Star Wars: The Acolyte


looks pretty good, some knights of the old republic type shit. anything is better than the 1950's mod street gang from boba fett (low bar)


Boobie inspector
Don't start a trailer by reminding me of the worst bits of the phantom menace.

Nothing is grabbing me about this, also I'm not someone who needs a white, male, straight character to enjoy a show, but maybe throw a token one in there?


I want to smell dark matter
I hope Dafne Keen isn't just playing a Padawan who dies at the end of the first episode.
Nothing is grabbing me about this, also I'm not someone who needs a white, male, straight character to enjoy a show..

You could have just stopped there.


Boobie inspector
Not much point getting old if you can't have outdated opinions.


Pinata Whacker
I was not impressed with it either tbh.
As long as it's more fighting with lightsabers and less political it should be good.

Looks like we might get to see someone other Anakin kill Jedi padawan younglings.


I want to smell dark matter
Actual definitive ranking of live action Disney+ Star Wars shows.

1) Andor - The best Star Wars since the original trilogy and just great tv in general.
2) Mandalorian seasons 1 and 2 - Great old-fashioned action adventure series with a baby Yoda in it.


3) Ahsoka, I guess - Would be lower if I didn't already know the characters from Rebels. Oddly flat in places.
4) Mandalorian season 3 - It was an odd decision to do a whole season based around the premise that Mandalorian culture is dumb as fuck, but the baby was still cute.
5) Book of Boba Fett - Story was a mess, main character was an idiot (best episode didn't even have him in it!), still some dumb fun.


6) Obi-Wan Kenobi - I thought it was shit.
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Dr Dave

I'd go with:

1) Mandalorian season 1 & 2
2) Mandalorian season 3
3) Andor
4) Ahsoka
5) Book of Boba Fettt (the best bit was the Mando episodes).
6) Obi-Wan Kenobi


Pinata Whacker
I'd go with:

1) Ashoka
2) Andor
3) Obi-Wan
4) Have yet to watch Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett between too many cable shows and trying to keep up with a few new streaming shows, work, sleep and a semi decent social life.


Staff member

Looks like the same generic superhero slop from the past 10 years with a Star Wars skin slapped on top. Once again, anti-woke retards tearing it down because of "diversity" are not on my "side" for that opinion. Dafne Keen, Lee Jung-Jae, and Carrie Ann Moss are all cool cast choices and the best selling point for me, but nothing about the trailer made me care about anything it was trying to show me and I'm one of those annoying fans that has been moaning about the lack of live action High Republic-era Star Wars for decades.


Boobie inspector
Just seems the height of laziness to take an actor from South Korea and call his character Seoul. Will the wookie be called Stockholm?


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter


Boobie inspector
When the highlight of the first two episodes is a guy with his shirt off your show isn't the next big thing.

Anyone who tuned in to see Carrie Ann Moss is going to be disappointed.


Boobie inspector
It sure was nice to see 90 minutes of Carrie Ann Moss action.