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The Pickle Jar


The rule of thumb that the programmers/handlers go by is that they will say anything to get the job done. A CIA handler will tell his agent in the field whatever will work to get the field agent's cooperation on a mission. There is no height nor breadth nor length to these people's deception. They have successfully kept some deceptions active for decades, if not for centuries.

B. The Use of Fiction

The history behind the Wizard of Oz programming is interesting. It suggests that the Wizard of Oz has had an important part in the occult world all along. One of the secrets of the Mystery Religions, especially the Egyptian Isis mystery religion was the ability to use drugs and torture to create multiple personalities. The word Oz is known to have been used by its author as an abbreviation for Osirus. Monarch victims have the "golden penis of Osirus" placed into them.

The Grimm brothers, who were cabalistic jews, gathered the folk occult stories together. Their stories are full of spells, trances, and drugs. Sleeping Beauty is put to sleep, and the trigger to wake her is a kiss on the lips. These are serious hints that the occult world didn't stop programming people with dissociative states and triggers when the ancient Egyptian empires fell. Instead of using modern lingo such as "hypnotize", they would say "cast a spell."

Later in Freemasonry, the Right Worshipful Master would "charge" (meaning hypnotize) an initiate. The occultist Baum, a member of the Theosophical Society, was inspired by some spirit who gave him the "magic key" to write the Wizard of Oz book, which came out in 1900. The book's story is full of satanic activity and satanic thinking. The story was chosen in the late 1940s to be the basis for the Illuminati/Intelligence community's trauma-based total mind control programming. As a way of enhancing the effect of the programming, Monarch slaves are conditioned to place trigger items into their lives.

When the movie was made, Judy Garland, who had lived a life touched by the occult world's abuse, was chosen to act as Dorothy. Judy's later husband, Mickey De Vinko was a Satanist and the chief assistant to Roy Radin, a rich Satanist who worked with the Illuminati, and who controlled the "Process church" covens which had as members mass murderers Berkowitz and Monarch slave Charlie Manson.

There are several members of the Carr family, who are also tied into both De Vinko and Radin's Process Church and the Illuminati. With the numerous long term connections between the Wizard of Oz books, and movie to the highest levels of the occult world, it is not without reason that one can theorize that the original series of 14 Oz books had an ulterior motive behind them.

The 14 books of the Oz series are:

1) The Wizard of Oz,
2) The Land of Oz,
3) Ozma of Oz,
4) Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz,
5) The Road to Oz,
6) The Emerald City of Oz,
7) The Patchwork Girl of Oz,
8) Tik-tok of Oz,
9) The Scarecrow of Oz,
10) Rinkitink in Oz,
11) The Lost Princess of Oz,
12) The Tinman Woodsman of Oz,
13) The Magic of Oz,
14) Glinda of Oz.

These books are still being sold, and are being read to children who are being programmed with trauma-based total mind control. The 14 books came out in various editions. The originals came out in 1900 and shortly thereafter. In the 1930s, the 1940's, and the 1950's the words were retype set and given different pages. (When working with a survivor it might help to identify what decade the edition the slave was programmed with, because the pictures and the page numbers varied from edition to edition.)

Of course, having good pictures is an asset in programming, because the child will visualize off of the pictures when building its internal world. In addition to this, large Wizard of Oz theme parks are being built by the Illuminati to provide places to carry out programming and to reinforce the programming which traps the minds of Monarch slaves. The best example of this, is the audacious MGM Grand complex in Las Vegas, although other theme parks around America also use a Wizard of Oz theme.

If you have read Fritz Springmeier's Be Wise As Serpents you will know how the Theosophical Society ties in with Freemasonry, Satanism, and Lucis Trust. Several famous members of the Theosophical Society include:

Adolf Hitler (a Satanist who practiced human sacrifice, & who had HPB's book at his side.)

Mahatma Gandhi (a Hindu guru considered a god by some of his followers. Gandhi was successful with the British in part because of the Theosophical Society.)

H.P. Blavatsky (The founder of the Theosophical Society. She referred to herself as HPB. She was initiated by Illuminatus Mazzini into Carbonarism , a form of Freemasonry, illumined by the Great White Lodge in 1856, was part of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, and spent lots of time with the Eddy Illuminati family in Vermont , who were well known mediums. She also was a member of the occult fraternities the Order of the Druses, the Adoptive branch of the Ancient & Primitive Rite of Freemasonry, & the hermetic masonic rites of Memphis and Mizraim. She was trained to handle live snakes by Sheik Yusuf ben Makerzi, the chief of the Serpent Handlers, and she was hypnotized by occultist Victor Michal and to some degree from 1866 under his influence.)

Alice Bailey (head of Lucis Trust)

Henry Steel Olcott (an important occultist)

Elvis Presley (a Monarch slave)

Manly P. Hall (an Illuminati Theta Programmer, and at least a Grand Master within the Illuminati who sat on the Grand Druid Council.)

Frank Baum. The man who wrote the book The Wizard of Oz was a member of the Theosophical Society. L. Frank Baum lived in South Dakota and created The Wizard of Oz book as a theosophical fairy tale incorporating the "ancient wisdom" of the Mystery Religions.

The books have so much material from inside the secret world of the Illuminati, that the few who understand the Illuminati wonder if Baum wasn't an insider. The moral of the book is that we must rely upon ourselves, for we alone have the power to save ourselves. This was part of the original lie of Satan in the garden. Satan has simply dressed up the same original lie into different packaging and is distributing it worldwide as the most popular American fairy tale.

L. Frank Baum explained how he came to write the book, "It was pure inspiration....It came to me right out of the blue. I think that sometimes the Great Author has a message to get across and He has to use the instrument at hand. I happened to be that medium, and I believe the magic key was given me to open the doors to sympathy and understanding, joy, peace and happiness." (Hearn, Michael P. ed., The Annotated Wizard of Oz. NY: Clarkson N. Potter, 1973, p. 73.)

In Baum's time, the head of the Theosophical Society, H.P. Blavastsky had been putting out her journal called Lucifer. In other words, I highly suspect Baum knew what the Theosophical Society was all about, and that he himself was deeply into the occult. The book The Wizard of Oz came out in 1900. (It wasn't until 1939 that the movie was made.)

This next section will cover the numerous parallels between the Wizard of Oz material and the occult world and the occult world's programming. This is broken up into 3 sections:


Book 3. Ozma of Oz
Alice In Wonderland
Alice Through the Looking Glass
The Tall Book of Make-Believe

For those readers who are unfamiliar with the occult world, some of these parallels at first may seem stretched. When one sees how many parallels there are, then occult nature of the books begins to sink in. The authors could provide the reader with more parallels between Satanism and The Wizard of Oz book, but we believe the following will suffice. (Some parallels may also apply to the movie.)


Auntie Em represents HP Blavastsky's "Mulaprakriti" and Uncle Henry represents HPB's "Unmanifested Logos". The carnival huckster (later seen as the Wizard) is advertised as being connected to the royal families of Europe .

The Royal families of Europe are secret Satanists, from powerful occult bloodlines. Dorothy is brought to Oz by a cyclone. The word cyclone originally was the Greek word cyclone which means both a circle or the coil of a snake. In other words, the snake takes Dorothy to Oz. Dorothy's three companions represent the mental, emotional, and physical bodies that HPB wrote about. Dorothy acquired these three companions just as Theosophy says we will when we come into incarnation. To quote HPB "There is no danger that dauntless courage cannot conquer; there is not trial that spotless purity cannot pass through; there is no difficulty that strong intellect cannot surmount." (Algeo, John. "The Wizard of Oz: The Perilous Journey", The Quest, Summer 1993. Wheaton , Il.: Theosophical Society in Amer.,p. 53.)

In the book, the Tin Woodsman was an ordinary being of flesh, but a wicked witch casts a spell on him. He kept chopping off parts of his body, which were then replaced by a tinsmith, until he became the first bionic man, with a completely mechanic body. Boy, hasn't the Illuminati been trying to do this one!?

In step with Wizard of Oz mind-control programming, the wicked witch & naughty children cannot stand water but dissolve. Robotic clones are created in the minds of Monarch slaves which can only be mentally dissolved by mentally placing water on them. Dorothy goes questing in Oz.

Theosophists (New Agers, Satanists, etc.) go on quests. Oz is shaped like a Mandala with Emerald City in the center, an impassable barrier, four-sidedness, 4 symbolic colors, the circle and the center. The colors and directions given in Oz may also have other symbolic meanings in the occult. For instance, Emerald City is green and green is the fourth point of the Eastern Star (women's Freemasonry) & Satan's color. A

The route that Dorothy follows in Oz has the shape of a T with its 3 points defining an inverted triangle. The Yellow Brick Road suggests gold, the perfect metal. Gold is considered to be divine & the source of wisdom by the Illuminati. HPB had written "There is a Road, steep and thorny, beset with perils of every kind, but yet a Road, and it leads to the very heart of the universe." This was the yellow brick road that Baum the Theosophist sought to portray in his fairy tale. The book contains a great deal more perils and adventures on the road than the movie. The article shows that the great teacher is a humbug but Dorothy and her own companions have the abilities to help themselves if they only will realize their own powers through the help of the good witch of the south.

This is in line with the Theosophical Society's, the Church of Satan 's, and other occult groups teachings which teach that the individual has the capabilities within themselves to achieve anything. One of the Theosophical Society's publications states, "Prepare thyself, for thou wilt have to travel on alone. The teacher can but point the way." ("The Voice of Silence" as quoted in "The Wizard of Oz" article, Quest, Summer, 1993 p. 54.)

Part of the mind set of Satanism is that reality and fantasy become blurred. This blurring has been part of the brainwashing that is being systematically given to American children. Within Monarch slaves they have an incredibly difficult time trying to differentiate between reality and fantasy because of all the mind programming they have been subjected too. There are several techniques which will determine for Monarch survivors if their memories are real.

In the board game called Illuminati!, put out by people connected to the Illuminati, the game states, "Don't believe any of this, it is all true." These are the type of double-bind self contradictory statements that Satanists love to spew out. Monarch slaves are programmed full of double-binds.

With the Satanist's penchant for blurring reality in mind, read the following quote where the President of the Theosophical Society admiringly describes the Wizard of Oz, "Part of Baum's joke is that things are never what they seem. Dorothy seems to be a simple and harmless little girl, but it is she who kills the wicked witches of both East and West. The Scarecrow seems to lack brains, but he has all the ideas in the company. The Tin Woodman seems to lack a heart, but he is so full of sentiment that he is always weeping. The Cowardly Lion seems to be a coward, but he takes brave action whenever it is called for. The Wizard seems to be great and powerful, but he is actually a humbug. Oz seems to be a glorious and delightful land and Kansas to be dry, gray, and dull--but Oz is a world of illusion and Kansas is really home. Things are not what they seem, in Oz or Kansas ."


The close relationship between Dorothy and her dog is a very subtle connection between the satanic cults use of animals (familiars). Those who read Vol. 1, may remember the example written about on how Illuminati Kingpin Alfred I. du Pont's dog Mummy served as Alfred's familiar spirit. Animals are very often used in ritual. This connection is very subtle, perhaps too subtle for it to be worthy of mention, except that those in Satanism will see the significance, even though others won't. What is trivial to one person may not be to the next.

A Monarch slave as a child will be allowed to bond with a pet. The child will want to bond with a pet anyway because people are terrifying by this point. Then the pet is killed in porn to traumatize the child. This happens quite frequently.

The Rainbow--with its seven colors have long had an occult significance of being a great spiritual hypnotic device. Constance Cumbey, in her book The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow, which exposes the New Age Occult Movement, correctly writes, "The Rainbow (also called the Antahkarana or Rainbow Bridge ). This is used as a hypnotic device.,, (p.261) The Supreme Council of the 33rd° of Freemasonry has used the rainbow on the cover of their magazine.

In a book teaching Druidism (as in Illuminati Druidism), The 21 Lessons of Meryln, the Rainbow is described as "A true sign of exists in both worlds at once!" Elvira Gulch is a woman who owns 1/2 of the county where Dorothy lives in Kansas . She is shown later in the Land of Oz transformed as a witch.

Many of the Illuminati elite are rich and lead double lives. People who meet them at a ritual will see the dark side of these rich people. At the rituals, people are tranced from drugs, chanting, and mind control; they are "over the rainbow." Professor Marvel uses a crystal ball which he claims was used by the Priests of Isis. Isis and Osirus are both part of the Ancient Egyptian Mystery religion and modern Satanism.

Kansas is black & white, Oz is in color. Reality is downplayed in witchcraft and Satanism. Make believe is considered more colorful than reality. Also as an escape from this world, Satanists use drugs to enhance their perception of colors. Some of the famous writers took drugs which put them into altered states of consciousness in order to release their creativity.

Both good and bad witches in Oz carry staffs. In Satanism & the Illuminati, Priestesses also carry similar staffs. Also the idea that there are good and evil witches--white and black magic is straight from the occult, and follows the Illuminati's Gnostic beliefs. Several scenes involve transference of power via transference of slippers from a witch.

In Illuminati ritual, to transfer power, a Matriarch, or Mother of Darkness will kill the person in a position of authority with a strike on the forehead with a special mace like staff, and then put on their slippers. Ruby colored slippers are actually used as a symbol of authority at the Matriarch level in the Illuminati. The shoes are said to be golden at the Mothers of Darkness level in the Illuminati.

The bad witch uses poison, poisoned apples and poisoned brew. Satanic covens in real life do this same thing. The wizard is portrayed as someone who rules and is benevolent. In witchcraft, wizards do rule (even though in some groups wizards are simply called witches.) Winged monkeys in the haunted forest, harken back to the pagan cultures which placed wings on various animal idols. The trees are alive like animals in the film. The Illuminati believe that the trees have spirits. In one of the Oz films, even the stones have personality and talk. This comes straight out of Druidism.

The Tin Man is a person which has been part of Illuminati ceremonies. The first initial ceremony that children of the Illuminati may remember is where a Tin Man with an ax watches over their presentation to the coven. If the parent presents the child, nothing is done, but if the parent refuses to present the children, then the Tin Man in the ritual will use his ax to sever the child's head on a chopping block. (The Tin Man will also appear in Tin Man programming, and a Tin Man's Castle may well be built in the Monarch slave's head, but the point here is that the Tin Man is also part of ritual.)

Dorothy kills the wicked witch of the west by a sharp blow to the forehead with the witch's staff. This is what is done in the Illuminati, when an elderly witch is being replaced. In both cases, whether in the movie or in real life in the Illuminati, when a witch is killed the people have a ceremony. In real life in the secret world of the Illuminati, a scroll is used to certify that the witch is dead both physically and spiritually. (The movie had this in it.)

Just one example of the thousands of Illuminati Grande Dames killed in ritual like this is the recent billionairess Dorris Duke, who was ritually killed in 1993 on Halloween, also called All Hallows Eve, in the Beverly Hills , CA area.

The Illuminati method for killing a Grande Dame and passing her spiritual power on is done with reverence. No blood is to be spilt out of respect for the elderly woman who gives up her life willingly. At death, the last breath is inhaled by the replacement to transfer the power. There may be as many as 2,197 Grande Dames at such a coronation. The Grande Mothers (whose Systems are mistresses for Satan and hierarchy leaders) and the next rank, the Grande Dames, are often veiled in ritual and would wear robes with different colored lining. The different colors of linings show the different grades.

A typical Grande Mother vestment or robe is a black satin & velvet dress with a draped neckline, and ritual symbols down the center of the robe. After someone like Dorris Duke willingly gives her (their) life, her head is served on a silver platter at a banquet. For the deeper alters of a high level slave, this is part of their way of life; they are told it is their birthright and heritage. Such alters will not be able to identify with the culture at large. To give up their programming, means giving up their magical powers and their culture, which they have had to work hard for. To leave they would need to see something that they perceive as better. They are locked into their slavery due do to their exposure to only a secret Illuminati culture and value system.

Because of their dissociation with the rest of their own System of alters, they don't perceive a need to change their lifestyle anymore than a Bushman would be able to feel a need to wear shoes. Why should the Bushman want shoes, if he has gotten along without them? Why should a high level slave want change, when they have gotten along without it?

Experience shows that during deprogramming most of the lower level alters will want to escape their abuse, but the higher level ritual alters are so separated from the abuse they don't want to give up their status and culture.

Throughout the movie, scrolls are used. As stated, Moriah continues to use scrolls for their official ritual functions. The wicked witch of the west says that her question was not "to kill or not to kill" Dorothy?, but rather HOW to kill Dorothy for "these things must be done delicately." This is exactly the attitude displayed within the Illuminati. The film has occult items such as crystal balls in several scenes, haunted castles, magic and a benevolent wizard. At one point the Lion says, "I do believe in spooks [ghosts], I do, I do, I do, I do." (Today, intelligence agents are also called spooks.) The Lion, Tinman, Dorothy and the Scarecrow must prove themselves worthy to receive the benevolence from Oz.

The occult is full of rituals where the participant must prove himself worthy. The phrase "seeds of learning" is used in Illuminati ceremonies. Staffs like the movie has are used by various occult groups. These staffs often serve as stun guns, so that shocks can be applied during ceremonies. The shocks may be applied so that the victim doesn't remember the ceremony.
Parallels Between The Wizard of Oz Series of Books and Monarch Programming

The following are parts of the Wizard of Oz Monarch Programming, which is a base programming put in when the child is very young. Some of the slaves know portions of the Wizard of Oz script word-for-word.

Dorothy is told she doesn't have a brain if she has gotten into trouble. Dorothy is looking for a place where there is no trouble which is a place "over the rainbow." To escape pain, alters go over the rainbow. (This is a.k.a. in Alice In Wonderland Programming as "going through the looking glass". Dorothy becomes unconscious, the world begins spinning, and then she sees disjointed pictures. This also happens to Monarch slaves. Later in the film, Dorothy states, "My! people come and go so quickly." This is exactly what happens to the Monarch slave whose multiple personalities come and go. When the multiple personalities switch in and out very fast a spinning process can start which can be dangerous if it doesn't stop.

Just like most hiccupping stops on its own, the rapid uncontrolled switching (which can be triggered by stress) usually stops on its own. Systems which subconsciously know they are going to be tortured and used may out of a subconscious fear begin this revolving switching. It is said that the Monarch victim will become comatose if the rapid spinning goes on too long. Personalities are switched in what are called "tornado spins" or "tornado spinning" and personalities called "spin off' personalities come up according to the number of revolutions the slave is commanded to spin. By spinning the slave, the master can choose what sexual perversion he wants as each "spin off' personality has been trained to carry out a different perversion.

Over the rainbow in Oz is for the Monarch slave to be in a trance, and into a certain area of the programming. To be fluctuating at both ends as an observer and not a participant or to go to the other extreme and become a participant. The theme song of the movie goes, "Somewhere over the Rainbow...there's a land where the dreams that you dare to dream really come true."

These lyrics are a method to hypnotically confuse the brain to perceive that the "over the Rainbow experience" (which is usually horrible abuse) is a "dream". The dissociative mind is only too happy to call the trauma a dream, which is lived as a reality for a moment, but is nevertheless recorded by the mind as a fantasy.

The term for this is crypto amnesia, which means the process where the proper functioning of memory is hypnotically messed up. The slave's internal world becomes "reality" and the external real world becomes the Land of Oz which is perceived as make-believe. Dwarfs are used in the internal programming. ( Hollywood hired a large number of them for the movie's cast. They are called Munchkins in the movie.) Mengele, known as the programmer Dr. Green, was especially interested in experimenting traumas on dwarfs.

For bona-fides & recognition signals, the Monarch slaves wear diamonds to signify they are presidential models, rubies to signify their Oz programming for prostitution, and emeralds to signify their programming to do drug business. Rings are also used to signify what activity the slave is doing, and what rank or level they are in the occult.

Monarch slaves are taught to "follow the yellow brick road." No matter what fearful things lie ahead, the Monarch slave must follow the Yellow Brick Road which is set out before them by their master. For some slaves used as track stars, their Yellow Brick Road was the track they had to run. The Yellow Brick Road is the runway in which alters were trained to fly off from to exit their internal world and take the body. The Yellow Brick Road also pertains to the assignment that an alter is given. To follow the Yellow Brick Road is to go down the road that has been assigned by command. The Yellow Brick Road programming is placed into the child's mind via the Yellow Brick Road of the Wizard of Oz story. Remember the key words, "Follow the Yellow Brick Road ."

To get someone onto the Yellow Brick Road you must know the access code to get them through the poppy field. The color codes are important to get an alter through the field of poppies. "Fiddler" is important word to get to the yellow brick road (it signifies the programmer in the context of "the programmer is here, go over the rainbow") and then the alters eat what is variously called MUSIC or a SCRIPT or A LETTER which are words meaning "instructions."

In the 1900 edition of the book on page 3 1-32 says (programming cues are in caps), "She closed the door, locked it, and put the KEY carefully in the pocket of her dress. And so, with Toto trotting along soberly behind her, SHE STARTED ON HER JOURNEY. THERE WERE SEVERAL ROADS NEAR BY, BUT IT DID NOT TAKE HER LONG TO FIND THE ONE PAVED WITH YELLOW BRICK. Within a short time she was walking briskly toward the EMERALD CITY , HER SILVER SHOES tinkling merrily on the hard, YELLOW ROADBED. The sun shone BRIGHT AND THE BIRDS SANG SWEET and Dorothy did not feel nearly as bad as you might think a little girl would who had been SUDDENLY WHISKED AWAY FROM HER OWN COUNTRY AND SET DOWN IN THE MIDST OF A STRANGE LAND....The houses of the Munchkins were odd-looking dwellings,...ALL WERE PAINTED BLUE, for in this country of the EAST BLUE WAS THE FAVORITE COLOR... FIVE LITTLE FIDDLERS PLAYED AS LOUDLY AS POSSIBLE AND THE PEOPLE WERE LAUGHING AND SINGING, while a big table nearby was loaded with DELICIOUS FRUITS [the programs] and NUTS, PIES, and cakes, and many OTHER GOOD THINGS TO EAT [scripts to ingest]."

Monarch slaves are threatened with fire, like the Scarecrow. They also see people dismembered like the Scarecrow was dismembered. For them it is not an idle threat. The front alters also have hearts full of pain like Scarecrow. Certain alters are not given courage and most have their hearts taken from them. The alters who are programmed not to have hearts are hypnotically told the same thing the Tin Man says, "I could be human if I only had a heart." (See Chapter 4, where it discusses hypnosurgery.) Some alters are taught they are stupid and have no brain. Scarecrow is asked the question, "How can you talk without a brain? Scarecrow answers, "Some people without a brain can do a lot of talking."

Emerald City is used in programming. Emerald City in the programming will be well guarded and hard to reach. Several important things will be placed inside the Emerald City , including the deeper Illuminati alters. Castles are used in the programming. Lots of castles, either in the mind's imagery or purely demoniac are placed into the slave's mind. Winged monkeys are able to watch in the movies somewhat as spy satellites. Winged monkeys are used in the programming to create a fear of always being watched.

The Flowers used in the movie and books, are also used in the programming. The witch uses poppy flowers to put the lion and Dorothy to sleep. Opium and cocaine are used to tranquilize Monarch slaves. An alter of a slave will get trancy when they enter the poppy field. (Heroin and cocaine come from poppies.) In the film, Dorothy says, "What is happening? I'm so sleepy." She and the lion get sleepy for no apparent reason very quickly. Monarch slaves do the same thing. Waking up with snow in the movie is nothing less than an allusion to cocaine which is a common substance given to Monarch slaves to help make them dependent.

Dorothy states at one point in the movie that she "doesn't remember". She then follows this up with "I guess it doesn't matter." Hour glasses appear in the movie in several spots, and they also occur in various contexts in people who have been programmed by the Monarch programming. Some victims of the programming have hour glass configurations each created around a separate axis. The hour glasses have the ability to be rotated which causes certain alters to be brought forward. Monarch slave masters have also used hour glasses to indicate to their slaves that death was imminent and that time was running out. This is the way the wicked witch used the hour glass on Dorothy, who happens to be saved just as the hour glass runs out.

Some Monarch slave masters actually have large hour glasses (sometimes 3' high) like in the movie. (In Cathy O'Brien's autobiography of her life as a Monarch slave Transformation of America she has a photograph of Sec. of Defense Cheney's hour glass on his desk with him seated. This hour glass was used to threaten her as a slave.)

When a Monarch slave sees an hour glass they may switch, but basically it is a reminder that the slave masters have the power to run a person's time out. One slave was told, "The sand that sifts through the hourglass is a measure of your worthiness to live or die." The hour glass shape is basically two triangles which touch at their peaks, or an X configuration with the tops of the X having lines. The child's mind is to visualize this configuration as a compass, as the four points N, S, E, W, they are to see the X configuration also as an x, y axis upon which a city is structured upon. The hour glass then is tied to several other concepts which integrate themselves well with the basic X shape of the hour glass. Circles with X's are stacked on top of each other to form the different worlds which contain the alters. The two pie shaped pieces of the hour glass will hold one world, while the hour glass configuration made by the other two adjacent pieces hold the looking glass mirror images of each alter. Each hour glass is called 2 quadrants. To remove 4 quadrants would of course take both alters and mirror images with it.

In mathematics, it could be stated that regular alters are in quadrant x,y and -x, -y. And that the looking glass people--the mirror images, early splits made from each alter as a copy, are in quadrants -x, y and x, -y. (See the chapter on how to structure a System) "Click your heel together and be there in a snap" is both in the movie and in the programming cues.

Military Monarch slave models are especially taught to click their heels together. (Joseph Mengele, Dr. Black, Michael Aquino and others also liked to click their Nazi boots together while they programmed children.)

"SILENCE!" is both in the movie and a command of the Oz Programming. This word SILENCE stands for a code of "no talk" which runs deep in the mind of the slave. As in the movie, certain slave alters will talk to their masters as Dorothy did, "If you please, Sir..." The keys (and triggers) to control the switching of personalities and to give orders are frequently based on Wizard of Oz material.

A Monarch slave owner might use cues based on the Wizard of Oz such as "THERE'S A PAIR OF MAGIC SHOES TO WEAR WITH YOUR DRESS...SOMETHING IN LIGHTENING...TO TRANSPORT YOU FASTER THAN THE OL' RUBY SLIPPERS." (Quote from O'Brien, Cathy. "Operation Carrier Pigeon", Monograph, pg. 2.) A cryptic death threat given to Cathy as a slave by handler Sec. of Defense Cheney to kill her daughter by taking off her daughter's ears was then backed up by the hypnotic command based on Wizard of Oz programming, "I'LL GET HER, MY PRETTY. . .YOUR LITTLE GIRL."

The programming that is related to the Tin Man produces a monarch slave which is described as "A WELL OILED MACHINE" by the handlers. U.S. Sen. Allen Simpson, one of the perpetrators of the Monarch Program, referred to the Tin Man programming when he told a slave "THESE ARE BUT EMPTY SHELLS OF THE LIFE THEY WERE ONCE POSSESSED. LIKE YOU ARE--EMPTY AND VOID OF LIFE."

Phrases like "troubles melt" can be found in both the movie and in the programming. Let's now cover what programming is based on the Oz books, that isn't found in the movie. A great deal of the Oz programming comes from the books, of which only the first book was used for the movie. The public is familiar with the movie which is based on the first one, but in general doesn't know the other books exist. We will not go through the scripts of all 14 books--there isn't room for that, but by going through a few of the books, the reader will begin to see the massive amount of material which was used for programming scripts in the Oz books. It is one thing to say, the Wizard of Oz was used as a mind-control programming script, but that doesn't convey the extent of it. Large sections of the 14 books are almost perfect for mind-control. If you take the trouble to read these quotes, you may find yourself startled at what you thought at first glance was a nice child story!

Pg. 38 Book 1 The Wizard of Oz: "That is true," said the Scarecrow. "You see," he continued, confidently, "I DON'T MIND MY LEGS AND ARMS AND BODY BEING STUFFED, BECAUSE I CANNOT GET HURT. IF ANYONE TREADS ON MY TOES OR STICKS A PIN INTO ME, IT DOESN'T MATTER, FOR I CAN'T FEEL IT." This is teaching dissociation. The slaves actually do have pins & needles stuck into them, or toothpicks under their fingernails, etc. If anyone asks the slave a question they can say according to the script, "I don't know anything." The infant slave will be taught words like this "STICKS & STONES MAY BREAK MY BACK, BUT WORDS WILL NEVER HURT ME, BECAUSE I'M NOT HERE."

Pg. 41 Book 1 The Wizard of Oz: "It never hurt him, however, and Dorothy would pick him up and set him upon his feet again, while he joined her in laughing merrily at his own mishap." This is teaching the programming "IT'S O.K., IT DOESN'T MATTER, NOTHING WRONG HERE" that the slave is taught to tell the world.

Pg. 40 Book 1 The Wizard of Oz: "nest of rats in the straw, the scarecrow." The mice in a Monarch System which control the turning of the quadrant's clock, hide from the scarecrow.

Pg. 42 Book 1 The Wizard of Oz: "fewer fruit trees..." If the slave eats the fruit [code for programs] without permission, the dwarf munchkins will beat the alter with their clubs. Also on this page HOME is called KANSAS , and it is described as "how gray everything was there." In other words, reality isn't as great and colorful as the make believe internal world you can build in your mind to escape this hell we're giving you.

Pg. 43 Book 1 The Wizard of Oz: ...The Scarecrow looked at her reproachfully, and answered, "My life has been so short that I really know nothing whatever. I was only made day before yesterday. What happened in the world before that time is all unknown to me. Luckily, when the farmer made my head, one of the first things he did was to paint my ears, so that I heard what was going on." This is the script read to new alters, to help them have a clean slate before programming them with another new script. This is coupled with the Wizard of Oz theme that the Wizard gives brains (what to think) to the Scarecrow. The alters are hypnotically programmed that if they think on their own--then they are empty headed like the Scarecrow. They can only have something in their head if they let the Wizard give them what to think.

Pg. 45 Book 1 The Wizard of Oz: "It was a lonely life to lead, for I had nothing to think of, having been made such a little while before." This is part of the script read a new alter.

Pg. 48 Book 1 The Wizard of Oz: "So the Scarecrow led her through the trees until they reached the cottage, and Dorothy entered and found a bed of dried leaves in one corner. She lay down at once, and with Toto beside her, soon fell into a sound sleep. the Scarecrow who was never tired, stood up in another corner and waited..." This was used to program part of a script for an Illuminati ceremony.

Pg. 57 Book 1 The Wizard of Oz: "So the old woman went to the wicked Witch of the East, and promised her two sheep and a cow if she would prevent the marriage. Therefore, upon the wicked Witch enchanted my axe, and when I was chopping away...the axe slipped all at once and cut off my left leg. "This at first seemed a great misfortune, for I knew a one-legged man could not do very well as a woodchopper. So I went to a tinsmith and had him make me a new leg out of tin. The leg worked very well, once I was used to it; but my action angered the wicked Witch of the East, for she had promised the old woman I should not marry the pretty Munchkin girl. When I began chopping again my axe slipped and cut off my right leg. Again I went to the tinner, and again he made me a leg out of tin. After this the enchanted axe cut off my arms, one after the other; but, nothing daunted, I had them replaced with tin ones. The wicked Witch then made the axe slip and cut off my head, and at first I thought that was the end of me. But the tinner happened to come along, and he made me a new head out of tin." This is an Illuminati ceremony script done by Dr. Mengele with children at a very young age. It was a blood oath to "Green" that if they let anyone touch the programming they would cut themselves.

Pg. 58 Book 1 The Wizard of Oz: "...splitting me into two halves. Once more the tinner came to my help and made me a body of tin, fastening my tin arms...But alas! I had now no heart, so that I lost all my love for the Munchkin girl... I had known was the loss of my heart. While I was in love I was the happiest man on earth; but no one can love who has not a heart, and so I am resolved to ask Oz to give me one."

Pg. 66 Book 1 The Wizard of Oz: The Scarecrow, the Tin Woodsman and Dorothy expect that the Wizard of Oz can give a brain, a heart, and send Dorothy back to Kansas . Under programming the Master as the Wizard can give alters what he wants including sending them back to Kansas (their internal reality).

Pg. 77 Book 1 The Wizard of Oz, "...they could see the road of yellow brick running through a beautiful country, with green meadows dotted with bright flowers and all the road bordered with trees hanging full of delicious fruits." This is used for the imagery of the yellow brick road.

Pg. 87 Book 1 The Wizard of Oz: "Scarlet poppies...their odor is so powerful that anyone who breathes it falls asleep, and if the sleeper is not carried away from the scent of the flowers he sleeps on and on forever. But Dorothy did not know this, nor could she get away from the bright red flowers that were everywhere about; so presently her eyes grew heavy and she felt she must sit down to rest and to sleep." This is an important part of the programming. This is the story line for trancing deep.

Pg. 112 Book 1 The Wizard of Oz: "Then the Guardian of the Gates put on his own glasses and told them he was ready to show them to the palace. Taking a big golden key from a peg on the wall he opened another gate, and they all followed him through the portal into the streets of the Emerald City ." This is helpful imagery in setting up the internal Emerald City and its guards.

Book 3. Ozma of Oz

Pg. 20 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "But the wind, as if satisfied at last with its mischievous pranks, stopped blowing this ocean and hurried away to another part of the world to blow something else; so that the waves, not being joggled any more, began to quiet down and behave themselves." Used to create protective programming, notice how the wind is personified.

pg. 23 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "So she sat down in a corner of the coop, leaned her back against the slats, nodded at the friendly stars before she closed her eyes, and was asleep in half a minute." Alters may be trained to trance when placed in a corner.

Pg. 27 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "No, indeed; I never care to hatch eggs unless I' ve a nice snug nest, in some quiet place, with a baker's dozen of eggs under me. That's thirteen, you know, and it's a lucky number for hens. So you may as well eat this egg." This has been used often to get 13 splits when torturing. Many Illuminati Systems were set up on 13 grids.

Pg. 30 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "Next to the water [programming cue to build Atlantis] was a broad beach of white sand and gravel [programming cue to build Troy], and farther back were several rocky hills, while beyond these appeared a strip of green trees [programming cue to build a green forest] that marked the edge of a forest. But there were no houses to be seen, nor any sign of people [programming cue for alters to be invisible] who might inhabit this unknown land." This page along with others near it, have been used to build the structures in the internal world of Illuminati slaves. In brackets are a sample of how it could be used when building an internal world.

Pg. 34 Book 3 Ozma of Oz": "Why eating live things....You ought to be ashamed of yourself!" "Goodness me!" returned the hen, in a puzzled tone; how queer you are, Dorothy! Live things are much fresher and more wholesome than dead ones, and you humans eat all sorts of dead creatures." This is used to encourage cannabalism.

Pg. 35 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "...a large sized golden key." To encourage the imagery of golden keys, which are used frequently in the internal system. The next chapter "Letter in the Sand" has singing trees in it, which have been popular items for the Illuminati due to their druid beliefs.

Pg. 39 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "Bye, bye, and bye, when she was almost in despair, the little girl came upon two trees that promised to furnish her with plenty of food. One was quite full of square paper boxes, which grew in clusters on all the limbs, and upon the biggest and ripest boxes the word 'Lunch' could be read, in neat letters. The tree seemed to bear all the year around, for there were lunch-box blossoms on some of the branches, and on others tiny little lunch-boxes that were as yet quite green, and evidently not fit to eat." Boxes are built internally in the slave's mind and a box will contain a program. The food is the programming that the slave is to eat and digest. The programming in the box might be songs, nursery rhymes, or a poem or anything. (On page 41, there is a full page picture of a girl picking a lunch-pail from a tree limb to eat it.)

Pg. 40 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "The little girl stood on tip-toe and picked one of the nicest and biggest lunch-boxes, and then she sat down upon the ground and eagerly opened it. Inside she found, nicely wrapped in white papers, a ham sandwich, a piece of sponge-cake, a pickle, a slice of new cheese and an apple. Each thing had a separate stem,..." The lunch-boxes on the tree are the programs which the programmers put in. The stems are what link the programming stories together in the child's mind.

Pg. 42 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "I had a pair of silver shoes, that carried me through the air. ..said Dorothy." In the programming silver shoes are used as cues to go into altered states (i.e. through the air.)

Pg. 44 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "embroidered garments of many colors" Color programming for the ribbons.

Pg. 47 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "We'll get you in time, never fear! And when we do get you, we'll tear you into little bits." "Why are you so cruel to me? asked Dorothy. "I'm a stranger in your country, and have done you no harm." "No harm!" cried one who seemed to be their leader. "Did you not pick our lunch-boxes and dinner pails? Have you not a stolen dinner-pail still in your hand? is the law here that whoever picks a dinner-pail without our permission must die immediately." The programming message to all of this is that no one had better touch the dinner-pails which represent the programs or they are to die immediately. Armies like in the story guard the internal programming of the slave.

