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The APPRENTICE starts on Wednesday

Adam should have gone. He's a knob. Katie seemed nice. Okay, she made a pretty obvious mistake this week. But Adam's not going to win. So just get rid of him. For being a knob. Why does Adam think places sell Japanese food if no one eats it?

Jenna has the worst voice in the world.
I keep expecting her to inquire whether anyone else is "buzzin".

It's a pity that the two Northerners are morons. Typical BBC! Being un-PC! GRR!
Remember when the person who spent the entire task doing the wrong things and being directly responsible for the failure of the task got fired?

Those were good times.
Well Jade did a bad job but Azhar was pretty hopeless. He did keep waffling on about "strategy" but he just seemed to be saying random words. So either of them could have gone and I guess he didn't have much left to give. So it wasn't the worst firing ever!

At least RICKY MARTIN continues to shine with his and Stephen's brilliant "bad back" sales pitch!

Think Tom is still the obvious winner. Jenna will probably get to the end too despite her voice.
I'm glad RICKY MARTIN is still in and we are sticking to the format for saying his name.

Does he still have VAGINA shaped hair?
SO I liked Laura more than some of the others but I guess they had to fire her because Jade (who is pretty useless) sold more than her. And Lord Sugar didn't seem to like Laura.

I still think Tom will win anyway since he didn't do anything THAT bad and he's still the strongest all around and the winner always has to have a moment of vulernability is part of the hero's journey.

Adam is annoyingly good at sales. Still a twat.

Gabrielle, Nick, Tom and Jenna for the final four? Or will RICKY MARTIN make it now that he's lost the tie?
Stephen Brady is the winner of the episode by THINKING SO FAR OUTSIDE THE BOX, WAY OUTSIDE THE BOX. They weren't ready for his ideas.

not enough RICKY MARTIN for my liking this episode.
He is actually called Derek.

I must admit I laughed every time they called up Pure Evil.

Is that Pure Evil?
No, he's just on the loo, I'll put him on the line in a minute.

Is that Pure Evil?
MMfmgmgm Sorry, just eating a sandwich (actually eating a Human soul)

Hello Pure Evil here...
Are you related to Evel Knievil?
CALL ME STUPID but you know those paintings with the tears coming out of the frame and going down the wall? When you buy those, does he come round and paint the tears onto your wall for you?
Lol, I thought exactly the same, and I even wondered if that if you got him to come round to do it were you inviting Pure Evil into your house and then you gave up all rights and he was actually Nosferatu or something like that and your childrens souls were burned right there on the spot and if you invited him into your house he would use Natalie Portmans soul to light a cigar.

or something...
It's always strange how suddenly the candidates save as up until now Tom has seemed like the obvious winner (even after losing last week) but this week he was pretty bad and even got drunk with Adam (who I must reluctantly admit is very amusing) and was lucky the other team produced the worst advert ever.

Even though Jenna was responsible for the advert, Stephen obviously should be fired for being a total twat who doesn't do anything good and his terrible attempt to blame Gabrielle(!?) somehow in the Boardroom. But obviously he makes good tv (I guess?) so he had to stay.

At least RICKY MARTIN did a pretty good job as PM even though he lost!
I felt sorry for Ricky Martin because he had a pretty good plan and was let down by people who weren't listening. Yeah, he probably should've gone along to the advert filming, but the phone call he had with the subteam did make it sound like they were on the same wavelength.

Still, the other team's effort was better. Yeah, the ad was dead boring, but the logo was really nice and at least it felt like a cohesive campaign.

Not sure whether I'll miss Jenna and her annoying voice, but Stephen obviously should've gone. Aside from making daft decisions and lame attempts at passing the buck, I find his voice more annoying.
I loved how the wine experts were totally behind RICKY MARTIN's presentation until he had to finally show them the ad.
So I liked Gabrielle WELL ENOUGH but I wasn't surprised she got fired as she wasn't great at the whole business side of things. At least everyone said she's a nice person and she got to laugh a lot (an awful lot) on You're Fired!

Stephen obviously deserved to go and FOR ONCE Lord Sir Alan Sugar actually fired the losing PM. He was a prat.

I liked how RICKY MARTIN kept eating scallops and when he told Stephen to stop being condescending.

It's a pretty weak final five.

Jade: Still hasn't really impressed me.

Nick: He's okay but a bit boring.

Adam: Less of a knob than Stephen but obviously won't win.

RICKY MARTIN: He's not POLISHED enough and saying "I'll learn from my mistakes!" every week never works in the end.

Tom: Still think he'll win. UNLESS HE DOESN'T.
I'll admit I didn't FULLY pay attention this week, but I felt a bit sorry for Stephen getting fired when he was the one who suggested getting multiple deals from each company, which Lord Alan said was VERY CLEVER. VERY CLEVER I MUST SAY.

RICKY MARTIN always seems as though he has the best plans, but they don't work out very well. Or they don't work out very well, but everyone else is so hopeless that whatever he's done looks good in contrast.

I reckon Gabrielle had a couple of vodka shots before going into the boardroom at the end. Her mouth was all fingers and thumbs and it looked like she was about to cry a couple of times. Still, she's very nice. Had to go, though.

How is Tom in the running? His negotiation skills in this episode were pants and last week he got drunk when he was meant to be PMing!