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Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 2

Another good episode. I actually though Ahsoka might die for a second (well, kind of.) Anakin seemed to be a bit unnecessarily nasty to her at the start though.

Do you think Barris and Ahsoka would have kissed if they'd been down there much longer?


Another really good episode, the animation keeps getting better every week, and Ahsoka nad Barriss were just the cutest thing...

Also the nose art on the Gunships just keeps getting better and better:

Another good episode. THEY'RE ALL GOOD EPISODES, REALLY.

So Poggle was captured too, and Wat Tambor was captured last season. Maybe there's going to be a big JAIL BREAK episode.
I liked the zombies because zombies are cool.

Also Obi-Wan was cool.

I missed Ahsoka and Barriss but it looks like the next episode will feature them heavily (IN TWO WEEKS) so that's cool.

Everything is cool.

The Ahsoka/Barriss dynamic is really good, especially as this is only the second episode we've seen it in (THEY SHOULD JUST KISS ALREADY), and the possessed clones and cold atmosphere was really well done, especially with little Ahsoka shaking so much. Although it's her own fault if all she's going ot wear is a tube top and leggings.

But the BEST part was Anakin going all dark side on Poggle the Lesser. Imperial March and everything. Fucking awesome.
See, if Anakin hadn't sqaushed the worm under his foot previously he wouldn't have had to torture Poggle so Obi-Wan was right AS ALWAYS.

Yes, it was good and cool seeing Jedi fighting clones and each other and Ahsoka all shivering. And Kit Fisto.
Clone Wars is BACK (and now we have to wait another three weeks) with two enjoyable episodes. Lots of great action, light sabre fights and those cool Ninja Droids in the first episode and General Grievous was awesome as always (though he and Obi-Wan have fought so many times it's weird he didn't say "oh not AGAIN!" when Obi-Wan dropped down in ROTS.) And we got two new Jedi (NEW TO THE SERIES THAT IS) and I was glad they didn't die because now they can die later and it'll have more impact!

Second one was good too, I liked the discussions between Rex and Cut about clones being slaves and all that. The kids were cute (are they his biological children though? Beause the war only lasts three years and they seemed too old.) It was a bit unbelievable that Rex and Cut beat all those Ninja Droids but I guess they could have been damaged in the crash.

Obi-Wan seems a bit obsessed with Grievous...I hope he gets to kill him eventually!

hes probably pouring tequila shots into his ears, thats much more his style, trust me i know...
I enjoyed this week's episode. It was good to see Coruscant's underbelly again after AOTC and the chase scene was a lot different from that movie so it didn't feel like a rehash. Lots of familiar aliens making familiar noises. I liked the old Jedi with his cane lightsabre. There was a character called Cassie so that's nice (even though she was a thief.) The racial profiling of the "fish aliens" amused me. Ahsoka is lovely and a role model for all children.
I liked this episode. After having a few wham-bam action episodes that dealt with ISSUES like Clones leaving his horrible horrible war to have kids, it was nice to have a light hearted episode.

Ahsoka is nice. Ahsoka is really nice. There should be an episode or two each season that's just about Ahsoka having a wacky adventure, like next time she has to find a Wookiee but the Wookiee is all scruffy so she tried to comb it's fur but Wookiees don't comb their fur so hijinks follow.

Also I like that there was an old Jedi who wasn't Yoda. I bet they hang out and spy on the lady Jedi's shower room or something.
Yes the black lightsaber was awesome. I haven't read much EU stuff so I don't care if the Mandalorians are ALL WRONG (they said that thing about exiling all the warriros to the moon anyway.) They looked cool. I like Obi-Wan Kenobi. I hope he has an implied sex scene with the Duchess.
Great episode this week! Obi-Win got some depth (nice to hear Qui-Gon mentioned) and I enjoyed his relationship with the duchess. The spider droid was cool AND we got Anakin being a "cold blooded killer" with the Imperial March. I didn't even miss Ahsoka (BUT I STILL LIKE HER)!

Nice to know that Obi-Wan's seen "The Trouble With Tribbles" too.