Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 5


Let's fuck some shit up
^ Admittedly, the reason why some vibroblades can stop light sabers is an obscure bit of technical jargon they'd have to spend a good three lines of dialogue explaining. Why add more dialogue when you can just have an evil-looking badass sword? While I like some of the more heavy techno-jargon ramblings of Trek, Star Wars does a good job skipping that stuff and going straight for the unexplainable technology the audience just swallows as being factually possible. Besides, Wars isn't about technology, it's about the mystical universe they live in. The dark saber is perfect for that.

Ugh... Abrams is going to have a field day with the "Star Wars mythos".


I want to smell dark matter
He's not writing the movie so he probably isn't.


Let's fuck some shit up
Yeah, because the screenwriters never get co-opted by the directors who have "vision". Abrams is gonna hijack that movie like it was United flight 93.

too soon?


I want to smell dark matter
I doubt Disney would let that happen. They hired the writer months before they hired JJ. It's going to be more like "Star Wars with guest director JJ Abrams" than "JJ ABRAMS' STAR WARS!" Probably. I'm no expert (on anything.)


I want to smell dark matter
Beat that, J.J.


I want to smell dark matter
Don't die, Little 'Soka. :(

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee

Actually really beautiful episode, the scene where they were looking around the holographic wreckage looked really good.

I really liked the signs that we're getting closer to Episode III - the new Jedi Starfighters, Obi-Wan being on the council - and how it's setting up the Republic's mistrust of the Jedi, making it a bit easier to take how quickly everyone hates them in Episode III (filling in the plot holes of Episode III's story is one of the things this show does best!).

Looking forward to the next few episodes but not to the season ending.


I want to smell dark matter
So if this is the last arc of the season, what happened to the Clovis episodes?

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee

Seriously there's not much more to say apart from how good it all was. The animation in that last scene between Anakin and Ahsoka was amazing.



I want to smell dark matter
Charming, to the last.

Yes, it was really good. Ahsoka's a good actress. I mean, she's not real. But she is.

Also you could see Wat Tambor and Poggle The Lesser on the monitors in the prison.


Barriss Offee's the traitor, right?

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
This arc has been so good it's hard to believe it was made by the same people who did the damn droids arc.

I liked seeing Asajj and Ahsoka work together THAT WAS COOL.

And we finally got to see what's under Bariss' hood.

But really,
it's really obvious it's her, so I don't know why they're hiding it for this long. Unless it's Padmé.

I liked the look of the Coruscant underworld, I hope we see it again - maybe in a major videogame on next-generation consoles.


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe it'll turn out Ahsoka did it all along and she'll get off with it then smile evily.


I want to smell dark matter

I now understand the true meaning of "the feels."

WE NEED A SEASON SIX (actually I think they're already making it they just don't know what network it will be on.) Or a LIVE ACTION AHSOKA AND VENTRESS DETECTIVE AGENCY show.

The last scene with Anakin and the music and everything was beautiful.

The gold lightsabers the temple guards had were cool.

It was nice of the Younglings to help out Anakin. I'm sure he'll repay them some day!

Tarkin's such a dick.


I want to smell dark matter

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Welp, that's it.
After five highly successful and critically acclaimed seasons of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, we feel the time has come to wind down the series. While the studio is no longer producing new episodes for Cartoon Network, we're continuing production on new Clone Wars story arcs that promise to be some of the most thrilling adventures ever seen. Stay tuned for more information on where fans can soon find this bonus content. In the video below, Supervising Director Dave Filoni offers a peek of what is to come in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.

At least they're getting to put out the remaining episodes, and finish everything off.

Also Star Wars: Detours is 'delayed' ('cancelled').