Pg. 51 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: These pages describe a crack in rocks that is a door. This is used for Petra programming.

Pg. 52 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "golden key"..."within the narrow chamber of rock was the form of a man--or, at least, it seemed like a man...his head and limbs were copper. Also his head and limbs were copper, and these were jointed or hinged to his body in a peculiar way, with metal caps over the joints, like the armor worn by knights in days of old." These are a System's robots which are said by the programmers to be friends, and which are invisible. You can see other people's robots but not one's own internal robots.

Pg. 53 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "This copper man is not alive at all." The clone robots are made to think they are not alive, but just robots. In reality they are little child alters suited up to think they are robots.

Pg. 55 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "...back view of the copper man, and in this way discovered a printed card that hung between his shoulders, it being suspended from a small copper peg at the back of his neck." The robots are put in by a combination of several stories. The deep sea divers of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, and the Wizard of Oz's Copper Man reinforce each other. "Extra Responsive Mechanical man fitted with our special clock-work attachment. Thinks, Speaks, Acts, and Does Everything but Live. Manufactured only at our Works at Evna, Land of Ev . All infringements will be promptly Prosecuted according to Law." This huge sign is part of the robotic programming the clone robots receive. Notice that they are drilled into total obedience--all infringements will be promptly Prosecuted. Obey the law that your Master gives you.

Pg. 56 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "DIRECTIONS FOR USING For THINKING: --Wind the Clock-work Man under his left arm, (marked No. 1) For SPEAKING: --Wind the Clock-work Man under his right arm, (marked No. 2) For WALKING: --Wind Clock-work in the -middle of his back, (marked No. 3) N.B.--This Mechanism is guaranteed to work perfectly for a thousand years." These instructions were used to build Dr. Green's (Mengele's) boxes and the robots.

Pg. 58 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "The words sounded a little hoarse and creakey, and they were uttered all in the same tone, without any change of expression whatever; but both Dorothy and Billina understood them perfectly." This was used to program the internal robots to speak in unison and to repeat themselves.

Pg. 60 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "After that I re-mem-ber noth-ing until you wound me up a-gain." The internal robots forget and then are prepared again for war.

Pg. 62 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "From this time forth I am your o-be-di-ent servant. What-ev-er you com-mand, that I will do will-ing-ly--if you keep me wound up." This is used to teach the internal robots obedience to their programming.

Pg. 67 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "Within the pail were three slice of turkey, two slices of cold tongue, some lobster salad, four slices of bread and butter, a small custard pie, an orange and nine large strawberries and some nuts and raisins. Singularly enough, the nuts in this dinner-pail grew already cracked, so that Dorothy had no trouble in picking out their meats to eat." This is given to front alters as the front programming so that they see the programs as only "fruit".

Pg. 68 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "Do the lunch-box trees and the dinner-pail trees belong to the Wheelers? the child asked Tiktok, while engaged in eating her meal. 'Of course not,' he answered. 'They belong to the roy-al fam-il-y of Ev, on-ly of course there is no roy-al fam-il-y just now be-cause King Ev-ol-do jumped in-to the sea and his wife and ten children have been trans-formed by the Nome will find the roy-al 'E' stamped up-on the bottom of ev-er-y din-ner pail." The Nome King in the programming became the ruler of the demons/system within the Monarch system. Several story lines from a number of sources are overlapped to reinforce the programming scripts. The programmers will use other stories to introduce themselves into the system too. In case readers don't know, a Monarch system will have hidden powerful alters that are made in the image of their programmers, that serve as personal representatives of the programmers.

Pg. 79 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "I am only a ma-chine, and can-not feel sor-row or joy, no mat-ter what hap-pens." This is teaching mechanical dissociation, and coincides with Tin Man programming.

Pg. 83 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "For the Princess Langwidere is a different person every time I see her, and the only way her subjects can recognize her at all is by means of a beautiful ruby key which she always wears on a chain attached to her left wrist. When we see the key we know we are beholding the Princess." "That is strange," said Dorothy, in astonishment. "Do you mean to say that so many different princesses are one and the same person?" "Not exactly," answered the Wheeler. "There is, of course, but one princess; but she appears to us in many forms, which are all more or less beautiful." Doesn't this sound like MPD! Did Frank Baum know about MPD?


Pg. 119-120 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: " 'Let me introduce to you a new friend of mine, the Hungry Tiger."...he displayed two rows of terrible teeth and a mouth big enough to startle anyone.' 'Dreadfully hungry," answered the Tiger, snapping his jaws together with a fierce click."' This is programming for deeper cats in an alter system. The next page tells how this is used to teach the child alter cannibalism. "...the tiger. "For my part, I'm a savage beast, and have an appetite for all sorts of poor living creatures, from a chipmonk to fat babies.' 'How dreadful!' said Dorothy. 'Isn't it, though?' returned the Hungry Tiger licking his lips with his long red tongue. 'Fat babies! Don't they sound delicious? ...If I had no conscience I would probably eat the babies and then get hungry again, which would mean that I had sacrificed the poor babies for nothing....For it is the nature of tigers to be cruel and ferocious, and in refusing to eat harmless living creatures I am acting as no good tiger has ever before acted." This part of the book is used to help teach the child alters which think they are tigers to be cannibalistic and actually participate in eating babies. This is all filmed to be used against the mind-controlled slave.

Pg. 130-3 1 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: " 'No one knows, exactly,' replied the Princess. 'For the King, whose name is Roquat of the Rocks, owns a splendid palace underneath the great mountain which is at the north end of this kingdom, and he has transformed the queen and her children into ornaments and bric-a-brac with which to decorate his rooms.'" 'I'd like to know," said Dorothy, 'Who this Nome King is?'" 'I will tell you, replied Ozma. 'He is said to be the Ruler of the Underground World, and commands the rocks and all that the rocks contain. Under his rule are many thousands of the Nomes, who are queerly shaped but powerful sprites that labor at the furnaces and forges of their king, making gold and silver and other metals which they conceal in the crevices of the rocks, so that those living upon the earth's surface can only find them with great difficulty. Also they make diamonds and rubies and emeralds, which they hide in the ground; so that the kingdom of Nomes is wonderfully rich, and all we have of precious stones and silver and gold is what we take from the earth and rocks where the Nome King has hidden them....the Ruler of the Underground World is not fond of those who live upon the earth's surface, and never appears among us. If we wish to see King Roquat of the Rocks, we must visit his won country, where he is all powerful, and therefore it will be a dangerous undertaking....the furnaces of the Nome King....a single spark of fire might destroy me entirely.' 'The furnaces may also melt my tin,' said the Tin Woodman; but I am going."' 'I can't bear heat,' remarked the Princess... " This is used to program in the dwarfs who mine the jewels (programs). The dwarfs are often demonic imps or gnomes, rather than being real alters.

Notice that the story line fits in beautifully with the Hell Pit that the Programmers so often put at the basement of people's minds. The Hell Pit would have programming to make someone burn. If someone approaches where the Dwarfs live (which is deep underground--deep in the mind) they will burn. Notice again the words diamonds, rubies, emeralds, silver and gold which are all parts of programming codes.

Pg. 139 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: " 'But I know enough to obey my masters, and to gid-dup, or whoa, when I'm told to." This is teaching obedience. "Lower down the table were the twenty-seven warriors of Oz." This was used to create alters within the internal world.

Pg. 147-148 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: The form was that of a gigantic man built out of plates of cast iron, and it stood with one foot on either side of the narrow road and swung over its right shoulder an immense iron mallet, with which it constantly pounded the earth. These resounding blows explained the thumping sounds they had heard, for the mallet was much bigger than a barrel, and where it struck the path between the rocky sides of the mountain it filled all the space through which our travelers would be obliged to pass. Of course they at once halted, a safe distance away from the terrible iron mallet. The magic carpet would do them no good in this case, for it was only meant to protect them from any dangers upon the ground beneath their feet, and not from dangers that appeared in the air above them. "Wow!" said the Cowardly Lion, with a shudder. "It makes me dreadfully nervous to see that big hammer pounding so near my head. One blow would crush me into a door-mat." "The ir-on gi-ant is a fine fellow," said Tiktok, "and works as stead-i-ly as a clock. He was made for the Nome King by Smith & Tin-ker, who made me, and his du-ty is to keep folks from find-ing the un-der-ground pal-ace. Is he not a great work of art?"... "No," replied the machine; "he is only made to pound the road, and has no think-ing or speak-ing at-tach-ment. But he pounds ve-ry well, I think."... "Is there no way to stop his machinery?" "On-ly the Nome King, who has the key, can do that," answered Tiktok....Meanwhile the giant continued to raise his iron mallet high in the air and to strike the path terrific blows that echoed through the mountains like the roar of cannon."

This was used as the script to place in Thor, a giant who protects the programming. Very severe split brain headaches are programmed to occur to the victim, whenever the internal Thor pounds his hammer. If the programming is threatened, Thor and the imps (demons) appear, to protect it. There are an entire series of events using programming and obedient alters that takes place to protect the programming, if it is ever threatened.

Pg. 159 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "There was no reply, except that the shifting Nomes upon the mountain laughed in derision. 'You must not command the Nome King.' said Tiktok, 'for you do not rule him, as you do your own people.' " The purpose of this part is to prepare the child's alters to accept that internal Queens and other leading alters do not rule the demons that are placed into their system, and are not to order them around.

Pg. 163 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "In the center of this room was a throne carved out of a solid boulder of rock, rude and rugged in shape but glittering with great rubies and diamonds and emeralds on every part of its surface. And upon the throne sat the Nome King.

pg. 167 Book 3 Ozma of Oz, on this page is a picture of the Nome King telling Dorothy and Ozma that, "They belong to me and I shall keep them." In other words, the imps and their jewels belong to the king of the demons. Around his throne are steps with gems, and this imagery was used to build the internal gems in a system, with Satan/the AntiChrist's throne at the top of the stairs.

Pg. 170 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "Although this army consisted of rock-colored Nomes, all squat and fat, they were clothed in glittering armor of polished steel, inlaid with beautiful gems. Upon his brow each wore a brilliant electric light, and they bore sharp spears and swords and battle-axes if solid bronze. It was evident they were perfectly trained, for they stood in straight rows, rank after rank, with their weapons held erect and true, as if awaiting but the word of command to level them upon their foes." 'This,' said the Nome King, 'is but a small part of my army. No ruler upon Earth has ever dared to fight me, and no ruler ever will, for I am too powerful to oppose." This was to help build acceptance within the child of the layering of armies of demons.

Pg. 180, Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "For upon the edge of the table rested a pretty grasshopper, that seemed to have been formed from a single emerald." The next page has a picture of a grasshopper wearing a hat and many shoes. This was used to help the victim take the hypnotic suggestion that their programmer was a grasshopper, a cricket. Mengele used a clicker which helped with this hypnotic suggestion too.

Pg. 182-183 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "...the King returned to his throne.... they were greatly Page 115 .... disheartened by...the knowledge that she was now an ornament in the Nome King's palace--a dreadful, creepy place in spite of all its magnificance. Without their little leader they did not know what to do next, and each one, down to the trembling private of the army, began to fear he would soon be more ornamental than useful....' Never mind,' said the jolly monarch. 'If he doesn't care to enter the palace...I'll throw him into one of my fiery furnaces.'

Pg. 184 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "...twenty-six officers filed into the palace and made their guesses---and became ornaments." Story line used to program parts to become useful ornaments. "...he wore a heavy gold chain around his neck to show that he was the Chief Steward of the Nome King..." Many of the abusers signify their power to the slaves, by wearing a gold chain around their neck.

Pg. 186 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: On this page it states that some magical power gave the King the ability to know all that took place in his palace. By crediting their abilities to an occult magical dimension, the programmers enhanced their appearance of power to the child victim.

Pg. 192 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: On this page and the surrounding pages, the people who have become ornaments are also assigned colors. The Queen of Ev "are all ornaments of a royal purple color." and "all those people from Oz into green ornaments."

Pg. 194 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: 'If I wore the magic belt which enables you to work all your transformations, and gives you so much other power....What color will you make the Kansas girl? asked the Steward. 'Gray, I think,' said his Majesty. 'And the Scarecrow and the machine man?' 'Oh, they shall be of solid gold, because they are so ugly in real life.' This was the script to bring in the color programming. Color programming is discussed in the Structuring chapter (7) and the Internal Controls chapter (11) dealing with the internal computers, and in chapter 4 where the codes are given.

Pg. 192 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: 'What more do you want?' demanded the King. 'A fat baby. I want a fat baby,' said the Hungry Tiger. 'A nice, plump, juicy, tender, fat baby.' When the alters are forced to accept that they are tigers and other cats, then they are encouraged (forced) into cannibalism.

Pg. 200 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "So Tiktok touched a yellow glass vase that had daisies painted on one side, and he spoke at the same time the word 'Ev.' .... In a flash the machine man had disappeared,..." This was part of the programming to introduce daisies and switching.

Pg. 201 Book 3 Ozma of Oz: "Next she touched the image of a purple kitten that stood on the corner of a mantel, and as she pronounced the word 'Ev' the kitten disappeared, and a pretty, fair-haired boy stood beside her." This is teaching the switching of alters and their color programming. We will stop our coverage of the Ozma of Oz book here. We have only partially covered only two of the 14 Oz books, all of which were used as programming scripts. There are many more sections in this series of 14 books that served as programming scripts, but the reader has got the basic idea. It is still important to go over how some of the other books were used in programming, so that the reader begins to see how the story lines assist in programming, and how the story lines are so frequently tied together from perhaps 12 different stories to reinforce one alter's programming.

Alice In Wonderland

Alice Through the Looking Glass

'I can't believe that!' said Alice . 'Can't you?' the Queen said in a pitying tone. 'Try again: draw a long breath, and shut your eyes.' Alice laughed. 'There's no use trying,' she said. 'One can't believe impossible things.' 'I dare say you haven't had much practice,' said the Queen. 'When I was your age, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."

The chapter "Which Dreamed It" in Alice Through the Looking Glass has sexual programming, the Red Queen is purring. The story where Walruses make believe it is oysters is used for programming. Other sexual programming occurs in the chapter "It's my own invention" where the Knight In Crimson (& White) Armor are prisoners which dual for her.

Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum is used for S&M programming, which has a hand signal involving rotating the thumbs of a clasp hand. Alters go through the looking glass, and fall down an oak tree by falling into a deeper and deeper trance. Monarch programming is a reflection of how Satan's mind works.

Lewis Carroll 's book with its inversion themes fits in with this type of thinking. Lewis Carroll loved the humor of logical contradictions. In the book, Alice wonders if cats eat bats or bats eat cats, and she is told that to say what she means is not the same as meaning what she says. When she eats the left side of the mushroom, she grows large; the right side has the reverse effect. These changes in size are in themselves reversals. A large girl and small puppy end up to be a large puppy and a small girl.

In Sylvia and Bruno, we are presented with an antigravity wool that can be placed into a parcel to make it weigh less than nothing, a watch that reverses time, a black light, and a projective plane with outside inside and inside outside. The slave learns that E-V-I-L is simply L-I-V-E backwards. In the looking glass world, the Red Queen knows of a hill so large that compared to it the hill in question is a valley. Also she knows of dry biscuits which quench thirst, a messenger who whispers by shouting, and Alice who runs as fast as she can to stay in one place. (Sometimes it seems we really do have to run fast to stay in place.) The King of Hearts thinks its not unusual to write letters to nobody, and the White King compliments Alice on having keen enough eyesight to see nobody at a great distance down the road.

Can you see why this book was so good to program us? In the book Through the Looking Glass all asymmetrical objects (that means all objects which can't be superimposed on their mirrored image) "go the other way." There are left-right reversals. Tweedledee and Tweedledum are mirror image twins. The White Knight sings about squeezing his right foot into a left shoe, and there are several mentions of corkscrews. A Helix (a corkscrew) is an asymmetric structure with distinct left and right forms.

The book's type of thinking was extended beyond asymmetrical objects to asymmetrical relations of all types. For example, Alice walks backward, in the railway carriage the guard tells her she is traveling the wrong way.

The king has two messengers, "one to come and one to go." The White Queen explains the advantages of living backward in time, the looking glass cake is handed around first, then sliced. Odd and even numbers, which are equivalent to left and right or on and off are worked into the story at several points. For instance, the White Queen requests jam every other day.

Going through the looking glass takes us to a world where the ordinary world is turned upside down and backward. Things go every which way except the way they are supposed to go. Anti-matter is a mirror image. Anti-matter milk will explode Alice , but an Anti-matter Alice on the other side of the looking glass can drink the anti-matter milk.

In Chapter 11 Alice captures the Red Queen. It results in a legitimate checkmate of the Red King, who has slept through the entire live size chess game without moving. The checkmate ends the dream, but leaves open in the story the question of whether the dream was Alice 's or the Red King's. The programming has so often been only a dream to us. The outside world was so often just an unreal dream to us. What was real and what was not real? The real world (for other people) was full of contradictions, and the unreal world (our internal world) was consistent. Everything was upside down, forwards and backwards.

In the Looking Glass book, one shuttles back and forth mysteriously between real and dream worlds. "So, either I've been dreaming about life or I only dream that life is but a dream.'' As a slave breaks away from the programming, life becomes a bewildering confusion as the slave is pulled between two worlds. The internal world has everything the alter needs, the external world is a harsh cold reality that doesn't have much to offer. People in the external world can help make it real for a slave. The handlers will never do this. Alters will need a reason to want to come out of the internal reality which they are programmed to believe in. For so long much of life was seen as a dream. It will be hard to get a grasp on what was real and what was the lie. Many of the lies are more real than the truth. Life was sometimes like the parallel dreams of the Red King and Alice, like two mirrors facing each other.

The Tall Book of Make-Believe

This book was published by Harper & Row in 1950 and was indeed tall, the pages being 4" x 9 1/2". On page 14, the programmer would read the first paragraph of the poem and then say "sleep, sleep, sleep." "Have you ever heard of the Sugar-Plum Tree? 'Tis a marvel of great renown! It blooms on the shore of the Lollypop Sea in the garden of Shut-Eye Town; The fruit that it bears is so wondrously sweet (As those who have tasted it say) That good little children have only to eat of that fruit to be happy next day. Sleep, Sleep, Sleep."

On page 16-17, there is a story about how a child is dragged under the kitchen door and becomes flat. There is a picture of a child being pulled under a door and coming out flat on page 17. This was used as part of the script to make the ribbons for the slaves. The ribbons in a system can go under doors and through the entire system.

On page 23, Rosa the flat person (pancake person) is shown again. This is ribbon. The top of the page has a large cricket like creature that was said to the child to be the programmer (Dr. Mengele). All of the stories in The Tall Book of Make Believe were used one way or the other in programming. We will just touch on some notable points.

On page 38 is a poem about a Mr. Nobody. The programmers like to have alters identify themselves as "nobody".

On page 39 is a poem/story about "someone" who comes tapping...but it is "only the cricket whistling". This was used to help program in that the 3 taps were the cricket (the cover image for the programmer.)

On page 50, is the story of a girl who when she lays down becomes a different person Mrs. Brown.

On page 67 is a poem Foreign Lands, where the child sees "the sky's blue looking glass" and then ends up "to where the roads on either hand lead onward into fairyland.. .and all the playthings come alive." In other words, what is in effect being communicated is: take the hypnotic image of flying into the sky in Papa's silver plane (as the plane goes up the trance goes higher -deeper) and then go into a fantasy land where all your wishes can come true--so that you can escape the hell us programmers are giving you.

On page 79 is the story of a ghost named Georgie who would run home and warn people at home when things were broken. This was part of the "fix me" programming--so that ghost-like alters, known as reporting alters, call "HOME" to "PAPA" if the programming is touched.

On page 84 is the story "How they bring back The Village of Cream Puffs When the Wind Blows it away." This story has several programming words in it, these words and their meanings are as follows: In programming the " Village of Liver-and-Onions " is a code word for "the coven. "Prairie" means "ceremony site", and in another story "picnic" means "ritual". It's doubtful that most alters would remember these meanings, but they helped the abusers confuse the child. Imagine the victim trying to describe a ritual and telling someone that a village of liver & onions had a picnic.

Alien Programming Scripts

There are numerous scripts for the Alien programming. Recent novels and Hollywood movies provide a non-ending pool of programming resources for the Programmers. Visual reality headgear and other high-tech methods can easily be incorporated into an alien abduction theme. The following are samples of some of the people who the author Fritz has spent time with, who on one level knew they needed help, but didn t know just what they felt uneasy about.

Person 1: Had been abducted by aliens since she was a small child. Different types of aliens took her. Her mother worked for the CIA at Area 51. Her mother was abusive to her. One of her best friends is a Monarch slave. When the aliens come a bright light appears and then they abduct her. The aliens she works with the most look exactly like people, and in their handwriting show severe abuse. These benevolent aliens have taken her fetuses several times. She has time-traveled to their planet. She is dissociative. The government authorities are constantly monitoring and tracking her, and have made an effort to besmudge her record, so that it appears like she is looney tunes. This is the type of cases that this book's co-author has spent time working with. Doesn't t this sound more like human mind-control than real aliens?

Person 2: This person hears aliens within his head (which when described sounds like a case of MPD (DID). The aliens would take him and force him to have homosexual activities even though he didn't want to participate. But that was O.K. to him, because they were a superior race and if these benevolent aliens which are so far advanced beyond us, want to have sex with him, that is their perogative. This person has a lot of depression. This person wonders why the authorities seem to keep track of him.

Person 3: This person worked at Area 51. Has a photographic memory throughout his entire MPD system. He realizes that he is MPD. His best friend claims to be an alien, a god of sorts, and is known by both this person & Fritz to be part of Naval Intelligence. This best friend acts more like a handler than an alien, and this Area 51 worker gives his best friend total allegiance. This man has all kinds of alien type stories, which sound in many cases like programming. This person admits that his family is Illuminati, and the front alters say he has watched Illuminati rituals as an adult, but hasn't participated . He shows signs of severe abuse. He is afraid to talk about trauma-based mind-control, but loves to talk about aliens.

In fact, all three of the persons discussed on this page shied away from talking about Monarch mind-control, as if it were something not important, but they all love to talk about aliens. And the list of interesting people like this could go on.

When Mind-controlled slaves who have alien programming are being abducted by the intelligence agencies for their use and for programming here are some of the details of how and what occurs: A bright light is shined into their house. They have been hypnotically conditioned to view this light as a Flying Saucer, whether it is a helicopter or something else. As the NWO does have Flying Saucers, sometimes the real thing is used. Men in Black (just like in SRA cases) are often associated with the abductions. And the slaves frequently speak about "shadows in the mind."

The slaves are taken to rooms where examining tables with white sheets and X-ray machines, Headgear and medical equipment is in place. (The alien equipment has gotten more high-tech over the last 40 years. The aliens wear suits that are full of occult symbology. The people are restrained with clamps and electrical shock and energy is used on them. They are told that they are receiving information. They are given tracking implants and other implants.

All of the 3 above persons, receive information from the aliens regularly. Almost all of the elements of Monarch trauma-based mind-control appear in these abduction accounts, especially in the psychological features of the victim. The victims of alien abduction programming feel suicidal after they talk too much. They have headaches, sleep difficulties, nightmares, obsessive thoughts, a fear of hypnosis, trapped feelings, and paranoia.

During their abductions the aliens use drugs, thought transfers, and painful medical procedures. The aliens use language that parallels the messages given to SRA victims, just change the language from Satan is in charge to the Aliens are in charge.

Cattle mutilations where the blood has been drain are associated with abductions. There is documented accounts where cattle mutilations have been connected to Satanic cults using helicopters. The victims of aliens are forced to be impregnated and then the fetus is repeatedly taken. The aliens are repeatedly telling these victims that a holocaust is soon to come.

Another strange phenomena, that others and this author have noticed is that these victims of alien abduction seen to know each other, much in the same way that victims of Illuminati mind-control seem to know each other. And the aliens seem to know everything about the victims. The victims have amnesia of their abductions. The memories of their abductions are hidden in altered states of consciousness, that hypnosis sometimes can pull up. Most victims are afraid of hypnosis or can't be hypnotized (they have been hypnotized not to allow anyone else to hypnotize them.)

To give credit where due, Bowart's Operation Mind Control Researcher's edition, (1994) has an excellent appendix with charts which compare SRA mind-control victims and alien abduction victims. The charts reveal how similar the two groups are. In preparing these paragraphs, we have used his charts as a basis for how we wrote these last two paragraphs up. However, the co-authors experiences in working with abduction victims match the findings of Bowart. Do aliens from another planet exist? They may or may not. It is not a real issue, we have to face what is already on this planet.

Fritz has several tapes of aliens of different types talking (which were obtained from abduction survivors) and their voices sound demonic and they are saying that they have been alive on this planet for many years. One said something like he's been here on earth 500,000 years. If an alien has lived on this planet for 1/2 million years, when does he get residence status. My! If that is true, he is no alien--we are!

But one thing is certain, this planet contains some very slimy evil creatures who are either real non-humans or very deceptive dark humans. The Bible calls them demons and reprobate men. The four most popular origins of supposed aliens on earth are all star groups relatively close to our solar system.

They are: the Pleiades, known as the 7 or 9 sisters, because their are 9 stars of which 7 are visible; Sirius, the dog constellation; the Orion constellation; and the twin stars of Zeta Reticuli, which twin stars were amazingly charted by Chinese astrologers in 3,000 B.C.!

Fritz, the co-author of this book kept an open mind on the issue, could there be any benevolent aliens? Some abductees believed that their aliens were benevolent, but when they are debriefed they admit that mind-control and sexual molestation is carried out by the aliens. Fritz, has concluded with other investigators on this question, there are no benevolent aliens, in fact the only aliens that may be around are what have been known as demons.

People who have participated in high level Illuminati ceremonies report the presence of creatures that look like the various aliens . (This whole subject is dealt with in another book by Fritz Springmeier.) Some points might be briefly brought out. Fritz has amassed a great deal of evidence that the elite have human-built Flying Saucers. Notice how the controlled media always link aliens with Flying Saucers and UFOs? This is an entire book in itself, however, the bottom line is that at least most (if not all) of the alien abductions are simply part of the NWO s mind-control.

It is obvious that for various reasons (including the goals set down in the secret Iron Mountain government report), the government (including cooperating agencies like NASA) decided to use an alien abduction theme rather than a Satanic Ritual Abuse theme to their mind-control programming. The major differences in the programming methodology is that the blood rituals of the SRA are no longer used. The reason why blood rituals are no longer needed is that the high-tech harmonic machines (which implant thoughts-see chap. 6) and other high-tech methods eliminate the need for the blood traumas. The victims of alien abductions are taken at random, where the Illuminati victims are abducted more frequently around ritual dates. The person who believes in UFOs and aliens is going to receive the same type of treatment as those who believe in Satanic Ritual Abuse. The legal system and society at large are conditioned to treat them as nuts. This protects their abusers.

An Illuminati hierarchy member described their magic goal of pursuing a spiritual path through the finer frequencies of outer time. The alien programming is one way to experience this.
Island of the Blue Dolphins

This is a child's book by Scott O Dell. The people of an island have both an everyday name and a magical name. When the chief gives his magical name to a Russian captain named Orlov, he and his warriors end up being killed in battle. The alters of Monarch slaves have names they can give outsiders and then their access code names which must be kept secret. Part of the story is to stay in line with what one's ancestors have done. Other items in the book, such as the four winds from the four directions fit in with programming too.

The book is just one of many that the programmers want the children to hear so that they naturally adopt the correct programming scripts.

The Lord of the Rings

Some Illuminati survivors are always looking for a ring. Rings play a significant part in the lives and programming of slaves. One section that is coding/programming found in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings is One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

The Most Important Programming Script--The Lesser Key

One of the most important scripts for the Illuminati Mind-control Programmers is the Lesser Key of Solomon Goetia, The Book of Evil Spirits.

The Illuminati Doctors Green, Black, White and Blue (that is Mengele, Wheeler, Cameron, and Mueller) were fully knowledgeable about The Lesser Key of Solomon Goetia. In fact, all those who go beyond the initial levels in the Illuminati are required to study the entire book. It's an important ritual book. It is very out of fashion to believe in demons. It is in fashion to believe in aliens, in ghosts, in the internal psychological wizard that guides you, and other things which to those high in demonology secretly know are simply covers for what used to be called demons.

Both the high level Illuminati and the alert Christians are saying many of the same things concerning demons. Is "magical" phenonmena real? Do the programmers really believe in it? In the Lesser Key of Solomon Goetia it answers, "I am not concerned to deny the objective reality of all 'magical' phenonmena; if they are illusions, they are at least as real as many unquestioned facts of daily life; and...they are at least evidence of some cause." (p.10) The author of the Lesser Key of Solomon Goetia then points out that all our sense impressions of the universe are dependent upon changes in the brain. Reality is a perception of the mind. So the author states, "...we must include illusions, which are after all sense impressions as much as realities' are, in the class of 'phenomena dependent on brain changes.'

Magical phenomena, however, come under a special subclass, since they are willed, and their cause is the series of 'real' phenomena called the operations of ceremonial magic." In other words, when the Illuminati practice ceremonial magic, their magic to them is as real as life, but they do not feel a need to defend its reality.

People in the occult encourage children to fantasize. Fantasy is looked at with favor. Whether the power and healing and mind-control of demonology stems from illusion or Jung's autonomous power of the human psyche to attract & manifest archetypes through the human soul or some other source is not an issue for Satanists. They are seeing results, power, healings and the destruction of their enemies by demonology.

Within the Illuminati illusion, myth, and perception are all esteemed. Are they alone? No, they are not alone. The myth that the United States is a democracy is probably a far stronger "reality" in the minds of Americans than the actual reality that it is a tightly controlled secret oligarchy with a republican front. But in this case, which is the greater real reality? The American believes his myth enough that he dies for it. He fights the "war to end all wars" and then the "war to save the world FOR DEMOCRACY" (to quote some popular world war slogans).

In the American mind, he achieves victory even though he has fought and died for a myth. And even when the mythical goals he fought for aren't even achieved, he believes he has achieved a victory. The first world war never brought everlasting peace and the war to save the world for democracy ended after "victory" with more of the world under stronger totalitarian rule than before the war began. The bottom line is that myths and illusions make up a large part of the reality of most people's lives. Movie actors have repeatedly found out that they incur their fan's wrath if they try to reveal their real selves to the public. The point also is that the person practicing ceremonial magic will not be impressed by the average person, even if he be a minister, who has structured his life on myths and illusions, who will tell him that his ceremonial magic is not real. The magician will naturally ask, "Who IS living in a world of reality?"

Ceremonial magic is a very strong "reality" to the Illuminati's mind-controlled slaves, because the programmers make great efforts to develop the five "impressions" listed on page 11 of The Lesser Key, which are:

(1) Sight. The circle, square, triangle, vessels, lamps, robes, implements, etc.
(2) Sound. The invocations.
(3) Smell. The perfumes.
(4) Taste. The Sacraments.
(5) Touch. As under

(1). These are reflected upon by the person, and these 5 produce unusual brain-changes. Later two more senses are also highly developed. Programmed multiple-slaves have visual and auditory acuity far beyond the normal person. The Lesser Keys of Solomon Goetia goes on to say, "The Spirits of the Goetia are portions of the human brain. Their seals therefore represent methods of stimulating or regulating those particular spots (through the eye)." "The names of God are vibrations calculated to establish:

(a) General control of the brain....

(b) Control over the brain in detail. (Rank or type of the Spirit)

(c) Control of one special portion. (Name of Spirit.) The perfumes aid this through smell. Usually the perfume will only tend to control a large area; but there is an attribution of perfumes to letters of the alphabet enabling one, by a Qabalistic formula, to spell out the Spirit's name." (p. 12) Did the reader grasp that? The most important script for the programmers is to use ceremonial magic which uses the names of God to establish GENERAL, & SPECIFIC CONTROL (via a hierarchial arrangement of demons) over a person's mind. More will be covered about this in Chapter 10.

But while we are on the subject let's go just a little bit farther. "If, then, I say, with Solomon: 'The Spirit Cimieries teaches logic,' what I mean is: Those portions of my brain which subserve the logical faculty may be stimulated and developed by following out the processes called 'The Invocation of Cimieries.' And this is exactly what the programmers do.

They invoke via many rituals all types of specific demon (or demonic energy) to enhance the particular mental functions they want. For instance, Typhon and Choronzon (also Horonzon) are demons who are essential in building the structure of a programmed multiple. They must be invoked before the early start of dividing the mind.

Michael Bertieaux heads up the Horonzon Club, an unofficial part of Kenneth Grant's OTO. The demon Horonzon (or Choronzon) looks like a grey alien, and was conjured up by Sir John Dee, who was Queen Elizabeth I's genius advisor and court sorcerer.

Transyuggothian magic is carried out in order to reach Transyuggothian Space (also known as Trans-Plutonian Space and Universe B). These existence of these dimensions are kept very secret. The ancient cult of the Star Sirius, from which supposedly we are now getting aliens, had rituals to get one into the celebrated Universe B.

Sirius B (the binary twin star that exists with the actual Sirius A star) represented the god Ra Hoor Khuit. Sirius A represented the Egyptian devil.

Let's reflect on all this demonic "illusion". As stated, an American will die for the myth that America is saving the world for democracy. This made sense to psychologists at the time. However, if a slave dies for what he sees as the reality of voodoo magic, the psychologist dismisses it as unimportant--a mere coincidence. Since voodoo magic doesn't exist in the psychologist's mind, the psychologist believes that magic carries no threat to its intended victim. Likewise, because the psychologist doesn't believe in demons, demons supposedly pose no threat to the mind-controlled slave. The psychologist is really projecting his perception of reality upon someone else, and it doesn't work.

The Illuminati programmers are counting on the therapists ignoring demonology. In Bowart's in-most-respects excellent book Operation Mind Control, (Researcher Edition, Ft. Bragg, CA: Flatland, 1994, p. 249.) asks the reader to self-hypnotize himself by several times "looking into your mind's eye". To Bowart, he sees the trance state as merely looking into your mind's eye. He does not attribute any demonic activity to be involved with such things. No wonder, Bowart writes very disparagingly and critically about Christians who are trying to do demonic deliverances to slaves. But then as far as I know Bowart hasn't freed anyone of their mind-control either, he is just a reporter.

Both ministers and psychologists have contempt for each other's excesses. We must bear in mind that the victims of this total mind-control have their bodies, minds, and spirits enslaved. The body, mind and spirit need to be simultaneously liberated. A great deal of the success of the Programmers is that ministers have rejected the study of the mind (psychology) and therapists have rejected spiritual things. The victim is left without a way to heal both spirit and mind. Partial freedom is still slavery. And not only that but both therapists and ministers seem to feel the actual physical threats to the slave's body to be outside of their jurisdiction, and by default it is left up to the victim to provide. Which again without the body safe and healed, the mind and spirit are not fully free. There are therapists and others who pontificate about how evil Christian ministers are for trying to deliver mind-controlled slaves from their demonic possession. This is not the problem. The problem is that the Illuminati have skillfully separated the various therapeutic elements both functionally and legally. The answer to the enslavement of body, soul, mind and spirit is a team of people who will address all the issues together. Both the psychologists and ministers see the excesses of each other, but a little humility would go a long way, for both sides to recognize each other's value. God works through all people, even those who resist Him. That is why he can rightly be called Almighty God.

C. The Use of Lies Externally and Internally, The Use of Covers and Fronts, The Art of Hiding Things in A System

External Deceptions

There seems to be no end to the lies that are involved with the Monarch programming. The old adage that nothing is as it appears, is generally the rule. However, once one catches on to the common tactics of deceptions, the tactics themselves become red flags which can alert a thinking person to what is hidden.

This is similar to those Russians who could read between the lines when reading communist propaganda and figure out the truth. The deception begins with covering up the identity of the slave. Within the Illuminati, the art of hiding genealogies is a fine art. Children are swapped and placed with foster parents. Mothers all of a sudden have babies, when no one has noticed them being pregnant.

Investigators like Fritz Springmeier, who have been investigating court house records and other primary documents have seen court house records altered overnight, to cover up genealogical and financial information.

Covers For Individual Slaves

The individual slave is usually given a good cover. A good cover will be one that cannot be seen through, and still allows the person the freedom to get their job done. When building a cover, the following questions will be asked: how much will this cover allow this person to spend? what kind of people can this person associate with? where can this person go? and what kind of hobby can he or she have?

