Internal Computers--Perfect Delegation;
Internal Computers Which Auto-Control A Slave
If a master has to constantly spend time whipping and motivating his slave, as well as forever watching that the slave doesn’t escape or do shoddy work, or physically or verbally injure the master, then controlling the slave can end up to be a full time job. When the master gets too much involved in the control process, he ceases to be master, and becomes a slave to the control process.
The intelligence agencies knew that they would have to create mind control slaves who could police themselves. If the master has to constantly guard his slave, the slave will be more trouble than he is worth. Many successful people have gained their success because they knew how to delegate. The most successful supervisor is the one who can delegate the best. The programmers had to find ways to cut their supervisory requirements to the bone if they were to make owning a Monarch slave worthwhile.
The method chosen was to build "computers" into the slave’s mind that would internally regulate everything. They do this by taking hundreds of the alters and dehumanizing them and turning them into parts of a computer. For instance, the shutter on the All-seeing eye of the computer, which is seen in the mind like a camera shutter, is a child alter who's job is to open and shut. (Another primal part is inside the eye’s pupil.) This shutter part knows what goes on in all the system subconsciously but if discovered by a therapist and pulled to the front of the mind will not be able to vocalize about the system. The software for this "computer" could be programmed into it, and all the individual programming of every alter can then be tied back to the computer.
In other words, each alter would be programmed on how to view life, to act, to think, and to function in their job. This programming would be linked to a computer. The programmers invented the perfect method to decentralize their control over their slaves and yet still supervise with the tightest of control. Each alter is linked to a computer (internal-not an external one) built from a foundation of fear and trauma. Since each section of alters was to remain secret, each section of alters for a slave is given its own computer, and then linking computers were built to link the various sections, and then finally a major backup computer is built, and then finally the internal Beast computer.
Bear in mind that this is all built internally in the mind of the victim. We are not talking about actual physical computers built out of physical microchips, wires, condensers etc. If the programmer concentrates on a single point when giving instructions he will get better results. Rather than complicating things for the slave, you gain power over the slave (and any subordinate) if you can give simple clear instructions. For this reason, a large share of the alters in an alter system are given very clear straight forward jobs. Because their jobs are so straightforward, these alters will often remain fragments, rather than alter parts with full blown personalities.
The programmers don’t cloud the issue. An undeveloped alter will be given one single clear, basic job. By stringing 1,000’s of alters together with single tasks, a highly sensitive system of alters can be created. Each piece of the System is separated by some degree of dissociation to make it a separate piece. By dividing the mind so much, it is incapable of fighting what has been done to itself. Before we begin describing the technical details of an internal computer, bear in mind that every Monarch System is unique and yet they all follow certain patterns & methodologies. Most of the models for the first few decades follow these patterns, some of the newer ones have more updated imagery.
Power Sources
In an Illuminati System, a computer is created for each section of alters. That computer will be given a "power source", which if unscrewed like a light bulb will go out. The light from one of these power sources might be emerald blue or emerald green or other color. The reader may want to refer to chapter 4 for the codes to understand the structuring of the various computers and systems.
Color Codes And Ribbons
In a standard 13x13x13 Illuminati alter system, 13 colors were used, and each computer was given a color. (Color Programming) These would be pink, orange, yellow, white, red, brown, blue, green, black, purple, silver, gold and platinum, and clear.
Color programming is reported to have been developed at UCLA. Whatever the case, Systems all over the United States have color programming. The hierarchy of colors in a System is often as follows (from top power down): Platinum, Gold, Silver, Purple, Black, Red, Green, Brown, White, Orange, Yellow, Pink. Clear is also used as a color for secret areas of the system. This hierarchy of color coding can be switched. The internal programmers can reassign colors if they need to, in order to protect the programming. Alters, sections, and parts of the computer are all color coded. The color coding for alters is not the same just because the alters are in the same section. The color coding within the Illuminati Mind Control is fairly consistent, however a sample of an alternative Illuminati color scheme will also be provided. A survey of colors is as follows:
CLEAR. Secret or shell alters who can take on any color are coded clear. These are alters who serve as images or as a stage for other alters. This would include "Guardian of the Vail" alters.
GOLD. This color is for the supreme leadership in the System, which includes the Grand Druid Council.
SILVER. This color is for the Satanic alters who perform high level Satanic rituals. The Mothers of Darkness have silver coding.
PURPLE. These alters see themselves as the abusers, rather than the Illuminati. These alters were involved with the programming. They have been taught to forget the abuse and to reframe it in their mind as training.
