So, who's this faggot Elnidfse?


Valhallan Ambassador
Damn! I guess Paulie was serious when he wanted Valhalla to ... do stuff.

I thought he was setting us up.



New Member
Seeing as neither of the two you have mentioned above are remotely related to people that I call, Mother and Father, that have spawned me, I do insist, my good sir, that you retract your statement and do a little bit more research, in regards to the study of my origins, before you come back and make a post about me.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Yeah no fucking shit.

Pics or GTFO :bigass:

The Dork Lord

Whipping Boy

Elnidfse said:
Seeing as neither of the two you have mentioned above are remotely related to people that I call, Mother and Father, that have spawned me, I do insist, my good sir, that you retract your statement and do a little bit more research, in regards to the study of my origins, before you come back and make a post about me.

How about you fuck yourself with a power drill and post it on youtube instead?


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Gurk_MacGuintey said:
So, who's this faggot Elnidfse?

Sounds like another English homosexual.

What's with TK and all the repugnant Brit queers that hang out here?

You're asking us?

Hell, I figured he was one of your slightly more intelligent siblings.


New Member
The Dork Lord said:
How about you fuck yourself with a power drill and post it on youtube instead?

I will have to decline in this, my good sir, for as I would enjoy entertaining my lovable and educated guests, such as yourself, I can not lower myself to posting pornography of any kind of such a respectable website, such as youtube, for your mere viewing pleasure. Also, I fail to see why you would want to witness such an event in the first place. I can already tail from your crude and easily mockable text, that you are not at all, "normal" by today's or societies standards but you are instead, a child that deserves only sympathy and pity. I do not understand your fetish with people and anal sex, which is only more curious now that you have told me to use a power drill, an object not normally pleasant when used, for any reason, in a sexual way but, I must insist, that you keep such things, that you probably do to your body, to yourself and not spoil my ears with such crude and barbaric talk.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I'll tell you what Roofie. If it is a generator you're using, you're completely pwned.

And if it isn't, you're pwned in stone. As in perma'd.

Check, and mate.


Vuhlkansu Wihs
Elnidfse said:
I will have to decline in this, my good sir, for as I would enjoy entertaining my lovable and educated guests, such as yourself, I can not lower myself to posting pornography of any kind of such a respectable website, such as youtube, for your mere viewing pleasure. Also, I fail to see why you would want to witness such an event in the first place. I can already tail from your crude and easily mockable text, that you are not at all, "normal" by today's or societies standards but you are instead, a child that deserves only sympathy and pity. I do not understand your fetish with people and anal sex, which is only more curious now that you have told me to use a power drill, an object not normally pleasant when used, for any reason, in a sexual way but, I must insist, that you keep such things, that you probably do to your body, to yourself and not spoil my ears with such crude and barbaric talk.

Yeah, that should cure any upcoming bouts of insomnia.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It's like Luci on oxycontin.


New Member
jack said:
I'll tell you what Roofie. If it is a generator you're using, you're completely pwned.

And if it isn't, you're pwned in stone. As in perma'd.

Check, and mate.
Ha. I know they have a slang generator but an "English Language" generator is too much of a hassle to create. If somebody bothers making one I will personally go to his house and give him a pity bullet to the head because he has nothing better to do with his life.

Now please, explain to me how I am, for lack of a better word, owned, in stone? You seem to enjoy making baseless statements which, while I am all for baseless statements, does little for you when you are trying to, since I have to use this word again, 'own' me.

Also, what is this foolishness with you calling me Roofie. On second thought, I retract that statement. It is for the best that you call me something that you can affectionately remember.


Gurk_MacGuintey said:
Damn! I guess Paulie was serious when he wanted Valhalla to ... do stuff.

I thought he was setting us up.


they're cool.... you guys can't wreck that board, then where would I go troll?



New Member
The Dork Lord said:
Holy shit, you love to watch yourself type, don't you?
Oh but dear you are clever. I do indeed somewhat enjoy the act of watching myself type. Much how you generally agree to something that you enjoy to do like masturbating or posting in this forum or, from what I have seen from you, having sex with a powerdrill. It, as you can probably see by now, is just one of the things that I enjoy to do.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Jesus but you're a fucking n00b asshat. I hate having to explain it, but I will, just for you. I call you "roofie" based on your very first statement in your introduction. From your very first, introductory post. Go look at it, and re-educate yourself. It endeared you to me as such, but now it just turns out to be your shit on my dick (as usual).

You are perma pwned, because anyone who would flail away on the keyboard the way you do has to have a jar they pee in by the computer to facilitate the time it would take to generate the sheer volume of inanity you manage to dribble like so much strained urine from a prostate swollen bladder.

For example.


New Member
The Dork Lord said:
Yes, I grant you much of my thanks for pointing out this obvious fact of myself. Now, please, Captain Obvious, if you would, please continue to draw everlasting attention to this board dedicated to my image.