By now, the Illuminati have their secret slaves in so many places that they have their bases covered in all fields. True life examples include: a Monarch programmer who appears to be simply a middle class housewife. A Monarch computer programmer who appears to be a deaf and dumb mute when in the presence of the public, but the deeper brilliant alters work secretly at programming computers during the day. An international spy, who is a programmed multiple, who has a totally different set of I.D. and wigs, so that when they switch to certain alters used for the intelligence agencies--they not only act different, they look different, and have different valid I.D. An apparently dumb blond may be a very intelligent highly trained Monarch slave.

Within the intelligence world Monarch slaves will function as Agent Provocateurs, which are people who join groups with the purpose of leading the group to do things that will cause it harm. The neo-Nazis are full of Agent Provocateurs as are some of the Patriot groups. Some Monarch slaves are what is called "clean agents"--that is they have never been used in intelligence work, so they have no record of use. Monarchs are great for being used by this or that group on a limited basis without anyone suspecting any connection.

The Intelligence term for the elaborate cover histories they give one of their Monarch slaves to operate as an agent is called a "legend". Supporting documents will be placed into the appropriate government files to support the legend.

The intelligence agencies may have several intact "legends" for different personalities of a slave. The intelligence term is NOTIONAL. It roughly means "a fictional entity for the sake of an intelligence operation." Notional organizations are created to steal strength away from sincere organizations. If a church (or non-CIA KKK group etc.) gets too sincere and powerful, a well-financed notional rival will start up, and then later fold under scandal.

The net effect is to destroy the entire cause. At least half of the therapists helping Monarch slaves in the authors' area are programmed multiples themselves! The therapeutic community is heavily infiltrated. The help lines for women in crisis are all dirty. Some of the Christian groups that claim to help SRA victims are really fronts.

One recovering Monarch slave tells about how her father was the mayor of an important city in Pennsylvania . He was part of the Illuminati and he introduced drugs into his area, and had a monopoly on illegal drugs in the area. As mayor he established the first drug hot line, so that people could inform authorities about drug trafficking. He staffed the drug hot line with his own people and this allowed him to get tips to eliminate his competition.

The intelligence agencies which are using mind-control are hiding their drug trafficking and criminal activities. One of the ways they do this is the so-called War on Drugs. The situation is so bad and widespread that even the controlled media has had news where they reported CIA agents smuggling drugs seized in South America into the U.S. using government channels.

When a slave is being programmed, the abusers will use schools, churches, Big Brothers, Boy Scouts and other activities to carry out the abuse and programming. Children pulled from classes will be given back-up amnesia so that they forget that they forgot. In other words, they are totally unaware that they have lost time when they were pulled out of the classroom. The teacher gives them a test score, and they are told they took a test during the missing time. How can the front alters deny it, when they have been hypnotized to believe it and they can see the test scores?

Alter boys and boys at catholic orphanages have a record of being used by dirty priests. Recently, numerous priests have been discovered molesting children, and hundreds of lawsuits are underway, but it is still not coming out that this abuse is connected to trauma-based mind-control. In the past, if the parents who were part of the Illuminati elite, but were not religious wanted their boy programmed, they could send him off to a military school run under the cooperation of the Catholic church and units such as the 6th U.S. Army, which became one of the primary infiltrated units. The 6th army uses the magical hexagram as its logo. This would provide the programmed child with a religious front. He could say, "I went to catholic school." The programming could be disguised as discipline, etc.

The establishment media have worked propaganda wonders for the abusers of the Monarch Mind-control. Britain is extremely repressive in their information control. If any news medium tries to leak the most simplistic of information a secret document called a notice" will be sent at any time of day to them from a D-notice committee, and the media will have to stop whatever reference is deemed a secret. In the U.S. it in effect works as tight, it just is not officially as tight.

The abusers know that they also have an Incredulous Factor that can assist them. Who would believe that a sweet child drinks blood and is cannabalistic? The more that they can do that is far fetched, the less credibility the child has if they do talk. Some children do try to talk. One Monarch slave talked at age five, and her entire family came down hard on her and blamed the child's talking for the death of one of the abusers. What kind of proof can a child bring that adults will accept?

In the McMartin Preschool case about 800 children were witnesses whose stories colloborated the SRA and programming that was done, but the media, and the judicial system were able to cover up the abuse and make it look on television that the abusers were the victims! It wasn't until after the case was over and the property sold, that the tangible proof (the secret tunnels with paraphenalia) were found, and then the news media has covered that up too.

The abusers will often wear masks and costumes. Let's say a programmer wears a Mickey Mouse outfit, and the child would remember and tell, "Mickey Mouse hurt me." Now who is going to believe the child? The child has told the truth, but will be reprimanded for telling the truth. It doesn't take long for a severely abused child, who has been programmed to keep silent, to learn that no one wants to hear the truth anyway.
The Use of Religious Fronts

A great deal of Monarch programming and slave abuse, (as well as the drug trade) is done under three major covers or fronts: Religious Fronts, the Front of National Security and the Military, and the Entertainment fields, especially the Country Western Industry, the Rock Music Industry and Hollywood .

The religious fronts were popular for centuries, especially when groups like the Jesuits, the Assassins, and other groups held immense power. Religious fronts are still being used such as J.Z. Knight, Elizabeth Claire Prophet's CUT church, the Church of Scientology , the Charismatic movement, Jim Jones & Jonestown, and David Koresh's group etc. Billy Ray Moore's Lord's Chapel is entirely a mind-control operation. There is a nondenomination Pentecostal church in southern Washington whose entire membership is Satanists under mind-control.

Various overseas "missionary" groups are covers for the CIA & mind-control. It would take a book to explain how these religious fronts are part of the total trauma-based mind-control and how they operate to protect mind-control, however there are publications which go into some of the CIA connections to these groups. It is suggested that interested persons read these publications.

Some of the deceptions such as the lone assassin idea have been used for centuries as a cover for assassinations planned by the occult hierarchy. If we are going to really reveal how the Monarch Mind-control is done, we will have to explain how the deception is done. If one describes a chameleon only by saying "it is like a lizard", without mentioning the camouflage, then the most important part has been overlooked.

Religious fronts are an important part of the Illuminati program for making slaves. In fact, due to their gnostic philosophy of balancing their good deeds with their bad deeds, it is almost essential to have a religious front through which one can do good deeds. Even though adding this section to the book will spur some to blindly lash out at the book, still the whole story needs to come out. When we, the authors of this book, write that the Monarch-type total mind-control threatens everything this nation stands for, we are not exaggerating. The Monarch Mind-control program has not been used just to program slaves--but it has been part of a much bigger deception.

When this deception is realized by this nation, it will shatter the very fabric of trust that Americans have in their institutions. If Americans will begin to understand the power structure behind their institutions, and who controls this structure, they will begin to see the lies in the scripts that they have been fed since infancy. And YOU, the reader of this next section in this book, if you love the truth, can help begin the healing process to overcome some of the devastation that is going to rock this nation when the truth comes out.

This next section will help both Christian and non-Christian reader. The therapist can learn about what is happening so that they can better deal with what the SRA survivors are beginning to reveal. The grooming of the American people to believe massive amounts of lies did work, UNTIL a few loving therapists, ministers, and doctors began to liberate victims of the Monarch trauma-based mind-control. These programmed multiples began revealing a horror story of deception unparalleled in history. For the reader to deal with the next section means courage. It means that the reader will have to muster up some of the same type of love of truth that the mind-control survivors must muster to free themselves of the lies of their satanic programming. What we see and hear can be programming, in the same way SRA victims are deceived.

Everyone in the Illuminati of any significance has participated in grooming the public to believe that Billy Graham is a great man of God. Graham has stood beside each of the Presidents and the Pope. The Illuminati don't just program individuals, they program whole nations. The public has been led to believe in a television image. But what if the secular media's image of Billy Graham is not real? For Christians it means that they can quit trusting in a man, and place their trust fully on God. For secular readers, they can begin to see the extent of how America 's institutions have been corrupted by the horrible trauma-based mind-control. The heart-beat of the Body of Christ is crying out that something is terribly wrong. We will address that. All of us, whether Christian or not, must step out of the lies and look clearly out into the darkness and see every facet of this evil mind-control.

When men who worship the god of this world place "In God We Trust" on the Federal Reserve bank notes, we who know the truth must step out of our dream world and realize that they mean Lucifer. (By the way, the Federal Reserve is not a government agency, but a private banking institution of the Illuminati. This has been documented in a number of writings.) The issue at hand in this next section is to show how the institution called "the Christian church", and the world in general has been deceived by a programmed multiple and this trauma-based mind-control.

Secular readers will be shown that the doctrines that Christians want to believe in, have been subtly destroyed under the disguise of building them up. This is no different than the destruction of the positive values which hold any group together. (After the repeated collaboration by essentially all the Christian churches worldwide in many activities as the NCC, the Billy Graham Crusades, the Promise Keepers and other programs, the Christian churches, Orthodox, Catholic, Protestant & non-denominational can be considered one institution.)

The infiltration and control of the Christian religion has been one of the easiest tasks of the Illuminati. The Christian churches are what the intelligence agencies called "SOFT TARGETS."


In 1992, Billy Graham broadcast all over the U.S. his radio show called Embrace America 2000. In the Louisiana area, it came over the KJAM Lafayette Station. During the show, Billy Graham told the American people we need to embrace the New World Order. Billy Graham is also on record stating that people can have salvation through paganism (another name for witchcraft). For instance, in McCall Magazine (Jan. 1987) Graham stated,

"I used to believe that pagans in far-off countries were lost--were going to hell. I no longer believe that. I believe that there are other ways of recognizing the existence of God--through nature, for instance."

Pagans believe that salvation can be obtained through nature. This is not a pleasant story. Billy Graham has been built up to be the most respected popular person in America . Who wants to find out they have been deceived? We will try to give you the facts, or evidence, and may God grant you wisdom as you read this. This section is not propaganda for our own personal views.

Years ago, when Fritz set out on his search, he had no final outcome in mind. Fritz isn't concerned with concealing facts one way or the other. There is no desire to stampede our readers any where. We do want to clarify many issues. We do want to help the truth seeker. But the co-authors personally have no battle to win, except that truth be brought forth. The issues at stake are not trivial.

Historically, Billy Graham's deception is one of the "greatest" deceptions that has ever been perpetrated. Some might argue the greatest, making Benedict Arnold, Quisling, and the Trojan Horse pale into insignificance.

Allow us to introduce you just briefly into the world of the Illuminati. All top hierarchy Satanists are required to have covers. The Illuminatus will have multiple personalities, and he or she will have one personality that is particularly shown to the outside world. They (the Programmers, handlers and the Illuminati councils) try to get the best covers that they can. They like to be clergymen, but they are also mayors of big cities, lawyers, doctors, etc.

A Christian psychiatrist who has worked with numerous victims of Satanism and Multiple Personality Disorder wrote this observation after having worked with a large number of ex-multi-generational programmed Satanic multiples,

"Some Satanists have invaded the church as it is the perfect cover for them. They masquerade as angels of light and gravitate towards positions of leadership in order to have more influence. Because much of what they say is sound doctrinally, they are rarely detected. Most survivors whom I have worked with had Satanist parents who were in high positions in churches; many were pastors."

(Dr. Fox, Loreda. The Spiritual and Clinical Dimensions of Multiple Personality Disorder. Salida , CO : Books of Sangre de Cristo, p. 196.)

Let us repeat what Dr. Loreda Fox said, "Most survivors whom I have worked with had Satanist parents who were in high positions in churches; many were pastors."

She didn't say "some," she said MOST. Independently, we have discovered the very same thing. People don't grasp that just because a preacher can sincerely preach what seems a "perfect sermon," doesn't mean that he can't also be part of the Satanic hierarchy. What is happening with the Illuminati's ability to create programmed multiples is that we are getting perfect preachers who are secret hierarchy members.

Some of their "perfect sermons" are full of slides, such as "the Christian people need to get involved in the voting process". Christians love to hear such things, it tickles their ears, but the truth is that the entire voting process has been captured and corrupted. Voting machines have repeatedly been exposed to have been rigged, and the controlled media and public denial have prevented Americans from giving up their myth that the common man's votes run this nation. (The subject of election corruption is dealt with in Fritz's newsletters, etc.)

In Fritz's Be Wise As Serpents book (which exposed Billy Graham as a Luciferian in 1991), it is explained that high level Satanism is Gnosticism which requires that "the Force" of these great satanic magicians be balanced. In other words, in high level Satanism your good deeds must balance your evil deeds. People do not realize that unless someone does "good" deeds they cannot be a high level Satanist. That is why some of the greatest philanthropists are also our leading national Satanists.

To see Billy Graham do something commendable does not disqualify him from Satanism. In fact, it is a requirement if he's been part of the Illuminati, such as ex-insiders/witnesses say he was. In fact, it wasn't until working on this book that an eyewitness to the mind-control abuse of at the hands of Billy Graham offered to help contribute to this section of the book. In other words, an eyewitness helped write this. This eyewitness account by the Co-author matches what the list of eyewitnesses that Fritz assembled in 1993 have said. But the eyewitness went further and exposed B.G. crusades' skillful use of Monarch slaves to launder drug money.

Several police officers have stated that today, there is for all practical purposes no police training helping police to understand Satanism. They are highly trained in many areas, but Satanism is avoided. When an SRA case involving multiplicity in Olympia , WA recently happened, the police who investigated the case found that they were treated as international experts in Satanism by other policemen. They themselves knew that they knew very little.

Where are the experts to teach us about how the Illuminati functions? Where are the experts who know who are in the Illuminati? There is no college open to the public that teaches Advanced Illuminati Studies 401, and gives degrees in Satanism. The expert witnesses are those who have managed to leave the Illuminati and Satanism, and stay alive long enough to talk. But the other side will argue, how can we verify the testimony of your witnesses Fritz?

Remember what happened to over 100 people who had some type of knowledge about the Kennedy assassination? Jim Marrs in his book Crossfire on the Kennedy Assassination lists 103 people who were key figures in knowing about the assassination who have died, many in circumstances that indicate assassination. The story we are dealing with here is just as sensitive to the elite as Kennedy's assassination, because it involves their preparations for the creation of a false Christ, called by Christians the AntiChrist, who will be the master handler/programmer.

The List Of Known And Credible Witnesses

If the authors were to call my list of witnesses up to the witness stand--which I can't for it would be a death sentence to many of them, the list would include:

1 Council of Foreign Relations member, who is secretly against the New World Order

1 National Security Agency person, who is against the New World Order

1 CIA high level administrator

2 Satanists, still in covens, but unhappy enough with the situation to talk

4 ex-Satanists, 3 of which are eyewitnesses, all Christians now

2 ex-New Age leaders who worked with the Conspiracy, both became Christians

1 ex-33° Mason, now a Christian

Various Christians who have worked with Billy Graham, Pastors, etc.

Various therapists working with SRA victims

The man who ran Security at the Sacramento Crusade

Alice Braemer, a woman who worked as a secretary for Jeanne Dixon

None, except for a couple of exceptions, none of these people knew anything about what the other witnesses (sources) had said. The high degree of validation and collaboration that separate testimony by witnesses who have never seen each other and live in different parts of the country is very powerful. There are several questions that pop up into people's minds who are not familiar with who Fritz is, and are not familiar with these witnesses. The type of worries some readers could be naturally having might be: But how are we, the readers, to know how accurate these people are? Are they trustworthy? Do they have a reputation for honesty? Could they possibly be giving false information to discredit a great man of God?

These kind of questions can be natural questions for people unfamiliar with how this information was obtained. But we assure you, that what we pass on from these eyewitnesses can be relied upon. None of these worries have any substance to them, because the manner in which Fritz came to find out about Billy Graham has generally been while he was researching other things related to the Illuminati. The author has not been out to build a case, the case has built itself from numerous detached witnesses who have nothing to gain by telling what they know. These witnesses have not come to Fritz to feed him bogus information.

Just the paper trail on Billy Graham is very revealing in itself. Generally the information of these witnesses has been confided by these witnesses to their trusted friends. Initially, these witness have had no idea that the information they confided in their trusted close associates would go beyond their most trusted friends. These trusted friends then have had permission to let me contact them or find out their information. The reason why these people are believable is that the information they reveal could get them killed, and second, the manner and circumstances of how the information has originally unfolded has never been in any fashion or method that could be construed as an attempt to give false information.

Clarifying What Is Looked For In Proof

Too many people are considered guilty unless proven innocent--which means that a legitimate search for truth has NOT taken place. On the flip side, we must bear in mind that hidden information that has laid dormant for years may totally reverse our understanding of something. Exceptional circumstances may surprise us. If some item does not lend itself to totally irrefutable, totally unqualified claims, then knowing this, the proper investigator uses words like "almost certainly" and "most likely". If the investigator feels strongly that everything is totally clear, he may declare that something is correct "without qualification." This is the nature of proof.

We need to understand the qualifications and reservations that often are attached to evidence or conclusions. But we certainly do want to press our investigations as far as possible to get as many "unqualified" conclusions as possible. Of course, by the time we write this, we have already done our investigating, and have one conclusion without any qualification: Billy Graham is working for the Satanic Hierarchy. We want to try to introduce the material in such a way that you will get some sense of the search, so that you will not simply accept our conclusion but will make rational spirit-led critically-thought-out decisions about Billy Graham.

So for the sake of the reader's investigation, please, let us unshackle ourselves from our prejudices and preconceived labels. Let us suspend our judgment about Billy Graham one way or the other, until we have thoroughly studied, prayed and gained discernment about this. It might be interesting to get some of the Masons, who casually without realizing what they were saying, have talked about Billy Graham's membership, or other aspects of his Masonic involvement.

It's doubtful that such men would be of any value on the witness stand. Their numerous Masonic oaths to lie and conceal Freemasonry under penalties of gruesome death would tend to have more influence on them than swearing on a Bible. (See Duncan's Masonic Ritual book, p. 30 for the 1st Degree oath.) This type of witness, because they talked accidentally and casually are very valuable witnesses to whoever accidentally hears them, but unfortunately they must be assumed to be still loyal to the Masonic Lodge and would be hostile witnesses that will not cooperate. If this were an actual court of law, depositions of Billy Graham's staff could be taken, so that it could be revealed to the court how many times they have lied. By showing their lies, their testimony would be impeached and Christians would realize that Billy Graham's staff have played a major role in the deception.

This article will put forth evidence that impeaches the testimony of Billy Graham's staff. We must refer readers to the Be Wise As Serpents book and other writings of Fritz for more information. Also some other books will be named too. Because these leaders are corrupt, they have been participating in the mass deception of the world about what Billy Graham does and who he is. In fact, if this were a court of law all types of people could be subpoenaed to take depositions, and we might find out many more things than we already know.
The Motivation of the Co-Authors

Many people, who like Billy Graham, have imputed evil motives to anyone exposing Billy Graham. As the Scripture say at one point, "Am I to become your enemy because I tell you the truth?" The story about Billy Graham and his life-long career for the Illuminati is not an easy thing for us to write. We do not enjoy speaking negative things against people. We do enjoy speaking positive things about people. And yet no man, no servant of God is above reproach. We can personally have an inner peace that what we have done was what we should have done. Something needs to be done to wake mankind up before its too late.

Clarifying What is Acceptable Testimony

In some subjects, going to the encyclopedia or almanac will settle questions. In dealing with the Illuminati and high levels of the occult world -- unless the investigator is willing to listen to eye-witness testimony, he or she will get nowhere. There is rarely any written record of their secret activities. But how much stock can be put in eye-witnesses? Many people up to now have criticized Fritz for using eye-witnesses. But remember that if we did manage to get some paper trail or books on the subject, that book paper trail would not be acceptable in court, or even if allowed would not be as important as our eyewitnesses.

In court, the written records can be introduced along with the person who recorded them. In other words, the personal witness is still important even with written documents. The testimony of our eyewitnesses expose Billy Graham's mind-control activities. Still, we want to bear in mind that witnesses have varying degrees of credibility and knowledge. The qualifications of witness in relation to what they are testifying is important. But to simply dismiss all these witnesses because they are not paper is simply to cut ourselves off from many valuable sources of information.

In accumulating evidence, the researcher will come upon two types of information. One is prearranged evidence and the other is called casual evidence. Casual evidence is evidence that has just happened to appear by accident. An actual example is when friends of mine met a total stranger who happens to be a Mason and he offhandedly talks about Billy Graham being a Freemason. Casual evidence is simply evidence that happens without the interested party having anything to do with it surfacing. Finding casual evidence is generally "luck".

In this case, Fritz has bumped into a great deal of casual evidence, simply because he had his eyes open and has been investigating this area for several years. Because of the situation today in this nation, there is little chance to get a proper hearing of this information. In terms of the future, indeed, the backlash from this book may silence us. The truth will still remain, even if we and the other witnesses don't.

We can draw conclusions about ducks from studying various types of ducks. I can not draw conclusions about radios from studying ducks, I can generalize about American made cars, but I can't include in my generalization about American cars an ox-cart in India . This may sound basic, and it is, yet people try to generalize by lumping the generational Satanists in with everybody else, and it just doesn't work. They also try to draw conclusions about the Freemasons on the basis of what the Rotary Club they belong to is like and it just doesn't work.

In terms of trying to get a proper hearing today, one of the barriers is that people use their own experiences to draw conclusions. People have nothing in their experience to allow them to draw conclusions about the Illuminati programmers/handlers who are moral degenerates and programmed multiples, who will do anything, in spite of their nice fronts.

The Policies of Deception By The Billy Graham Crusade Staff

In 1992, a Christian named Richard Bennett, a friend of Fritz's confronted the Billy Graham Crusade staff. What he was concerned about was the Billy Graham crusade policy (that has been in place since the 50's) of sending Catholics that come forward back to Catholic churches. Documentation shows that the deception is worse than that, new believers that have never gone to any church are sometimes referred by the Billy Graham counselors to the Catholic Church.

Now, why would Richard and Fritz be concerned about the Catholic Church? Richard Bennett was a priest from Ireland who worked at the Vatican , before giving his life to Christ. He knows how the Catholic hierarchy prevents people from realizing what they have in Christ. For those who have read Fritz's Be Wise As Serpents book chapter 2.2 you know that Fritz is very concerned when anyone gives their allegiance to a power structure that is part of the NWO and part of its Monarch trauma-based total mind control.

Not everything about the Catholic church is wrong. Yet, the Billy Graham Crusade could never get the support it gets from conservative Christians if Billy Graham's staff didn't lie about where Crusade converts are sent. What Richard and Fritz were concerned about was that new Christians would be sent to Catholic churches, which now are teaching Zen Buddhism, New Age things, not the salvation by grace that these new Christians need. Granted the enthusiasm of these new Christians might infuse some life into the Catholic church, but a babe in Christ is defenseless. He needs nurture, and the chance to grow. It isn't meant for new Christians to be thrown to the wolves.

Anyway, last Spring and Summer, the Billy Graham Crusade Executive committee was confronted face to face with the evidence of what the Billy Graham Crusade in Sept. '93 was going to do. Actually, more people than Richard did confront them, but Richard is one of the most knowledgeable ministries to the Catholics in this area. What the Billy Graham Crusade Executive Committee told Richard Bennett was that he had nothing to worry about. That the crusade would never send anyone to a Catholic church, but that if new converts wanted to go there on their own, that was their own choice.

Four Catholic leaders sat on the Executive Committee for the '92 Portland Crusade -- Chancellor Mary Joe Telly, a deacon and two priests. On the Catholic radio station, (and we have it recorded,) Mary Joe Telly of the Billy Graham Executive Committee along with another Bishop Wall Schmidt told the Catholic listeners not to worry that if they came forward they would be guaranteed that they would be referred back to a Catholic church. They gave the assurance four times in that talk show. They said that the decision to send people who came forward to Catholic churches was firm because it had come right from the very top. This was 6 p.m KVDM Portland station. Our recording of this is a record of just one of thousands of lies that the Billy Graham Crusade people have told Christians over the years.

In fact, from the evidence it appears the Billy Graham Crusade people say whatever they have to, regardless of the truth. In the North Star Baptist, Nov. 1964 there was an article by Japheth Perez, who as a convert in the NY 1957 Billy Graham Crusade and a brand-new Christian, was sent to a Catholic church by the Billy Graham Crusade.

Ian Paisley wrote this comment about Billy Graham's staff: "Dr. Graham did not reply. He never does reply to letters like this. He states he never defends himself. He does have a staff, however, who are paid to defend him and who are never hampered by facts or bothered by ethics or logic in carrying out their duties. One of the group, George L. Edstrom, replied. The Jesuits themselves could not give a finer example of casuistry than his. It is thoroughly dishonest and deceitful, ... However, since this technique of deceit by misdirection, this failure to face up to the issues, this disregard of fact, and this blasphemous attempt to identify Dr. Graham's official connection with infidels and his flattery and endorsement of them with our Lord's ministry to publicans and sinners is so typical of the Graham organization..."

In Fritz's June '93 Newsletter From A Christian Ministry, a letter from Graham's staff was reproduced with a point by point exposure of its lies.

Christians are really not well aware of what the Billy Graham Crusade does. We quote a paragraph from a letter sent to Billy Graham clear back in the 1950s by a Pastor who, grieved by what Billy Graham was doing to the harvest field, said:

"Some people say that if you have just one convert in an evangelistic campaign, it is worth the meeting. That is not true. The evangelist, as the pastor and teacher, is given to the Body of Christ. The real test of an evangelistic campaign is not how many people are converted but what kind of a spiritual condition does it leave in a community. Billy Graham is not only failing in the number of people he leads to the Lord Jesus Christ in this day when hearts are hungry and most people are afraid of what may happen in the world and when it is easier to get people converted than it ever has been in my lifetime, but Billy Graham is pulling the limbs off of the evangelistic trees and the orchard is being left in bad condition. As we have often said, the real test of an evangelist is not just how many converts he has but does he leave the orchard in condition so it will keep bearing fruit."

Billy Graham's Active Role In Satanic Ritual Abuse

Before we get into the details, we'll take an overview. Satanists thrive on power. Satan loves to give his followers power. Satan took Christ to the mountaintop and told Christ that he'd have a "crusade" and bring every one to follow Christ, if Christ would just bow down and worship him. Christ refused. Billy Graham accepted it.

We know a great deal how the Satanists took Billy Graham, the brush salesman and made him into the famous evangelist that he has become. Additionally, we also know from victims of Satanism, that have come out of it, that Billy Graham has been a Satanist himself. How can this be? And how can we know this?

One of the best witnesses is a Monarch program survivor, who has escaped from being a high-level Pentagon slave. This survivor witnessed Billy Graham working for the Illuminati. This survivor also carried messages for the Satanic hierarchy and personally knows that Billy Graham has been carrying messages from the top secret Illuminati to Presidents and heads of state. This person's information has been backed up by independent witnesses. A second ex-Satanist also remembers Billy Graham as a Satanist. Still another person, an ex-Illuminati person, who has MPD stood in front of Billy Graham and watched his eyes. This person said that it was very clear that Billy Graham has MPD and that he switches personalities.

By happenchance or God's will, Fritz received a report from one of the women who went to church with Billy Graham's wife Ruth. The woman was told by Ruth in conversation that her husband Billy Graham is strange in that he always sleeps with his eyes open. It is characteristic of people who have MPD to sleep with their eyes open.

People who have MPD may have a devout Christian personality and a devout Satanic personality all within a single body. This is not uncommon. In Billy Graham's case, he is fully aware of what he is doing for the enemy in all his personalities, although his Christian personality may not be ecstatic about it all.

Billy Graham's Decision magazine has on its front page caption is "'Changed From the Inside Out," and displays an infinity loop on the cover. Many Monarch slaves have had lots of programming around the infinity loop. This is an important trigger to remind them how they are captured by the unending repeating rebuilding programming. There are countless little things like this, which are evidence that Billy Graham is playing a role in the satanic mind-control of the Illuminati.

Dr. Schefflin, a mind-control expert, told me that he saw internal documents from the 1950s teaching Billy Graham's people on how to have a successful revival. These documents instructed crusade counselors on things which were elements of mind-control, such as delaying people from coming forward to confess Christ until the "right" time.

If you've ever wondered how much Billy Graham knows--if the Illuminati haven't told him, a concerned Christian named David Hill, who was an ex-Mafia/ex-New Ager/ex-Mason did. The concerned Christian was a friend of Franklin Graham (Billy's son) and he had lived for two years at Billy Graham's house. He didn't realize that Graham had been sucked into the New World Order until he had confronted Billy Graham. David Hill, who was a ex-Mason turned Christian, who had worked with many of the world's elite, spent 18 hours in a hotel room warning Billy Graham about the New World Order. Billy Graham told David Hill at the end of their two days of talking in this eastern U.S. hotel room that he was "a captive of that [NWO] organization." In other words, after placing himself under the Illuminati's sponsorship in the late '40s, Billy Graham has had the choice of continuing to do his job for them, or being destroyed.

Since they created who he is, they can destroy him. And he knows it. David Hill went on to try to expose the New World Order and lost (was murdered) his life just as he finished a manuscript exposing it. Even a well-informed Christian like David Hill, who tried to warn Billy Graham about the NWO, was unaware of the extent of the deception of the Illuminati's mind control. David didn't know about programmed multiples.

David Hill, who was a high ranking Scottish Rite Freemason and an important Mafia figure before he came to Christ, had even been the go between for Billy Graham and Joe Banana, a Mafia kingpin. It was David Hill, who innocently believing in Billy Graham, arranged the meeting for the two men.

David Hill knew that William Randolph Hearst was part of the Illuminati. He was part of the branch Illuminati -- at what could be termed the 6th degree. William Randolph Hearst was totally into paganism. That is very obvious by a tour of his mansion in California which has been turned into a museum. It was William Randolph Hearst who financed the first three years of Billy Graham's Crusades.

Stu PAK is associated with the Stewart Title Company. Stu Pak provides funds for Billy Graham and others. The head of Stu Pak is friends with Billy Graham and George Bush. The company has a lot of relatives running it. The Morris family is also tied to it. The people of Stewart Title Company are ruthless. The Van Duyn Illuminati family in California also helped Billy Graham's ministry get started. One of the ways the Illuminati funneled money to Billy Graham was through a monthly check delivered to Jeanne Dixon's office, which was picked up every month by Billy Graham's staff. After Dixon 's secretary came to Christ she tried to expose Billy Graham's connection to Jeanne Dixon. Jeanne Dixon sells crystal balls with snakes. She is part of the Illuminati. Billy Graham wrote her a letter calling her "a woman of God." Dixon 's secretary had a copy of this letter with Billy Graham's signature on it, after she became a Christian. In 1952, in Paris , Billy Graham and another evangelist had dinner with two prostitutes and each one took one of them home. Billy Graham had a wife and children at home, so the whole affair was totally improper for an evangelist even if Billy Graham didn't have sex with the woman. He told his friend only that the prostitute had taken off her clothes and he'd gotten scared and come back to their hotel room. See Frady, Marshall. Billy Graham, A Parable of American righteousness. Boston : Little, Brown & Co., p.169-170.

In 1954, the man who ran security for the Sacramento Crusade saw a high-priced hooker sneak into Billy Graham's room prior to him going out for the Crusade. Billy Graham and this high priced hooker were alone together in the room, It is this type of thing that has opened Billy Graham up to blackmail. Should Graham ever try to stray from the proper course set for him by the Illuminati, they have plenty of ammunition to blackmail him. (You may ask why would the Satanists from generational satanic families want to intimidate Billy Graham with fear? Why, isn't he from a generational satanic family? The answer is that the whole Satanic system operates off of fear. Intimidation & fear are standard everyday parts of their makeup and actions. Sort of the counterpart to the saying there is no honor among thieves. The Satanic hierarchy are in constant intimidation and power struggles.)

When Billy Graham wanted to, he could call up Henry Kissinger and say, "Tell him to call me the minute he comes in." (Frady, p. 451) Henry Kissinger is right in the middle of what the Illuminati is doing. Another Illuminatus that Graham had a working relationship with is Henry Luce, friend of the Baruchs. Luce and Billy Graham spent several nights staying up talking late into the night. Knowing how the Illuminati work, it is very safe to assume that they have pushed Billy Graham into further degenerate acts. They have probably done everything they can to pervert Billy Graham, so there is no telling what sexual sins remain hidden.

Kissinger is a member of P2 Freemasonry. If we were to assume that Billy Graham were not involved (and that is a big IF since we know that he is), then if one studies P2 Masonic recruiting tactics given in the book In God's Name, p. 116, then the reader will grasp that anyone of Billy Graham's stature who associates so freely with P2 Freemasons will be targeted and blackmailed and forced to join. Once they join, new members are forced to compromise other possible targets.

Billy Graham is part of the people who implement the Monarch program (which was a joint Illuminati/CIA total mind control program done to people). We know that he is serviced by Monarch sexual slaves (their kitten alters). It is very easy for the network to keep these poor victims (Monarch slaves) from talking, and so the full extent of much of what has gone on may not come out in our lifetimes.

Another possible clue about Billy Graham's hidden life comes from Billy Graham himself. Do the readers remember how Jimmy Swaggert would disguise himself with sun glasses, etc. and his staff helped him carry out what he in part confessed? In Hollywood , FL (yes, FL!) Billy Graham said that he "often attends loveins and rock festivals incognito by putting on a false mustache and beard." He also said he found the experience in doing that kind of thing "refreshing." This story was in the Chicago Daily News, Dec. 29, 1969 . The article's purpose appears to have been to make Billy Graham look hip to today's rock and roll crowds of teenagers.

Billy Graham described his friendship with Alan Dulles, "I make every effort not to let it appear that I favor one party over another. I count Secretary Dulles a friend, but Senator Humphrey is also a good friend of mine, [who he met] ... when we were both swimming nude at the YMCA pool in Minneapolis where he was running for mayor."

A friendship with Alan Dulles? Alan Dulles, director of the CIA, was one of the biggest perpetrators of the trauma-based mind-control that this book is about. Humphrey also received orders from the Satanic hierarchy.

And what is this swimming in nude? When Billy Graham had his 1954 Crusade, large sums of the money came directly from people in the Illuminati, the Whitneys, the Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers, and Chase Manhattan. Billy Graham has numerous times attended Hollywood cocktail parties. Just two examples of which are: one given by Debbie Reynolds, and another one which was a cocktail party for Hollywood stars put on by Nixon at his San Clemente , CA home on a Sunday evening.

Billy Graham's schedule is filled with activities such as playing golf with people who are in the Illuminati, or are Hollywood types. The full impact of this constant fellowshipping with darkness is hard for people to grasp, because they picture that Graham is an evangelist and so therefore he must go where the sinners are. There is an expression, show me a man' s friends and I'll tell you about him. It's one thing to spend time with evil to give it a chance to repent and come to the light, It is another to fellowship with evil and allow it to remain in darkness.

Let us quote from a neutral source, a group who had been investigating the role of church and state. They were trying to determine for their study whether Billy Graham has had an impact on all the Presidents from Eisenhower to Clinton , This study was not pro or anti Graham, It was simply trying to determine what impact this religious leader is having on political leaders.

Billy Graham has spent a lot of time with all the Presidents, so their question was "has Billy Graham had some type of impact?" Their conclusion printed in the Journal of Church and State concludes, .. . .could Graham speak the word of truth - especially when that word may be critical or slashing -to the man in the White House when he is on such friendly terms with him? On the basis of the evidence now available, the answer must be no."

What a person does on his free time is said to be revealing. Christ did spend his time with sinners, but he called them to repentance. In all my study of Billy Graham, I haven't seen any of the Hollywood movie stars or politicians change their lifestyles by their association with Billy Graham. A number of "conversions" have been artificially created, and given widespread publicity by the press. Pat Boone is the type of close friend of Billy Graham that perhaps typifies Billy Graham. He is someone well-received by the public. Billy Graham has enjoyed using him in Crusades. Pat Boone continued playing in Playboy type night clubs while he was singing at Billy Graham Crusades. Pat Boone who is pro-jewish, may be jewish, because the State of Israel has given him some special positions. There is nothing wrong with having ,,jewish blood", it just explains some of his connections.

The Nugen Hand Bank was a CIA operation that laundered money, and did many illegal activities. Pat Boone was part of the Nugen Hand Bank scandal. Exactly how deep he was involved with the CIA's dirty dealing is unclear. Pat Boone's daughter Debbie Boone made a hit out of the song "You Light Up My Life", the words of the song were written by a woman who worshipped Lucifer and wrote the song to Lucifer.

