THE APPRENTICE starts tomorrow


I want to smell dark matter
I still don't know who actually could win.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Well that was an entertaining episode!

Natasha went a bit mad, basically wanting to make a straight porn mag despite Helen and Tom AND THE FOCUS GROUP WHY DOES NO ONE EVER LISTEN TO THE FUCKING FOCUS GROUP telling them they don't want to have something a bit higher class. Poor Helen obviously really didn't want to do anything like that, but she did it anyway BECAUSE SHE'S A GOOD PERSON. Helen and Tom are a dream team and I honestly want them to hook up in real life because I'm that crazy.

But they won, only because the other team's idea was so poorly thought out, so misjudged that one advertiser bought nothing. Jim was being his evil manipulative self, and it's really starting to get very creepy now, especially in the boardroom where he flug blame out to anyone in his eye line.

He obviously should've gone. Like, anyone can see that. But he makes good television to he stayed. Susie might actually be good so she can't go, so Glenn went on a bullshit excuse. Shame.

Helen, though, still hasn't lost. She showed today that if she had been project manager again this week then they would've been a lot more successful. Could she actually win the whole thing?


I want to smell dark matter
I knew Helen and Susan were safe because of that clip in the opening of them hugging which hasn't happened yet (it happens next week.)

It was one of those boardrooms where it looked like he was going to go one way then just completely randomly fired someone else. I guess Glenn wasn't all that good (EVEN THOUGH HE WAS ONE OF MY EARLY PICKS), but there really wasn't any reason not to fired Jim this week since he was pretty much entirely responsible for failing the task. Maybe he really does have mind control powers.

Helen and Tom were totally in the right with everything they said. Natasha even seemed to want complete nudity in the magazine which would have been insane surely. But they won anyway!

I PREDICT THAT Helen, Tom, Susan, Zoe and Melody will get to the interview stage, then Zoe and Melody will be fired and two of the other three will be the finalists. Of course now that I've made the prediction it won't come true. :(

Next week Susan asks French people if they are fond of their children.


Is this real life?
Susan is right about fucking everything. Same with Tom. WHY DON'T THESE PEOPLE LISTEN?!!

headvoid has been proven completely right about Jim initially being set up as an amazing guy, only to turn evil in the 7th or 8th week. He's got the gift of the gab all right, but it's kind of a one hit wonder. It works when he's selling an individual something or trying to get them to sell him something cheap, but when it comes to company heads that really know what they're doing and don't make impulse decisions, or when it comes to colleagues who have to work with him week in, week out, it falls apart.

When it was down to the last three I actually said "Glenn's the only one that's safe!". It seemed like Jim and Susan had both done things which could be complained about (Susan not being forceful enough), but Glenn hadn't really made any mistakes.

Oh well. Jim and Zoe live on to be evil another week. Entertaining, at least.


I want to smell dark matter
As evil as Zoe is, she was actually in the right this week about the magazine. I liked when Jim completely changed it when she turned her back then acted like he hadn't.


Is this real life?
I thought Hip Replacement was a shit name in any case. It sounded like something you'd see in Chris Morris comedy or something (or more specifically, Nathan Barley). Still, I suppose since it was free it didn't matter so much. People might be drawn in by the vaguely amusing name and then like the content, but I don't think it would've been appropriate for a magazine to go on sale.


I want to smell dark matter
Covered was well weapon!

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Oh FUCK YOU Lord Sugar. Fuck. You.

Melody is literally a despicable human being and she should've been kicked out of that boardroom with her smugness shoved down her face. She lied - LIED to the PM, AND didn't do the research on the big company and THAT DIRECTLY CAUSED THE TEAM TO LOSE. It's good that Tom's still in but Melody should not be rewarded for anything she did this week.

On the plus side, Helen is still the best person in the entire thing - no losses, biggest win, she's going to win by far. She's also cute as all hell.


Oh and Myleene Klass is on Your Fired as an 'expert'. WHY MUST YOU ENRAGE ME SO MUCH TONIGHT BBC????


Is this real life?

Yeah, Melody's a bitch and has been from the start, but Lorshugar's got a hard on for her "rooflessness". It was obvious she'd stay in as soon as she opened her bolshy mouth and beautiful French popped out.

Leon had to go, though. He's been useless throughout. I'm just glad Tom stayed in, though. It wasn't looking great for him, but he stuck up for himself really well.


Can I have Ops?
I thought we had established that Myleene Klass was actually the Spawn of Satan?

Does no one read my threads? I had another whole thread on La Redoute, did anyone read it?


I want to smell dark matter
Helen broke Liz Locke's all-time sales record, so she has to be a finalist really (then again, it didn't help Liz much!) I liked her nice face when she was flying planes.

Melody is UP HERSELF and arrogant and probably evil, but I still like her more than Myleen Klass. Plus Leon doesn't really do anything so he was the obvious choice I thought (I mean if he didn't fire Jim for being evil last week he wasn't going to fire Melody for being evil with nice hair.) I bet Lord Sugar had a really aggressive wank when she left the boardroom.

HELEN/SUSAN FINAL IS MY PREDICTION PROBABLY. I've said for a while the test for Tom will be if he's able to take charge as PM and he sadly didn't.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Well the producers of the show must be very happy, they have one very clear good girl (Helen) who is basically nice in every way and can never die and should basically be declared winner right now, and they have one very obvious hate figure (Melody) who is out and out evil in all respects. That makes for good television.

