Eggs Mayonnaise
Eggs had been amazed to see Fuddlemiff putting his face on and running by him. Why, out of everyone in the Mine Fielders Games, was it Eggs who had a rubber mask of his face hanging from the 23? He didn't have time to think about it, with the chaos breaking out. He had to get to work.
He'd noticed the earthquake machine right away. Others ignored it. But Eggs examined it and quickly came to the conclusion that it could be repaired. It would take time, but he could do it. And when it was ready...he could wipe out everyone else at the push of a button. And with Fuddlemiff running around wearing his face, any of Eggs' enemies (and he had many) would go after Fuddlemiff. Nobody seemed to care he was sitting on the ground tinkering with the earthquake machine. Perhaps they thought he'd gone mad, that he wasn't a threat. How wrong they were.
He tinkered at the machine for hours like he was Chief O'Brien, paying no attention to anything that happened around him. People died, bodies littered the ground decaying, the avatars of the dead lit the sky...and Eggs just kept on repairing the machine. Finally it was ready. He moved it away from the number 23, knowing the earthquake would bring it down. He looked at the machine for a moment, thinking of all the people he was about to kill. Of course Eggs himself would be protected by the anti-earthquake forcefield the machine would generate around him. That was standard on all earthquake machines. He pressed the button...
Even with the forcefield he could still feel the ground shake. He saw tress being uprooted and falling. As predicted the giant number 23 came crashing down. He heard screams of pain in the distance.
"More like an EGGSquake machine!" he said, speaking for the very first time since entering the arena. Then he heard a moan. He wasn't alone. Someone was lying by the number 23. It was Harkley! And he was crippled.
"Harkley?" he said. "Were you up on the number 23 all this time, hiding? You climbed up there at the start, didn't you? That was actually very smart of you! If I hadn't activated the earthquake machine you could have waited up there until everyone else had killed each other. But you understimated me, didn't you, Harkley?"
"I can help you," he said, in obvious pain. "I'm an optician, I know secrets about eyes. Like you can blind someone by poking them out!"
"I don't need any help," said Eggs, picking up a sword that was lying nearby. "And this is a mercy kill anyway. Cassie would be very interested in your dong, believe me. You're lucky I got to you before she did." He killed Harkley with the sword.
"WELL DONE," came a voice. Eggs span around.
"You!" he said.
"ME!" said FilthyRecWhore, standing in front of him.
"Why are you here?" asked Eggs, suspicious.
"You were always my favourite, Eggs," said Filthy, surprisingly not shouting.
"You put the mask of my face here," said Eggs. "Knowing it would help keep me alive. But why?"
"Let's walk and talk," said FRW. "Take a look at some of your other victims." It wasn't long before they found Cock (not to be confused with Cock Gobbler) lying dead under a tree.
"Ironic, that I should be a destroyer of Cock," said Eggs.
"Who's that over there?" asked FRW. Someone had been badly injured in the earthquake, but they were still alive, crawling towards a box...
"It's Bick!" said Eggs, walking over to him. "Hi Bick. Don't worry, I'll make your death quick."
"The Bick Box!" he said, reaching for it. Eggs kicked his hand away.
"I'll take care of that," said Eggs. "Rest now." He put his sword through the back of Bick's neck and picked up the Bick Box.
"What is that?" asked FRW.
"The Bick Box," said Eggs, amazed to be holding it. "I've always wondered what's inside." He opened it up...then closed it with revulsion.
"What did you see?" asked FRW.
" isn't supposed to be," said Eggs, shuddering.
"Wait!" said FRW. "Could it be...THAT box? In my time it is known as The Bickox of the Field. No one ever knew why. It is an object of immense power, but the terror it contains..." FRW shuddered as well.
"What do you mean 'in your time', hmmm?" asked Eggs. "Who are you really? Where do you come from?"
"I come from a millions years in your future," said FRW. "I am not human. I am what you would call an alien. I lived until the end of time, Eggs. Immortal. Unkillable. I lived through all of history...then built a machine to travel back in time and experience it all over again. I've seen everything, Eggs. All of time and space. So many wonders. But none of it every made me happy. None of it ever satisfied me. Only one thing could make me feel good. And that thing...was bullying TREKKIE SCUM over the internet!"
"Seriously?" said Eggs.
"I just hate Trekkies so much," said FRW. "Trolling made me feel like a man. An alien man. But eventually words weren't enough. I lured you all here so I could finally kill you all, ending my obsession with Trekkie Scum once and for all. Well, all but one of you, that is. And that one will be my companion throughout the rest of time."
"And you want me to be that companion?" asked Eggs. "You rigged the game so I would win...but why?"
"I didn't rig it, merely helped you out a little," said FRW. "I cannot interfere physically in the game, remember."
"Okay, but you still haven't answered why me?"
"Because...I've never been able to talk to boys. Living until the end of get lonely. I'd love a nice twink to cuddle with. I knew that only you could give me advice on how to get one."
"That's...this is all because you want me to help you get laid?" asked Eggs, in shock.
"Could you do it fast?" asked FRW.
"Because someone's jumping out that tree." Sure enough, someone wearing some kind of cape flew out of the tree and knocked Eggs to the ground. He couldn't see who it was.
"Help me!" he said to Filthy.
"I'd love to, truly," said FRW. "Even if it meant breaking the rules of non-interference. There's just one problem. I'M NOT REALLY HERE." He shimmered and disappeared. He had been a hologram all along.
Eggs struggled, but the person with the cape was strong. Then he felt a sharp pain in his kneecaps. As though they had been shattered. There was no escape now. Not everyone had died in the Eggsquake.
"Hi Eggs, how you diddling?" said Seph.