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Spartacus Vengeance

The addition of the Germans is still hurting the show, imo. The show has always been a bit campy, but... I dunno, they make it seem kinda silly. Maybe it's their accents OR SOMETHING? Saxa wearing an animal skin bikini really doesn't help! I almost can't stand the bits with the rebels now, and that used to be my favorite part of the show.

I am loving the Ilithya and Lucretia scenes, though. Ilithya is back, bitches! Goodbye Sepia, you twit!
I liked the scenes with the rebels this week, because there was a nice contrast between the "uncivilised" former slaves settling their problems through sport and then "a drink to balm wounded pride", and the supposedly civilised nobles with their wheels within wheels of backstabbing plans.

But yeah, the Germans do really take you out of it. I mean, the spurty blood is one thing... and Ilithya's crazy facial expressions... but camp Germans? It's just too much.

Anyway, Sepia's death was another good twist. I was expecting Glaber to overpower her, it didn't occur to me at all that Ilithya was hoping to actually remain his wife.

Glaber's cock.

Poor Dan from Neighbours, he bravely rode up front, as Spartacus had predicted Glaber would not, and paid the price. Right in the face.

I can't believe they killed Onnameuisioiesues eye!

The last few minutes became a weird porno... more than usual. "Hey, let's have sex next to the pool of blood with the corpse in it!"
Helllllllooooo Glaber. Who knew that was hiding underneath there.

I find myself more interested when the Romans are plotting than when Sparty and his band of unmerry men and women are bemoaning and drinking. Crixus's woman annoys the fuck out of me. Actually, all the slave women annoy me. Give me Lucretia and Ilythia plotting any day of the week.

Ashur has gone completly off the grid. Can't wait for him to die. He better!


The finale was fucking awesome. SO MANY DEAD PEOPLE. I won't even talk about it yet in case you guys accidentally read this before you see the show.
That was a LOT of death!

I can't believe they killed Onny! I know his story arc had kind of run its course, but it was good to have him there as the wise, slightly older voice of reason. Having him have to live with his disability might've been interesting, too. I'm glad him and Ganny made up before he died, anyway.

I guess it's kind of the same thing with Lucretia. She wouldn't have had much to do, just carry on conspiring and being sad about Batty. I love that they made us think we had the inside track and that she was totally sane, only to turn out to be even crazier than we could've guessed! But Ilithyia surviving unnecessary surgery is going to be pushing things a little, even by Sparty standards. It looked as though she'd been cut open, rather than delivering the baby naturally, but I suppose they left it ambiguous.

Glaber... well I don't know how else they could've concluded the season, but it's odd they haven't set up a new enemy. Pretty much everyone who went against Sparty this season is now dead.

Poor thingy... Sparty's girl. I liked her. It was good having a strong female character in Sparty's group, and she had a cool fighting style.

Poor Egyptian dude... he was pretty cool too.

Poor Sparty's baby... it's not often a show throws the main character's kid off a cliff. Spartacus is that show.

Poor Ashur? Well sort of. I liked how he clung onto life so desperately, rather than being unbelievably gung ho like a lot of them are. He was evil and he totally got off on screwing with people, but he was still understandable.

With so many crucial characters gone it's hard to imagine how the next season will work, but hopefully it's all part of the plan and they have loads of new people planned.
Todd Lassance is joining the cast as a young Julius Caesar, and Simon Merrells will play Crassus. I don't know who those actors are, I think Lassance was in an Aussie soap? I haven't heard any more about casting, hopefully DeKnight will leak some of that over the YEAR we have to wait for the next season. Maybe there will be some crazy women along with Crassus!

The guy who plays Agron kept warning on Twitter that they weren't sticking to the historical acct exactly. I guess he was talking about Doctore! Since Oen(bunchofletters) was supposedly one of Sparty's generals. NO ONE IS SAFE! Of course now that they'll really be creating the rebel army any of the generals might die at any time. I'm pretty sure Gannicus will be safe for awhile, they've hinted at a romance between him and the animal skin bikini clad Saxa.
I was actually going to say that Onny would have made a good general, just hanging back, warning Sparty if he's about to do something unwise, and then occasionally going into battle when he absolutely has to, and still managing to be awesome despite having one eye. Pity. :(

Having Caesar in it will be good though.
Awwww....My Lucy Lawless is gone? Not much of a surprise (and yes, I'm spoiling myself but I don't know when I'll see it next.)

Was it a good death? Someone didn't get the best of her, did they? LoL.

YAY for Gannicus still hanging around. Hahaha...I said hanging. Boooooo to Illythia.
Ok, but you'd be better off waiting until you can watch this instead:

Ilithyia was about to push Lucretia off the cliff at Batty's ludus because Glaber considered her a liability who knows too much. HOWEVER, just as she was approaching her waters broke and Lucretia made preparations for the birth. HOWEVER, just as it was looking like Ilithyia might happily have her baby (as a contrast to all the death going on elsewhere), Lucretia started murdering the slaves. And it turns out she's completely nuts and thinks that in some twisted way the baby belongs to her, because it's being born in the House of Batiatus. HOWEVER, after apparently cutting the baby right out of Ilithyia, Lucretia strolls over to the cliffside with the baby in her arms and commits suicide, saying that she's going off to the afterlife with the sprog to hang out with Batty. It was totally on her own terms, if completely fucked up terms.
I don't even want to tell you how Lucretia died! It was a good death, though. She's with Batty now.

AAAAAHHHH, lol. Fuddster tells it like it was. DON'T READ IT.

I figured Anamais would get it in this episode, and I'm happy he and Ganni made amends.

And wow, Sparty's girl killed off in the first five minutes. Wouldn't have expected that. Surely that blonde Clan of the Cavebear wanna-be isn't going to be our heroine next season.

Oh, Lucretia, you magnificent, crazy bitch you. And that was the Xena yell (in music form) when she took her little leap off the cliff. SPECTACULAR

Hahahaha, Ashur knew he was gonna die, but I dunno...I guess I'm just not a big fan of Navia. She always looks like a deer caught in the headlights, even while seeking revenge.

Me likey the finale though. Plenty of blood to make me all atingle.
Yeah, DeKnight says she's definitely dead.

Since the deaths are so graphic usually, do you think that's why fans are confused about whether or not Lucretia and Ilithyia are truly dead since we didn't see the usual gore? Did you decide to do their death scenes differently?
DeKnight: It was all a matter of degrees. We felt that seeing the knife slicing into Ilithyia was a bit too much of a horror show for what we wanted to convey between the two. We thought that leaving that to the audience's imagination was better. And Lucretia going over the cliff, we did have a brief discussion: "Do we show her splatting [on the rocks] as we did with Gnaeus?" No, we wanted a beautiful, operatic send-off, not something that would be gory. And with Ilithyia... that's the one death I wish I could have foreseen the confusion. I would have gone back and made that final moment with her a little bit bloodier. But with those deaths we wanted it to be beautiful and dreamlike.
They definitely should've done the CG blood, I didn't think it was clear that she was dead, as you can see from my earlier comments about it being "ambiguous".