Billy Graham has placed the emphasis in his Crusades on putting liberals, even Catholic priests, up on the platform with himself. When does Billy Graham ever spend time with solid devout Christians? Every time Billy Graham went to Moscow he tried to avoid the devout Christians of the unregistered churches who unwittingly tried unsuccessfully to meet with Graham. Instead, he would meet with the heads of the Orthodox Church, which, since all the changes in Russia , are now proven to have been KGB agents--although most of us had suspected that all along from the type of things they said and did. How naive can Christians get? Do they really think that the Illuminati is going to let a legitimately powerful anointed Christian evangelist have regular access to their people? Don't Christians realize that if he was a real threat--someone who might really bring one of the top elite to Christ that they would be assassinating him, not wining and dining him.

How Billy Graham Plays a Key Role in Reprogramming Monarch Slaves

Two different talkative Satanists told sources of mine about 2 different coven meetings here in Portland in the Summer of 1993 where the covens discussed the benefits that the Satanists were going to get from the Billy Graham Crusade. I know one of the benefits for the Satanists was that Monarch programees who had become Christians and had deactivated the effect of their mind-control programming were to be reprogrammed with Billy Graham' s help.

When Billy Graham arrived in town, someone on his Crusade staff had managed to find and send out invitations to many of the survivors of Satanic ritual abuse (SRA) in Portland to come to a special meeting to personally meet with Billy Graham. At this special meeting with SRA victims, Billy Graham personally began saying the buzz words to reactivate these people's programming, especially the Monarch survivors. (This comes from several witnesses.)

For a number of years now, the Billy Graham Crusade has been putting messages across the bottom of television screens that has activation codes for Monarch survivors. Those Monarch survivors who have become devote Christians to escape the nightmare of the Monarch mind-control are often not aware of the danger of watching the Billy Graham Crusade on television.

When people are activated, special people are in the area and they take the Monarch survivors to what are called Near Death Trauma Centers. These centers are used then to reprogram these poor people. There were five in this area, of which we located 2 and forced them to move their sites.

Religious fronts (denominations, individual churches and certain ministers) are used to hide criminal activity. Billy Graham, who is a programmed multiple himself, is exceptionally adept at managing his Monarch kittens. The drug money laundered through his crusades is carefully handled by many Monarch slaves working in shifts and teams, so that the whole scheme can not be uncovered by catching one person. Billy Graham runs big operations all over the world under the disguise of evangelism.

Another of the countless religious covers, that works with the Network's/Illuminati's drug activities involves the Mormon Bishop warehouses, which are used to store cocaine. Monarch slaves are involved with this. Different religious labels hide the same criminal Network. By the way, when giving the Patriarchal Blessing, the Mormon Patriarch if he has a Monarch slave will use hypnosis and triggers to convince the person what their future will be like. One can't say this is happening in every case, but it is very widespread for the Patriarch who give these blessings to be part of the Trauma-based mind-control operations.

Billy Graham also personally delivers messages to the Presidents for the Illuminati, such as when he arrived just prior to Bush's decision to launch Desert Storm. Sometimes the papers even spell out that Billy Graham serves as a message boy, for instance, when he delivered a message in April, 92 from the Pope to North Korea 's dictator Kim.


The following three books were very helpful to me in terms of documenting Billy Graham's activities. All three authors were interested in documenting what Billy Graham is really all about. It may sound strange that I say that, but sadly most of the books that touch on Billy Graham like America 's Hour of Decision Including a Life Story of Billy Graham are simply part of the deception process of the enemy. However, if anyone wants to know more about Billy Graham the following three books were very helpful for me to document Billy Graham's activities.

Billy Graham, A Parable of American Righteousness by Marshall Frady. Marshall Frady was a writer for Life and Newsweek. He has done an incredible amount of research into Billy Graham's life. He doesn't touch on the sinister side of Billy Graham, but by giving an honest report about Billy Graham he tears off the "Hollywood-type mask" so to speak that everyone has seen and believed. Marshall Frady simply wanted to tell the whole story of Billy Graham, good, bad or otherwise. He spent many hours interviewing Billy Graham and many other people involved in Billy Graham's life. When this book was read by a devout Christian, it totally devastated this person's media-built image of Billy Graham-- for instance, items like Billy Graham going to dinner with a prostitute and taking her home, Billy Graham walking past his wife and not recognizing her, & Billy Graham's New York Crusade refusing to allow street people into the crusade because they were dirty.

However, another Christian borrowed my copy of it, and said after looking at the book he didn't see anything wrong with Billy Graham in the book. But then he just read portions of the book. Still, unless one has spiritual discernment the book is probably not going to "blast a person out of the water," because it is a biography not an exposé. Until recently, this was the only really good biography that was available for Christians.

Many months before the Billy Graham 1993 Portland Crusade, the advertisements for the crusade and the crusade activity here in Portland began. Pilgrim Discount, which is one of the best Christian bookstores in the Portland area sells both used and new Christian books. They had a used copy of Billy Graham a Parable of American Righteousness. I watched for months to see if any Christians would buy the book. Tens of thousands of Christians got involved in the Billy Graham Crusade in the Portland area, but none had the interest to read the only biography of Billy Graham available.

Finally, just shortly before the Crusade, a teenage Christian from Washington who had been warned about Billy Graham and who was trying to keep from being forced to attend, bought the book on a trip from Washington . This incident shows what Americans know--and what they want to know about Billy Graham is shallow media-hype. A Christian radio show here had the author of Billy Graham A Prophet with Honor on to promote his book, which was done just when the Crusade was days away.

A Startling Exposure- Billy Graham and the Church of Rome by Ian R. K. Paisley. This is perhaps the best book as far as actual documentation. The book is probably rare, and not available. Ian R.K. Paisley has made it one of his projects of his life to expose Catholicism. Because Billy Graham works more with Catholics than Protestants Paisley as a concerned Christian obviously found himself learning about Billy Graham. Ian R.K. Paisley knows first hand how powerful Billy Graham and his establishment backers are. They have a colossal publication strength to discredit any critic of Billy Graham in whatever manner it takes -- even if it means outright lies and slander.

Billy Graham Reformer? Politician? Preacher? Prophet? A Chronological Record Compiled from Public Sources By the Church League of America 195 1-1982. This book is from Edgar Bundy Ministries. It is a collection of articles that have appeared in the public media on Billy Graham over a period of 31 years. Billy Graham is condemned by his own words and his own actions. If people only took a look at what Billy Graham is on public record saying it would startle them. Who is Billy Graham working for? Is he trying to build the Christian churches up, or is he trying to lay the foundation for a one-world religion? While some people may on first thought think that it is a great idea to have every one belong to the same religious structure, they need to reflect on the dangers inherent in one single religious body with all-encompassing power. The groundwork for such a dictatorial global religious body is already partially constructed, and is revealed in other writings of Fritz Springmeier.

How many people know that in 1955 and 1956 Billy Graham announced that he had a policy of sending people who come forward at his crusades to the church of their choice whether that church or synagogue is Catholic, Protestant or Jewish. For instance, the Protestant Church Life quotes Billy Graham in its 29 Sept 1956 issue, "Referring to the Billy Graham New York Crusade scheduled for May, 1957, Dr. Graham said: 'We're coming to New York not to clean it up, but to get people to dedicate themselves to God and to send them on to their own churches--Catholic, Protestant or Jewish."

There is one other book worth pointing out at this point. It was not a source book for my investigation, but I know the author, and the book came out recently, so it is likely still available. The book is The Assimilation of Evangelist Billy Graham into the Roman Catholic Church by Erwin Wilson. The address is Quebec Baptist Missions, Box 113 , Compton , Quebec , Canada , J0B 1L0.

It's s nice that men like Erwin Wilson are noticing Billy Graham's love affair with the Catholic Church. He picked up on Billy Graham's statement about the Pope, "Pope John Paul II has emerged as the greatest religious leader of the modern world and one of the greatest moral...leaders of this century." (The Saturday Evening Post, Feb, 1980.) However, several of these anti-Catholic ministries are rejecting the bigger picture. They have strongly resisted learning about mind-control and the exposure of the conspiracy in Be Wise As Serpents. Because of this, several of these Christian ministries to Catholics have lots of information about Billy Graham and his close workings with the Catholic Church, but little comprehension of how the Catholic Church fits into the bigger picture, and how the New World Order is actually coming about.

There has been widespread concern about Billy Graham among Christians. Because the controlled media don't report these concerns, people are not realizing the extent of the concerns which have been voiced. Even before the co-authors got involved in exposing the Illuminati and their control over religion and their plans for a New World Order, there has been a long history of concern by devout Christians over Billy Graham. There has been a growing dissatisfaction among conservative Christians towards Billy Graham.

The introduction to Erwin Wilson's book which is written by Dr. Bob Jones (Chancellor of Bob Jones University) provides an introduction to the concerns Christians have about the man who has been set up by the media and the money elite to be their greatest leader. We quote only a paragraph of what Dr. Bob Jones said, "Some of us who grieved over Graham's first downward steps toward compromise with apostasy and biblical unbelief knew that he was pursuing a direction from which there would be no turning back. While we grieved over him and prayed for him, we had to warn men against his ministry as we had warned Billy against his direction."

The first area is doctrinal concerns by devout Christians, who have been deceived that Billy Graham thinks as they do. Christians usually take for granted that Billy Graham is sound doctrinally. The following paragraph of beliefs of Billy Graham were documented in 1993 by Fritz Springmeier in his June '1993 newsletter, with its large document packet. Main line Christians would be shocked to find out what Billy Graham really believes and is on public record as supporting. This will help show non-Christians, who read this, that Billy Graham is not really the Christian he pretends to be. This is not to preach at non-Christian readers, for some of the non-Christian readers will agree with Billy Graham's stands. These views are written to show how a major Christian leader can have a false public image that has survived mainly because the full public record of Billy Graham's stands are keep low key. If we are big enough to look at the deceptions of our politicians and statesmen, we must be big enough to face the deceptions of our ministers.

Some of the areas that Billy Graham deviates from Scripture are as follows. He is on public record supporting homosexuality, abortion, his disbelief in a literal hell, his support and practice of infant baptism to save children, his support for the Catholic church's worship of Mary (yet he calls himself a Protestant). He has repeatedly praised infidels and apostates as great Christians. He actively supported the American government policy to fight the Vietnam War. He would not challenge the idea that the Bible is mythology, when directly questioned.

The deception doesn't stop with the Protestants, Catholic supporters have been kept in the dark about his abortion views. The deception goes way beyond Protestant, Catholic beliefs. As a programmed multiple who participates in Satanic Ritual, Billy Graham has deceived everyone.

The second area is concerns about his support for a One-World Church and a One-World-Government. This stems from l. Billy Graham 's public endorsements of the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches, 2. Billy Graham's consistent attendance at the World Council of Churches' meetings, 3. that Billy Graham has done more than anyone in the world to bring about the One-World-Harlot church, and he has done more than anyone to unite all the Christian groups into one organization, 4. Billy Graham's support of the Pope and the Catholic church which is the largest Christian religion and one of the pillars of the New Age One-World religious body being set up. 5. The support that the NCC and WCC gives him, 6. The support that the internationalists and globalists give Billy Graham.

Billy Graham was first asked to do his Portland Crusade in 1993 by the WCC/NCC representative in this area who is a homosexual, a New Ager, and leader of the ecumenical movement.

A third area is concern over the lack of depth that conversions at Billy Graham's crusades have. Some of the details on this are l. Only 2% of the people coming forward at a Crusade have never been Christians and are actually giving their life to Christ for the first time, and of these 80% fall away, 2. A great majority of people that come forward are sent to Catholic and extremely liberal Churches, extremely few are sent to solid Bible believing churches. In the Catholic Standard and Times, Thursday, July 16, 1992, p. 10, this Catholic paper reported that 1,900 Catholics responded to Billy Graham's call to make decisions for Christ in the Philadelphia Crusade and were referred to about 250 parishes. 3. People that come forward are sent even to Jewish synagogues and New Age churches., 4. Converts are given the impression that Christ wants decisions for him, rather than that Christ wants disciples. 5. The people attending the crusades are almost all Christians, due to the high numbers of Christian counselors and the high number of church people which are always intentionally bussed in, (Frady exposes this, and in 1992 a writer of the Williamette Week did a major story for the magazine detailing how she had searched the entire week at the Billy Graham Crusade for an unsaved person and failed to find a single non-Christian. There were a few, but so few she didn't find any. William ette Week, Oct. 1,1992 .) 6. Most decisions at the crusades are for trivial things such as to stop smoking.

Interestingly, Christians with discernment spoke about how hurting the churches were after the Billy Graham Crusade here in Portland . They had been made wild promises of success, they were fleeced of their money, and then given a lukewarm spiritual boost. Their comments reminded me of this warning to Billy Graham clear back in the 1950s as to how he was ruining the harvest field. Part of Satan's Planetary control is through religious leaders.

Christians have been conditioned to believe that Billy Graham is a great prophet of God by the establishment media, who have told us for years that Billy Graham was the most respected man in America . The percentages that the controlled Media have reported for Billy Graham's popularity may have been inflated. There are several studies that show how the establishment uses polls dishonestly to manipulate thinking. The establishment media is able to create ideas so firmly within the mind of the public that it becomes almost impossible to deprogram people. What people see on T.V. becomes what you believe. The T.V. image becomes real.

What actually happens at a crusade is far different from the media image. In Scotland for instance, a poll was taken of church membership one month before the Billy Graham Scotland Crusade, and two months after the Crusade. Church membership had actually declined substantially. So after spending millions of the Christians' dollars, Billy Graham had not even helped the church attendance of the Scottish churches. When Billy Graham holds his crusades, the churches in the area sponsor the crusade. In Poland , in a nation 95% catholic, the churches that sponsored his crusade in Warsaw were Catholic churches and when people went forward they were sent to Catholic churches. Yet, when the mass media report on Crusades, it is made to sound like thousands of people became new Christians.

Many of the devout Christians that have supported Billy Graham haven't thought through what is really going on at the crusades. They have been so caught up with the media image that they are not able to critically comprehend that the crusades are really major spiritual disasters. The book for counselors at the Billy Graham Crusade here in Portland specifically stated that only Billy Graham was allowed to proselytize, that the crusade counselors were forbidden to proselytize anyone at any time during the crusade, or else they would lose their Crusade badge as a counselor. (See these instructions in The Billy Graham Christian Life & Witness Course, Minneapolis, MN: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, p. 47, Instructions A.6.) But thousands of the Christians in Portland who became counselors for the '92 Crusade never gave it a second thought that only Billy Graham was allowed to proselytize, because they trusted Billy Graham.

Money that could have gone to helping victims of mind-control went toward superficial decisions for Christ. Money that could have gone to doing some serious damage to the evil, has gone for Madison avenue hype and for big shows. On top of this, the large sums that are spent on the Billy Graham Crusades serve as a cover for the Networks money laundering that they do through Graham's Crusade using a series of Monarch slaves in a complex series of money drop offs.

A fourth area is concern over his methodology. A body language expert says that Billy Graham's talks are simply canned. They are simply well-rehearsed canned-body movements and not coming from the heart. His crusade uses Madison-Avenue sales techniques instead of traditional scriptural methods to get converts. Billy Graham crusades always spend great sums of money for bill boards promoting Billy Graham and bumper stickers promoting Billy Graham, the end result is that Billy Graham's name is usually promoted millions of times more often than Jesus Christ. Christianity is consistently watered down and identified with the world and its ways. And a great deal of boasting is done about numbers of decisions instead of real meaningful discipleship.

A fifth area is concern over Billy Graham acceptance of Communism. Although many people feel communism is dead, this area is still relevant. If you think communism is dead go live in North Korea , where Billy Graham went in 1992 full of praise for North Korea . See Christianity Today, May 18, 1992 , p.55. (By the way, Billy Graham & family have sat on the board of Christianity Today, and still control it, so it wouldn't misquote him.) l. Billy Graham has repeatedly over international mass media claimed that there was no religious persecution under the communists, 2. Billy Graham has praised Mao-Tse-Tung's principles, 3. Graham has praised communist leaders on numerous occasions, 4. Dyed-in-the-wool communists who have been the ones giving orders to torture Christians for some reason feel comfortable spending time talking to Billy Graham.

The Actual Heritage and Name of Billy Graham

There is a connection between Marxism and a group of Satanists called Frankists. One of the strongest satanic cults to take control over the Jewish population was called Sabbatianism. Jakob Frank assumed the role of leader of this group, and afterward this brand of Satanism was called Frankism. (Freud's sexually-obsessed theories came from Frankism.) Frank taught his followers to convert to another religion and hide behind that religion to practice their Satanism. (One of several book on the subject of Frankism is The Contemporary Faces of Satan by Ratibor-Ray M. Jurjevich.)

Billy Graham's family when they originally came over to this nation were of the Frank family which is related to Jakob Frank. After coming over to this nation, they changed their name to Graham which is a Scottish name. Two groups of people who are over represented in the power structure over the last 200 years are Scots and cabalistic satanic "jews." Obviously, not all Scotsmen nor jews are involved in the NWO. Several other researchers independently discovered that Billy Graham's heritage was the jewish Frank family.

However, Fritz was beginning to suspect that there must be some kind of Jewish blood in Billy Graham's heritage, because of the all the things he would stumble upon. For instance, the intimate connections Graham had with Jewish leaders and Jewish Christian ministries. And his assurances to them that they are God's chosen people, a special group. Graham privately told them, that because they are a special chosen group they don't need to come to Christ. (Fritz discovered all this by accident reading Jewish literature.)

Further, the paper called "The C-9 Report For internal use only" states on page 11 that Billy Graham's daughters have lived in Israel , and that Billy Graham 's son fought with the Israeli army in the Six-Day War.

In the Be Wise As Serpents book, chapter 2.1, "The Jewish author Gerald S. Strober in his book American Jews Community in Crisis, p. 110 states that after a resolution in Feb. 1973 at Pittsburgh by the NCC failed to declare the NCC against converting the Jews, that Billy Graham announced the following day a statement that God had a special place for the Jews and rejected coercive evangelistic efforts."

Privately, Graham has assured Jewish leaders he is against converting the Jews to Christianity. Strober also informs his readers (p. 111) that many Christian organizations that are "Jewish Missions" take their marching orders from Billy Graham. This confirms numerous reports..." So Strober in effect is saying don't worry Graham is with us, and he controls most of the Christian organizations that are supposedly missions to evangelize us. Messianic Jewish groups are strongly pro-Billy Graham. Some of these groups have gained in size and then strangely gone back into Judaism. That kind of thing has been happening here in Portland , not to mention other localities. Now it is clearer why Jews coming forward at Crusades have often been and are being referred by the Crusade people to Reformed Jewish synagogues.

How Billy Graham is a 33° Mason.

This is an important issue, however, even if Billy Graham were not a 33° Mason, there are many things that he is doing that should warn Christians not to support him. There have been a number of people in casual conversation who have mentioned Billy Graham being a 33° Mason, for instance a CIA leader, a NSA person who is against the NWO, and various Masons.

These accidental revelations are what can be considered casual evidence, in that it is accidentally heard. Some of the people who have read Fritz's Be Wise As Serpents book have been experiencing validation of what was written on Billy Graham by their own casual contacts with people. These types of encounters are very meaningful to the people who experience them, but their significance is hard to communicate to others.

Hopefully, readers of this, who are truth seekers, will have their own casual-evidence-validation experience. One piece of casual evidence came from a Shriner Clown. It turns out the only clowns who were chosen to perform for the Billy Graham 1993 Portland Crusade were Shriner Clowns. There were non-Masonic clowns available, even some Christian clowns, but the masons were the only ones Graham allowed to perform for him.

Various people, who have worked in the system for the Illuminati, such as an ex-witch who is now a Christian, an ex-33° Mason now a Christian, and a CFR's person also now a Christian, all testify that Billy Graham is a 33° Freemason. A woman and a man who are ex-Satanists and now Christians also have mentioned about Billy Graham's Masonic membership. (One has to understand that there is a close working relationship between the Lodge and the Illuminati.)

To progress up the ranks in Satanism, they will require you to go through Freemasonry. Freemasonry then teaches people about the symbology of the mystery religions. The lodges bring in female Monarch slaves for some of their Egyptian sexual-magic rituals. If the reader were to get up in the morning and your mother, sister, and brother were in the kitchen and said that your mother had just drank a cup of coffee, you would be able to tell from their faces if they were telling the truth, and you would know that your mother had drank a cup of coffee. This is the way it is for us. We know these witnesses know the truth, and we know they are not making it up. But if people don't believe that, then they need to go scrounge up their own witnesses, and risk their own hide in doing the contacting. The material we presented here is not frivolous work. As pearls of value, we hope that this research is not taken and allowed to become pearls given to swine.

Because Billy Graham is such a key person for the Illuminati and the Satanic plan to bring in the Anti-Christ and the One-World-Religion, key parts of Graham's life have been intentionally shrouded, When he joined the Masonic lodge c. 1948, they intentionally kept his membership more secret than others. Why? They are secret about their membership in general, but even more so if the person is a key Illuminatus and a big key to their religious control.

This is why they have kept the membership of Charles T. Russell, founder of the Watchtower Society quiet. This is why they keep the memberships of the Mormon prophets secret. It has been a consistent pattern by the Masonic Lodge to keep these key people's membership very quiet. It would be much easier if we had a membership certificate, but for people who don't want to believe no amount of evidence would suffice.

In terms of a paper trail we have the following: Billy Graham's books consistently refer to basically only Masons. Billy Graham endorsed the Masonic DeMolay program for youth as God's work. This endorsement by Billy Graham is in a Masonic book that is used to educate people about "the craft" (that means Freemasonry). That book is The Clergy and the Craft and it says that the people who are quoted in it are Masons. (See Haggard, Forrest D. Transactions Missouri Lodge of Research, Vol. No. 27, The Clergy and the Craft, p. 127. where Graham endorses the Masonic youth program.)

In terms of witnesses who have put what they have witnessed in writing we have the following: Jim Shaw, ex-33° Mason -- the highest ranking Freemason to defect to Christianity, writes about Billy Graham being at his 33° initiation ceremony. Huntington House refused to print his book co-authored with Tom McKenney unless they took out Billy Graham's name on pg. 104, and substituted a general description. (See The Deadly Deception, p. 104-105.) Only Freemasons are allowed to attend these initiations. (See The New Age, the official organ of The Supreme Council 33°. Wash. , D.C., October 1961, p. 30.) Some Christians have tried every thing in their mind to get around Jim Shaw's testimony. And the Masonic Lodge are now claiming that he wasn't a 33° Freemason. There is no doubt that he was a 33° Mason. What we are seeing is how important it is to the Illuminati to keep Billy Graham's membership secret.

Originally, Dr. Morey who wrote a book on Freemasonry told me over the phone that Billy Graham was a 33° Freemason and that he had held his membership file in his hand in the library of the House of the Temple , which is where the Supreme Council of the 33° has their headquarters. However, now he denies it and says that he only was told by the librarians that the file existed, but that he didn't examine the membership file. He wrote a letter to Christian News to the editor which was printed. At least, his letter to the editor of Christian News says that the Scottish Rite have a Billy Graham file. Fritz stands by his original statements about what Dr. Morey said, even though he has gone back on his original story and is getting people to think Fritz somehow invented what he told me.

There are a great many things that are suspicious about Dr. Morey. His book on Freemasonry claims that Freemasonry started out a Christian organization. His book was printed by a company that uses the Knights Templar logo as their company logo, and whose company head is most likely a Freemason. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck--what do you think it is? Long before I actually knew Billy Graham was a 33° Freemason, I felt that was the "most likely" explanation for what I was learning of him. What caused me to think that way? Everything about the man, just shouted Freemason. The way he talks, who he has as friends, etc. etc. This article is not capable of going into depth about small nuances and details, but suffice it to say that the Masons know how to broadcast to other Masons that they are a Mason.
It should be pointed out some of the key people for Billy Graham's staff have been Freemasons. Let's look at a few of the key people helping Billy Graham:

William M. Watson--DIRECTOR OF THE BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, he is a Freemason, and he is also President of Occidental Petroleum Corporation. Chairman of Occidental was Armand Hammer. Watson is also a member of the development council of the Masonic run Baylor University . Baylor University has participated in the mind-control, (See also the expose of Baylor University in Be Wise As Serpents.) He also was a member of the advisory council to the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Ft. Worth which had at least three Freemasons on its board of trustees, and likely more.

David M. McConnell--DIRECTOR OF THE BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, he is a Freemason, He was also U.S. ambassador to the United Nations (1968-69), business associate with Illuminatus Charles Gambrell, in Belk Stores of Charlotte, North Carolina.

Arthur Lee Malory--CO-CHAIRMAN of the BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE Advisory Committee for the 1973 St. Louis Crusade -- 32° Freemason, deacon in the So. Bapt. Church .

Who are some of the primary ministers that had worked with 33° Freemason Billy Graham over the years? Billy Graham has helped set up other 33° Masons in ministry. Billy Graham has placed his stamp of approval on almost every well-known apostate Christian out there. When Billy Graham had a crusade in Japan , the Japanese minister that he had up on the platform was a well-known extremely liberal Christian. A conservative Japanese was shocked. Billy Graham is also endorsing many of the books, and ministries of these apostates.

Some of the three biggest ministers in the protestant world, Robert Schuller, Norman Vincent Peale, and Oral Roberts are all 33° Masonic brothers of 33° Freemason Billy Graham. (See Roberts, Oral. Miracle of Seed Faith, p.9.) Billy Graham has helped each of these brothers with their ministries.

Robert Schuller taught principles of church growth to Unity School in Kansas City . A Christian, who used to be on staff there, said that Robert Schuller was fully aware that Luciferian Initiations were going on at the school and that he didn't care. Robert Schuller, 33° Freemason, was helped into ministry by Billy Graham. Schuller also participates in the Monarch program and is also sexually serviced by Monarch slaves. Norman Vincent Peale's form of Christianity called positive thinking is actually only white witchcraft with different names. Peale simply is a "Christian" witch.

Norman Vincent Peale, 33° Freemason, his church receive the bulk of people who came forward at the NY Crusade. Norman Vincent Peale is a 6° Illuminatus (Pilgrim Society), and a 33° Freemason. In the magazine Psychic Magazine of San Francisco Peale says of occultist Kreskin, All he's doing is dramatizing what I've been preaching in my writing for years. Norman Vincent Peale controls the approx. $200 million Presbyterian Minister's Fund. He celebrated the 25th anniversary of the United Nations. He was the keynote speaker at the birthday of the late Mormon prophet Spencer W. Kimball (a secret Mason). Peale praised Kimball as a true prophet of God, and a great man of God. Peale practices witchcraft, and palms it off on unsuspecting Christians under different terminology. The false unity movement which is so strong today, wants to unite the devout Christian with the likes of Norman Vincent Peale. Peale is a good friend of Billy Graham, and Billy Graham referred the largest number of new converts of the NY Billy Graham Crusade to Peale's church.

Oral Roberts, 33° Freemason, helped into ministry by his Masonic brother Billy Graham. Oral Roberts has been seen by witnesses participating in SRA and Mind-control. Oral Roberts University and the charismatic movement is another important religious front. The Charismatic movement has been infiltrated by multiples since day-one. The history of the infiltration is extensive. Oral Roberts had Cherokee blood. According to some things that Oral Roberts has said, some Christians think that he received his healing powers from an old Indian who healed him through Indian shamanism when Oral was young. At times, Oral does use the same methods that spirit mediums use to heal with. According to slaves who have been deprogrammed, they were in satanic rituals with Oral Roberts. Christian ministers, who have participated in his ministry are saying that they have seen massive swindle in his healing ministry. His university is being used as a programming center. His basketball team at one time had Monarch slaves playing on it. We do not know if they still do.

Under the prayer tower is one of the programming sites. Billy Graham, a handler himself, helped launch Oral Roberts University , and is a friend of Oral Roberts. From the Illuminati's point of view Tulsa is the Guardian City of Apollo. The City of Faith is to be the center for healing from AEsculapius, a demon related to Apollo.

While portraying themselves as Christians, infiltrators within the charismatic movement are carrying out satanic rituals to get demonic healing powers. Tulsa is one of, if the main center for the campaign to infiltrate Christianity via the Charismatic/Pentecostal movement with programmed multiples.

G. Bromiey Oxnam, 33° Freemason, was head of the FCC churches, supportive friend of Billy Graham, G. Bromley Oxnam has a long history to him of working for the elite, interested readers can pick up his story in Be Wise As Serpents in the chapter that goes into the details about how the Christian churches were organized by the FCC and WCC for the Illuminati.

The NWO is infiltrating the churches via the Earth Stewardship Movement. An attempt was made at Rio de Janeiro to get an Earth Charter but there wasn't enough time, their were lots of N.O.G. delegates and just in general lots of people to coordinate (4,000 attended). Another Earth Summit was promised, but instead they decided at the end of Sept/Oct of '95 to have a State of the World Forum to be held by/sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation at the Presidio, CA. The ex-head of the KGB, Gorbachev is now headquartered in the Presideo, a major mind-control programming site. Christian basher Ted Turner was the chairman of the conference. The cost was $5,000 per person and the invitations went out to only select people. There were 100 handpicked politicians who received invitations, along with Billy Graham and Mother Teresa. This was coordinated with the 50th anniversary of the UN which was being celebrated all over the world.


The charismatic movement claims to have the Holy Spirit in a special way, however, some seem to be lacking in all discernment that the Holy Spirit would give. There are several books exposing the big name Charismatic ministers. One is written by an ex-charismatic Assembly of God minister. He shows a picture in his book of an Assembly of God flier promoting the "Testimony of J. Edgar Hoover." Yes, the Assembly of God promoted the "testimony" of J. Edgar Hoover, while he was known to be a power hungry individual who practiced homosexuality. It was this type of hype that caused this minister to grow disillusioned with the charismatic movement's so called spirituality.

Recently, the spiritual discernment of Billy Graham and many other big time ministries was exposed when these big Christian ministries were conned out of $550 million dollars. Billy Graham introduced John G. Bennett to thousands of people at a recent Billy Graham Crusade in Philadelphia in 1992. John Bennett gave his testimony at the crusade. Because Billy Graham, John Templeton, and Laurance Rockefeller were apparently supportive of John G. Bennett, big time Christian ministries "trusted" him. John told many of the big Christian ministries that if they gave him millions of dollars, for every million he received he would give them two million back. Many of the big Christian ministries gave Bennett money--in fact he collected $550 million (which he ran off with) from ministries such as Pat Robertson's, Bill Bright's, Chuck Colson's, Luis Palau's, Westminster Theological Seminary, Wheaton College , the Salvation Army and many others.

The reader may have heard of this New Era Foundation scam. That's what it was. Bennett told these "Christian" leaders "Give New Era one million dollars and we'll give you back two million." The donations of hard earned money by many innocent Christian believers were lost. However, the Christian believers are partially responsible because the church has refused to clean house of wolves that set in their pulpits. For instance, when Billy Graham came to the Portland area all the various denominations from the most liberal to the most conservative supported him. Only about a dozen churches did not get involved and only one church actively tried to expose Billy Graham--even though there has been a mass of documentation exposing Billy Graham as a wolf for 30 years.

When the church refuses to follow God's Word and supports these men--then they must take some of the blame when these men give their millions of hard earned dollars away to a con artist.

Inadequate Reactions

When people have been warned about Billy Graham, one of the common responses is for people to call up the Billy Graham crusade staff. If I ask a biologist a question about biology I can expect to get a credible answer. If I ask a mother about her son I can expect to get a credible answer. But how in the world can someone call up the Billy Graham Crusade staff and expect to get a credible answer to the question "Is Billy Graham a Mason?" The person that answers the phone is likely a secretary, someone who knows Billy Graham no more than the janitor. What does that person know about the Freemasons?

Because the Freemasons are a secret society, in general, there are only two basic categories of people--people involved with Freemasonry, and they certainly know what's going on in it but they have taken blood oaths on penalty of death not to talk about it, and those who aren't involved with Freemasonry and don't know anything about it. There are only a few people who are not masons, who are informed about the Masons.

The answer of some secretary over the phone to the question, "Is Billy Graham a Freemason?" is of little value, because the secretary or other staff member has not had the opportunity to get reliable information. This is from the standpoint of getting a reliable witness, calling some secretary or staff member is simply not a credible response to all the documentation. No court would view a secretary of a large organization as an expert witness qualified to settle such a dispute.

The second catch is that such witnesses are not reasonably unbiased. It is expected that Billy Graham's staff would front for him any questions that could expose him to bad publicity. This last comment is not speculation. There is proof that Billy Graham's staff has consistently lied over the years to prevent negative publicity about Billy Graham.

When Richard Nixon met with his political buddies to decide who to have run with him, the person he asked first in the smoke-filled room was Billy Graham. I have read the account of this is more than one place, but I will quote Marshall Frady's description of when Billy Graham was asked who he thought should run with Nixon as Nixon's vice-presidential running mate. Billy Graham chose 33° Masonic brother (then only 32°) Mark Hatfield.

Here is Frady's description: "His assimilation into the Nixon presidency had already been well underway, in fact, at that convention in Miami when, after Nixon's nomination, Graham wound up sitting in Nixon's penthouse suite among the smoggy late-night deliberations over Nixon's vice-presidential selection: Graham himself, whatever initial uncertainty he might have felt to find himself in such a political locker-room session, soon pitched into the proceedings with his own effusive recommendation of Mark Hatfield: "He's a great Christian leader. He's almost a clergyman. He's been an educator, and he's taken a more liberal stand on most issues than you, and I think the ticket needs that kind of balance."

In 1992, Mark Hatfield, along with Prince Hall Freemason Jessie Jackson both were on television in July of last year defending Billy Graham's actions. Mark Hatfield, according to a deprogrammed slave has been a user of Monarch sexual slaves. NY's Union Seminary is controlled and funded by the Rockefellers. President of Union Seminary was Dr. Henry Van Dusen. Billy Graham made him a prominent person in his crusade and said he was a "classic example" of a mass evangelism conversion. If that is a good example of Graham's conversions, we Christians should shudder.

It is no coincidence that the Southern Baptists of which Billy Graham is a member, is controlled by the Freemasons. Brook Hays, Pres, of the So. Bapt. Convention was a high ranking Freemason as well as part of the CFR. None of the So. Bapt. Convention's Presidents have opposed Freemasonry. Pres. Bill Clinton, a slave handler, is a member of the Emmanuel Baptist Church which is a Southern Baptist Church in Little Rock , Ark. The late Bill Moyers who promoted the Mystery Religions was a Southern Baptist. Moyers went to the SW Baptist Theological Seminary, the same school run by one of Billy Graham's staff directors. John Buchanan is another Southern Baptist. John Buchanan went to a So. Bapt. Seminary, and then worked as a front man for People for the American Way started by Jewish Norman Lear, an anti-Christian. People might be shocked to learn of some of the New Age teachings and New Age teachers that have been allowed into the Southern Baptist churches. The Southern Baptist youth program is based on Masonic ideas and is very Masonic in its ritual.


The reader is thanked for wading through a lot of difficult material. The reader can see why Billy Graham may well be the greatest deception that has ever been successfully pulled off. But as Abraham Lincoln said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time." Ever since the early 1950s, there have been Christians exposing Billy Graham. But the control of the Christian media and the Christian seminaries is far more extensive than most people realize. The Be Wise As Serpents book diagrams out how the Christian religious denominations are being controlled, and how the Masons and Illuminati-connected administrators and trustees have control of most of the Seminaries. Billy Graham without a doubt works directly for the Satanic hierarchy. But a rational and fair appraisal of what the man is, and what damage he has done to Christianity will probably not be given much of a chance. Nobody, no matter who they are is going to fool Christ. There will be a real evaluation done on judgment day and when that day comes Christ said, "MANY WILL SAY TO ME IN THAT DAY, LORD, LORD, HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED IN YOUR NAME, CAST OUT DEMONS IN YOUR NAME, AND DONE MANY WONDERS IN YOUR NAME? And then I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" Mt 7:22-23

The Top Secret Amish Front (And Hutterites)

It will probably assist the reader to know that both of the authors have first hand experience with the following information about the Amish. Fritz was Amish for several years as an Amish church member in church districts in Kansas , Missouri , and Illinois . He has also visited numerous Amish settlements in the U.S. & Canada , and lived/worked with the horse and buggy Old Order Mennonites (not to be confused with the Old Order Amish Mennonites) in Ontario Canada for half a year.

He has a manuscript of a book that he wrote about the Old Order Amish Mennonites, and has gone so far as to inquire with publishers like National Geographic if they would like some of his material. He has also attended a variety of Mennonite churches, including Church of God in Christ, Menn. (Holdeman's), Charismatic Mennonite, Conserv. Menn. and Beachy Amish churches across the U.S.

