Troll Kingdom

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look there's 2 types of drug users, one that will rob their own grandmother for a hit and one that wont.
these 2 belong in the first category, which anyone in the drug scene knows what that fucking means.

I heard someone once say:

There are alcoholics and there are drug addicts, they will both steal your money for their addiction but only the drug addict will help you look for it.
: D
Seph the joke is on u, dumb ass.

Although Im not suprised u missed the punchline while u were busy lulzing @ the expense of ur ex.

I showed u up to be nothing more than a shit talking, sad sack of cum, who cant pull chicks by being who u are, but must rely on old bullshit scripts delivered by ur invented pseudo self, which u cant even discern is fake anymore. I guess b000ze n things would assist in maintaining the façade & avoiding that truth.
Ur not the man u think & proclaim to be, ur no speshal cocknballs, ur just the same as every other bare bum trying to get his dick wet.

This is the lulziest shit of all, considering the amount of pride u take in being 'true' & 'different'

U will most likely become one of those old men who still uses the same old techniques to reel in the pretty fishies when ur 70.
lol u sure as hell won't discover a quality partner while u keep that bullshit up.
There is ofc an abundance of fragile little things waiting for a saviour to rescue them & who will find ur crap 'interesting' & believable.
So there's always hope for easy vag n' titteh's if u never grow the balls to be authentic.
I mean, if ur ex's cant tell the difference, then ur lines must be well worn.

Stale, over the top bullshit alarm pick ups are stale over the top bullshit.

Funny thing about men like this, is they never really seem to 'get' that they have some positive things to work with, or @ least they start out with some. They constantly sell themselves short then blame the women they toyed with for their intimate lives being in a perpetual state of depraved shittiness. In the end they become the shitfullness they are trying so hard to avoid, while presenting a face to others they think they want to see.

Sad state of affairs.
I will never appreciate being conned into joining a game I have no interest in playing.

wtf were u thinking, srsly?

"Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you got until its gone....they paved paradise and put up a parking lot."
I like the Black Crowes version better, but then I'm old and pwnt by everything.
I've learned I better put the clothes in the dryer, or I'll have to run the spin cycle again.
I've learned I better put the clothes in the dryer, or I'll have to run the spin cycle again.

I've learned that when you have a friend like Loktar you enjoy zero accountability and public fellatio whenever you want.

You penis is looking very clean Jack. Good work Jack.

I mean good work Lok.
I've learned that when you have a friend like Loktar you enjoy zero accountability and public fellatio whenever you want.

You penis is looking very clean Jack. Good work Jack.

I mean good work Lok.

Whatever Cody's bitch. Having fun cleaning Cody's cock with that electron microscope?
Seph had fucking nerve didn't he?

SuN should have seen that bullshit coming a mile away.

Seph is just an asshole, SuN could be if she wanted too but I don't think she's into it which is why she must be dooped and decieved into dropping the panties long enough to get a good diggin'.

annao smy turn 2 burn wit sum aluvz u2 bb kanna asi u pla wit ur azlike Seph uzd 2 bb? :)
LOL if Daystrom posts more than three sentences it begins to drift into the brick-damaged part of his brain. Call it "Retard-Doppler effect".
I've learned that when you have a friend like Loktar you enjoy zero accountability and public fellatio whenever you want.

You penis is looking very clean Jack. Good work Jack.

I mean good work Lok.

Why are you talking about my penis again?