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yeah ive done well to get back in the trauma chair, but as i said....if i ever get kidnapped and tortured, i know how far i can go lulz
sorry guys, but if that's what you call impartial, then my definition of that term is way off.

What, their fight? I don't care about that, so that's what I mean by impartial. I'm more interested in the multi board dynamic this has taken. This stuff manifested a little differently when Iguana Goddess (rh owner) posted here regularly, remember?
I get general anaesthesia for that shit. You wanna come near my teeth with a drill, you better knock me out beforehand.

Wait, I've never had my teeth drilled for cavities or anything. Now, I have two fake teeth with titanium roots (why couldn't it have been adamantium??) and I like to tell people I lost them in a fight and watch the guys get indignant and want to know who did it. Bwahahahahaha!

But for those surgeries, yep I had morphine. Mmmm...Love it. You feel it once it hits, the cold streaming through. YUMMY
yeah coz seph told her i take smack
she, also a drug pig mid u, defended his precious little honour and t00k a fail swipe at me for it, while i was rightfully berating seph for his own wrong doing, which was gossiping!!!.
sephs gossiping got revealed.
i remind the nosey little cunt, when the opportnity presents, of how much a lying drug pig she & he is, both of them using this as a regular point to dig at me with.

i didnt spill his sekrets on principle, till recently, i wanted to see how far the little rats would run with it & i sure as hell gave them both shit for being rat dog cunts. thats why they get along i guess.

look there's 2 types of drug users, one that will rob their own grandmother for a hit and one that wont.
these 2 belong in the first category, which anyone in the drug scene knows what that fucking means.
no, I don't remember. Iggy hasn't exactly been on my list of noticeable ppl.

And while you may not be interested in this fight, I can see how Seph doesn't really see your impartiality judging from the way you're egging SuN on.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, each to their own, it's TK and bla. It's just that - impartial it ain't *shrugs*
I love hospital drugs though. Such good stuff. They gave me something for the ambulance ride that was SO good, and then when I had the surgery, whatever the fuck it was was the perfect blend of conscious unconsciousness.
Mmmm...Love it. You feel it once it hits, the cold streaming through. YUMMY
I've never had morphine, but from what I've learned about it, its mother Opium is the one substance I could very willingly and unapologetically ruin my life for, so I usually make a wide berth around it and its children ;)
no, I don't remember. Iggy hasn't exactly been on my list of noticeable ppl.

And while you may not be interested in this fight, I can see how Seph doesn't really see your impartiality judging from the way you're egging SuN on.

Not that there's anything wrong with that, each to their own, it's TK and bla. It's just that - impartial it ain't *shrugs*

OK. I'm good with that. I also didn't mean I wasn't interested in this fight. I just don't think one person is more right than the other.

I think it's cheap of SuN to have used message board policy this way, just to foment an argument. But, the drama is what it is, and SuN chose her path. I support her right to do that, even if I don't necessarily agree with what she's doing.
lol, uh-oh, I hope you've given Enke her fair share! Isn't she in charge of the popcorn machine or something?
mmmm popcorn...i have microwave popcorn but no microwave....i wonder if it works the traditional way

Somewhere in this world there is a lonely Mexican brick with Daystrom's name on it.

It was probably buried with the mexican that hit me with it. He was shot by a neighbor and the police ran over another one with the car as he tried to escape.
There was probably a total of 10 of them. 6 or 7 beating me to death in the driveway with bricks steel toed boots and barbed wire while the others beat and raped the wife and kid in the house. Fucked up, huh.

Viva la raza.
It was probably buried with the mexican that hit me with it. He was shot by a neighbor and the police ran over another one with the car as he tried to escape.
There was probably a total of 10 of them. 6 or 7 beating me to death in the driveway with bricks steel toed boots and barbed wire while the others beat and raped the wife and kid in the house. Fucked up, huh.

Viva la raza.

LOL! That's a great fiction. DId you think that up all by yourself?


How many tricks does a one trick pony have?
Say Daystrom - While I'm forming this barbwire into a shape I can beat someone with could you tell me the story of the rape of the woman and the child?
وانا ذاهب الى الوراء وقراءتها مرة أخرى. قبل عامين تقريبا. مضحك الاشياء.
Moderator Notice:
I am herewith banning J&L for posting Personal Information about the TK poster known as Sarek in above post. Any and all posts of that poster will be deleted and karma comments given erased from the database. The name of the poster is not to be mentioned forthwith in any post by risk of instaban.
J&L, you have 2.18 minutes to disprove above-mentioned allegations and show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you have, indeed, not given out Personal Information about the poster known as Sarek.
Oh, wait, you're banned. You can't post anymore. Shit, I never get this protocol stuff right.
Well, tough luck there, buddy!