Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 2


I want to smell dark matter
I have been eagerly awaiting the return of Clone Wars ever since the first season ended (obviously, I mean I couldn't have been awaiting it BEFORE it ended) and I was NOT let down. Two great episodes to kick off the season.

The battle at the start on GIANT FLOWER PLANET was awesome. Jocasta Nu is cool. Liked seeing an episode set in the Jedi Temple. I felt sorry for Bane's polite little droid (SETH GREEN) when it blew up.

SPEAKING OF BANE I think he was handled well yet again. He's always got a plan (he obviously disguised himself as a Clonetrooper to escape, PITY ANAKIN DIDN'T THINK OF THAT.)

The animation seemed better than ever and there was crazy stuff in the second episode. Loved the zero G fight. And Ahsok beating up Bane then saying "Not impressed" (and yes, I found her totally hot at that point, IS IT WRONG?)


The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee

I liked the fighting.

And the explosions.

And stuff.

It was all good.

Zero-G was cool.

Ahsoka got to wear a different outfit which was nice.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Also Cad Bane was pretty cool.



I want to smell dark matter
Her new outfit was hot.


I want to smell dark matter
The Padme girl could ALMOST be Summer Glau from that pic.


I want to smell dark matter
Another really strong episode to conclude the arc, one of the best yet. I know I say it EVERY WEEK but the animation just gets better and better. They sure packed a lot into the 22 minutes as well, inter-cutting trhough various characters and planets. The three-way Jedi Mind Trick/turture on Bane was quite disturbing. Hologram Sidious watching the babies was really creepy too.

Gungan Jedi!

Interesting bit when Palpatine told Ahsoka to wait outside and she looked a bit suspicous.

SPEAKING OF Ahsoka she continues to be one of the best characters on tv. I was glad she got to defeat Bane in combat this time (and took her braid back) and liked it when she lookd disturbed by the torture and made a cute face at the younglings. Aww.

Bane was cool again as he managed to escape in a believable way. And the next episode is supposed to have Padme in it, w00t!

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Yeah it was another really good episode.

I do like how Sidious seemed to be starting to think about what would become Emperor's Hands, and it was nice that they did something like use Mustafar, and didn't go any annoying winks to the audience like having Anakin say "I hope I never have to come back HERE again!!!!! *wink wink wink*"




I want to smell dark matter
SOME PEOPLE on other boards pointed out the part where Ahsoka wants to go after Bane to settle her score with him and Anakin encourages her rather than telling her it's not the Jedi way as possible evidence of Ahsoka eventually going DARK (and wearing hot leather outfits.)

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
This episode was... alrioght, I guess.

I mean Padmé wore a nice dress, but other than that it wasn't as good as the other three.

But there's also this:


I want to smell dark matter
I liked the Anakin/Padme scenes. Better dialogue than in the movies. It was cool seeing Poggle the Lesser and Lott Dod again, and there was lots of nice scenery. I liked Anakin leaving the corrupt senator to die at the end.

Was a bit confused at why they had to investigate to find out if the Banking Clan were helping the Seperatists, didn't Obi-Wan see San Hill pledge his allegiance to Dooku in AOTC?

I missed Ahsoka.


Staff member
Much better dialogue than the movies between them. Their bickering was actually believable and Padme's misplaced anger at Anakin having little time for her reminded me of someone personally..


SPEAKING OF Ahsoka she continues to be one of the best characters on tv.

Absolutely. Couldn't agree more. She is easily one of the most intriguing characters in anything I've seen for a good long while now and there is a lot of story to develop there.

I hope she survives the purge somehow.


Staff member


If this level of work had been brought to the screen by ANYONE other than George Lucas then every critic would be jizzing their pants over it. But it's George so...


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Darth Vader looks poised to bust out some serious crunk at any moment.


Let's fuck some shit up
That's all I've ever been able to find. Next time you see an Alternative Art thread on /b/, click reply.


I want to smell dark matter
The Geonosis episodes look AMAZING.

SOMEWHAT RELEVANT image of someone in a Steampunk Boba Fett costume.


The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Holy shit, the last episode was like one long, really really fucking cool action scene. Easily the best episode of this season (maybe of the series).

About 2/3s of the way through, you think "Well, I don't know how this episode can get any more awesome than it already is." and then Kai-Adi says "Bring in the flamethrowers!" and you go "YEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH".


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, that was pretty great. Felt a bit bad from the Geonosians, actually, they were only defending their homeworld (well, and a massive droid factory) and they ended up getting burned by Jedi Masters.

Like the Legolas/Gimli death count game between Ani and Ahsoka and Ki Adi Mundi winning it in the end.