem, we're no further now than we were when we started this debate a page and a half ago. I'd actually like to get this fixed sooner or later.