It also makes for very frustrating television, as Melody is so frustrating to watch. She's childish, selfish, and actually evil. She comes up with terrible ideas (biscuits ARE NOT the new popcorn) and then has a massive bitch whenever other people don't like them. And then when other have better ideas she just stands there bleeting "I DON'T LIKE IT. I DON'T LIKE IT.". I hope she leaves very soon and hopefully in a very bad way.

Helen, however, is a perfect person who success at everything she does and she should be running the country. She's also the cutest thing.


I want to smell dark matter
The manipulative editing got to me again as I thought "oh no, Helen's going to lose because of that crap slogan and the biscuit snapping idea is really good!" But then she won by 800,000 biscuits. The snapping idea was good, but it turns out they got everything else long and the roleplays were hilariously bad. Maybe they should have gone with Emerg-crunchy.

Jim seems to have recovered a bit from when it looked like he was fired the next time he was in the boardroom. He can get Harry Potter to advertise your biscuits.

Melody was annoying yes, but Zoe was pretty crap and wouldn't even try to work with her and couldn't come up with any good ideas or anything really. Next week's looks good!

Helen/Susie final?

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Well there goes Helen's winning streak. But it was totally worth it to expel Melody from the show.

Both PMs really didn't get the task this week. Melody totally ignored what Tom was telling her (BUY MORE DOGS) and just bought stuff she thought would sell (by guessing). They also did that bizarre duvet thing which, really, they should've sorted out first thing on the next day. She also spent the whole day being a massive bitch, as always!

Speaking of being a massive bitch, Natasha seemed to be in a foul mood and grumbled whenever Susie actually made money. And then bitched at her again when Lord Sugar took away their treat!

Helen actually made mistakes this week! And since she was in the board room Lord Sugar actually got to call her out on it, which was interesting. But she didn't go. AND we finally saw her claws come out when she pointed the finger at Melody for being a terrible, terrible PM (which she was).


No interviews next week? Interviews as the finals?


I've watched it every week so far. I wish I'd been around to join in with this thread now!

Melody was an arrogant, mouthy bitch. Good riddance! There are so few strong candidates this year. So what if Helen has only worked as an assistant. She's quiet, hard working & effective. If Sugar doesn't give it to her, he'd be mental.


I want to smell dark matter
Melody was crap as PM so yeah, she should have been fired. Helen's coup thing was a bit weird and it seems if she'd been successful they still would have lost since her selling to retail thing was a bad idea. But she's been the best overall for the ten weeks so it's stupid to act like she isn't good anymore after one task.

Can't believe Natasha's still in after all this time when she's clearly useless. Jim seems to have made a good comeback on the last couple of episodes. I'm sure I hated him a while ago but I can't really remember why.

The interviews are the final, so there will be four in the final (so please lose and get fired next week, Natasha.) So it's weird how they were going on like there's only two finalists on You're Fired.


Is this real life?
Natasha keeps saying "yourself" in place of "you". This is extremely annoying and it alone makes me want to see her go.

Melody at least seemed a little more down to earth in Your Foired, although that always seems to happen with contestants and I remain unconvinced.

Susie's so bloody adorable. She's too green to win really, but whatever she does she'll go far!

Jim was hated a bit last week for pretty much the same reason he was liked this week. He used his charm to win people over and was heavily critical of the other contestants. This week he was talking about someone no one's a fan of, so it's ok.

I'm glad, but I am slightly surprised Tom survived another week. Last week he just got through because he promised to voice his concerns more loudly, then here we are with the same problem yet again. If he wasn't so likeable L'dalan would've fired the bleeedin pair of em.

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Wheeeee a good episode.

The better restaurant won simply because the idea was better and it was executed much better than the other team, thanks to the DREAM TEAM of Tom's ideas and robot brain for numbers, and Helen's fantastic organization and management skills. Also Tom and Helen make the cutest couple so I hope they get married and run a string of MyPys across the world. Helen did seem to be a bit snippy at Tom every now and again but I think that was more due to pressure and not her being a bad person.

Of course because one team was so good the other was rubbish, full of squabbling and terrible management. Oh, and Mexican stereotypes, thanks Susie. As Lord Sugar said, they didn't really get that it was supposed to be fast food and not a sit down table service restaurant and they sort of did a horrible mix of both.

Very glad Scribbins is gone. Hope Helen wins. Annoying that the final is on SUNDAY when I'm MOVING FUCKING HOUSE.


Is this real life?
Isn't there supposed to be the BIG REUNION TASK after the interviews? Sounds like the interviews are the final instead. :(

I love Susie but I can see how it must be annoying to be around someone who's always so chirpy, but also so often ditzy and wrong about things.

Getting Columbus and Caracas wrong was just beyond belief. What a sad indictment of our failing education system. Hugo Chavez is going to write a speech about this.

There is a fast food pie and mash shop in Covent Garden, which serves its takeaway food in horrible boxes that flap about when you try to eat from them, but other than that it was a pretty original idea on the part of Helen and Tom.

Jim clearly cannot win... right?

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
Yeah the interviews are the finals on Sunday. After watching the preview at the end of You're Fired! I'm worried that Helen might not interview well. I BELIEVE IN YOU HELEN.