BLACK. These alters were born out of Satanic ritual, and are Moon children. The Delta and Beta alters are black coded. They do the dirty work for the cult, such as blackmail and assassination.
RED. These altars see themselves as witches. They were born out of witchcraft ritual, believe they have great spiritual power, and tend to deny that they have been abused.
GREEN or EMERALD GREEN. These cat altars recognize they have been abused. They still see themselves as belonging to the cult family, and deny that they have been abused to protect their cult family.
BLUE ALTERS. Clones, armies and the ribbons appear to have blue coding. These alters will go so far as to hurt the body to protect it from leaking information or deprogramming.
WHITE. ‘These are Atlantean alters who have been given Aryan type racial nonsense to think they are superior. They believe in genetic engineering, and a master race.
ORANGE. These special protector alters are scouts who warn of danger from internal or external threats.
YELLOW. These are the strong Christian alters of which there will only be a few in the System. They help serve as a balancing point to control the System as well as to hide what the System is all about.
PINK. These are core related alters. They maintain the true feelings of the true self apart from the cult programming and the cult family’s programming. These alters are viewed as weak because they are emotional and often break down and weep. They are fragile emotionally.
An alternative color scheme that is used:
DARK EMERALD GREEN. This color is assigned to the AntiChrist-Satan alter(s). Green is the occult color for Satan and happens to be the most sacred color. Few people outside of Satanists know that Green is more sacred for them than any other color.
LIGHT GREEN. The gods and goddess alters which are triads which function in Illuminati ceremonies get this color coding. WHITE. The internal programmers who come around in white robes get this color assigned to them, as if they are doctors or angels of light.
RED. Sexual alters are given the natural color of sex and arousal red.
BLACK. Connecting alters that are Nexus alters between various system parts. PINK. Reporting alters.
DARK BLUE. Non hierarchy cult alters.
LIGHT BLUE. Alters in charge of the way the system runs, such as the judges.
YELLOW. Alters which are ritually and sexually twinned with alters of other systems.
ORANGE. Guard alters which are heavily programmed for obedience.
VIOLET-PURPLE. Front alters and small child alters placed into boxes.
CLEAR. Shell alters to deceive the outside world.
GOLD. The traumatized alters upon which the programming is built on.
Joseph Mengele and the programmers who worked with and under him, used a large dollhouse with 26 rooms. Each of the rooms were painted with one of the 13 different colors in order to build into the child’s mind, the 13 front and the 13 back computers. The internal computers worked off of color codes, as well as other codes. A dollhouse was used to instill into the child’s minds the compartments of the computer. Each room was done up in a different color.
One particular room was a secret room, and this represents the secret world of Petra which is hidden behind two large rocks. This secret world is coded the color clear.
Besides the special color clear, the following colors appear in the system: Gold, Silver, Purple, Black, Red, Green, Blue, Brown, White, Orange, Yellow, and Pink. Each color has meaning and a rank. Just as the hour glasses could be turned, the color coding can be switched in rank. This is why in some systems there is a "Computer Operator Black", a "Computer Operator Green", and a "Computer Operator Purple", etc.
During the programming a black box with needles and wires which attach to the body for electroshock is used. While electro shocking the victim, colored scarfs coming out of a box are showed to the child. The scarfs would help form the imagery needed to build colored ribbons internally. Alters would be created using the Tall Book of Make Believe story of the Pancake people. Using this as a base or foundation, the alters would then be dehumanized one step further into thinking they were ribbons--such as ticker tape, which could transmit information from one computer to another area of the mind. The Ribbons had the ability to travel between the different levels and to transmit messages through the System, especially to the computers. It is believed they could do this because they were spirit.
When a System is accessed by a programmer, one procedure is to obtain a Ribbon alter and then inform the Ribbon what he wants. The ribbons transmit messages to the internal computers. The ribbons on older systems use morse code.
Who are the Ribbons? The Ribbons are the beginning of the Luciferian alter-like demons and alters. They are primarily the message bearers from the computers to the different computers, levels and alters. The Ribbons might have angelic names (Michael, Gabriel, etc.). The word angel means messenger. The ribbons serve a very similar function. They transmit ticker tape with morse code messages. They are at work most of the time for a System. A sample cover story for what they guard--which is the main computer with the gems and the core, is that the ribbons guard the System’s "Garden of Eden". Some more of the cover story that may be given is this: Ribbons were supposedly formed out of the dust of the ground and were placed in the Garden of Eden to create every pleasant tree. (See Genesis 1.) The ribbons relate to the Tree of Life. But to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil will cause death.
