Yeah, those bits could've been a bit shark jumpy, but as is typical with Whedon, he managed to somehow segway from tension and drama into comedy and back again completely seamlessly.
Did anyone notice Victor from Dollhouse as a NY cop? (When Cap'n A was giving orders)
Er, too many good things to mention really. It's kind of a good thing that they couldn't use the characters that are licensed to Sony and Fox, as there was just the right number of main characters to give everyone some focus and develop some through-line for them, without anyone being left behind or purely being seen fighting.
I think this just goes to show what a missed opportunity the Transformers have been, because in terms of plot (bad guy wants power, has CG army, good guys have 7 or 8 main fighters with different roles, invasion of a city, defending Earth, everyone fighting over a cube or other artifact, while civilians scramble) it was pretty similar, but the dialogue and characterisation was in a completely different league.