He also knows first-hand that Illuminati slaves, some of who are programmers, have been infiltrated by the Illuminati into Mennonite churches. Perhaps what may come across as the strangest religious front, and it is certainly one of the biggest secrets of the intelligence agencies is their use of the Old Order Amish Mennonites as a front. The Amish are the most pacifistic people, so the Illuminati/intelligence agencies have placed some of their best programmed assassins behind the front of being Amish. The front is real--they are Amish, well, many of them, some were Illuminati children switched at birth to give the programmers better bloodlines to work from.

Some Amish women in cult families have let the Illuminati impregnate them with stronger bloodlines. Many Nazi bloodlines were hidden after WW II under the Mennonite/Amish cover. The Mennonites and some of the more progressive Amish adopt many children. The Amish in Missouri ( Jamestown ), Kansas (south of Hutchison), and Oklahoma ( Guthrie , OK ), Kentucky , Ohio (Holmes Co., OH), and Pennsylvania ( Lancaster , PA ) have been involved in selling their children to the Illuminati.

When the Illuminati would buy a child they would send in one of their own midwives to help with the birth and retrieve the child. Generally, the Amish would sell their children when they realized they were going to have twins. One would be given to the cult, and one would be kept by the Amish parents. Because these children are born outside of the system, and have no birth certificates, they made excellent children to use in porn. They also can be used as expendable children to use in porn. They were often blond haired and blue eyed. The Amish women were not allowed to use birth control, it was forbidden by the church, and they were not allowed to have an abortion, and it was their duty to have sex with their husbands. It is possible that some parents sold their children just to get out of the responsibility of having another child.

The Amish farms in Kansas and Oklahoma and in the border states like Missouri and Kentucky are mechanized with tractors, and they don't need the large families that the Amish in other places need. Due to the strong legalism that pervades their church, some have tried to get around the tight spot that the rules place them in by selling a few unnoticed children.

However, there is an active witchcraft practicing occult group within the Amish which is like a box within a box within a box. It is very secret. There are many ways of describing what is going on with the Amish. Let's describe quickly in half a page (it could be a book in itself) what a deep look at the spiritual dynamics of what is going on with their communities.

The rise of Satanism within their ranks is simply a natural outgrowth of the spiritual dynamics. There were two trees in the Garden of Eden, one was the Tree of Life and one was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The first meant being transformed by the Creator who made them into the image of the Spirit of God and receiving spiritual life, but the other tree was performance.

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (religion) includes both Law (good) and license (evil). As soon as a group gets legalistic, they fall from grace. They then separate themselves by their performance and say in effect "look at what we're doing" which is a form of pride. God resists the proud, so they through a number of spiritual dynamics lose fellowship with God. This means they must cling to their legalistic traditions even more, because a live relationship with God is gone. (Bible Studies are forbidden by most Amish church distrists, and they don't get new revelation from God, they still are working off of the revelations of the 1600s, when they were traumatized and quit growing. When they split from the rest of the Mennonites, they were like a child alter split which never grows up.)

When a group gets legalism, they also get license, because the two grow from the same tree. Every Amish community has two large groups--the legalistic ones and the license ones. The young people are even split this way. In Lancaster County , the "Groffies" is the nickname of the large license group of young people who fornicate and drink. There is a smaller group of legalistic conservative young people too, who are at the other end of the spectrum. There is one group (gang might be a more appropriate name) called Jamborees who are an unruly and destructive collection of angry wild young people. The Bishops in Lancaster Co. meet twice yearly to keep this large settlement of opposites together. A lot of compromise and looking the other way is done for the sake of peace. "Peace" at any price is the name of the game. Even before a prayer is said in church the minister calls out, "Wenn mer eenich sin, wella mer bete." This translates, "If we are in one accord, then let us pray." Because peace is so important, they are out of balance in getting it. They place peace far above truth. In order to have the appearance that everything is well, secrecy pervades everything like the air one breathes. Because their whole culture is secret, children raised in it aren't aware of how strong it is, it is simply a way of life, like it is for the Illuminati.

Legalism values conformity. Conformity prefers robotic obedience over understanding. In fact, one Bishop told Fritz, co-author of this book, "We don't want our young folks to understand why they do what they do, we only want obedience. Understanding is dangerous." Does the reader begin to see how the Amish make both the perfect setting for Monarch Mind-Control, and the perfect cover. The Amish are a very secret group. During their early history they suffered severe persecution. Their culture teaches them to suffer in silence, which today helps their Satanic abusers infiltrate their culture.

In the past in Europe , when the Catholic or Protestant church caught them they were tortured to death. They were hunted as animals and treated worse than animals when caught. This was the trauma, that Satan did to them, and the lie that was then handed them was that if they would cloister themselves secretly in the New World away from everyone else, they would be safe. The Amish have shut out from outsiders the true flavor of their culture and beliefs. They are silent about their problems. They tell themselves that outsiders couldn't possibly be interested in their affairs.

The Amish themselves are very divided from each other. The divisions between Amish groups is called Zwietract. Zwietract can cover anything from a mild aloofness to a full fledged shunning (called the Meidung). The Amish aren't in general qualified to tell outsiders much in detail about their own heritage, or religion because they are so isolated from the other Amish settlements and have been raised in such an anti-intellectual culture. Most Amish are content to know that the way they do things "was always done this way" and that their elders and forefathers were gifted men who examined things very closely. Their social norms are not intellectually questioned by most Amish, but then American society has been very isolationist in the world and few Americans question their society & norms.

Americans even rebel in the prescribed fashion, whatever the elite tell society is the "in" "cool" "hot" stylish way to do things. The Amish are similar to the Mid-east culture in that they have a very indirect approach to saying things. They do not consider it proper to speak with a negative connotation about anybody. They also instinctively give pat answers to outsiders to blunt questions. These pat answers border on being rigid, prejudiced, and simple. They serve the purpose to deter curiosity. The early Amish leaders were ex-Catholic priests, but most of the people were peasants who had little formal schooling, had little Bible knowledge, and came from southern Germany and the Rheinland where witchcraft was practiced by the common people.

The Spirit of Witchcraft never left the Amish. It has always been with them. The folk witchcraft is called Brauche, and the craft is kept secret by old men who pass the incantations down in secret. When the Amish moved to Pennsylvania , they moved in next door to Rosicrucians. When the Rosicrucian settlements fell apart they joined the Mennonites, thus bringing their hermetic magic along with them.

Somewhere within the Amish were some families that were under cover for the Jesuits, and were sent in as spies long ago because they were corrupt. These families have been generational Satanists, which practice pedophilia and other crimes in the safety of their isolation. They were placed within the Amish to help the Catholic church destroy the Amish.

In Europe that happened under Hitler, when all the Old Order Amish were arrested in 1938 and wiped out of Germany. Prior to WW II, the Nazi's part of the Illuminati sent over a number of programmed multiples which set up an unnamed cult in upstate New York . This cult was to help Hitler take power in the U.S. when the Nazi's won the war. They did not win the war, but 60 years later this Satanic cult still operates. Now 2nd and 3rd generation programmed multiples are now part of this cult.

Somehow this Illuminati mission coordinates with the Illuminati project to get Hitler's bloodline hidden among the Amish, although the authors are aware of Hitler's descendants being in Oregon , and Washington as well as Pennsylvania . One of them in Portland , Oregon works for the Federal government. Lancaster County is sometimes referred to as the mother church. This was one of the original counties which the Amish settled in when they first came over to the New World . William Penn invited Rosicrucians, Amish, and other dissident religious groups to Pennsylvania .

The Satanic covens in Lancaster County , PA consist of members from Amish, Mennonite and Brethren churches. They are not simply all Amish. Lancaster County 's Amish will fellowship will all the approximately 200 other settlements of Amish around the country. What is a peculiar phenomena, is that many churches that do not fellowship with one another, will still maintain "communion" with Lancaster out of respect for place in Amish history. However, Lancaster County has some of the most immoral reprobate Amish that there could be. All this is hidden very well from the thousands of tourists, due to the secrecy of the Amish.

The Amish do not often pay taxes, do not pay social security because they are exempt from the Social Security program, and send many of their children to Amish schools. They are truly a separate society which maintains rigid secrecy. If you were the New World Order or the Illuminati where would you want to hide your assassins? The safest place is inside of the most pacifist group in the world, the Amish. Monarch mind-controlled slaves are being created out of Amish children.

During W.W. II, Amish conscientious objectors were forced by the government to do alternate public service in lieu of military service. This was known as Civilian Public Service. Amish & Mennonite conscientious objectors were placed into Mental Hospitals to help. They served at Allentown State Hosp., Allentown, PA; Cantonsville State Hosp., Cantonsville, MD; Cleveland State Hosp., Cleveland, OH; Delaware State Hosp., Parnhurst, DL; Denver State Hosp., Denver, CO; Greystone Park State Hosp., Greystone Park, NJ; Harrisburg State Hosp., Harrisburg, PA; Hudson River State Hosp., Poughkeepsie, NY; Kalamazoo State Hosp., Kalamazoo, MI; Lima State Hosp., Lima, OH; Livermore State VA Hosp., Livermore, CA; Macedonia State Hosp., Macedonia, OH; Marlboro State Hosp., Marlboro, NJ; Mt. Pleasant State Hosp., Mt. Pleasant, 10; Norristown State Hosp., Norristown, PA; Provo State Hosp., Provo, UT; Rhode Is. State Hosp., Howard, RI; Roseburg VA State Hosp., Roseburg, OR; Staunton State Hosp., Staunton, VA; Tiffin State Hosp., Tiffin, OH; Wernersville State Hosp., Wernersville, PA; Ypsilanti State Hosp., Ypsilanti, MI.

The author, Fritz, believes that the complete story of how the Illuminati got a secret foothold into the Amish community lies in what happened in mental hospitals to the anxious-to-please, compliant, innocent Amish boys, who were assigned to these mental hospitals. Many people do not realize that during W.W. I, several Mennonite/Hutterite conscientious objectors were tortured to death by our government. Not a pretty picture when you find out how sadistic our government was willing to be toward its own citizens. Not only did the Amish boys go to lots of mental hospitals during W.W. II, but all of the religious groups that participated in the conscientious objector service (called Civilian Public Service) contributed boys to the Office of Scientific Research & Development (part of the Army), which was still using these boys for experiments until Dec. 31, 1946.
What kinds of "experiments" were the Amish boys, who were offered up as guinea pigs, subjected to by the OSRD? We now know that some of these experiments were very dangerous to their human guinea pigs. 1-0 classification was the Selective Service Board's Conscientious Objector classification. During the Vietnam War, Amish young men went into I-W service (conscientious objector service) at mental and regular hospitals. Their I-W service was for two years. Some of these young men were programmed at these hospitals. One Amish boy after he got home from I-W service committed suicide.

The secret satanic families within various Amish settlements also offered up their children. This started a large scale super secret operation by the CIA/Intelligence agencies to set up Delta teams within the Amish. Who would ever suspect an Amishman? They have been expendable assassins for the CIA for years. These young men are strong farm boys. They have no connection between themselves and the outside world where they secretly carry out their missions, and if they die, there is no birth record, and perhaps a dozen other siblings for their family to continue on with.

During the Vietnam War, the Military's Selective Service did things differently than in W.W.II. Any hospital or mental hospital which applied for approval could get I-W (conscientious objector) boys. The Amish put together a Steering Committee to work with the government and the I-W service. In the I-W Steering Committee meetings (and the author Fritz attended one) it was stated by Committee members "The boys do not come back the same [from the hospitals]" and that the I-W service in the mental hospitals was "proving unsatisfactory and harmful."

Some of the mental hospitals which received Amish boys include Columbia Missouri's State Mental Hospital & Hospital complex, Colorado Psychopathic Hospital in Denver, all of the hospitals that got W.W. III-Ws (as listed above), Central State Hospital, Indianpolis, IND, New Jersey State Hospital, Greystone Park, NJ, Philadelphia State Hospital, Philadelphia, PA, plus numerous others. At any one time, there were hundreds of Amish boys in I-W service.

It is suspected that many of these hospitals were involved in mind-control, and it is known that the Columbia , MO complex of hospitals and Mid-Missouri State Mental Hospital , 803 Stadium Dr. , Columbia , Missouri and the Veteran's Hospital across the street were involved in mind-control for the CIA.

A mental hospital had to apply to the Selective Service Board for approval to get I-W workers. Then their personnel departments would hire the I-W boys for positions such as nursing attendants. One State Mental Hospital administrator told Fritz that the whole I-W thing was "pretty confidential."

The Amish Steering Committee worked with the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC) which in turn worked for some quasi-religious group which is privately funded called The National Service Board of Religious Objectors (NSBRO) still active in Washington , D.C. The Amish were slow to act, but by the end of the Vietnam War, they had managed to get some of their farms approved for I-W service and in 1971, the Steering Committee was able to announce that 70 Amish I-W boys were working on Amish farms in 8 states, rather than in hospitals. However, this late change was too late to protect their settlements from infiltration from sophisticated Illuminati mind-control.

How It Is Done

A programmed Amish boy will likely be contacted by what is called a "CUT-OUT''. This is the secret contact person who maintains contact between the Handler and the Amish Delta. CUT-OUT's can either be given several slaves (a BLOCK CUT-OUT) or in other cases only know the up-line handler and down-line person (a CHAIN CUT-OUT).

If further secrecy is needed by the handler, he can use ''sterile telephones'' which the Illuminati/CIA have which cannot be traced, even by the telephone companies. When an Amish boy is activated and sent out on an assassination mission for the Illuminati/Intelligence agencies he is a professional at what he has been trained and programmed to do.

Amish boys, programmed to be assassins, are used in what their handlers call "wet ops". This intelligence lingo means that human blood will run. Wet ops, also called black ops, are debriefed by a briefing team. The Amish multiple will have to give a detailed account of the finished operation, once under hypnosis, once with a polygraph, and once under the drug scopolamine (a truth serum). And when the debriefing team, which includes a Mind-control Programmer, is satisfied that all of the inconsistencies between the different accounts have been ironed out, then the Programmer will block out all memory and guilt of the operation. The handler may write a "blind memorandum" which has no file no. or letterhead or name.

Then Amish boy's assassination alters will be praised for having done a great service to humanity and to his country. The Amish boy can now be sent home to milk cows and work on his labor-intensive tobacco farm without any nagging guilt or horrible memories surfacing to trouble him (at least in theory). Trained assassins do have memory flashes, as all Monarch slaves have, but they are only bits and pieces.

People also do not realize that the Amish live in many more states than Pennsylvania . They move all over the United States . If an Amishman was travelling on a CIA mission there are numerous of excuses that could be made for why he could be on the move. There are far more Amish young people away from the Amish settlements than people realize because they dress like the world.

Many young people leave with the knowledge that they can go back years later and be accepted back into their community. What are some of the mitigating factors in all of this?

The Amish do their own butchering. They are down-to-earth people who are not afraid of blood. Essentially all Amish children grow up helping with butchering, and seeing life and death played out everyday on their farms. The Amish do not embalm their dead, and have their own cemeteries. The Satanic cult within the Amish can reopen the graves and carry out satanic ceremonies afterward. Their cemeteries are small almost hidden sites with markers hidden in grass. Some of these graveyards blend in with their rural settings.

Elmo, Joseph, and Victor Stoll are some prominent Amish men. Joseph and Elmo have traveled a great deal esp. to Central America . Joseph wrote a book on Child Training which teaches parents how to break a child's will. This author is supportive of discipline and respect. The book is pointed out, only because it is a paper trail to show that the Amish discipline and the Illuminati's discipline at times can be similar. The only person who might see an Amish boy being disciplined (since they are a rural people) would be the immediate family or an occasional Amish guest. An Amish man seeing a father carrying out the Monarch steps to build dissociation would likely not see anything wrong. If the guest did see something wrong (i.e. too strict or mean), the objections would be kept very low key. For sure, no non-Amish would ever hear about it.

The Illuminati families like the Dukes and Reynolds control tobacco production and cigarette manufacturing. In order to keep their lifestyle in Pennsylvania , the Amish have had to grow tobacco for the Illuminati controlled companies. This author can only speculate what economic leverage that has given the Illuminati over the Pennsylvania Amish.

Hiding A Major Programming Center

The blueprints of the Portland Mormon Temple at Lake Oswego , OR which sets over a secret underground programming site, were changed overnight after they were looked at. The original blueprints showed that Lake Oswego had allowed a building code to broken. The blueprint was changed, showing that Lake Oswego 's city employees were working along with the Mormon church and the CIA to keep everything running smooth with their high tech secret underground programming center, which has the front of being sacred temple grounds. Three separate Monarch slaves independently described this underground installation, and there are other evidences of it too.

In order to gain access to the underground programming tunnels, a person has to have to place their palm on the wall, where a disguised instrument identifies a person's hand. The entrances are disguised using the most sophisticated techniques. One is from the Temple Laundry Building south of the temple and another is from the hotel south of the temple. This hotel has a strange hard-to-find entrance to its parking lot, almost as if they haven't wanted uninvited guests. Tunnels are widely used at the other various programming sites.

External & Internal Deceptions

There are some stock tools of deception that are used both externally on the world and internally on the slave when their system is programmed and structured. Later in the book we will cover the structuring. Since this chapter covers deceptions, we will discuss them here, but the reader needs to bear in mind, they will be employed in the structuring/programming phases of the slave's life.

The tools are Deflection, Blinds, Slides, Hegelian dialectics, and Deniability. Deflection is taking something good and deflecting its purpose. This is a stock tool. For instance, loyalty and obedience can be good virtuous things if given to the correct authority. But deflected to the false sadistic authority, they are disastrous. They use Deflection to redirect the power of truth which is opposed to them. Healthy foods, benevolence, ecology, love, acceptance, etc. are all part of the Creator's Christian walk. These truths and other are deflected from their original purpose of glorifying the Creator to glorifying their own programs. Rather than publicly opposing Christianity, they rename their own movements Christian, and then proceed to do very little for Christ, and everything for Lucifer. They are even deflecting worship of Jesus Christ onto worship of a demon named Jesus.

The next externally and internally used stock tool is called "Blinds"- these are deliberate deceptions placed within their own writings to confuse the uninitiated. H.P.B. gives a good description of the use of these, so do Masonic writers like Albert Pike. H.P.B. writing describes the use of Blinds in The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 5 Adyar edition, p. 435. Blinds are used in CIA documents, they are incorporated into the scripts that the alters receive. For instance, the in fetro Moon Child ceremonies are not revealed to the non-hierarchy alters, but they are told that the Moon Children have to do with the cage tortures.

Slides are truth that has been warped just slightly to take an investigative person into a dead end. An example of a slide, is that the New World Order is satanic, but that only Nazis and stupid people think that Jews are involved. This is a slide, because then the Rothschilds who hide behind their Jewishness, can not be mentioned as suspects without people yelling "Anti-Semitism."

In reality exposing these abusers has nothing to do with Anti-Semitism, it's simply that all abusers no matter what good front they have, need to be correctly identified as dangerous. Another example, an alter who pretends to be helpful is placed in the system who says that the door to get to a castle internally is the fifth door on the right in such and such hall. The answer is correct, but the door must be opened using the left side, rather than the right side where the door knob is located. Because the answer doesn't pan out then the idea that the door is the correct door is discarded, and the alter's knowledge is suspect. Lots of psychiatrists are writing papers about MPD with slides. They give some truth, and then they give people a path to go down that will dead end them from ever finding the truth.

They use Hegelian Dialectics. This dialectic process doesn't happen on its own so it often has to be forced into happening. The idea is that each idea ("ism") called a "thesis", like say Capitalism, naturally by definition has an opposite, an "antithesis". In Capitalism the antithesis is Communism. The conflict between the two produces a synthesis. By controlling both ends of the conflict, one controls the end product, the synthesis. More than not, the One-World-Power can be seen working behind both sides of many conflicts. Indeed, the Secret Societies have been historically shown to be behind all the revolutions and wars in Modern Europe since the American Revolution.

In religious conflict, both sides are often being manipulated. Some of the various groups openly admit their strategy is designed to create a synthesis. You will find Hegelian Dialectics has been introduced into the U.S. educational system by the Skull & Bones Order, an Illuminati group. It was adopted in Russia by the Slavophiles in the 19th century. Communism, Nazism, Fabians, most New Age groups, Liberation Theology, and other parts of the Power use Hegelian Dialectics. Hegel in turn based his system on the ancient Greek atomists especially Democritus. Hegalian dialectics is built into the conflicting scripts that alters are given. Slaves who are twinned to another slave will find Hegelian dialectics employed in their twinning programming. The Hegelian dialectics can be worked in with the double-binds that the programmers love to use.

Esoteric language.

Indirect interference with truthful information getting out. This is done by stealing the impact of the truth, by printing a parallel story with disinformation at the same time, or "leaking" an opposite story with disinformation at the same approximate time. Disinformation leaks can be done through the mass media, or an individual alter. g. deniability.

When orders are given and language is used, it is on purpose vague so that the guilty can deny their guilt. At this point, it might be appropriate to cover some standard CIA tactics. They use some Monarch slaves as "Live Letter Drops". An LLD is a person who will remail spy letters. They will use "dead drop boxes" which are simply places that an item or message is concealed to be retrieved by some other criminal in the Network. They may give the slave a gift which then has to be passed on. They may protect a written message by writing it on edible paper. Safe houses are used, indicated by things such as 2 lion statues along with prearranged O.K. signals, such as the position of a flower pot.

D. Internal Deceptions

When building an internal world, the programmers use every trick in the book to hide things. First the abuse has to be hidden in silence, and then the MPD has to be hidden. Next, the real core needs to be hidden. Then, the purpose of a Monarch slave needs to be hidden. All the time that this is going on, the programmers must constantly work at keeping the programmers' identities hidden, and their programming sites hidden.

Programmers usually have cover names when programming, and then hypnotically have the victim see them as something else. For instance, Dr. Green had victims see him as a cricket. He even used a cricket noise maker while programming, that clicked. In recent times, the Programmers and handlers are programming their slaves to believe that they are aliens. The slave will generally be lied to that they have a "twin" somewhere. Internally, the Programmer will begin making the System with the core related alters and then the front alters. The front alters will be rearranged in a fashion that the structure of the System is confused. The front alters will be given heavy programming, to convince them that nothing ever happened to them, they had a wonderful life. They will be given fictitious stories about the programming, so that almost every item in a System has a cover story to mislead an alter about what is going on.

Many things are placed in boxes. Clowns programmed to cut, are Jack-in-box clowns that pop up when an alter even thinks unapproved thoughts. Some of the important things in a System may be hidden out front. An alter on the front may think it is stupid, and yet they have access to internal maps of the entire system--which they can remember only on code. If a person (such as a therapist or nosey alter) goes to look deep in the System for the material he might be frustrated. Under a fanatically un-sexual (asexual) alter, will be a sexual alter. Under a stupid alter, may be an alter gifted in a language or art. Alters are very often hidden behind opposite types of alters.

Important things in the System, and many unimportant things, are all well guarded. Sometimes particular alters have to serve as the guards. Some of these guards are called Gatekeepers. Gatekeeper alters will appear near the surface of a system, and then again deep in the System about level 10, and 12. Gatekeeper alters are alters that the programmer must go through to get to deeper levels. The Gatekeeper alters are very heavily programmed to keep them in place. They will receive intensive lies. Some of the access triggers which must accompany the verbal codes are kept secret, by virtue of the fact that no person in their right mind would use them, such as needles, electro-shocks, or slaps to certain parts of the body to trigger deep alters to take the body.

Items in a System will be disguised, such as the clockmaker alter/demons will make clocks to appear in the system like anything they want. The only way these can be adequately identified is that these clocks are always disguised as gold items. As the Programmers work, they like to find word games, plays on words and double-binds. They will also put in scrambling programs, deaf alters and foreign language codes to help protect their secrets. The alters who look the least to have programming may have the most. Duplicate alters of most alters are created, so that even the alters themselves don't know if it is themselves or another alter. These duplicates are called mirrored images & looking glass people (LGPs). Some of the mirrored images may turn out to be demonic entities that have been placed using high level demonology. Suicide alters, who are trained to have a big smile and be clowns, mask their intention to kill the body when they take the body of a slave.

A popular method for hiding things within the occult world, has been boxes within boxes. A Masonic organization will have a rite, within a secret rite, with a secret group, with an insider clique. Common everyday items that surround the slave will be given special meanings. The songs the slave hears on the radio, will for instance have code words. The Programmers due to the corruption of the music industry knows what hit songs are coming out, and they will haul their slaves in and program them according to the lyrics of the soon-to-be hits. The lyrics will be written so that programmed meanings can be attached to certain words and lines.

Something as innocent as watching T.V., listening to the T.V. or to a sermon may actually be programming a special message into the victim. Hand signals will even be done over the news or other shows. For instance, Bill Clinton at his inauguration made a satanic signal during the inauguration ceremony. This sign of Satan is a standard hypnotic induction hand signal for slaves. Clinton waves the sign of Satan with his left hand at his inauguration. This is a hypnotic induction signal for slaves. Although some might interpret this as "I love you" which is handed by the right hand of a deaf person, this left handed signal will induct slaves no matter what some people think the meaning is.

No wise person would knowingly choose to fight their opponent blind and deaf, yet that seems to be the choice which many nominal Christians are choosing. They would like to live in denial and to characterize this book as doomsdayer stuff and then dismiss and ignore this material. They want to eat, drink and be happy. If people think that by putting their heads in the sand they can escape the future, or even the present difficulties, they may be in for a rude surprise.

The Use of Esoteric Language

One method of deception is the use of Esoteric language. Esoteric terms are understood by those deep in the occult, but are misunderstood by the common people. The best example is the term "Saturn."


The word Saturn consistently turns up as an important word for the Illuminati and upper levels of the occult. Because Saturn is such an important concept, it should be covered in this part of the book. Therapists may encounter something to do with Saturn in a programmed multiple. Before Fritz began researching the elite of the occult world, Saturn was merely meant an enormous planet 95 times the size of the earth's mass, the 6th of the solar system in an orbit of 29.5 years around the sun. This means that the co-authors of this book are less than three Saturian years old.

Fritz was also aware that Saturn was the father of all Gods in the mythology of the ancient world. David M. Talbot in his book The Saturn Myth documents how all over the world Saturn has been worshipped even more than the sun god. Saturn has been the secret god of the occult world. When we read in Deut. 18:9-10, "When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations. There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch."

All of these practices are abominations done by Satanists today and are becoming commoner among Americans. Note that the first item mentioned by Moses in this passage was passing (putting) children into the fire (of Moloch). Commentary on The Pentateuch, III, reprint, Grand Rapids , MI : Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1949, p.393.) (Keil, Carl F. and Franz Delitzch) on DT 18:9-10: "Moses groups together all the words which the language contained for different modes of exploring the future and discovering the will of God, for the purpose of forbidding every description of soothsaying, and places the prohibition of Moloch-worship at the head, to show the inward connection between soothsaying and idolatry, possibly because februation, or passing children through the fire in the worship of Moloch, was more intimately connected with soothsaying and magic than any other description of idolatry."

The worship of Moloch was the worship of Saturn. There are perhaps various routes one can take to learn this. One route is a very close examination of the Scripture, especially the old Septuagint. Scriptures actually write of this fact in Amos 5:25-26 and Acts 7:41-43. Amos wrote, "Did ye bring unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, 0 House of Israel ? Yea, ye have borne the tabernacle of your king ("siccuth malkecem", or in the Septuagint it reads "skenen tou Moloch"!), and the shrine (kiyyun) of your images, the star of your God, which ye made to yourselves" AMS 5:25-26 The Christian Stephen quotes these passages of Amos and connects it with the worship of the golden calf (bull or Taurus). His words on this are recorded in Acts 7:4 1. He further connects it in the next verse with the worship of "the host of heaven". In line with translations like the Septuagint, he states in verse 43 that Amos 5 refers to the cult "of Moloch and the star of the god Rephan".

Hebrew writing consists of only the consonants. The vowels can be added with what are termed vocalizations, which are dots. The Jewish scribes in their contempt for heathen gods placed vocalizations (vowel indicators) on the word Molech (M-L-CH) from a Hebrew word for "shame". Because the incorrect vocalization was added out of contempt for the heathen names of abominable gods, the word Molech (Saturn worship) has been mistranslated by some translators. Further, the word Chiun (Kaimanu in Assyria ) has been represented by the word Rephan in Acts 7:43. Rephan is Kaivan (Chiun) which is the arabian and syrian way of saying Saturn. Rephan apparently was a very limited or localized way of saying Saturn. The adoration of the calf (bull) in the wilderness was an important act of defiance by the Israelites-- while Moses went up on the mountain to speak to God face to face.

This worship of the bull was actually worship of Saturn! Some call this star worship, and the bull was worshipped because at that time the constellation Taurus (the Bull) marked the position of the sun at the time of the spring equinox. The fact that the calf was gold was no accident--gold has many Satanic connotations. For a modern occult reference connecting the Bull, astrology and gold together see Esoteric Astrology by Alice Bailey (Lucis Trust, 1951), pp 378-79. Various scholars on ancient religion have written that the worship of Moloch was Saturn worship.

For instance, Siculus Diodorus wrote, ". ..there was a brazen statue of Saturn putting forth the palms of his hands, bending in such a manner toward the earth, as that the boy who was laid upon them, in order to be sacrificed, should slip off, and so fall down headlong into a deep burning furnace...'' The ancient Roman circus, like so many public activities in America , was based upon the occult. The circus had 7 circuits, and had a pyramid in the center with 3 alters, one to Saturn, one to Jove, and one to Mars. This is an example of what the common people knew about Saturn. Moloch, then was the Sun God, during the Zodiac period from Taurus to Serpens and Scorpio which is when the sun is hottest. The Babylonians referred to Saturn as the "star of the sun".

In the Mithraic Mysteries, Saturn was the Sun God. (See Hall, Manly P. The Lost Teachings of All Ages. p. facing 21.) In fact, Saturn was the Sun God of many of the Pagan religions, and was the foundation of the Solar Temple . (ibid. Hall tells us on pg. 97, Lower Left, that Saturn is the foundation of the Solar Temple .) The Ten tribes of the Israelites fell into the ritual sacrifices of Moloch (Saturn worship and sacrifice) which brought them their judgment of Assyrian captivity. (2 KGS 17:16 - 17)

Astrology, witchcraft, and ritual sacrifice were also associated with Saturn worship. Isaiah the prophet tells those who worship Saturn, "Let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save thee." ISA 47:13 Saturn did not save the Israelites from captivity.

Ex-Illuminati members have revealed that Saturn is Satan. Yes, Saturn is Satan. The Satanic Illuminati hierarchy teach the high level students that "those who serve Saturn promote the return of the lost son Saturn." The religion of Saturn is Saturnian gnosis--which turns out to simply be a rehash of the gnosticism that the high level Satanists believe in. Saturn is severe. Jupiter is mild. The merging of Saturn (severity) with Jupiter (mildness) is the creation of the new Golden Age--according to high level Satanic hierarchy teachings. The earth has been caught in a battle between a bi-polar world--the inner Solar Logos and the outer Saturnian sphere. The trans-Saturnian planets actually belong to Alcyone(!) which eventually gets its planets returned. (This may be the reason, that the Satanic hierarchy has treated us to "good aliens from the Pleiades." Alcyone is a star in the Pleides.) Page 161 .... Saturnian gnostic teachings are that darkness contains the light.

What this means is that darkness is necessary for light to exist. And light appears within the matrix of darkness only by the Demiurge Saturnes--the Logos. This is what they teach. According to Albert Pike in the Masonic Text Book Morals and Dogma given to 320 Masons, the work of the Sun is the perfecting (also known as the deification of) man. Christians view that it is Satan's work to teach men that they can be deified (which is rebellion to the one and only true God).


In secret Satanic rituals, the Grande Master has a scepter which represents his authority to wield power through the Lord of this world who is known as Saturn. New Age leaders are calling "Saturn" "Sanat Kumera". A devil by any name is still a devil. In a dialogue with a Mother of Darkness, this Mother of Darkness alter provides some interesting information.

The dialogue went like this:

Mother of Darkness: "Saturn is the gateway that must be opened. For a season God has winked that man might be illuminated. But excessive light destroys. Man must not forget his destiny is concerned with loving regeneration of the earth [Mother Gaia worship] and balance. Soon the other eye of God must open. Those who are illuminated have kept the balance point. The majority of mankind has not. Few seek the ancient seed of wisdom that springs from the brow of Lucifer. Man becomes.. .forgetful of His spiritual ancestry and destiny....They are Ellyllon. Keepers of nothing. They fill the earth with their passing and crowd the planes with nothingness. They are a waste of the energies. And so the other eye must open. Each man shall receive abundance in what he seeks. Some call it Karma..."

Interviewer: "What do you mean by the other eye?"

Mother of Darkness: "The other eye of God as some would say. Chemosh. Cleansing Fire. The outstreched arms of Molech."
Introductory Remarks

For any recipe you need a cook. So who has been cooking up the RECIPE for making Monarch Slaves? The authors felt that after reading the recipe, that some readers would be interested in learning about the master chefs who make human robots using trauma-based mind-control. According to an ex-Programmer, the Programmers for decades have been treated like royalty whenever they step foot onto a military base, or enter a hospital that carries out mind control. They are always expected. Generally, the commanding general on a base would meet them and escort the programmer in a limo. If the base commander couldn’t make it, an important physician might take his place.

The programmers have keys, and codes to get into special areas. After many thousands of Americans died in WW II fighting Nazism, our government’s intelligence agencies (incl. the military intelligence groups) in cooperation with the Illuminati and its people in the Vatican, smuggled 10,000 of the worst Nazi-fascist war criminals into this country. This is on public record now. Part of this was under Operation Paperclip. The DoD (Dept. of Defense) also worked at smuggling Nazi mind control programmers under Project 63. Every W.W. II veteran who fought ought to be angry that after putting his life on the line for "democracy" and freedom, and supposedly defeating the Nazis, our government brought in men like the S.S.’s infamous butcher Dr. Joseph Mengele to program American children with trauma-based mind-control like he had in the concentration camps. In fact, Fritz has worked with an Illuminati victim of Joseph Mengele, who was programmed in Germany in a concentration camp, and then smuggled to the U.S. via Canada by Jesuits working with the Illuminati.

Once in the U.S., this person continued to be programmed by Mengele, who went by many names including Dr. Green. He is described in detail in part d. of this Appendix. We must begin to get beyond the fronts and covers that the programmers have for the world. Jewish professor Ernst Bergmann, of the infamous Leipzig University , is also surprisingly a strong advocate of Nazism. His main book is A National Socialist Philosophy of Culture. He writes, "A new type of mankind is being developed." He is mentioned here so that people stop looking at labels, and start looking at what is really going on. One of the principle goals of Nazism was to remake mankind. The Ahnerbe of the Nazis was set up to do genetic research and experiments. And one element of that was to be able to create the prefect obedient mind-controlled slave.

A first glance at the lies told us by our press will give one the impression Nazism was anti-communist, nationalistic, & Christian. However, a close look at Hitler and today’s Nazi leadership, will reveal that Nazism is Socialism (or Marxism, exactly what communism is about) and that Nazism is not nationalistic, but international in its view. Further, it is Satanic and based on the Nordic mystery beliefs (Odin, Thor, etc.). It is not based on Christianity.

The Vril Society was the mother of the Nazi party. "Vril" means the Light Force. What Light force? Lucifer the light bearer’s light force. The true nature of Nazism is being concealed. When Hitler came to plan, he was placed into power in accordance with the Illuminati plan which was spelled out in writing. This plan said, "Nowadays if any state raise a protest against us it is only pro forma (provided in advance) at our discretion and by our direction, for their anti-semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren."

Illuminati international bankers brought Hitler to power, and Illuminati kingpins like Rockefeller, Onassis and the King of Sweden traded with the Nazis. Spain stayed neutral during the war to serve as a conduit of supplies to keep Hitler’s war going. Hitler was a participant in rituals where human sacrifices were carried out. He himself killed a number of men by pulling their hearts out of their bodies while they were alive. One Monarch slave remembers his father, who was powerful in the Illuminati, describing how Hitler killed a man in front of him by pulling his heart out. Some of Hitler’s key advisors and key men were in the Illuminati.

There are also lots of tie ins with the OTO, the Vril Society, the Thule Society, the Society of Green Men. The head of the Tibetan Monks that Hitler imported to help him lead Germany was known as The Man with the Green Glove. The monks were posted in Berlin, Munich, and Nuremberg.

By the way, the NWO is still using Tibetan Monks. Have you ever watched how much travel the Dalai Lama gets in? And did you notice that Tibetan Monks were imported in the Bakaa Valley Colorado by a U.N. leader? The Mishpuka (Jewish Mafia) leader Pritzker who lives in seclusion on Haulon Rd., Libertyville, IL 60048 on a 1300 acre piece of expensive real estate, had the Dalai Lama consecrate a shrine for him. Haulon Rd. has two access points, a northern and a southern. (The road was bought by Pritzker and is guarded. Pritzker has been active in Chicago for the Mishpuka. He is reported to have spent millions renovating his house, where for some reason, dead bodies keep showing up on its estate grounds.)