The name of the first river of four in the garden is Pashon. Out of the first river come four heads. The River Pashon has gold, ballium, onyx, rubies, diamonds and precious stones. These gems are the programs the dwarfs mine. If the System has charismatic programming, the alters will have porcelain face programming. In this case each ribbon’s color will match the color of the stones in the masks--that is yellow, white, blue, green, purple, red and black. The colors of the ribbons correlate or match the colors of the Dollhouse rooms. What do ribbons do? The Ribbons serve the programmers and the computers, who in turn serve the evil master Spirits.
Things that the Ribbons do for the computers have been identified as follows:
a. The Ribbons eat from the system’s internal "Tree of Good and Evil".,
b. Ribbon programming consists of several things--where they reside, who they are and what they are to protect.,
c. Ribbons must protect the computers in order to protect their own life.
The Ribbons will be programmed to believe that reversing the computer will reverse the Ribbons’ life. The ribbons themselves operate with mechanical hearts (not human hearts). The cover stories may include the following: All Ribbons are hid behind a little girl, who is a front for them & who tells the creation story. The little girl will tell the creation story which included the Ribbons. Behind her runs a silver cord. The silver cord has to do with heart programming. The silver cord has 3 strands that cannot be broken as per ECL 4:12. This silver cord goes off if the Ribbons are touched. Ribbons are set up so that suicide programming is triggered if they are cut. Actually, french braiding conceals a 4th strand.
In review as stated, during the programming, a box with colored scarfs was shown the child while severe electro-shock was given to the body. A colored scarf represents a ribbon which runs a message from a colored room to a similar colored alter. In a System which is structured into families and cities and worlds and sections, these "geographically different" structures in the mind of the victim can be connected via the color coding.
In other words, the alters are structured into a 3-D cube structure. Then a fourth dimension (the color coding) is added to tie in all of the three dimensions. A central computer was placed in at the bottom of the mind. Using various techniques the victim is brought to the deepest altered state possible, and a computer is built into the mind via hypnosis and alters. This can be done by freezing the entire body and just keeping the head active. Or it can be done by bringing the body to a comatose state where the heart is beating faintly. This step can only be done under the strictest medical supervision.
The memory storage area for the computers include the Emerald City Library (staying with the Wizard of Oz theme) which contains alters who's only function is to memorize & retain with photographic memories pages and pages of information. The layout with codes of the entire system can be stored in a storage bank, so the programmer could access this area if his own records were lost. The libraries contain the historical genealogies of satanic iniquity from early ancient times to present.
This ancient occult information has been reported by at least half a dozen Illuminati slaves as being retained internally by demons.
How Monarch Slaves Are Designed To Interface With The Unix System Of The Beast Computers
In line with what is being done by the Illuminati around the world with their network of computers--the computers have access codes similar to 666 666 666, and back out and close down codes similar to 999 999 999. These are the codes that the UNIX universal system uses, and the Monarch slaves are being created with codes that interface with the UNIX system for computers. (On some systems if the computer is shutdown it will request an input code of 666fff666fff666fff666... This can then be reversed F6F6F6F6F6F6F6F6F6F6.)
The UNIX system is being used to allow the New World Order’s big BEAST computers to communicate with any known computer, including the minds of their Monarch mind-controlled slaves. In the 1960s, the U.S. Department of Defense began linking computers together into a superhighway now developed into the Internet. Hundreds of thousands of computers around the world are tied in. Like buildings in a city, each computer has its own unique address. Most of these addresses are registered at the Network Information Center in Menlo Park, CA. Individuals can also be registered at the NIC too.
The U.S. Military links into the system with their Arpanet and Milnet networks, which tie together such divergent things as MIT computers, West Point computers, NORAD computers, Air Force Systems Command Space Division computers at El Segundo, CA and U.S. Army DARCOM at Seckenheim, Ger. (to name a few). These are all being tied together to form one vast electronic brain.
There are nine secret BEAST computers of the New World Order, at the time this was written. "Big Bertha" is the nickname of the BEAST computer located at the secret military installation called Dreamland at the secret Groom Lake, NV test site facility. Papoose Lake is referred to as S-4. The other super-secret facilities in the area are named S-2, 8-6, and S-66. This area has become the Illuminati’s prime programming facility for turning out Monarch slaves, and the Monarch slaves which are turned out from this area have turned out to be the worst basket cases.
