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How can I jack off to it if you haven't told me yet. Come on man. Kick down. Was the child male or female?

Did the wife have any rape fantasies that she'd shared with you? Was it something she secretly wanted maybe even asked for?

What was she wearing?
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I am herewith banning J&L for posting Personal Information about the TK poster known as Sarek in above post. Any and all posts of that poster will be deleted and karma comments given erased from the database. The name of the poster is not to be mentioned forthwith in any post by risk of instaban.
J&L, you have 2.18 minutes to disprove above-mentioned allegations and show, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you have, indeed, not given out Personal Information about the poster known as Sarek.

Fuck with the bull, mister...get the horns! Ily will knock a bitch OUT!
It was probably buried with the mexican that hit me with it. He was shot by a neighbor and the police ran over another one with the car as he tried to escape.
There was probably a total of 10 of them. 6 or 7 beating me to death in the driveway with bricks steel toed boots and barbed wire while the others beat and raped the wife and kid in the house. Fucked up, huh.

Viva la raza.

Gonna call bullshit on this. I think it's pretty reprehensible to invent a horrific attack perpetrated on your family just to try to gain e-credibility with people you don't even like. If you actually have a wife and child, turn the computer off, go find them and apologize to them for being a cunt on the internet.


Gonna call bullshit on this. I think it's pretty reprehensible to invent a horrific attack perpetrated on your family just to try to gain e-credibility with people you don't even like. If you actually have a wife and child, turn the computer off, go find them and apologize to them for being a cunt on the internet.


Does this mean I have to go apologize too? I will as soon as my wife finishes telling me her rape fantasy.
whats ur problem never been shit but nice to u

I have no problem. Not taking joy or glee in your fight here, just thought I'd point out SuNnY seems a little upset, is all. Tell the truth,witnessing blowups between former lovers is extremely awkward and uncomfortable for me, so I lessen the tension by making wildly inappropriate jokes. I crack myself up at funerals too.

Why do you ask?
Does this mean I have to go apologize too? I will as soon as my wife finishes telling me her rape fantasy.

Nah, I'm pretty sure you're like me: if you started apologizing for all the fucked up shit you've done in your life up til now, it'd take the rest of it. So just shrug and keep moving...
why the fuck would you apologize to Daystrom's wife, anyway? YOU weren't the one talking about her being raped in the first place, were you?
he started it. There's no way to not at least imagine it once after it has been posted on the internet. It's a law or something.
Every time some old friend runs into me and their greeting starts with, "Hey, remember that time you...?" I cringe a little, because I remember none of the incidents.

@Donovan- Which is why I moved away and severed all ties. I got tired of being the legitimate scapegoat.

@Ily oh...yeah
Dono, next time, just say "Nope, I don't, I'm a fucking alcoholic you insensitive cunt", smile politely and then let that wonderfully awkward silence stretch out until they start squirming and find another victim. Ppl hate it when you don't play along.
But I really don't remember them. Worse, I generally don't remember the people telling me the story. Apparently I'm more memorable than the people I come in contact with, and I'm not sure that's a good thing.
Trust me, it's a gift. You really don't want to remember 90% of the people you meet. As for you being memorable... multiple ID's, lots of cash and a sharp razor should do the trick.