Our political leaders have been aware that Nazi Mind-control experts were imported after the war. For instance, some of the Nazi war criminals smuggled in became some of Richard Nixon’s personal friends. Even the Mossad were fully aware that thousands upon thousands of the worst monsters that the world has known were smuggled into the U.S. for the Illuminati by the Vatican, the Intelligence Agencies, and other groups.

The Rothschilds and Nelson Rockefeller forced the Jewish Zionist leadership in Israel to keep silent about the Nazis who were smuggled into the U.S. after W.W. II. In return for Israel’s silence and the Mossad’s silence about the thousands of high level satanic Nazis who were brought into the U.S., the nation of Israel was allowed. They made a deal, according to high level insiders.

Nelson Rockefeller had enormous power in South America. In June 1945, when the U.N. was being set up at San Francisco, Nelson Rockefeller attended. While Nelson Rockefeller was there, he busied himself with directing the South American delegates. Rockefeller’s bloc of 19 Latin American countries had more U.N. votes than Europe’s nine members. Rockefeller was a key person, if the Zionist’s wanted the U.N. to vote so that the nation of Israel could be established. The Zionist leadership used what they thought was blackmail, if you don’t let Israel be established we will expose how you are smuggling Nazi war criminals into the U.S.

Of course, the Illuminati wanted Israel to be created--so those in the Zionist leadership who knew the bigger plans of the Illuminati, knew that the Illuminati-run CIA wasn’t giving up anything. If anyone asks why the Mossad didn’t expose MI-6 and the CIA’s extensive hiring of Nazi war criminals, they say today that they were using it for blackmail to get Israel what it needed. Those in the know, realize that is just an excuse. The Mossad has hired its own share of Nazi criminals, and at some point learned mind-control programming from the CIA, perhaps even from Mengele (Dr. Green). The Nazis used Croats and White Russians to carry out some of their genocide policies. Not all of the monsters of W.W. II were German, many were White Russian collaborators.

Essentially every White Russian War Criminal from W.W. II that survived the war was placed on one NATO payroll or another. The U.S. intelligence even hired German SS administrators. Why? Because U.S. intelligence is controlled by the Illuminati. The White Russian Nazis were settled in the NY-NJ area, especially in South River, NJ. One of the worst monsters was Stankievich who ended up living in Richmond Hills and working for the CIA. He got a job working for Radio Liberty in NY! Isn’t that ironic that "Radio Liberty" has hired such monsters. Does our government put out propaganda or is it really the champion of freedom that it portrays itself to be?

The Nazi mayor of Minsk was brought over by the CIA and given a job at the N.Y. Library of running the Slavic desk. One of the chief White Russian war criminals, the Vor Kommando Moskau chief recruiter was made head over a NY county medical society.

John Foster Dulles, brother of the director of the CIA, was trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation. The Rockefeller Foundation was a participant in Nazi mind control research done by Mengele and others for the Kaiser Wilhelm Medical Institute in Berlin. After the war, John Foster Dulles helped smuggle Nazis into this country, including those who were Illuminati Mind-control experts.

Bill Casey, later director of the CIA, was also busy helping bring in Nazi war criminals after the war. He served on the International Rescue Committee in NY which he used to bring Nazis into New York. Prior to the war Jewish German scientists were smuggled into New York through the Arnold & Constable Store, which housed the ADL on the top floor.

The South American countries, especially Argentina, ruled by the Perons, was connected to both the Illuminati in Germany and the Illuminati in the states. Many Germans went to Argentina, and they simply continued doing what they had done in the past. Satanism working under the veil of Nazism was very strong in Argentina where many of the German Illuminati leaders moved after the war.

Another place that the Germans loved to move to was Oregon, especially Portland, OR. The head of Hitler’s intelligence was the brilliant Reinhard Gehlen who worked for the CIA after the war. He is Illuminati. His brother was Doe Winters who lived in Pullach after the war.

Mengele, (the Dr. Black of Monarch Programming, who was an Illuminati Grand Master himself) would occasionally visit Doe Winter’s Pullach residence. To renovate the image of Nazi criminals, they became Anti-communist crusaders. A group of fascists from Asia and Europe were taken by U.S. Intelligence and moulded into the WACL (World Anti-Communist League). And we of the sheppel (sheep) were given more Hegalian dialectics. Those of us who still care about humanity’s freedom, and that human spirit not to be broken by the elite’s total mind control, have got to get beyond labels, and the media’s propaganda, and the false fronts.

B. Understanding The Programmers

Many men have contributed to the research of trauma-based mind control. The men who learned how to torture during the ancient Babylonian days, during the Roman days and during the Medieval days passed their secrets to the rulers of the secret Mystery Religions. Some of the 13 Illuminati bloodlines trace their history back to the ancient times of Babylon. Because the programmers are driven by the spirit-world, they are very jealous and competitive towards each other. It is a dog-eat-dog world amongst them. The demonic forces within in them are in competition too. Yes, the programmers have had their friction, their jealousies & power struggles with each other. Some of these inner battles have been fought with and over their mind-controlled slaves. When two programmers work on a single slave, they might both put in their own secret back doors to insure that the slave remains loyal to himself rather than other programmer.

There has also been ongoing tension between the half-blooded & full blooded Illuminati programmers. Because each of the various programming centers specializes in perhaps a dozen types of programming, programmers go to different programming centers. The props for the scripts are often kept at the programming centers. The programmers will dress according to the script they are giving the victims, which might mean they may be dressed as the Wizard of Oz, a Nazi, a doctor in a white coat, a white rabbit costume, a corrigan sweater as Mr. Rogers, or in the nude.

One of the most cruelest evil geniuses in recent times was Dr. Mengele. Dr. Mengele used 3,000 twins during the time of 1943-1944 for research. Most of these twins died. The twins were chosen out of the vast numbers of people who were brought in to the German concentration camps. By the time W.W. II ended, Mengele knew a great deal about how to torture children in order to get them to bond totally with him. Even today some of the survivors of his horrible experiments believe that Mengele loved children. They love him as their father. Mengele also developed the ability to create artificial twinning between two people. Mengele carried his violin with him when he came onto military bases. His violin hid his color bands and probes for color programming.

Other men worked with Dr. Mengele and soon became programmers in their own right. Dr. Cameron of Canada became a Monarch mind-controlled slave programmer known as Dr. White.

Another programmer who was not a full blooded generational Satanist was Gog known as Dr. Blue. Heinrich Mueller is known as Dr. Blue. Dr. Blue lived in the northwest area and has two sons--their programming and cult nicknames are Teddy Bear (Theodore) and Robin Hood (Michael).

Two programmers known successively as Dr. Black are L.W. and W.B. A protege of L. W. is Ed Hummel who works in states such as Texas and Oregon. Ed was originally from Texas, and W. and B. were originally from Oklahoma before they began working in the Northwest.

Two of the most ruthless programmers on the West coast are Jerry Lee Lewis and Michael Aquino. These two men are as cold blooded as they come, ranking right beside Mengele in their ability to torture. Michael Aquino (DOB 10/16/46, 2430 Leavenworth St., San Francisco, plus other addresses), because he was in military intelligence, was in a position to pass on his diabolical programming abilities to dozens of military officers. His wife works with him, and her name is Lilith Sinclair (DOB 4/21/42). Michael Aquino has travelled all over the U.S. doing programming. Michael Aquino used Cathy O’Brien as the star victim in his training video which teaches military officers how to create Monarch mind-controlled slaves.

One of the old time programmers (early 1950s-80’s) who worked as a psychiatrist in southern California went by the programming name of Sid. The principle Illuminati programmers were known as Dr. Black, Dr. White, Dr. Green, and Dr. Blue. They oversaw the training of thousands of part-time programmers. The better programmers are able to get into the mind of the victim much like Colombo (Peter Falk), who is, by the way, in his personal life is part of this all.

The reader needs to understand that a victim who is given the Monarch mind-control may have a number of programmers, but the slave will be trained to only respond to the voices of a limited number of users. If someone tries to use a slave and has the wrong voice, it could trigger suicide programming. A human robot may have alters which can rescue the body from a suicide alter, but the message will be clear to the mind-controlled slave that it should stay away from non-approved users or face possible suicide. We have now entered an era where second and third generation robotic mind controlled slaves are programming. The programmed are now doing much if not most of the programming. This means many of the programmers are men with MPD.

Some programmers are hard-core military men who see any type of "discipline" or "training" as good if the end product produces better obeying soldiers. These hard-core military men have lost any proper boundaries on what is O.K. for training. This explains why the whole apparatus to create mind-controlled slaves is turning out new slaves at an alarming rate. The small number of victims who are painstakingly saved by de-programming and therapy is slight compared to the number of new slaves being created. Over two million Americans have been programmed by trauma-based mind control since 1947, & the CIA admitted its Mind Control publicly in 1970, and yet the existence of the mind-control is still secret to the general public.

Doctors such as Dr. Gaefsky, at the Bethesada Naval Hospital and Dr. Beecher at Harvard, under the auspices of the CIA worked to perfect the use of drugs to mind-control people.

Dr. Jensen, was the CIA programmer who programmed Candy Jones (birth name Jessica Wilcox, and CIA alias Arlene Grant), the famous sex object of males during W.W. II. Candy Jones was a Monarch carrier pigeon (courier) for the CIA. Candy Jones received some of her programming at The Farm which is the CIA’s Camp Peary.

Dr. William Jennings Bryan also helped the CIA in programming. Naval Psychologist Lt. Comdr. Thomas Narut contributed his ideas on how to develop mind-controlled assassins. Some of the assembly-line Delta assassination teams are using programming techniques based on Narut’s programming research.

A Dr. James Monroe also worked for the CIA in Mind Control programming.

READERS ARE ASKED TO REMEMBER THAT SOMETIMES SEVERAL PEOPLE MAY HAVE THE SAME NAME. Disclaimer: The readers are asked to check these people/names out for themselves before drawing any final conclusions, maybe the leopard has changed his spots.
Monarch Mind Control Programmers

Morse Allen

Lt. Col. John Alexander
Richard Dabney Anderson
Michael Aquino (program cover name Malcolm, also known to some children as Mickey, Betty Ford is his mother, Illum, bloodline, married to Lilith Sinclair)
Bill Bennett
Wilbur Bowers (program cover name Billy Boy, a Rothschild)
Dr. William Jennings
Bryan Burcham Burnell-Hightower
Sen. Robert C. Byrd
Dr D Ewen Cameron (program cover name Dr White)
Sue Carper
Joe Circo
Mark Circo
Wayne Cox
Dr. Bernard Diamond
Michael Delaney (prog. covr name Robin Hood)
Russell G. Frazier
Gaston Beth George (a Rothschild)
Clair George
Dr Sydney Gottlieb
Col. Wilson Green
John Gunter (program cover name Little John)
Haggin Harrick in Denver, Co.
Col. Height (sp.?)
Lawrence Hinkle
Alex Houston
Ed Hummel
Dr. Harris Isbell
Dr. Jensen Johnson
Steve Kilgore
Kris Kristopherson
Helga LaRouche
Hank Levine
Jerry Lee Lewis
Dr. John Lilly
Col. Manassah
Irby Mandrell
Hal Meadows
Dr. Meiers (program cover name The Jolly Green Giant)
Seward Prosser Mellon (program cover name Governor)
Dr. Josef Mengele (program cover name Dr. Green)
Dr. Joseph A. Meyer
Ted V. Mikels
Dr. James Monroe
Heinrich Mueller (program cover name Dr. Blue)
Theodore son of Heinrich Mueller (program cover name Teddy Bear)
Nathan Lt. Comdr.
Thomas Narut
Dr. Martin T. Orange
Col. Tom Parker
Pete Peterson
Ken Riley
David Long Rothschild
Guy de Rothschild
Alden Sears
Dr. Star Maj.
Col. Taylor
Leo Taylor
Darcy Vanderpool
Weir Kent
Leo Wheeler (program cover name Dr. Black, a Collins)
Robert Whitlow
Harold Wolff

SOURCES: Fritz Springmeier’s Newsletters Oct. 15, 1993; Dec. 1, ‘93; Feb, ‘94; Jan., 1995; March-April, 1995; "Perpetrators" (Monograph), 1993 by Cathy O’Brien, Fritz Springmeier’s own list of people from Survivors, In Search For the Manchurian Candidate

Country Music Industry

Perpetrators Involved and knowledgeable of Monarch Mind Control (Most are involved with the CIA’s drug running network.)

Henry Ade
Alabama band
Atlanta Bandana
Lynn Anderson
Jerry Barlow
Boxcar Willie
Ray Burdette
Glen Campbell
Ace Canon
Dee Clark
Roy Clark
David Allen Coe
Pat Corn
Helen Cornelious
Wayne Cox
Dave DeBolt
Penny Dehaven
Charlie Dick T
he Drifters
Roy Drusky
Narvel Felts
The Four Guys
Randy and Rudy Gatlin
Jim Glaser
Vern Gosdin
Jack Greene
Merle Haggard
Alex Houston (and Elmer)
Englebert Humperdink
Waylon Jennings
George Jones
The Judds
Merle Kilgore
Buddy Killen
Velton Lang
Hank Levine
Jerry Lee Lewis
Ernest Ray Lynn
Ronnie Lutric
Jack MacFadden
Reggie Maclaughlin
Brent Magor
Marty Martell
George Moffet
Lorrie Morgan
Bonnie Nelson
Willie Nelson
Oakridge Boys
Merril Osmund
Tommy Overstreet
Jerry and Arlene Petty
Ray Pillow
Charlie Pride
Ronnie Prophet
Jeannie Pruett
Giles Reeves
Dave Roe (Rorick)
Dave Roland (and Sugar)
TG Sheppard
Hank Snow
Ronnie Stoneman
Jimmy Sturr
Jimmy Swaggart
Mel Tillis
Buck Trent
Leroy VanDyke
Jim Vest
Mack Vickory
Billy Walker
Charlie Walker
Jim Webb
Dottie West
Shelly West
Kent Westberry
Bobby Whitton

Michael McArthur, a recent convert from Satanism who helped abduct children provided first hand testimony that the following are involved in abductions of children:

"Chucky" (aka ,,Mike," aka "Peters"’) --FBI hit man in Div. 5 of FBI, involved also with Inslaw Case

Nichol Harrah -FBI agent who abducts children for sacrifice

Linda Krieg-Satanist working for FBI

Ken Lanning-FBI agent who abducts children for sacrifice while claiming SRA doesn’t exist

Nick O’Hara--FBI hit man, satanist, who has covered FBI child kidnapping by murdering witnesses

Kepe Richardson--CIA agent who abducts children for sacrifice

In addition to all this, the following are a few of the CIA people who are both Slave Handlers and drug dealers, who haven’t gotten their names mentioned yet:

Pat Bowlin
George Bush & son
Sue Carper (not known if she deals drugs). She does dir. CIA operations and the Norwegian Caribbean Lines.
Hank Cochran, a drug overlord
Alan Dulles
Diane Martin of Hawaii
Irby Mandrell who controls other family members who are slaves such as Barbara, Louise, & Iriene.
Jim Maynard, CIA covert ops Belize Jeff Meritt, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Is.
Carl Misel
Jim Mitchell
Earl O’Brien
Linda Scale
Bob Tannis w/ Air Force Intell. in Ml

The Temple of Set.

The Temple of Set (The Temple of Power) is built upon mind control. Since most of the members are either victims of mind control or perpetrators or both, it would be productive to give the membership of this organization.

Dr. Flowers, the Grand Master of the Order of the Trapezoid, may well be a programmer. In the least he is a slave handler. Some Total Mind-controlled slaves will have Order of the Trapezoid things internally. If they do, the therapist should recognize that this is Temple of Set (Power) programming. The membership of the Church of Set has been a closely guarded secret. Here it is.

A few words of explanation are in order. Most of the names in the list are the actual names of people, but some people joined the Temple of Set under aliases. For instance Eddie W. Hands is an alias for Edward Wayne Cox of Chatham, Louisiana. E. Wayne Cox may have chosen this alias because he runs an international business of selling left hands taken from victims of human sacrifice. The left hand is called by these Satanists "the hand of glory."

Although Senator Robert C. Byrd’s name doesn’t appear on the Temple of Set’s formal membership, he properly should be included in any membership list, because it was his legal expertise that helped Aquino set up the Temple of Set so that it would be legally protected by the Constitution. Behind this legal Satanic organization is a large amount of illegal Satanic activity, including sacrifice, slavery, mind control, porn and drugs. Senator Byrd is an example of how evil men can pervert the use of the Constitution for evil.

Another name which is not on the formal membership roster is Jerry Lee Lewis, but Jerry Lee Lewis works so closely with the Monarch slaves of the Temple of Set that he is an integral part of the Temple of Set system. This secret membership list follows this pattern NAME OF PERSON-POSITION IN THE TEMPLE OF SET (i.e. rank), PLACE OF RESIDENCE, OTHER OCCULT OR SECULAR FACTS ABOUT THE PERSON. Roman numerals are used to identify Setian ranks, I have taken the liberty to abbreviate these roman numerals into our everyday numbers, such as VI° = 6°.
Dr. Green (Dr. Joseph Mengele)

The most significant programmer, perhaps one could give him the title of the father of Monarch Programming was Joseph Mengele, an ex-Nazi Concentration Camp doctor. Thousands of Monarch mind-controlled slaves in the U.S. had "Dr. Green" as their chief programmer. Physically the doctor was 5’8", dark-brown hair, greenish brown eyes, and gracefully handsome. He was a Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde character who disarmed people by his kindness. He was gentle and quiet and intelligent, while still having a very sadistic brutal side to him. Joseph Mengele was born into a wealthy Satanic bloodline, and became one of the most powerful Satanists in the world. He was an expert on demonology and the Cabala. He was at least a Grand Master in the Illuminati, but how high he went up the hierarchy ladder is unknown to this author.

Because he was part of the Illuminati and their bodies are not to have visible scars, Joseph Mengele did not take the SS tatoo on his body when he joined the Nazi SS. Mengele became the camp doctor at the famous Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Joseph Mengele was in a very key position as the camp doctor at Auschwitz. He was able to use countless thousands of people as guinea pigs for experiments. One of the chief items that had to be charted in detail was how much torture various humans could take. The charts were worked up so that the Illuminati would know exactly how much torture and how much nurturing to carry out in creating trauma-based mind-controlled slaves.

After Joseph grew up in Gunzberg with a family noted for their secrecy, and an abusive mother, he studied at Frankfurt-am-Main which is a satanic stronghold in Germany. He interned at Leipzig, a town known for being the site of modern learning theories. Later he joined the SA and then later the SS. At the end of W.W. II the United States army took custody of Mengele, and the secret satanists of the satanic brotherhood, got Mengele quietly smuggled into the U.S.

Mengele was given a higher profile in South America to lead people to think that he spent his time in South America. Actually Mengele spent a great deal of time travelling worldwide especially to places like Tavistock and China Lake’s Naval Intelligence base where Monarch slaves were created from innocent children. Although Mengele did indeed live in Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay a great deal of misinformation and disinformation has been dumped on the world by the CIA and other groups working for the Illuminati.

Mengele continued to love music and dancing throughout his life. He became a human puppet master who used music to program with. He liked both the violin and the piano. He did lots of musical key-tones programming. Some of his protégés also used music to program with. This bent toward using music then contributed to the fact that the American country western industry is an outgrowth of the Monarch program. The country western industry is a cover for the drug running done via Monarch slaves.

Another bent of Mengele’s also contributed to a direction that the Monarch program took. Mengele was fascinated by twins and twinning. Mengele experimented on thousands of twins, most of who died from the torture of the experiments. Science experiments need two groups, one of which is a control group. Twins make research easy. Mengele used them extensively. He was developing, along with some German and Italian researchers, the capability to trauma bond people to their abuser to such an extent that the victim would be totally loyal to their abuser. During episodes in the camps when Mengele saved people from execution by the S.S., some of those people remained loyal to him to this day in spite of an awareness of how many people he cruelly tortured to death.

Monarch slaves are programmed to think they have a twin somewhere. Many of them have been twinned into 2 person and 4 person teams also. Mengele was known by people in the camps by his victims as the Angel of Death, Vater (father), Vaterchen (daddy) and Schoner Joseph (beautiful Joseph). Monarch mind-controlled slave victims who were programmed by him know him by names such as Doctor Green, Papa, David and Fairchild. Monarch slaves remember the cadence of his shiny black boots as he marched back and forth while programming them.

Whether programming in a lab, or experimenting on humans Dr. Mengele enjoyed reducing people to the level of animals. However, many times his victims were restrained from crying tears. Mengele is well-known by his Monarch victims for his daisy game programming. He would pull off a daisy and say I love you." Then he would pull of one and say, I love you not." When the last daisy petal came out I love you not," he would then kill a small child in front of the child he was programming.

Mengele was in Dallas during the killing of JFK, which was achieved by trained Monarch slaves. (In fact, the Beaumont, TX Enterprise on Mon. April 10, ’94 in the Metro Sect. B, on page B cont. to 4b reports that a sworn affidavit exists where a man connects Joseph Mengele with Kennedy’s death and to have seen Mengele at the Texas Book Depository.) Luis Angel Castillo was just one of the Monarch mind-controlled slaves sent to kill JFK on Nov. 22, ’63. A woman from Germany named Mrs. Krebs, along with a host of other programmers, worked with Mengele on the Kennedy assassination.

In 1956, as part of the ongoing deception (and also showing the audacity of the Illuminati) Joseph Mengele applied and got an Argentinean foreign resident permit under his own name. He even travelled to Europe to various countries in 1956 using his own name.

E. Dr. White (Dr. D. Ewen Cameron)

Dr. White was the cover name for D. Ewen Cameron (b. Dec. 24, 1901 - Sept. 8, 1967). He was born in Scotland, was tall, imposing, & blue eyed, liked whiskey, and wore custom-made suits. He called women "Lassie." His favourite book growing up was Frankenstein, it is said that Frankenstein inspired him to go into psychiatry.

Cameron was president of the powerful American Psychiatric Association, and later the president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, and then later the first president of the World Association of Psychiatrists. He was chairman of the Canadian Scientific Planning Committee.

Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, of Montreal, Canada was Dr. White when carrying out Monarch programming. Cameron tried to continue some of Mengele’s eye color research in Canada. Mengele was trying to discover for the Nazi’s how to make brown eyes blue. Cameron received funding from the Illuminati. Cameron also got funding from the CIA. The Rockefeller Foundation gave him $40,000 in 1943 to create the Allen Memorial Institute for psychiatry, an Illuminati front. He began doing programming early in the 1950s. Cameron had served on the gruesome western front in W.W.I.

As an Illuminati kingpin and programmer, Cameron (Dr. White) was very sadistic and cold blooded. He visited other programmers on the West Coast periodically. One leading Canadian doctor said that Cameron "was not possessed of the necessary sense of humanity to be regarded as a good doctor." The man was able to instill fear into people by looking at them. He met frequently with Allen Dulles, the head of the CIA. He travelled frequently including making stops in Washington. Many of the Monarch slaves on the east coast were victims of Cameron. He worked long hours at his mind-control work like a driven man.

In 1961, just one of Cameron’s institutions administered under his supervision 60,000 electrical shocks to patients. This is just what was recorded at one institution for one year. Who knows how many victims got electrical shocks and programming by this man? He worked with the Jesuit part of the NWO in Canada. Leonard Rubenstein was one of his trusted assistants. Cameron encouraged dissension among his staff in divide and Conquer tactics to maintain his power. Cameron had a big ego that allowed him to steal other people’s work and give himself credit for it, in his publications.

F. The Anti-Christ Chief handler/programmer

(1) The AntiChrist will have both public and private lives. The two will not be the same. Deep in the heart of the AntiChrist he will want to rob, kill, and destroy.

(2) He will be a man of war, but his public image will be that he is a man of peace.

(3) He will be a winner. The public always likes a winner. This will be a man with a hardened heart, but a man of charisma.

(4) Charisma has been noted to develop when a person is a foreigner (novel) and has some feature that causes people to feel sorry for the person --some wound or physical defect (like Gorbachev's red splotch on his head). The AntiChrist will have the public appearance of being a genius, not only a wizard of words, but a commercial genius, a military genius, a diplomat of the highest order, a leader, and an intelligent good looking man.

(5) However, this is the public image. Some of this will be created by Madison avenue techniques. He will be fearless,

(6) a skilled negotiator, a poker face who is capable of crafty deception. In fact deception characterizes the man. He is Satan in human flesh,

(7) who will use religion for evil. He will use good for evil.

(8) His lineage is from several directions. He may have Hittite blood,

(9) blood from the Tribe of Dan,

(10) and blood from Assyria .

(11) He may also claim to have Egyptian royal blood.

(12) He will be proclaimed the returning messiah for the Buddhists, the Islamic religion, the New Agers, the Christians, etc. Inman Mahdi, the Messiah. etc.

(13) However, the group of people who he will be most connected to, will be the Jews.

(14) His sphere of influence will not just be jews, but he will reinstitute blood sacrifices in the Temple in Jerusalem .

(15) This may well be the abomination of desolation that the Word of God warns about.

(16) The AntiChrist will arise on the scene like a thief in the night (17) and will surprise people by his rise to fame. He will come from obscurity --

(18) but he will have all the correct credentials

(19), and bloodlines.

(20) All the correct occult signs will occur around this individual.

(21) Because of historical precedence, we know that chaos and confusion will set the stage for the grand entrance of this man onto the stage of public attention.

(22)Problems will be created, so that this great man can pull mankind out of the worst disasters. The world will be trauma-bonded with him.

(23) He will be a savior saving mankind from extinction and death.

(24) However, while he promises and provides a new life for humankind, he is actually a merchant of spiritual death.

(24) The eternal fate of individuals is determined by how they respond to him.

(25) A remnant of true believers will endure to the end

(26), but many will succumb to the deception.

(27) The AntiChrist will not have to face a hostile church--the church will be in apostasy and will accept him.

(28) The AntiChrist will have to face a few John the Baptist types, who he will use his guillotines on.

(29) In other words, the AntiChrist will not be antagonistic toward the church--but he will subtly destroy it and cause it to serve only him. He will disregard the true law of God

(30)--the spirit of the law, but he will be a legalist, who wants law and order

(31). He will have both a False Prophet and another close friend the Beast.

(32) The daily blood sacrifices will become the global correct view, and Christians who oppose these sacrifices will be in trouble.

(33) All the trappings of Rabbinic and Talmudic and Cabalistic Judaism will be revived and flourish.

(34) He will pretend to be like Christ--he will be compared to Christ in the media--but he will also be opposed in reality to everything Christ stands for. As so many Satanic cult leaders do, and as is standard within Illuminati rituals--the AntiChrist will be killed and brought back to life.

(35) This simulated death will be done in front of the public, and this will give him the appearance of superhuman strength and divine favor--for being able to receive a deadly wound and then to heal and revive so quickly. Jerusalem will be the religious capital of the New World Order (36)--but there is reason to believe that there will also be both a political and an economic capital, and a computer and a police center. (37) There will probably be 3 public capitals and many other centers
(38) Just as during the Roman Empire there were many religious centers, such as Ephesus was the spiritual center for Diana worship being one of the 7 wonders of the Ancient world. Mt. Olympus in Greece was a sacred mountain in ancient times, with sites for consultations with the Oracles. In modern AntiChrist times, Glastonbury, UK and Mt. Shasta, CA may serve as spiritual centers. The New Age pilgrimages to Mt. Shasta which are covers for the mind control done there may well continue to serve that same function in the AntiChrist's reign.

(39) Rome or London could become political capitals. An economic capital could be established almost anywhere. The computers are already being centered in Europe. Once he has taken power, he can enter into Jerusalem like a hero, triumphantly.

(40) He will command universal worship via the technological advances that have been made in communication. All the spirits of evil will collect themselves in this one person of evil. He will be shrewd, and will be able to understand dark evil things. He will do things according to his own will. At least some outside of the inner circle will know that he is homosexual, (and bi-sexual).

(41) He will have the full force of the world's system behind him, trying to make him look better. He may be born in the Middle East --perhaps in Pakistan like Lord Maitreya (Rahmat Ahmad).

(42) Historically, Satan's AntiChrist spirit has captured a number of men.

(43) For instance, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Caligula, Nero, Ghulam Alimad and Hitler.

However, these have been only partial manifestations. Satan working through secret Satanists such as Karl Marx set up Communism. In Russia, Marx, Engels and Lenin were made into a Father, Son and Holy Spirit triad. The picture of the 3 was prominently displayed all over Russia. Lenin was created into a Christ like figure. (The extent of how much communism substituted these men for the trinity hasn't been covered by the controlled Western media.)

The men of this false godhood were given the attributes in Russia of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit by state propaganda. I mention all these things, because again this was a partial manifestation of the AntiChrist spirit along with the Beast and the False Prophet. Those who would understand how the AntiChrist will act in public, need to study Machiavelli, Hitler, Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Lenin, and the many other partial manifestations of the AntiChrist spirit, such as the Popes.

Most Reformation reformers and early American puritan leaders regarded the Pope as the AntiChrist. He certainly has often been a good example. The private life of the AntiChrist will be very identical to other Illuminati kingpins. He will participate in Illuminati rituals. He has already been presented to Illuminati councils for approval. All the Mothers of Darkness will serve him as brides, as well as an inner body guard. Like Faust, and everyone else in the Illuminati, the AntiChrist has made many covenants, oaths, and vows to Satan himself. He has been taught that he is a god man. In public, he will proclaim himself divine. In private, he will consider Satan to be his own god.

He will strive to do the best job for Satan possible, because he has been taught that he will rule with Satan in hell, and his position in hell will be determined by how good he does his job now. He will be totally turned over to Satan, the Father of all lies. He will feast on the blood of sacrificed individuals, and may well be addicted to drinking blood, like Vice-Pres. Al Gore is.

(44) Those who do not have a love for the truth, will come under the spell of the AntiChrist's deception which will be flooded over the television screens, and through the controlled media.

(45) He will push all the correct buttons verbally when he speaks, and he will even flatter people. (46) He will be the world's tyrannical but much loved dictator, a father figure.

(47) The AntiChrist will be working on creating supermen , the genetic wonder man that Hitler was working to create. Instead of using God's approach to perfection, the AntiChrist will have the most superior genetic approach so far. In other words, to the public with their warped thinking, he will look like he is improving the human race genetically, and in every other way too.

The Illuminati are planning to install him as Lord over the earth around the year 2000. Occultists (incl. known Satanic leaders) have been prophesying his coming. Hollywood under the direction and financing of the Illuminati have given us the Damien series and other films on the AntiChrist. David Bauer, a psychic adviser and Baptist minister, has prophesied that the AntiChrist will come in the year 2000. Jean Dixon, who has connections to the Illuminati has prophesied this too. So has the English astrologer Edwin Lyndoe. They declare that this leader will be a savior of mankind. Jeanne Dixon went so far as to say that the AntiChrist was born on Feb. 5, 1962. (See Dixon, J. My Life and Prophecies. Fred. Miller, 1971.) The witch Sybil Leek even pointed to a son of a Jerusalem dentist. David Morris as being the man. (Leek. S. Reincarnation: the Second Chance. NY: Stein & Day, 1974).

All kinds of people are pointing at the year 2000. Occult prophecies about the year 2000 come from Irene Hughes, Alan Vaughn, Edgar Cayce, Kenneth Odhar and many others. De Sabrato an occult prophet believes Christ will return in 2003 in the form of an ET Christ. However, if plans fall apart there are indications that the AntiChrist could arrive later in the 21st century. Henry Kissinger said, "We are going to have a New World Order, if not in this generation, then in the next."

One of the men who worked high up in the New World Order. and who had inside information felt that the AntiChrist wouldn't rule until 2047 and that he would be born in New York City and have blond hair and blue eyes. From what the Lord has shown this author, and taking into account the vulnerabilities of the Illuminati's plans, this author would state that the AntiChrist may not arrive until quite a few years from now. On the other hand, there are already candidates who have been presented before the Illuminati councils who are candidates to become the AntiChrist.

The primary candidate for the position of AntiChrist is being kept in a heavily guarded small town near London. Only those who are summoned by him enter into the room where he is located. Individuals who come into his presence immediately want to worship him. He is a Rothschild.

The mother of either the NWO's John position or the Christ position was S. E. D. [name may be available on request from Fritz Springmeier] and his name is Alexander Rothschild, Jr. The name Alexander is very important to the Illuminati. Baron Rothschild passed on his spiritual power when he was ritually murdered in 1976. This Rothschild AntiChrist is known as the Son of Apollo.

(48) From a reliable source close to Lord Maitreya. he is Jewish. The Illuminati have a Mary position, also known as the Madonna position, which are women that are closely connected to the AntiChrist. Within the last few years, all the Madonna-position systems united in ritual in London, Frankfurt, Austria, and Switzerland. The name Queen of Heaven (Seriramis) is also applied to high level women close to the AntiChrist.

Programmed multiples, who rise above the Grande Dame level, enter levels designated by a. b, c & d. Guinevere, the name of King Arthur's wife & Lancelot's mistress, designates one of the positions of the 4-female Illuminati teams around the AntiChrist. It is written Gennifer for English speaking systems.

(49) Prior to the AntiChrist 2 witnesses are to come to which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt. REV 11:8. In the past, God has sent his 2 witnesses (Moses/Aaron), (the two to Sodom, see GEN 18:16+) on Nisan 1 (Passover). The orthodox Jews expect the return witness of Elijah on Passover. The real 2 witnesses/& or the Satanic 2 false witnesses may appear around the Passover time. (cf. REV 11:1-3, 7:1-17, 14:1-5, JOEL 2:30-32, & ACTS 2:19-21.) These witnesses and the Illuminati's John the Baptist? position are some of the prominent people who are slated to die in the end time drama being prepared by the Illuminati who are trying to copy scripture, and by God Almighty who is directing things on a higher level. Readers must bear in mind that Satan knows the Scriptures too, and is a great imitator.


1. This is a universal trait of men with the AntiChrist spirit. While Christ is truth, Satan is deception. Having a facade, being two-faced (like the god Janus) is standard for these men. Judas Iscariot with his kisses for Christ is just one example of thousands of examples. James 3:17 shows that the Holy Spirit is without hypocrisy, but the Evil Spirit is devoid of the Holy Spirit s fruit and is full of hypocrisy.

2. The Spirit of Satan desires to rob, kill, and destroy. Satan s desires will consume the thinking of the AntiChrist. The Word of God indicates that whatever the AntiChrist wills to do, he will do according to Dan. 11:36. In this sense, he will be the master magician, the Adept of Adepts. 3. Scripture indicate that he will bring a false peace to the earth, and that he will be a man with fierce countenance.

4. Scripture indicate he will be worshipped, and the power of the media to make heros Out of any actor has been well established.

5. Scriptures indicate he will be considered very intelligent. They also indicate what spheres of influence he will lead, and what roles he will play. Taking these into account, and taking into account what the Illuminati have planned, and taking into account that Satan s world likes to develop certain public images for its heroes, then it is a given that Satan s AntiChrist will appear gifted or well developed intellectually in many areas. While intellectual stature is not important to God, it has always been in Satan s world.

6. Dan. 8:23

7. Scripture, and common knowledge among Satanists is that the AntiChrist will be produced from the seed of Satan and aminated by Satan himself. Lk 22:3 shows that Satan himself entered Judas, how much more so then will the AntiChrist be the embodiment of Satan.

8. The Scripture show that Satan likes to use good things like the Word of God for evil purposes.

9. Illuminati belief is that they are descended in part from the Hittites. 10. Early Christian leader Irenaeus felt that Scriptures and early teachings indicated that the Tribe of Dan would raise the AntiChrist. The Midrash on Gen. 49:14-17 supports his view, and it states that darkness will come over the world from the Tribe of Dan. Other conspiracy researchers like myself have discovered that the Tribe of Dan s lineage is playing a big role in the Illuminati.
Some MAJOR MIND-CONTROL PROGRAMMING SITES with explanations of their programming.

(Fritz Springmeier originally exposed many of these sites in 1993, so it is possible they have made some changes since they were originally exposed. Most of these operated for years, and may still be operating. We are aware of that some of their programming bases have been moved after exposure.)

Besides these major programming sites, there are countless minor ones. For instance, some of the programming sites for water-beach tortures have been visited by the co-authors, but are not listed. The massive Boeing Plant in the Seatle, WA area with its large amount underground tunnels has been used for programming, as well as the ARCO Beaver Valley Plant in Pennslyvannia. So has the chapel at the Coast Guard Academy at New London , Conn. which was built by A.W. Mellon of the Mellon Illuminati family via their Mellon Foundation.