In other words the programming is very severe which is carried out in this area. This area has also been used for the space program, for the U-2 & SR-71, for the CIA’s A-12 spy plane, for the Stealth fighters (Lockheed F-1 17A Attack plane) and bombers, the Aurora, and for the U.S. government’s "Above Top Secret" flying saucers. The Big Bertha computer (named after the Illuminati Mother-of-Darkness Bertha Krupp) can be talked to in half a dozen languages and will answer a person back in the language they speak.
On a daily basis, airplanes fly into the Groom Lake facility. The callname of flights bringing workers and people go by the call name "Janet". About 12 Janet flights come into the facility everyday. These flights are usually Boeing 737s and arrive from places like a secure terminal run by EG&G at McCarran Alrport in Las Vegas and from the military’s Palmdale, CA facility. These 737s are unmarked except for a red stripe running down the fuselage. Large military C-130 arrive with cargo, and Illuminati dignitaries arrive in smaller twin-engine craft. Victims for the programming are brought in via planes, & other routes.
One of the BEAST computers occupies three floors of the headquarters of the European Economic Community building in Brussels, not far from the important Illuminati Mother-of-Darkness worldwide headquarters castle near the Fr.-Bel. border near Muno, Belgium. Another BEAST computer is in Luxembourg. In observing the operations of the Illuminati, it has been seen that telephone area codes are used as part of a mind-controlled slave’s code. We do not understand everything about their codes, but it does tie in with other things that are happening.
Every person in the world has been assigned an 18 digit tracking number, which consists of 3 groups of 6 numbers. The first 3 numbers assigned in the BEAST computer to everyone are 666.
The next is one’s national code. The U.S. national code is 110. Then the next 3 numbers are your telephone area code, and then finally your 9 digit Social Security number.
The code then is 666 + Nation code + Tel. area code + social security no. = BEAST I.D. no. for an individual.
According to Dwight Kinman’s book The World’s Last Dictator, 2nd ed., (Woodburn, OR: Solid Rock Books, p. 256) VISA has already begun issuing VISA cards using the BEAST 18 digit number. When an American makes a bank transaction on an autoteller within a matter of seconds the BEAST has been informed of the activity. These computers use UNIX.
The particular programs for the economic transactions just described are a worldwide computer network called SWIFT (Society For Worldwide Interbank Financial Transactions). The SWIFT works off of the UNIX system and can communicate with any computer. It was developed by AT&T and uses C language. (Bear in mind that there are dialects of UNIX, such as the standard AT&T UNIX and for instance Berkeley UNIX. The UNIX system uses both timesharing and multitasking. The mind of a Monarch slave also does both multitasking and time sharing.
One of the nice UNIX features, is "protected memory", which is also part of the Monarch programming. A kernal is what the UNIX programmers call a "protected person". It is very similar to the internal "person" (alter) who helps the Monarch slave’s programming functions. The big item about UNIX is that it has permissions granted. This is similar to the Monarch programming. Permissions are granted to 3 types of entities. The Top Programmer or "god" as he is called, of the UNIX System receives what is called the individual permission. The next permission is called group permission, and it is given to insiders who work with the system. The final permission type is the world, which has very limited access. The parallel between this and the Monarch programming is surprising. In some cases the programmers may have matched things on a one-to-one correspondence. The Monarch program also has a Top Programmer who is called "god" to the System. He has total control over the system. His programming permissions can not be deprogrammed out by others who might want to usurp his power. Hidden from the casual user of the UNIX system are the Daemons and Demons.
The UNIX programmers decided to use the old English spelling for demon = Daemon. These are computer processes which work secretly behind the scenes and are given actual demonic names--some corresponding to actual names of historically known demons, such as Asmodeus. Asmodeus is also a demon which is placed into many Monarch slaves. In the UNIX system these demons are treated like persons in the computer’s user director. Demons in the computer system do not have to log onto the computer, but they work behind the scenes and are given the same powers that people users are given. They are set up in the same structure as how the computer treats people.
Permission in the UNIX system is granted using an 8 bit count with 0 through 7. The three kinds of permission are the read, write, and execute permissions. If no permission were granted in any way the UNIX system would indicate" "on the screen which means 000000 000 or nine 0’s. The super user called god is given the code 777 which means super user. However, the permission of 666 gives the user the power to everything the 777 permission gives, except that the 777 permission allows the god the master programmer to execute not executable programs. The Postmaster Demon is the head demon, and his permission level in UNIX is 666. (In the Monarch Programming "Mr. Postman" is a code word used internationally.) The most important part of the BEAST system is its communication power. The Electronic Mail System of the BEAST allows it to communicate worldwide, and along with electronic mail comes levels of permission to super user (god) is called Root. A programmer on the Beast must get permission. His program must get permission. That program that gives permission must also get permission. In other words, there are levels of permission that must be gone through. This is similar to the Monarch program. For instance, the alters personalities which would control the body during Illuminati gatherings have very tight access permission. It is very hard to access these hierarchy personalities.
Both the UNIX system (and the Monarch programming) creates "children" by "spinning". The "child" spins off. When the "child" is finished it is "killed" in UNIX lingo. When the programmers created child processes in the computer, they were having problems with the child processes killing the parent processes. The same type of problems have had to be dealt with in the Monarch programming. The initial programmer is often the biological parent of the child, and this parent is very responsible for extreme tortures being applied to the child who is being programmed--not to mention all of the expendible children, who are killed in front of the child to highlight the reality of the trauma. The natural reaction of the child being created is to hate the programmer. Naturally, the Monarch programming had to overcome that natural tendency, which it does very successfully.
The UNIX system uses an internal clock within its computer system. The UNIX clock is called CRON. CRON checks files to see if the programmer has put in any files to run. The UNIX system uses data bus lines, which are like the Monarch programming ribbons, which go through the system. These ribbons or data bus lines take information and commands from the computers to other computers.
Within the UNIX system, insiders have revealed that the Daemon (Demon) processes of all the UNIX systems have a security flaw. That flaw is that the Postmaster Daemon has access to them in spite of who the god is of that particular UNIX computer system. So while owners, who purchase UNIX systems think that they have exclusive control over their system, an external Postmaster Daemon coming from the Beast could use its permission levels to over ride the power of the local owner of the system.
The Monarch system has a similar feature, the Illuminati programmers know how to access the base or primal anchors to the programming and yank out any programming they want. All the slaves of these lesser groups such as the CIA, Church of Satan, Mafia, etc. can all be reprogrammed rather quickly to serve the Illuminati, if they are not already due to the Illuminati programmers extra knowledge on how to get into the base programming. In these many ways, the UNIX system serves both real computers and also for the internal computers of some slaves’ mind.
The slave’s system becomes a computer system. It functions as a series of computers that are connected to the master computer which is sunk into the mind at the lowest hypnotic level, which is a level often placed even below an internal "hell pit". To access the different computers, combinations of cards were used for the codes (numbers are also used. See Chapter 4.). Various parts of a Monarch system correspond to what any computer would have. A microprocessor register has 3 sections on a computer to make it functional.
In Monarch Systems, you would find these 3 represented by 1. stored data in the library and alters with photographic memories, 2. an instruction section with codes, and 3. stacking mechanisms.
Linked to all this were a crystal, clock, hour glasses, a compass and an entire demonic command structure. The eye in front of the big computer will be protected by legions of spirits. The front big computer runs front quadrants and the back computer runs the deeper quadrants. The software so to speak for the Omega programming (computer) may be set up to include a stacking program called the Potter’s Wheel. The Potter’s Wheel is a misuse of the Bible, and is a type of programming that the Charismatic/pentecostal movement carries out. The Mormons and the Catholics have their own distinctive "software" programs.
An initial stacking mechanism would work by telling alters to "Stand in Order according to rank and serial no." Another code along with a hand signal would place the Gatekeeper alters up on the Potter’s wheel for their "creator" to work on them. A group of alters could be taught to go up on their Potter’s wheel by seeing a pattern of dominoes. It is whatever the programmer decides. The dominoes were used for coding, but they also had the programming feature of being able to tie alters together so that if the System is tampered with out of sequence, a domino effect would take place. This domino effect is for one program to set off another program to set off another program.
Soon the Monarch slave’s mind is trying to deal with dozens of suicide programs running simultaneously, along with perhaps other programs such as scrambling programs. For instance, one story line used is the mice run up and down and open up new levels of programming and are tied to the pendulum/clock mechanism. The mice can activate the hour glass, and a gold-winged green skirted fairy Whisper balances the hour glass on her wings. If the slave goes toward freedom, the slave’s mind triggers programs of all kinds, and the mind ends up not knowing if it was coming or going with all the different programs which activate.
A more exhaustive look at all the craziness and activity of the Omega & Gamma programs which activate to defend the Illuminati’s Mind Control are given in other chapters. The programming has been designed that if it was taken out improperly, it is to come back Seven times Seven stronger. This is also a clue that the programming is partly a demonic manifestation, cf. MT 12:43-45 et al.