This list is not put forth as comprehensive. Without question, this list is only the tip of the iceberg.

29 Palms, CA Area 51 (Dreamland, Groom Lake ), NV--Area 51 is also known as Dreamland. There are a number of extensive underground facilities in the area. This was one of the first genetic research facilities in the U.S. and perhaps the first major genetic research facility. The people/workers & victims are brought in by airplane and tube shuttle. The worst cases of UFO/alien type of Monarch programming is coming out of Area 51. The eggs from slaves are being harvested and weird genetic creatures are being developed from human eggs which have been genetically mixed with other things.

Bethseda , MD --The Bethesada Naval Hospital Bingham , UT --A red brick house, which was a closed House of Prostitution. The building was used for KKK programming. Child porn was produced in the basement, and upstairs programmed child slaves serviced KKK members. The KKK activity in the area connects in with the Illuminati controlled Kennecott Copper Co. (aka Utah Copper Co.) Russell G. Frazer, head of Bingham’s Klavern & doctor for Kennecott Copper Co. did the electro-shock to split personalities.

Black Forest, Germany--Because the U.S-U.K. and Germany do so much programming, and some of the people in the U.S. were programmed in the U.K., Germany or Russia, it is worthwhile to mention some of the German programming sites. A number of witnesses report about castles in the Black Forest which are used for programming & ritual.

Basal, Sw. on the border with Germany is a important Illuminati center.

Frankfurt , Berlin and Zurich are all important programming/ritual sites. The Jesuits and the Catholic churches are very active in programming in Germany .

Boulder , CO --The headquarters for EMC, a type of electra-magnetic mind control that is being broadcast to modify the thinking of Americans, and to control slaves.

Butner , N.C. -- Center of Correctional Research , all types of mind control are carried out and experimented with on the inmates.

Camp Peary , VA --The CIA’s The Farm is located on a narrow strip of land between the York & James Rivers near Williamsburg , VA , used for programming CIA slaves. It has red brick buildings, and looks similar to a small college. The official crytonym was ISOLATION. People who are brought in who don’t know where they are for training are called Black Trainees.

China Lake Naval Research Base (Inyokern), CA--This facility had a country store, and hangers, and a hospital (address for the hospital is the code- 232 Naval Air Weapons Station) which all provided sites for programming. This site has been operational since the early 1950s. Large numbers of children (batches of 1000 or 2,000 or 3,000 children were run through this facility at a time. This facility did much of the original traumas and mind-splitting tortures that created the MPD. Other facilities then specialized in further programming that was then layered in on top of the original China Lake programming. A great deal of dehumanization in cages was done to large numbers of tiny children at China Lake Naval Facility.

Nimitz Hospital did drug testing of the children prior to their programming.

Colorado Springs , CO --The ALEX system programming and end-times Military programming is coming out of Colorado Springs and is connected to NORAD. One of the Colorado sites is doing alien programming with mock UFOs.

Dillsboro Nike Base--Monarch programming of many kinds

Disneyland , CA -- Disneyland has been an off hour site for Illuminati and satanic rituals for years. Programming has gone on using Disneyland as one big prop for programming. Many of the Disney movies are used for programming, and some Disney scripts are especially tailored for Monarch slave programming. The Peter Pan programming can use the ship. The space programming can use the space props. The satanic programming can use the castles. Lots of mirror programming is done at Disneyland , and Disneyworld . There is also Magic Mountain programming, and programming using the Around the World Dolls, and its theme song. Some of Wizard of Oz and the Cinderella programming was also done at Disneyland using costumes. Preverbal children are taken to Disneyland to get them ready for the scripts.

Disneyworld , FL -- Disneyworld was created as the eastern counterpart to the Disneyland programming site. One of the rides in Disneyworld plays "It’s a small, small world" which is Disneyland developed programming theme.

Ft. Campbell , KT--Base programs are placed in here.

Ft. Detrick , MD --involved with medical/biological experimentation

Ft. Holabird , MD --This site is no longer in existence, but was the Army Intelligence School . CIC used the school. The place was known as "the Bird."

Ft. Hood , TX --programming involving military uses of Delta Monarch slaves was done here.

Ft. Huahuachua , AZ --HQ for Army Intelligence.

Ft. Knox , KT --The 1st Earth Batt. was developed here.

Ft. Lewis , WA --involved with the Psychic warfare part of the Monarch Programming.

Ft. McClellen -- Ft. Meade , MD --The National Security Agency was created on 4 Nov 1952 . Its headquarters were Fort Meade , VA. The National Security Agency (NSA) employs tens of thousands of employees and has a budget larger than the CIA. It has also been kept far more secret, while the CIA has been used as the fall guy to protect the National Security Agency’s reputation.

In the late 1960’s, under Operation Minaret and Program Shamrock, the NSA and its British counterpart GCHQ began monitoring much of the communication within the USA and UK . The NSA monitors all American calls via computers using trip words, specific names, specific addresses, specific telephone numbers, etc. NSA has several computer to record all the millions of conversations which the computers have examined and deemed worthy of recording. How the NSA can get any use out of millions of recorded telephone conversations is beyond me? What intelligence agency could adequately process so much information? These organizations now monitor all communications within both countries. At least one congressman got upset that his phone was bugged by the NSA. (see David Corn’s article, "The case of the bugged senator" in Nation, Feb. 6, ‘89 , p. 152.)

NSA has developed a fiberoptics network called Internet computer network. An orange book is used to specify some of the NSA’s security levels. An informant in the National Security Agency states that establishment newspapers like the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times are used to communicate secret messages which are placed within want ads, buzz words in editorials, and via other methods. Because of some of what this person told me, I have given some possible examples in this newsletter of how people might be using the papers for secret messages. For instance using Michael Jackson with his hands making some type of sign might be a signal.
Scotty’s Castle, Death Valley, CA-Mengele (Dr.Green) programmed in some of his "internal boxes" as well as other Illuminati programming was done at this site. Mengele had a large circular red bed in the castle which he stocked with his little girl slaves, who already had kitten sexual alters. Scotty’s Castle is a castle located in Death Valley CA. It has a very interesting history. To reach the castle one is required to drive through many miles of desert. If one drives to lnyo County, CA, the same county that has China Lake Naval Testing Grounds, and Inyokern, and then you drive on Hwy. 190 into Death Valley National Monument (it is not a park or forest, dead valleys are called monuments), next you go north on a road after Stove Pipe for 35 miles.

The man who built Scotty’s Castle was Walter Perry Scott (1872-1954). Walter P. Scott was the son of an alcohol distiller and horse breeder in Kentucky. Walter did not get any formal education. He left home and went west where he worked as a mule driver, and a water boy. From there he became a horse wrangler. Because of his talent with horses Buffalo Bill made him the feature rider along with Annie Oakley in Buffalo Bill’s family show. The show travelled and Scotty was with it eleven years. During this time, Scotty made many important friendships with men of power and wealth. In 1900, Walter married and left the show. He got a loan from Julian Gerard, a NY banker, to go prospecting for gold which he failed to pay back. Julian Gerard was repeatedly sending people to hassle Scotty to get his money back. In 1905, Walter Scott ("Scotty") scattered gold nuggets and $100 bills from N.Y. to L.A. Where he got all this gold and $100 bills is a mystery, but it wasn’t from prospecting. The idea of finding a secret mine was very obviously a cover for however Scotty managed to get his money. Scotty is well-known for his penchant to throw away $20 gold pieces as if they were candy wherever he went. Nobody believed he had a mine, strangely the IRS never got interested in Scotty. Why?

The IRS went after Charles Caughlin who was exposing the elite, the bankers, the Freemasons, etc. in the early 1930’s on his radio show. There was no reason to suspect Caughlin of any cheating on his Income Tax, and the audits found the IRS actually owed Caughlin money. However the national papers printed front page stories of the IRS investigation, and practically ignored that the man was exonerated. Yet, the IRS left Scotty alone. Hmmm.

Although Scotty was married, he became intimate friends with Albert Mussey Johnson (1872-1948), a Chicago millionaire, who was v.p. from 1906 to 1926 of the National Life Insurance Co. Albert M. Johnson was born in Ohio, and lived in Arkansas and Missouri before moving to Chicago. Johnson came out and stayed in Death Valley. The stay helped his health, and he and Scotty remained close friends. In 1924, construction secretly began on a castle in Death Valley. The best of materials were used and the materials had to be hauled clear out in the desert by truck to Grapevine Canyon where the castle sits. Hundreds of workers were hired. The castle got its kitchen tiles from Spain. Special rugs were made on the European island of Majorca for the castle. Tiles for the incompleted pool came from the Mediterranean. Many of the furnishing of the castle came from cathedrals and palaces in Spain and Morocco. Draperies made for the castle were hand-tooled in selected sheepskin leather. Sixty hand-carved panels, each of a different design, were installed in the music-room ceiling. A Welte Mignon organ reported to have cost $160,000 --the finest of its kind in Western United States was placed in the music room, even though Scotty could not play the organ. Twelve bathrooms were installed. Several kitchens were installed. Tunnels and secret rooms were built under the buildings. Around $2 million (dollars of that time period) were spent on building the castle, supposedly from Scotty’s "gold mine." The castle became known as Scotty’s Castle. It is ideal as a Satanic ritual site. It can accommodate numerous people. It is remote. It has hidden rooms and areas and tunnels.

Tavistock, England--This has been the primary programming center for England. The Rothschild programmers work out of Tavistock. A large number of slaves in America have been programmed there. Tavistock has been doing mind-control since before W.W.ll. Under the supervision of London’s W Board & 20 Committee MI6 and MIS’s Section BIA ran double agents and mind-controlled spies/couriers during W.W. II. MI6 has had an office at Century House, No. 100, Westminster Bridge Road. MI5 offices have been in part on Curzon St. MI5 has operated behind a number of fronts, incl. their fake travel agency Casuro Holidays. MI-5’s address for mail is Room 055, The War Office, London. Special Intelligence Service (SIS) dealt with all types of mind control. Tavistock was under SIS. The British government has had their own telephone exchange with a 222 prefix, which was later linked to another secret exchange YTAN. Outsiders could dial 222 8080 to get into the secret govt. exchange.

Men like mind-control expert/hypnotist Eric Trist worked for Tavistock. A six-man team which wore black berets also helped w/ mind control at Tavistock. Two people who became terrorists after their visits to Tavistock are Angela Davis and Stockley Carmichael who went to a conference at Tavistock entitled Dialectics of Liberation in 1967. Its main building is a bland 6-story building.

The address is The Training Office, The Tavistock Clinic, 120 Belsize Lane, London, UK NWs SBA. Tel. no. 071-435 7111. The chief exec. is Anton Obholzer. The Chair of Prof. Comm. is Nicholas Temple. Both are skilled in psychology. The Tavistock Clinic was founded in 1920, and in 1946 the Tavistock Institute was created as an independent body to assist the Tavistock Clinic. The Institute does more of the research.

The Royal Free Hospital at the University of London works with Tavistock Clinic, as well as the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) of Sussex University. A large number of Britian’s psychologist, social workers and police get their training at Tavistock. Tavistock has set themselves up as the authority on ritual abuse and MPD (DID). In other words, the primary programming site, is pretending to be the leading institution trying to solve the problem! That’s a good cover.

Tinker, AFB, OK--Tinkerbell programming is carried out here. This programming makes alters think they are like Tinkerbell in that they will never grow up or age.

Titusville, FL--At the Kennedy Space Center. Mind control testing is done, and base programming such as the Wizard of Oz programming is done here. Also NASA high tech programming is done here.

Tulsa, OK—Believed to have an Alice In Wonderland theme to their programming. Oral Roberts University is used for programming. The programming to infiltrate and capture the Christian church via the healing/charismatic movement has centered around Tulsa and Oral Roberts University.

Utah State Prison--The prison has carried out mind control for over 30 years on their inmates for the intelligence agencies with the help of the U.S. government’s power to cover it up.

Versailles, IL—Brain implants are put into Monarchs here.

Washington, D.C. area--The basement of the Pentagon and other facilities around Washington D.C. such as the Jesuit Georgetown Univ. Hosp. are involved with Mind-Control. Presidential Models are moving in and out of Washington, D.C. carrying messages and performing their sexual acts for the lusts of politicians. There is also a NASA Mind-control Programming Center in Washington D.C. Secret tunnels connect the White House to other buildings. These tunnels are used to bring in slaves. Some secret rooms in the lower White House are set aside for rituals.

Wright-Patterson AFB--Near Dayton, OH, Virtual reality programming is carried out here.

Youngstown, OH--The Youngstown Charm School has been run by Illuminatus Prosser Seward Mellon along with a U.S. Congressman named Jim Trafficant. The old stone building originally belonged to one of the railroad elite. This school is for Beta models and gives them advance sexual charm training. This school produces about 6 new Monarch slaves every three days. Mafia deals are carried out on the second floor of the charm school. A slave who is being trained/programmed at the Charm school will take a course that last a few days. The first day may be spent hanging in a dungeon which was once a basement wine cellar. The torture dungeon has all the traditional torture devices, a stretching rack, whips, hanging chains, etc. In the dungeon rooms were a black Nubian goat "Satan", a small donkey "Nester’, and a small white pony "Trigger", as well as dogs and snakes. The slave is taught silence in the dungeon as they are subjected to bestiality.
Dissociation, Trance, and History of Hypnosis for Programming

Dissociation is used as a defense to protect a person from overwhelming pain and trauma. It is a natural ability of the brain. Hypnosis or hypnotic trance is a form of dissociation. There are a number of types of dissociation: amnesia, somnambulistic states, localized paralyses, anesthesias, and hallucinations. Hypnosis can reproduce all of these dissociative states. The mind naturally hypnotizes itself under various conditions. Perhaps the reader has been driving along a familiar road and the next thing you knew you were arriving home, having driven in a trance. Now let’s suppose you are driving to a movie and you are discussing next week’s plans with your wife. The complex thinking required to drive just happens. You are awake talking to your wife, and yet on another level you were in trance driving the car. You as a subject were both in hypnotic trance (driving) and awake (talking about plans).

There are 5 levels to the subconscious that the mind will naturally dissociate to. The other deeper levels require help to access. People naturally can think on two levels. Because people’s minds function on multilevels and there is a continua on a spectrum that runs from conscious to unconscious, it is often difficult to pinpoint just exactly what state of mind the brain is in at a certain point, because there is no single answer. A light trance is where a person is daydreaming about his girlfriend. A moderate trance is where he imagines he is in bed. A deep trance is where he physically feels he is in bed with his girlfriend. Sleep is where one dreams of being in bed. Behavior modification is carried out in the light to deep trances. The deep trance is a very creative level.

Hypnosis appears to affect several areas of the brain--the brain stem is modified into the hypnotic state, and the midbrain centers are inhibited so that other areas--the motor, sensory and memory areas can be manipulated. Further not all hypnosis works the same way. Hypnosis can be used on the intellectual part of the mind, the social-spiritual part of the mind, and the primitive reproductive part of the mind.

The skilled hypnotist will decide which area he wants and how to work with that area. Both Christians and Illuminati members who are skilled in understanding demonology, believe that there is a demonic side to hypnosis also. It should come as no shock to people that in the World Book Encyclopedia hypnosis is listed under Magic as a related article, but not under Medicine. Some Christians class hypnosis as a form of divination and enchantment. It certainly can be a form of control. In occultist W.B. Crow’s book Witchcraft, Magic & Occultism, it lists hypnotism as an occult science. There is open debate whether hypnotism is simply part of the brain’s natural abilities or if supernatural elements are part of the process. There is no debate that historically, hypnosis for centuries has been the guarded secret of the occult world. During shock or stress, the body’s limbic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, releases substances which encode all the internal and external pieces of information being sensed into a deep level of consciousness. These memories often become dissociated from normal states of consciousness. In other words, when the mind-body returns to this state (where it was in during shock/stress) the mind can reaccess those memories. However, until the mind returns to this shocked state, it doesn’t pick up the information it has embedded. The Monarch programmers are acutely aware of how the mind functions, and how information and memories can be trapped in the mind.

There are different neurophysiological states. Also there are said to be 12 levels to the subconscious mind. Then on top of this the mind has the ability to create amnesia barriers. Hypnosis is a valuable tool to move the mind to different neurophysiological states and to get the mind to different levels of the subconscious mind. Hypnosis can also play a role in working around amnesia, since both are types of dissociation.

Hyperventilation helps a person induct into a hypnotic trance. Torture, depersonalization, fear and acute anxiety stimulate the body to hyperventilate. So the fear, torture and depersonalization are aids for the hypnotist to help induct a person into a hypnotic trance.

Hypnotic cues can be given to cause the body to go into various dissociative states. This could be a post-hypnotic suggestion that causes hyperventilation and an accompanying trance state. Hypnotic cues that are tied to every day objects enhance the programming. Everything in life becomes a cue to reinforce the programming. That may seem on the surface to be an exaggeration, but it is only slightly enlarged from the truth. The programmers do in fact examine a person’s life, and then tailor their cues to what the person will be around.

For instance, the programmer may force the child to smoke and then tell it that every time they blow out smoke they will think about their master. The programmed alters don’t dare not to smoke on fear that they will be punished. The smoking in turn reinforces the power of the hypnotist/master. Much of the good that therapy can do is in effect to de-trance or dehypnotize clients. Most of the alters of a Monarch system go their entire lives in trance. Common objects in a person’s life that can be hypnotically given a programming meaning include music, tones, colors, the sight of a book or Bible, the pyramid on the back of a dollar bill, pictures of God, silk scarfs, jewelry, lights, sounds, TV programs, and countless other things. The limit to this is simply the programmer’s creativity.

The power of hypnosis is often underrated because the power of the mind is underrated. The mind can decide to control its breathing, heart beat, blood pressure and other things that were once thought to be involuntary.

The brain produces a substance which is a tiny peptide molecule called enkephalin which acts just like morphine and reduces pain. The brain can be hypnotically trained to release enkephalin so that the brain doesn’t perceive pain. A common hypnotic device for washing away pain is running water. The victim is hypnotically told to go to a waterfall and wash their pain away. (According to a programmer the average healing rate is 3 times quicker under hypnosis than without.)

The fantastic abilities of the mind to control what happens to it are very remarkable (such as its natural healing abilities), but most of this is being kept a National Secret so that it can be used against humanity to enslave us to demonic-empowered power hungry monsters, rather than to benefit humanity. Several people in intelligence agencies quietly bemoan the fact that secret research could be helping humanity instead of controlling it.

The human mind has been found to be like an immense symphony orchestra, each part doing what it does best under the guidance of a director part similar to the conductor of an orchestra. A non-multiple’s brain delegates responsibility to parts of his brain yet retains control over the process. His mind will shift from one ego state to another, & still retain its identity.

In contrast, the multiple’s brain also delegates responsibility and shifts from one ego state to another, BUT doesn’t retain a cohesive selfhood or self-identity. The mental mechanisms are similar, but the experience is vastly different. Rather than an orchestra playing together, the multiple’s brain is full of competing isolated parts (instruments so to speak) that are playing in isolation. Out of the chaos of all these independent amnesic parts, the programmer through hypnosis/& fear then becomes the conductor to help bring order out of chaos.

If the multiple is to regain a chance to orchestrate their own life again, they must re-establish communication between the different parts of what should have been their own orchestra, and get internal people to harmonize their music of life. Good programmers do not need to formally induct their victim into hypnosis. However, if they need to, the Monarch slaves are well conditioned to respond to numbers being counted and fingers being snapped. Hypnosis was a well developed art by the early 20th century. And testing and refining continued all along.

For instance, the. U.S. military was conducting extensive tests of subjects under hypnosis during W.W. II. In spite of all this, the CIA was still seeking better rapid induction techniques for their slaves during the 1950s. MK Ultra Subproject 128 dealt with rapid induction techniques, especially Subproject 128-1. Some of their drug testing was done at Lexington , KT Detention Hospital.

The ability to distinguish between magic and hypnotism may not exist for the child in situations where they are witnesses to the power of hypnotism exercised by a programmer. This makes the adult programmer, who is a big person look all powerful. Another danger inherent in hypnosis are complications (side effects) that hit a percentage of those who are subjected to it.

Hilgard (1974) discovered 31% of the 120 university students participating in a study of hypnosis had complications that lasted from 5 min. to 3 hours after trance, which included headaches, dizziness, nausea and stiff necks. Fritz is aware of one woman who, after the one & only hypnotic session she was the subject of, developed the complication of having nightmares of snakes crawling all over her. (For further study the reader may want to read MacHovec, Frank. "Hypnosis Complications, Risk Factors, and Prevention" American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis. Vol. 31, No.1, July, ’88, p. 40+.)

Regular gentle electrical stimulation in many parts of the brain including the lower part of the reticular formation can change the state of consciousness from alert to sleepy. An electrical band attached to a box is sometimes placed on the victim to produce a hypnotic state. There are several ways to alter a person’s state of consciousness, but the most popular one by Monarch handlers is to use a combination of drugs and hypnosis. Drugs are used to facilitate hypnosis. Modern drugs do almost all the work for the hypnotist. They place the person in an altered state and make them willing to take any order. Often survivors remember orange or grape drinks, or something else which they were given, which were used to give the child drugs. One Monarch slave (Cathy O’Brien) wrote about having been given hypnotic drugs via a Grasshopper ice cream drink.

Occasionally, hypnosis must be carried out by the programmers on unwilling subjects. They have 3 major ways to get around this. They can induce hypnosis by disguising what the hypnotist is doing, they can wait until the person is asleep and talk to him while asleep, or they can administer drugs.

Also the Network has some high-tech equipment which stimulates the orgiastic state (sexual ecstasy) part of the brain. By moving the body into this state, the mind opens up all the unconscious states. Then sophisticated brain wave machines program thoughts into the person. A computer disk is put into the electric shock machine and it runs a program that sends electric jolts down six nodes. The brain’s reticular formation serves as the brain’s mechanism involved in regulating alertness and awareness. Various kinds of stimuli will enter the brain through its various methods of sensing and learning. With total sensory deprivation (done by placing the victim in a salt water tank with electrodes that shock the body until it stops all movement) the reticular formation will place the mind into a primitive state of consciousness where the programmers can place in post-hypnotic commands to do something on a certain date. The end time programming, that has Monarch slaves doing something at a specific date to create anarchy or to help the Anti-Christ come to power has been put in at this level.

As previously mentioned, this level achieved by total sensory deprivation of the Monarch slave is same primitive level as the brain’s commands to keep the heart beating. Depending on what type of signals are coming in to it from the various sensing agents of the brain, the reticular formation will then make a decision what state of consciousness to place the mind in. If the reticular formation does not send out "alert" signals, then the brain will get sleepy. Damage to the reticular formation can cause a coma. The two thalamus lie just above the brain stem. The right and left thalamus are the brain’s selective attention mechanism. That is to say, they decide what it is important for the brain to focus its attention on. The right thalamus is connected to attention to visual shapes and the left to our attention to things describable in words. Ten to fifteen repetitions at one second intervals are enough to cause the brain to lose interest in something. At this point the neuron’s in the reticular formation quit paying attention to whatever it is. For instance, your brain will listen to a clock tick for only 15 intervals before it quits listening to a clock in the room. But the brain’s alertness can be reactivated by a strong and sudden stimulus like a loud sound or a flash of light. This is why 3 gunshots or 3 flashes of light are used as standard access triggers for Mon
arch slaves. Three was also found to be the best number to get the job done.
The History of Hypnosis for Programming

A masonic magazine for higher masonic rites where sex magic is performed entitled Freemasonry Universal, Vol. 5, 1929, p. 58 states:

"Certain Forces are sent through the candidate’s body during the ceremony, especially at the moment when he is created, received and constituted an Entered Apprentice Freemason. Certain parts of the Lodge have been heavily charged with magnetic force especially in order that the Candidate may absorb as much as possible of this force. The first object of this curious method of preparation is to expose to this influence those various parts of the body which are especially used in the ceremony. In ancient Egypt , there was another reason for these preparations, for a weak current of physical electricity was sent through the candidate by means of a rod or sword with which he was touched at certain points. It is partly on this account that at this first initiation the candidate is deprived of all metals since they may very easily interfere with the flow of currents."

Long story short, the Masonic lodges have been using hypnotism and electric shock in their initiation rituals for a long time. The combination of fear and hypnotism combine to help seal the lips of an initiate from telling what in some lodges are secrets of criminal activity. The Brahmin caste in India practice yoga, and other meditations where they regularly go into altered states of consciousness. Centuries ago, the Brahmin fakirs learned about drugs, tortures, and magical methodologies to produce hallucinations and altered states of consciousness. The worship of Bacchus in the west and Shiva in the east were similar, as were the bloodthirsty rites of Kali and Moloch. Occultists in India have also gone to cemeteries for centuries, like the Illuminati to draw spiritual power from graves. When eastern and western occultists linked up they realized they had a great deal in common. The ancient Egyptian writings many centuries B.C. talk about the third eye and temple trances. Hypnosis appears to have been practiced in these ancient temples. All over the world, altered states of consciousness have been used. The feared Scandinavian warriors called Beserkers were in a mildly-programmed altered state of consciousness which made them fearless.

B. How To Program With Hypnosis

George Estabrooks was the first major hypnotist to publicly recognize the potential for hypnosis. He contacted MI-6 and other military and intelligence groups in hopes he could interest them in the military-intelligence potentials of hypnosis. What was George Estabrook's connection to the Illuminati? George Estabrooks was a Rhodes Scholar, which is an entry-level group for the Illuminati.

For those who haven’t studied this, it would be appropriate to give a brief explanation of these things. The Illuminati in 1919 created the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA). The Astor Illuminati family were major financial backers of the RIIA. Waldorf Astor was appointed to the RIIA. The American equivalent to the RIIA is the CFR. The RIIA and CFR set up Round Table Groups (based on the King Arthur myths) which were initially named by Cecil Rhodes "Association of Helpers".

High ranking Mason/Illuminatus Cecil Rhodes also created the Rhodes Scholarship to bring select men from several the English speaking world and Germany to learn how to bring in the One World Government that the Illuminati has long had planned. The Cliveden Estate of the Cliveden Astors (of the Illuminati) has played an important role in the preparation of Rhodes Scholars. Bill Clinton and Fred Franz, the late president of the Watchtower Society, are two examples of men selected for Rhodes Scholarships. Bill Clinton went through the program. However, Franz decided not to go to London in order to help lead C.T. Russell’s cult as "oracle" after WT Pres. C.T. Russell was ritually killed on Halloween, 1916 and his remains buried under a pyramid. He later served as President himself from 1977-1994.

The Watchtower Society leadership is a front for a part of the Illuminati which practices Enochian Magic. The power of Enochian magic is the Watchtowers. A powerful part of Bethel headquarter workers are Multiple Personalities, and have cult alters who speak in Enochian. Some multiples work in the art department and have been secretly placing hidden occult symbology into Watchtower & Awake! magazines.

Now back to Estabrooks, who was also himself part of the Illuminati. In his book Hypnotism, which came out in 1946, he wrote in his chapter "Hypnotism in Warfare" (again bear in mind that Estabrooks writes this in 1946 and has been advocating what he writes for perhaps the 15 previous years!) This chapter is not taken from a mystery novel. The facts and the ideas presented are, so to speak, too true to be good, but no psychologist of standing would deny the validity of the basic ideas involved. He might, of course, be somewhat startled at our proposed use of these basic ideas and techniques, for he has never given this matter much thought.... The use of hypnotism in warfare represents the cloak and dagger idea at its best--or worst. Even if we did know the answers to some of the weird proposals in this chapter, those answers could never be given for obvious reasons. The reader must use his imagination for specific outcomes in specific cases have not been made public--probably never will be made public. Any topflight physicist is familiar with the basic laws of atomic fission and he is quite free to discuss those laws. But he may or may not know what is happening on some government research project in this field. If he does know, he is not shouting it from the housetops, probably not even whispering it to his best friend. The same applies to hypnotism in the field of warfare. Our interest here lies in some of the more unfamiliar sides of hypnotism which may make it of use in warfare. Again, no psychologist would deny the existence of such phenomena.... The only possible way of determining whether or not a subject will commit a murder in hypnotism is literally to have him commit one.... But warfare...undoubtedly will, answer many of these questions. A nation fighting with its back to the wall is not worried over the niceties of ethics [like Nazi Germany]. If hypnotism can be used to advantage, we may rest assured that it will be so employed. Any "accidents" which may occur during the experiments will simply be charged to profit and loss, a very trifling portion of that enormous wastage in human life which is part and parcel of war....

One in every five adult humans can be thrown into the hypnotic trance--somnambulism--of which they will have no memory whatsoever when they awaken. From the military viewpoint there are a few facts which are of great interest. Can this prospective subject, --this ‘one-in-five" individual--be hypnotized against his will? Obviously, no prisoner of war will be co-operative if he knows that the hypnotist is looking for military information, nor will any ordinary citizen if he suspects that the operator will use him to blow up a munitions plant. The answer to this very vital question is "yes", though we prefer to say "without his consent" instead of "against his will." We do not need the subject’s consent when we wish to hypnotize him, for we use a ‘disguised" technique.

The standard way to produce hypnotism in the laboratory is with the so-called sleep technique. The operator "talks sleep" to the subject, who eventually relaxes and goes into a trance, talking in his sleep and answering questions.

Now suppose...we attach a blood pressure gauge to the subject’s right arm and the psychogalvanic reflex to the palm of his hand, just to make everything look shipshape. These devices are for measuring his ability to relax. We also point out that, of course, the very highest state of relaxation will be his ability actually to fall into a deep sleep while we are talking to him.

We also stress the great importance of the ability to relax in this modern world of rush and worry, promising to show him how to get results as one end of these experiments. All this is by way of buildup. Probably not one of our readers, if exposed to this procedure, would realize that this was preparation for hypnotism, but would co-operate willingly in this very interesting psychological experiment.

We then proceed to "talk sleep," much the same as in ordinary hypnosis, carefully avoiding any reference to a trance or making any tests with which the subject might be familiar, all the while checking on blood pressure and psychogalvanic reflex to keep up the front.

Finally we make the test of somnambulism, or deep hypnotism. We see if the subject will talk to us in his sleep without awakening. If this does not succeed, the subject wakes up completely, and in this case we simply repeat the experiment, hoping for better luck next time. But if we do succeed, if the individual belongs to the "one-in-five" club, the subject is just as truly hypnotized as by any other method, and from now on everything is plain sailing.

By use of the posthypnotic suggestion...we simply say, "Listen carefully. After you wake up I will tap three times on the table with my pencil. You will then have an irresistible impulse to go sound asleep." The next trance is just that easy to get, and the subject has no idea that it is the pencil which has sent him off."...

But we must go even further than this. Once a person has become accustomed to hypnotism, has been repeatedly hypnotized, it becomes very easy for any operator to throw him into the trance. Obviously this will not do if we are to use hypnotism in warfare. So we plug this gap again by suggestion in the somnambulistic state. We assure the subject that in the future no one will be able to hypnotize him except with the special consent of the operator. This takes care of things very nicely....We sit down with the subject...We are talking about the latest boxing match when the operator taps three times on the table with his pencil. Instantly--and we mean instantly--the subject’s eyes close and he’s sound "asleep." While in trance he sees a black dog come into the room, feels the dog, goes to the telephone and tells its owner to come get it. The dog is of course purely imaginary. We give him electric shock which would be torture to a normal person, but he does not even notice it. We straighten him out between two chairs and sit on his chest while he recites poetry. Then we wake him up.

He immediately starts talking about that boxing match! A visitor to the laboratory interrupts him. "What do you know of hypnotism?" The subject looks surprised, "Why, nothing." "When were you hypnotized last?" "I have never been hypnotized." "Do you realize that you were in a trance just ten minutes ago?" "Don’t be silly! No one has hypnotized me and no one ever can.’’ "Do you mind if I try?" "Not at all. If you want to waste your time it’s all right with me." So the visitor, a good hypnotist, tries, but at every test the subject simply opens his eyes with a bored grin. Finally he gives up the attempt and everyone is seated as before.

Then the original operator taps on the table with his pencil. Immediately the subject is in deep hypnotism. We now add another concept. We can coach the subject so that in the trance he will behave exactly as in the waking state. Under these circumstances we could defy anyone, even a skilled psychologist, to tell whether the subject was "asleep" or "awake." There are tests which will tell the story but in warfare we cannot run around sticking pins into everyone we meet just to see if he is normal. So rapid can this shift be from normal to trance state [the programming state], and so "normal" will the subject appear in trance, that the writer has used such a subject as a bridge partner. He plays one hand in trance and one hand "awake" with no one any the wiser. [This happens with Monarch slaves all the time. Few people ever catch on that alters are under trance.] Suppose we deliberately set up that condition of multiple personality to further the ends of military intelligence.

Let us start with a very simple illustration. For example, we can hypnotize a man in an hotel in, say, Rochester . We then explain to him in hypnotism that we wish the numbers and state names of all out-of-state cars parked in the block surrounding the hotel. He is to note these very carefully in his unconscious mind but will have no conscious memory of having done so. Then we awaken him and ask him, in the waking state to go out and get us a tube of toothpaste. He leaves the hotel and wanders around the block in search of that tube. Finally, he returns, apologizing for his delay, saying that it was necessary for him to go entirely around the block before he noticed a drugstore in the very building itself. This, he says, was very stupid of him but apparently men are made that way.

Did he notice anything of interest as he made his walk? "Nothing! Oh, yes, there was a dog fight down at the corner." And he described the battle in detail. We now hypnotize him. He knows what we are seeking and at once proceeds to give us numbers and states of strange cars, very pleased with the fact that he can recall thirteen. He evidently enjoys the game immensely and is quite proud of his memory. Then we awaken him and see what he knows in the conscious state. "How many cars are there around the building?" "I don’t know." "What are the numbers of the out-of-state licenses around the building?" "Good heavens, I have no idea. I think there is a California car near the front entrance, but I have no idea as to its number."

A friend tries his hand. "Now look here. You were hypnotized half an hour ago and you left this room under posthypnotic suggestion." The subject gets irritated. "Look here yourself. I’m getting tired of that silly joke. This is the third time today you’ve pulled it. All right. I was hypnotized and saw pink elephants all over the lobby. Have it your way." And the subject sits down to a magazine, obviously angry that this man cannot find something more amusing to say.

Often the hypnotic subject will react in this manner. Push him just a little too far and he becomes irritated, obviously a trick of the unconscious to end the argument and avoid any danger of being found out.... The reader’s very natural reaction is, "Why all this rigmarole?"... There are certain safeguards if we use hypnotism. First, there is no danger of the agent’s selling out. More important would be the conviction of innocence which the man himself had, and this is a great aid in many situations. He would never "act guilty" and if ever accused of seeking information would be quite honestly indignant. This conviction of innocence on the part of a criminal is perhaps his greatest safeguard under questioning by the authorities.

Finally, it would be impossible to "third degree" him and so pick up the links of a chain. This is very important, for the most hardened culprit is always liable to "talk" if the questioners are ruthless enough. The Super Spy in the instance we are about to outline, we may or may not be dealing with multiple personality....

The little experiment I have just cited could be successful with any good somnambulist and would require about ten hours preparation. The example I now cite would work only with a certain number of the very best somnambulists and instead of ten hours preparation, we had better allow ten months....

Perhaps we had better start by defending our position. Is it unethical? Perhaps, but science merely states the facts.... Now let us return to our presentation. We start with an excellent subject, and he must be just that, one of those rare individuals who accepts and who carries through every suggestion without hesitation. In addition, we need a man or a woman who is highly intelligent and physically tough. Then we start to develop a case of multiple personality through the use of hypnotism.

In his normal waking state, which we will call Personality A, or PA, this individual will become a rapid communist. He will join the party, follow the party line and make himself as objectionable as possible to the authorities. Note that he will be acting in good faith. He is a communist, or rather his PA is a communist and will behave as such. Then we develop Personality B (PB), the secondary personality, the unconscious personality, if you wish, although this is somewhat of a contradiction in terms. This personality is rabidly American and anti-communist. It has all the information possessed by PA, the normal personality, whereas PA does not have this advantage....

The proper training of a person for this role would be long and tedious, but once he was trained, you would have a super spy compared to which any creation in a mystery story is just plain weak. This is what the Illuminati have done. They create good Christian fronts, with Illuminati dark alters who can see what the Christians are doing.

My super spy plays his role as a communist in his waking state, aggressively, consistently, fearlessly. But his PB is a loyal American, and PB has all the memories of PA. As a loyal American, he will not hesitate to divulge those memories, and needless to say we will make sure he has the opportunity to do so when occasion demands.

Here is how this technique would work .... [skipping this story and several others, we come to:] We choose a good subject and then let him in on the plot. We disclose to him that he is an excellent hypnotic subject and we wish to use him for counterespionage. We suspect that in the near future someone is going to try hypnosis on him. He is to bluff, to co-operate to the very best of his ability, fake every test that is made and stay wide awake all the time. The test we fear most is that of an analgesia--insensitivity to pain. So we coach him carefully with posthypnotic suggestions to the effect that even when wide awake and bluffing he will be able to meet every test which may be made here, be it with ammonia under the nose, a needle, or worst of all, the use of electricity, which can be made extremely painful and is easy to use.

Under these circumstances it will be virtually impossible to tell whether this man is bluffing or really in trance. [The story continues that the master hypnotist thinks he has got a good subject and has hypnotized him deep. Then the subject tells him that he was only bluffing. The whole affair provides a nightmare for any counterintelligence group using hypnotism. They can be totally bluffed, unless they turn to high tech equipment to see what is really happening.]

Estabrooks also explains how a man can be hypnotized and told he is only testing the preparedness of security. He is told he has a fake bomb, but is really given a real bomb. The subject is sent to a location, and blows up with the real bomb. The subject blows up with the bomb so the evidence of the hypnotic lie is lost. Hypnosis changes the threshold of the how the senses perceive. Sensitivity can be increased or decreased, hallucinations can be perceived even though there is the absence of any appropriate stimuli, and things that exist can go unperceived by the mind. For instance, alters who are used for porn are hypnotized not to see the camera. Alters used for any type of sexual service are hypnotized repeatedly to not see faces. The slave will actually see blurs where people’s faces are. The Programmers like to manipulate. Children are set in front of circus mirrors that make them taller or smaller for programming. They are set in front of mirrors which duplicate their image. Here in Oregon , there is a site with a magnetic anomaly which bends light. It is called the Oregon Vortex. The Programmers take small children there for programming. Anything that creates an illusion, seems to be noticed by the Programmers and is put to use somehow.

The CIA has employed magicians like John Mulholland to help them create illusions. Magician John Mulholland wrote a manual for the CIA on how to deceive unwitting subjects. Under drugs and hypnosis, when a small child is set in front of a mirror that elongates its body and or then shortens, the reality of the programming script seems real. The programmer can hypnotically call upon the child’s mind to totally hallucinate seeing something, or he can support the illusion by handing the child a doll and telling it that it is a child, or handing the child a pencil and telling the child it is a flower. A great deal of acting and props are used during the programming. What child can tell fool’s gold from real gold? The bottom line is that generally, no matter which way the Programmers do it, whether by an illusion or an outright hypnotic-suggested hallucination, the event for the child is real. The majority of traumas are real events, but the scripts that are given are after the trauma are fictional.

C. Hypnosis Can Boost The Creativity of the Victim to Adopt Scripts

Creativity is a function of attentiveness, playfulness, anxiety, limitations, relaxation, the trance state, responsiveness and absorption. A good programmer can assist or boost the creativity of the child. The programmer can tell stories and programming scripts in a vivid way, so that the sensory pictures are bold and strong. The child can taste and feel and touch in their minds the script being given them. Besides the language of the programmer other aids such as fear and drugs can enhance a victim’s attentiveness.

Playfulness comes naturally to children. They naturally pretend and use fantasy in their play. Because children are innately creative they are far easier to program. Researchers have also discovered that creativity needs an element of anxiety and chaos in the person’s life. If everything is orderly and in perfect harmony, the creative juices will not flow. The conscious mind and the subconscious mind need to grapple. For creativity to be productive it must occur within limits. For instance, the concerto is created within the limits of a piano keyboard.

The programmer, and the Grande Dame and the Grande Mother of the Illuminati victim carefully guide the child’s creativity and set limits. The spark of creativity occurs when there is an alternation of intense concentration and relaxation. The programmers must work back and forth between torture and kindness. A light trance will allow the mind to surface creative ideas. That is why writers and composers get ideas when they are in a light trance driving, in a light sleep, or shaving or some other place where a light trance occurs. Receptivity is the willingness to accept a creative idea when it comes.

The final part of creativity is one’s absorption into the process of creativity. The artist may get so immersed into the portrait that he is painting that the portrait seems alive and real--the actual person. This immersion, where things imagined become real, is important to keep the creative juices flowing. The hypnotist/programmer can enhance the creative process by giving the child positive encouragement to reduce their fears and inhibitions to creativity. The programmer could say to the older child (a younger child might be told something else), "You take all of your fear of not being creative and put them into a sack. The sack now becomes a bundle of energy. Now imagine you are opening the sack and out of the sack comes a rainbow of energy. It is powerful, it is positive. You are now full of new ideas. You can feel this power surge through your body. Your mind is now clear and focused, focused, you feel confident, sure of your talent and eager to set your new ideas into motion, and you control the energy in your life, you are very successful in controlling the energy in your take a few breaths and relax. You notice the neighborhood around you, there is a beautiful park, you begin to notice how beautiful the day is, and you begin to feel a fresh new energy flowing through your body...the more calm you become the more enthusiastic and creative you will feel free to create, to enjoy your creative talent, to invent, to shape, and form new and wonderful ideas."

This is not to say that the Illuminati programmer or Mother of Darkness assistant will use this type of hypnotic suggestions, but sometimes it does become necessary to teach some children how to dissociate, and how to become creative. If they do not develop these abilities, they may lose their life to the torture.
The Vital Role of Movies for Hypnotizing Small Children

As mentioned before, the hypnotist will find children easier to hypnotize if they know how to do it with small children. One method that is effective is to say to the small children, "Imagine you are watching a favorite television show." This is why the Disney movies and the other shows are so important to the programmers. They are the perfect hypnotic tool to get the child’s mind to dissociate in the right direction. The programmers have been using movies since almost day one to help children learn the hypnotic scripts. For children they need to be part of the hypnotic process. If the hypnotist allows the child to make up his own imagery, the hypnotic suggestions will be stronger. Rather than telling the child the color of a dog, the programmer can ask the child.

This is where the books and films shown the child assist in steering its mind in the right direction. If the hypnotist talks to a child, he must take extra precaution not to change the tone of his voice and to have smooth transitions. Most of the Disney films are used for programming purposes. Some of them are specifically designed for mind-control.

Spinning Tops

One method for inducting children into a dissociative state is to have them look at a large spinning top, as the colors whirl around. Carousel rides have also been popular to induce trances. A good sampling of optical illusions can be found in Katherine Joyce’s book Astounding Optical Illusions. NY: Sterling Pub. Co. , 1994. The illusion The Temple makes one feel they are in a passageway leading to a small door. The Escalator makes one feel they are going up and down, and could be used for building in an internal elevator. We know that optical illusions have been used, but we are not saying that these particular ones have been. For a programmer to use an optical illusion, he would first submerge the victim into a drugged state with the appropriate mind altering music and sounds and then flash the illusion onto the wall that the victim was facing. With virtual reality the child can really be immersed into a weird head trip.

The Hypnotic Voice of the Programmer

Programmers will adopt either an authoritarian voice, which is commanding and direct or a permissive soft tone. Bear in mind the slave who has the authoritarian voice used on it, sees the programmer as God with the authority of life or death over its (his or her) body and soul. The heightened expectation from the commanding tone, will increase the suggestions chance for success. However a softer tone, will relax the victim, and the hypnotist and the programming victim become partners in the hypnotic process. The advantage of the softer tone, is that the creativity of the victim is enhanced and participates more in the process.

The hypnotic induction becomes more real when the victim participates more in the process. The Monarch programmer will either use a monotone voice or a rhythmic voice. Remember, the professor who could lull his students to sleep. He had a hypnotic voice, without knowing it. A singsong or rhythmic voice is comforting. It can also be used by the Programmer. One continuous thread of words strung together are used to close out distractions. After a suggestion or command is given, a pause is made by the programmer in talking so that the suggestion is taken into the mind. Otherwise anxiety is experienced by the victim’s mind, and the suggestion will not be accepted as well.

Cisco, the co-author provides an example of how a hypnotic script can go with music, "Close your eyes for your eyes will only tell the truth. And the truth isn’t what you want to see. In the dark it is easy to pretend that the truth is what it ought to be. "Softly, deftly, music shall caress you. Hear it, feel it secretly possess you. Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind in this darkness which you know you cannot fight. The darkness of the music of the night. "Close your eyes, start a journey through a strange new world. Leave all thoughts of the world you knew before. Close your eyes and let music set you free. Only then can you belong to me. "Floating, falling, sweet intoxication. Touch me, trust me, savor each sensation. Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in to the power of the music I write. You alone can make my song take flight. Help me make the music of the night. "Helpless to resist the notes I write, For I compose the music of the night. Hearing is believing, music is deceiving. Hot as lightening, soft as candle light. Dare you trust the music of the night?"

When the authors have bumped into men who are programmers and handlers for the CIA, they have noticed that many of these men have warm personalities and have a certain trained hypnotic voice which they use even when not programming. During rituals, the various magical languages used in witchcraft employ repetition, alliteration, nonsense syllables, newly coined words, and ancient words that are chanted or sung in a limited-range that makes the sounds become hypnotic. Sounds like the mantra "a-u-u-in-in" are chanted. Gestures during rituals are also made which intensify the effects. Rituals can not be classified as having nothing to do with programming. There is such a great attempt to secularize and make clinical what the victim experiences, and the idea that witchcraft is part of the programming is an unpopular notion with some. Combining witchcraft with hypnotic language can be powerful with group dynamics. Repetitive sounds, such as a drum beating influences the locus coeruleus part of the brain. Drums can help induce trance.

D. Keeping the Mind Dissaciative

Illuminati parents (as well as other adults who care for a Monarch child) are given special instructions on how to raise the child to be dissociative. The parents are admonished that their child will have a successful future and so will they if they follow the instructions. If they don’t follow the instructions, they are minded their child’s life could be forfeited.

Here are some of the types of instructions that are given: Spend 15 minutes/day teaching the child to write backwards to develop the brain in a particular fashion. Giving daily doses of prolonged isolation, such as dark closets, dark cellars, the corners of dark rooms. During the prolonged isolation, the child cannot turn on the lights, go to the bathroom, make a noise or anything else. The child will learn to dissociate. The child is also trauma bonded to the abuser because each time the child is let out, it is grateful to the abuser. The child can be drowned in a pool and then resuscitated--and the exact amount of time to keep the child under will be given. The child can be placed in a freezer, and again the exact amount of time can be given to the parent.

The child is not to roam about the house freely. The adults’ area is off-limits. The child must move with permission. Systematic punishment without provocation with the message--keep secrets. Hear no evil, see no evil, do no evil. This needs to be done several times a week to reinforce the codes of silence and the programming for silence. A needle which is gripped halfway up is stuck into the child a quarter inch deep on the child’s muscles, buttocks or thigh to help continue dissociative behavior. On special occasions (birthdays, holidays) the hands and feet which are most sensitive to pain are stuck. When the feet or hands are stuck, they will often stick the needles under the nails. The ears are also on occasion stuck with needles. It also conditions the child to obey the commands of her handlers, who will use needles to access the minds various personalities. Various spots on the body when stuck with needles along with certain codes become access points for certain alters. Anytime a child argues, has a temper tantrum, or gets angry the child is to be slapped in the face. This is a quick trauma. It is to be followed with a lighted cigarette applied to the child to burn the skin the second the child gets submissive from the slap. If a cigarette can’t be found, a stove top or some other hot item is to be found. At four years of age, the child begins programming to burn itself. If there are any bruises showing, the child can be kept home for a day or two. Anytime the child becomes willful it is to have its mouth washed out with soap. The child should be made to chew off a piece and swallow the foam. The child should be raped daily and then tortured. This helps with the sexual programming later, and begins a reversal in the mind that pain is love, and pain is pleasure.

Some of the first memories that female Monarchs recover are their memories of their fathers raping them. This is because the programmers allow these memories to be less dissociated than the later ones where the slave may be sexually servicing an important Monarch slave handler like the Rev. Billy Graham. (Graham is covered in full in chapter 5.)

In later situations like that, the kitten alters which do the sexual servicing will be electro-shocked to block their memory as well as given hypnotic cues. The fathers or step-fathers are often not the person who will be their master when they grow up. The abuse of this person will serve as a cover for the programming. If the person’s front alters discover they are MPD, they will initially blame their multiplicity on the first abuser they remember, which then serves as a cover.

E. Keeping the Mind in Alpha State

The entire alter system of a Monarch slave has their sleep patterns controlled. Many alters are programmed not to sleep. They stay awake 24 hours a day internally. Someone has to take the body and sleep--but whichever alters are set up to do it, they are hypnotically commanded to only sleep three hours, to insure that the mind stays in an alpha state easy to program. Because alters which do not hold the body "rest" mentally in a sense--when they take the body they are fresh. In this way, a multiple can function without as much sleep as a normal person, but the price they pay is that their mind stays in an easy-to-program easy-to-hypnotize state. REM sleep allows the person to harmonize the mind’s inner world with its outer environment. The periods of REM sleep lengthen as the hours of sleep progress. By preventing long periods of sleep, long periods of REM sleep are prevented from occurring, and the victim remains in a more controllable state of mind.

F. Hypnotic Codes, Cutes and Triggers

When a Programmer creates something, it will be a reflection of himself to some degree. Just like handwriting and art are a reflection of the person who makes them. Understanding the connections between a Programmer and his creation could take a book in itself. The following is extracted from the history of an ancient occult sect, still functioning today. It is the type of thing, that the programmers feed their minds on, which in turn provides them the patterns which show up in programming.

Here it is: In the ancient occult world, at the gates of palaces the doorkeeper had to be shown "the seals"--the secret names of God or pictures with magical power, and the words "R Akiva". When the person passed this entrance, he comes to the palace of pure marble stones, do not say, "water, water." Then the person will enter into the world or the celestial Garden of Eden or the Realm of the Heavenly Palaces. The Story of Sinbad, the golden lamp and genie would be another example of an occult story that could be used. Within the Illuminati, Gematria (which is the cabalistic teachings about numbers) is very important for knowing the codes of the deep darker alters. There are several reasons for why Monarch slaves have lots of codes and structures which come from witchcraft,

a. their programmers are witches and witchcraft is the world view on the mind of the programmer

b. the slaves are reminded of their entrapment to Satan and their cult whenever they hear their codes

c. the alters internally will work magic, even while they don’t hold the body, and placing magical structures inside facilitates this internal magic

d. using magical words makes the programming look like magick

e. the internal alters are being inculcated into occult underworld life and doctrine

A rather remarkable book is Aleister Crowley’s book 777 and Other Qabalistic Writings of Aleister Crowley. It is remarkable for the deprogrammer to understand many of the programming code links that the programmers may have used. In 777’s forward,. Aleister Crowley wrote "777 is a qabalistic dictionary of ceremonial magic, oriental mysticism, comparative religion and symbology. It is also a handbook for ceremonial invocation and for checking the validity of dreams and visions. It is indispensable to those who wish to correlate these apparently diverse studies." ( Crowley , 777, p. vii)

Later he writes, "The book 777 has for its primary object the construction of a magical alphabet." (p. xvii) For instance, Crowley gives the Officers in the Masonic Lodges and the Hebrew passwords of their grades. In another example of the book, Crowley gives a list of the Hindu chakra points (which is well known), with the Buddhist names, and their ancient Egyptian names. This is the type of occult knowledge that is hard to come by.

Crowley ’s List of Correspondences are perhaps the best one will find printed in the occult world. They show the correspondences that occultists make between things. For instance, if we want to know what corresponds to the Hebrew letter Dalath. The letter means door. Door corresponds to the letter 14, the Cabalistic Tree of Life pathway between the two top circles on each side of "the crown", sky blue on the Queen scale of color, Aphrodite, Venus and Freya, and the gems Emerald and Turquoise, and the perfume sandalwood. All these things correspond within Cabalistic magic.

For someone trying to understand why a particular color, and name is given to a deep darkside alter, Crowley ’s book is helpful in some Monarch systems. The Mother-of-Darkness alters (and Supreme Master alters in males) of the Illuminati must do path working rituals when they hold the body and participate in Illuminati activities. These Mother-of-Darkness alters are placed internally in the Cabalistic Tree of Life. Crowley ’s book provides the mystic number that goes to each part (plane, or circle) of the Tree of Life and its Snake positional number. The mystic number of the Sephiroth that corresponds to the number to each of the 22 paths that must be worked is also given. The occult concept is that to achieve divinity one must go on the Tree of Life from being Malkuth to become Kether. Although it is not the intent to propagate occult doctrine, for those who want to know how Illuminati Monarch slaves get to where they are as adults, and what the codes are in their System, then we need to cover briefly the Kabalistic Tree of Life. (More will be written about this in chapter 10 on spiritual control.)

Let the reader picture 3 circles in a line. These three circles sit at the top of the Cabalistic Tree of Life. They are the top 3 circles of ten circles which all have names within an Illuminati Monarch slave. The center circle is "the crown" and holds the honored alter who actually is the Bride of the AntiChrist. The AntiChrist is also known as Black Saturn, and other names. Satan himself is known within a Monarch system often by the name Bilair, Bilar, or Bilid which are his cabalistic names.

The honored alter who is married to him sits on a pedestal revolving with 2 other alters. In the occult world, goddesses are triune: maiden, mother and crone. The one to the left of center is Midnight (the Mother figure), and the other is Morning Star (the maiden). Morning Star (Stella Matutina) may be a very young alter, rather than a teenager. On top of the Cabalistic Tree of Life will sit a pyramid. Each of the ten circles (rooms for the alters who live in them) of the Tree of Life is created with a different Illuminati ceremony.

Before a Mother-of-Darkness Monarch slave is 16, they will have gone through all the ceremonies involved in the creation of the alters which correspond to the 10 rooms of the Tree of Life. At age 16, the system’s demons will then guide the system on a personalized pathway and a baby (the firstborn) will be sacrificed by the System. The blood of this first born is spiritually placed in a box under the Tree of Life. This is in accord with the Lilith story. The spirit Lilith (sometimes with an alter Lilith) will work with the spirits of Zerodieth and Lucifer. There are several trees which can be placed within a Monarch slave, including the ash, the oak, the ygdrassil, the willow, and the Tree of Evil, which is an evil counterpart to the Tree of Life. These will be dealt with under the chapter on structures. This chapter will provide the hypnotic codes, cues, triggers or whatever one wants to call these words, noises, and sensory inputs that manipulate these poor victims turned into Monarch robots. Other chapters will explain about the structures these codes go to, and also the spiritual dimensions of these codes and structures.

Another way to see things is to recognize that the programmers have created "power words" to which they have attached memory and programming. If a de-programmer observes closely the word usage of the victim, you will begin to spot power words of the abuser, for instance, "white rabbit". A cipher is when symbols are used to represent letters. One can used letter frequencies to break ciphers. Likewise, there are frequencies to code words. The Illuminati’s intelligence agencies have programmed thousands upon thousands of slaves.


The word FOX is an example of a significant occult code word. F-o-x consists of the 6th, 15th (1+5), & the 24th (2+ 4) letters of the alphabet, which yield 666.

The reader needs to bear several things in mind. First, the programmers generally have intelligent, well sounding codes, that do form patterns. For instance, a woman’s name from the Bible will be used as a code, with subparts or sub codes having other female names from the Bible. Deeper Illuminati parts will have goddess and god names, and king and queen names for cult alters.

These are the names the handler or cult uses--NOT their access codes.

The codes for slaves follow patterns. There are standard and unique codes. The internal programming alters have the power to change codes if they need to protect the programming. They will have to hypnotically work with alters when they trance out at night. In other words, most of their programming of front alters will be done when a System lies down for "sleep"--more accurately described as "for trance." If the internal alters change many codes, in their efforts to protect the system, they will even make it difficult for the handler/programmer to get into the system. Ciphers developed rotors that require lines to line up. Some simple schemes using this principle appear in some Monarch systems. This is part of the science of structuring. Intelligence codes often come from the Bible or popular fiction books. The deeper codes are occult words, often in foreign languages such as Arabic, which is an important language in the upper occult world. Slaves will be given COVER NAMES for ops, and often males receive female names and vice versa. Very shortly, we will provide the Monarch hypnotic cues (codes) for the multitude of functions that a Monarch’s mind must carry out. The type of programming which is placed in a slave varies.

For intelligence operations the slave will have to have BONA FIDES, which are codes to allow two people to meet.

All slaves are given CONTROL SIGNS which allow them to indicate via a code that they are in trouble.

A RECOGNITION signal allows two people to make contact.

For instance, the handler might fly his distinctive sounding plane over a slave’s house in a pre-arranged signal. It might also be a particular colored scarf, and a particular set of phrases.

A GO-AWAY code is a prearranged signal that means it is unwise to make contact. The go-away signal may be simply placing one’s hands in one’s pocket or turning the porch lights off.

A "GO TO GROUND" signal means to go into hiding.

A MAYDAY BOOK exists for Illuminati and Intelligence slaves which allows them to call if they are about to be arrested. A telephone number is left open for just this purpose. Also common universal Illuminati codes can be used by the slave to get set free from police and judges. Within the Jehovah’s Witnesses, especially their headquarters, the Illuminati uses Enochian language to program with. With Druidic branches Druidic symbols are used. With the Jewish groups, Hebrew is used. Other languages are also used. An Illuminati System can easily have 6 different languages used as programming codes. The foreign language codes will be for small parts of the System only. Special artificial languages are also employed, as well as sign language.
Alpha (Basic) Basic Commands (these basic commands are also found used in many slaves, although there will be exceptions to everything.)

"GET ON YOUR TOES. STAY ON YOUR TOES." means "attention slave" get ready for a command. "ON YOUR TOES--is a preparatory command that will be used throughout an entire system. "IF YOU PLEASE SIR." -From Wizard of Oz, slave says this like "yes, sir." 3-tap code for access. "FOLLOW THE SNAPS", "LISTEN AND OBEY OUR COMMANDS", "THIS IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD" "FIDDLER" = code to take one to Never Never Land

"PUPPET MASTER" -name of master for Marionette or Puppet program

"DADDY" -master "DADDY’S FRIEND"--a user of slave approved by master "PAPA" -master, "WHITE RABBIT--master "YOU’LL SPEAK MY WORDS WHEN I PULL YOUR STRINGS." Puppet programming control of what slave will say.

"SPILL IT" --trigger command ordering slave to speak

"SILENCE" --order means keep quiet Mr. Rogers Neighborhood’s " Land of Make Believe " was used for the programming code script: "I AM MR. ROGERS AND I HAVE PUPPETS, TOO I PULL ALL THE STRINGS AND I PULL STRINGS ON YOU." Twinkling of the nose --Bewitched programming to cast spell or order on slave. "(name of alter), YOU WILL COME FORTH AND OBEY." or "...OBEY AND COME FORTH."

Another basic way of getting an alter would be simply to spin the person and call out the alter’s name, or to snap the fingers and call out the name of a front alter.

Access is accomplished for a number of Illuminati slaves by a message via phone or letter, then a looking glass person takes the system to a location outside of the house, maybe simply to the sidewalk, there the person is picked up. The left hand is then grasp on the soft part of the hand between the thumb and forefinger by two fingers very tightly. This pulls up and alter with an egg in its lap. The egg is then opened via a code and the imps inside the egg to communicate to the ribbons and the computer. Access phone calls to slaves may have high-speed codes transmitted that trigger the slave subliminally without their conscious awareness.

Access to some people is done with computer like jargon "ON LINE" "ACCESS, (then identification), (then color code), (then name)" ", "ENTER", "RUN". Some Systems have their triggers all in computer lingo such as COMMAND MODE--ALL DISK DRIVES AND HARD DRIVES... ERASE.. .FORMAT DRIVE...COPY....UNDELETE PURGED MEMORY DRIVE ..."

Where some of the newer slave programmers are also computer programmers they enjoy transferring their computer lingo to use in controlling their programmed slaves. They may even throw in some FAX lingo such as "DIAL ALL REMOTES. . . INITIALIZATION - ATSO -OHOaM (HANDSHAKE BETWEEN ALL REMOTES), HANDSHAKE COMPLETED."

The color of the car to pick up a System may relate to the color coding of the alters to be picked up, such as white exterior, blue interior for a white alter-then blue alter access sequence.

Basic Internal Emergency Color Codes for a System, there are several different "CODE RED’s, etc. not just one in a slave, what follows is not the complete information about the Codes, although it is possible some slaves have a simplified version like this:

"CODE GREEN" --Dr. Green’s suicide programming, tied to "no-talk" programming.

"CODE BLUE" --Victim’s body freezes in motion and can’t move until another code is given.

"CODE RED" --Victim gets angry and violent

"CODE RED" -Another Code Red has the standard Monarch meaning, "serious self-destruct" program

"CODE YELLOW" --Victim gets jealous, angry and wants to violently get even "CODE BLACK" --Used to get victim’s to get on their ritual clothes.

"CODE WHITE" --Code to protect the cult members from arrest. When police see the Code White they treat the people as untouchable. There are code words for Illuminati members to tell police and judges that will automatically get them set free.

Masonic handshakes and codes also work well with judges, police & govt. workers.

"CODE 911" --To activate the slave for an emergency calling for superhuman strength. Certain alters will have extra strength.

"CODE 911 "--Also used with standard Monarch meaning of "Call your programmer/handler".

"DISARM" (3x)-to get rid of a dangerous alter two snaps + "SHUTDOWN"--to shutdown an alter.

"LET THE KINGS BE KINGS" "LET THE BANKERS BE BANKERS" "LET THE PRIESTS BE PRIESTS"--saying to justify their Master-slave relationship to the masses of humanity. The Sun setting the following day was used as a trigger for slave to forget events.

For the cat alters a certain word is given to trigger them to go "over the rainbow" after an event in order for them to forget it.

"FROM THE RISING OF THE SUN TIL THE GOING DOWN OF THE SAME" --programmed in by using the scripture.

"GO INTO THE SEA OF FORGETFULNESS" --a hypnotic structure in the mind to forget.

Waterfalls are also used as a hypnotic image to forget pain and memory. "RETYPE A LETTER" -reprogram,

"JEWELS" = programs.

"THE CATS & THE FIDDLE NEED TUNED UP--Slave to handler, I need reprogrammed. There are three words to trigger a suicide program -

1. Bait,

2. [intentionally left out],

3. hook

Another suicide program trigger is when the dominoes fall.

"GO OVER THE BLUFF" (3X)- causes suicide in some alters SACRED HEART = Catholic/Jesuit suicide program Some suicide programs are set off with a long tone over the phone along with a code no.

"KERMIT THE FROG" --a type of access code.

"KERMIT" may be a code relating to computers, because Kermit is the universal language for connecting computers together. It is a single standard to exchange files between any two systems.

All memories, traumas, and tortures are coded.

Body programs are coded. One set of body programs uses Hebrew, Greek, and Druidic letters.

A clone program creates clones of an alter (also called lollipop or lobster program) imagery is that sesame seeds fall off of a hamburger bun and becomes another hamburger.

Codes to all the various basic systems:

Carousel 532342223
Castle System 221435321
Communication 311146623
Double Helix 432443321
Level 211343231
Mensa System 323542321
Pentagram 421136113
Pool of Death 231134421
Puppet 341124321
Sole metric 665421134
Spider Web 321654321
Stairwell 432111132
Quabala 423454334
Tornado 332146444
Umbrella System 314321014
Alice In Wonderland:

The White Rabbit is a programming figure for Alice In Wonderland Programming who will allow you to go to otherwise inaccessible places for adventure. He represents the master. The White Rabbit is an important figure to the slave. White rabbit gives a wafer (coke-sugar-cocaine) to Alice and says "EAT ME" or "EAT IT AND I’LL TAKE YOU THROUGH THE DOOR" ---takes master into closed part of System, or perhaps over the rainbow.

The Queen of Hearts is also an important figure for commands in the Looking Glass World which the slave enters upon command. When a deep slave alter is needed to perform they are sent into the looking glass world where a looking glass person carries out the command--but in a way that reality is thought to be a dream. In other words, this is a preparatory command to get the slave ready for abuse. "USE THE KEY. PUT IT IN THE LOCK. TURN. OPEN THE DOOR...AND STEP THROUGH A WINDOW [or MIRROR] INTO NEVER NEVER LAND." "SOMETHING IN LIGHTENING TO TRANSPORT YOU FASTER THAN THE OL’ RUBY SLIPPERS. CLICK YOUR HEELS TOGETHER AND BE THERE IN A SNAP. (SLAVE CLICKS HEELS) ELECTRIFYING .... WITH THE RUMBLE OF THUNDER. BOLTING THROUGH TIME ... SO YOU WON’T BE LATE ... FOR A VERY IMPORTANT DATE." ( Alice in Wonderland Programming) (This is the wording to use deep alters.)

Cinderella Program:

The code word involves something said about the stroke of midnight .

The Melting Pot Program:

A very powerful program is activated by melting the slave into his master. The slave will do anything for the master with this program. The melting is the ecstasy that is occasionally experienced when lovers having sex seem to melt into each other. This feeling of ecstasy-melting is programmed to release when the master says these words, "MELT INTO YOUR MELTED MIRROR FOR AN ELECTRIFYING RIDE LOOK DEEP INTO THE BLACK OF MY MELTING MIRROR EYES. SEE YOU REFLECTING ME, REFLECTING YOU, REFLECTING ME, REFLECTING YOU, REFLECTING ME, REFLECTING YOU, REFLECTING ME, REFLECTING YOU...(cont. this several times) UNTIL WE MELT TOGETHER AND SINK DEEP... [words omitted] INTO THE OTHER SIDE." "MELT INTO MY MIRROR YOU LOOSE YOURSELF INTO THE POOL OF LIQUID MIRROR STEP INTO THE LOOKING GLASS, SINK DEEP WITHIN ITS POOL, AND STRADDLE THE DIMENSIONS IN TIME. I’LL SEE YOU THERE...ALONG WITH MY FRIENDS" "SEE IT THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS"-- infinity mirror programming involving mirror image people (alters) "LOSE YOURSELF IN THE INFINITY MIRRORS."

Wizard of Oz:

The Yellow Brick Road is the script or programmed set of instructions one must follow. It also serves as a runway for alters to take off from their internal world and take the body. "FOLLOW THE YELLOW BRICK ROAD" There is a code to get through the poppy field (trance state). Some alters to get through the poppy field need to put on a new dress and a new image. The poppy field may be called "the field of forget-me-not". In this way it is linked to the daisies of Dr. Green. To get into the poppy field is easy, it is "SLEEP, SLEEP, SLEEP", see other induction methods on another page. "THERE’S A PAIR OF MAGIC SHOES TO WEAR WITH YOUR DRESS.. .SOMETHING IN LIGHTNING...TO TRANSPORT YOU FASTER THAN THE OL’ FURRY SLIPPERS." When the slave is finished being used they return from Never Never Land to Kansas . To do this they are told: "CLICK YOUR HEELS.. .THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME." They might be reminded "YOU’RE NOW GOING OVER THE RAINBOW TO THE OTHER WORLD."

Tin Man Programming:

The Tin Man programming is all purpose versatile program for what ever the master needs done, it means that the slave is a well oiled machine. Sometimes the slave is reluctant to do a job but he is being told that he is a well oiled machine. The exact words may vary with the mission, but the following are exact words,



GALAXY programming (for the end times) is also connected to the Oz programming. In upper level Illuminati slaves Dorothy in the Oz story will represent the Mother of Darkness alters, Ozma will represent the Ruler of the Castle, and Glinda will have the Great Book of Records. The ring of Glinda (from Glinda of Oz, p. 16) gives protection.

Body Programs Control program:

See Omega Programming- Universal Function Codes for internal system codes for body programs. Sometimes these body programs are filed with a combination of hebrew and zodiac signs. Greek letters are also file no.s of at times of body programs.

Rivers of blood -circulation control program. This program totally controls the circulatory system. The victim may think they are losing lots of blood & go into heart failure.

Octopus- strangulation suicide program The internal defenses consists in part of body programs that are triggered if the Mind-controlled slave steps out of line.

Here is a good list of some of these body programs each of which has its own codes: Auditory problems, Blood flow/circulation, Burning as if on fire, Digestive failure, Headaches-split brain, Heart failure, Histamine production, Optic problems, Respiratory failure, Sleep deprivation, Sleeping program, and Temperature change. The suicide programs that can go off include Armageddon, Clowns cutting, Cutter program "Pain is Love", Disembowelment, Drug overdose, Gethsemane, "Hypnosleep", Injection of bleach (poison), Octopus, Red Sea, Shooting Programs (shotgun, russian roulette, shooting family, etc.), War in the Heavens & Wrecking the car.

Along with the suicide programs that can be triggered are programs that jerk the victim’s mind every which way, which include:

Bee Stinging Program (put in by placing the drugged victim being near large swarms of bees humming & then letting a bee(s) sting the victim), Busy Cleaning Program, Crazy program, Flooding (from Atlantis), Isolate & Hibernate Program, Memory Erasure Program, Pain Programming, Paper Doll Program, Protection by trance, Revolving switching, Scrambling Program, and re-Structuring Programming, Tumbleweed program, Waterjar Shaking program (Ahab stomping the grapes Bible-based program making mush out of the brain.) Cutting programs are often hidden behind the Bee Swarming program.

Alpha and Omega is a strong program. Sometimes saying "ALPHA & OMEGA" helps alleviate headaches.

DNA (This uses a lot of number codes.) This is a double-helix which is used as an elevator shaft running down through a system. Numbers are used and the names of cities to go down the elevator shafts. This programming is said to be done in hospitals.

Card Codes--(See diagram) Regular playing cards have developed from the occult Tarot cards. The four suits correspond to magick, the spades mean the power from the spear of destruction, the diamond means is a double pyramid or demonic power of wealth, and the club is a clover meaning fortune and fate, and the heart means devotion and loyalty. The four suits work well in programming because anything that is broken down in 4’s or a multiple of 4 can be coded with cards. Anything that can be broken down into 12’s or 13’s can be given cards too. Since clocks work off of 12’s, card codes work well with clocks. The suits can denote seasons. With Jokers one gets 13 cards per suit with four suits gives 365 unique symbols to denote the days of the year. Dominos can also be used on a base 13 code system. The blank will equal 13.

Carousel System: There is a back side to enter the Carousel. Carrier Pigeon (slaves who send coded or uncoded messages) and their contact codes. Birds used for contacts. That is birds in cages are often used as a sign of a meeting place. The contact would say "What did the bird say?" or "A little bird told me...,Then the courier pigeon delivers her message. ‘‘I’ve come a long long way to see you, words to say by System to John or to person to be met. There is an endless variety of contact phrases to indicate that the right person has met the right person.

Sample Code for passing drugs-"RHINESTONE COWBOY" to which the response from the slave would be "I’M NOT A COWBOY, I’M A COWGIRL." Emerald ear rings have been the visual signal to customs agents to allow a person carrying drugs through customs. (SEE D. DELTA for deeper Carrier Pigeon codes.)

Castle System: May need a special ring worn by and turned by the handler.

Flower’s Program: CSP94OYP587 --code to designate a flower tieing 3 generations.


Sample correspondences of Gem codes:

1 - Aries - diamond
2 - Gemini - topaz
3 - Cancer - cat’s eye
4 - Leo - ruby
5 - Virgo - emerald
6 - Libra - opal
7 - Scorpio - amethyst
8 - Sagittarius - turquoise
9 - Capricorn - black onyx
10 -Aquarius - crystal
11 -Pisces - sapphire ·

Potter’s Wheel "STAND IN ORDER ACCORDING TO RANK AND SERIAL NO."- part of a stacking command to get alters in sequence together to work on them. Dominoes and cards are used as part of the stacking cues. Dr. Star’s Programming which places Pentagrams into people uses Sigils as codes--the occult symbols for the various demons, along with a color, a gate, and a number form a complete code.

For example, 1st Gate is the god Nanna, #30, color-SILVER, LADDER OF LIGHTS, GOD OF THE MOON. (see Illustration) To access a System the abusers often have an object as part of the pickup code, such as a set of car keys, a special coin token, a business card, jewelry, or certain clothes or packages. A Popper liquor drink is knocked 3 times on the table when it is served. (Who would be the wiser that three knocks is an access code?)

Word Matrices : A word-matrix code is where the victim is given two lists of words and then each word on the left list is paired with a word on the right list to form a code. Randy Noblitt, a therapist, gave an example of a basic pattern for a Word-Matrix. And this is simply quoted from his example to give the reader an idea. started xenophobe between thoughts endless beginning throughout forever get out trepidation over beneath fun execute win lose first then form benign beginning end tonight last morning thorough the end