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The Pickle Jar

What I can say is I now believe that ritual-abuse programming is widespread, is systematic, is very organized from highly esoteric information which is published no-where, has not been on any book or talk show, that we have found it all around this country and at least one foreign country. D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D.

People say, “What’s the purpose of it?” My best guess is that the purpose of it is that they want an army of Manchurian Candidates, ten of thousands of mental robots who will do prostitution, do child pornography, smuggle drugs, engage in international arms smuggling, do snuff films, all sorts of very lucrative things, and do their bidding and eventually the megalomaniacs at the top believe they’ll create a Satanic Order that will rule the world. D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D.

Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan-Sirhan, Charlie Manson, John Hinckley Jr., Mark Chapman, David Koresh, Tim McVeigh and John Salvi are some notable names of infamy, strongly suspected of being pawns who were spawned by MKULTRA. Ron Patton( Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control )

Walt could only make a crude Disney signature, so he delegated the writing of the signature to several artists including Bob Moore, Disney’s publicity artist. Later, after much practice he learned to make it well enough to do for publicity. Many people who wrote letters asking for his actual signature, and who actually did his signature, thought that they had received forgeries by his staff, because the famous Disney signature was so crude. The nicer looking ones were the forgeries

[I’ll spell it out for the reader, but we must remain calm, a fear-based response only makes things worse.] Yes, it is true that the NSA can remotely track people if they know the specific EMF waves (evoked potentials from EEGs in the 30-50 Hz, 5 milliwatt range) of a person’s bioelectric field. Each person’s emissions are unique, just like their fingerprint, palmprint, and their voiceprint. This means that the NSA can remotely track anyone in public. And yes, it is true that the NSA’s RNM system can remotely send EMF Brain stimulation signals which create visual images, subliminal audios, what appear to be audible sounds, and thoughts into people’s minds. Yes, it is true that body suits of implants are used to control people’s minds and bodies, as well as track them. Yes, it is true they have voice prints of hundreds of thousands of Americans and can identify & track via their computers all electronic communications in this nation. Most phone calls go through about 30 computers before they reach their destination. The phone companies computers, according to someone who worked for AT&T and witnessed it, record ALL phone calls using computers.--Springmeier

In summation, there are commonalities and differences between milabs and monarchs. But milabs tend to be involved in much more “high tech” ops that at times involve non-human beings, super-advanced technology, and time travel. Milab controllers have the marked ability to instantaneously seize milabs and bring them to a remote location anywhere in the world. Milabs can train endlessly for days on end in another aspect of space/time and be returned back to their homes and only a few hours would have passed in this aspect of space/time.
Milab controllers don’t have to use dissociative techniques such as the “splintering of the splinters” mentioned above to gain control of a milab’s consciousness. The military controllers are aware of the mind control exerted upon milabs by aliens. Milab Operations Detailed article about military and alien abductions. By James Bartley. (PDF)

At times the same techniques (however sadistic) may be used on both milabs and monarchs. Hence the torture and sexual abuse reported by a number of female milabs. It is not an “either-or” thing. There are some grey areas and perhaps some degree of enmeshment and overlap between the two types of programs. There are some milabs who have endured much childhood sexual abuse and even satanic ritual abuse well into adulthood but I would still classify them as milabs. On the other hand, there are individuals like “Trisha” who has had numerous alien encounters but the overall nature of her experiences would lead me to classify her as a monarch. For both milabs and monarchs, bloodline and genetics holds the key to understanding why they experience the things that they do. There is a spiritual and supernatural component to the bloodlines and genetics of both milabs and monarchs which make them of supreme interest not only to the deep black human controllers, but to the dracs and reptilians who are ultimately in control of this planet
Commands sent or put in by computers and machines
The ALEX (also called ALEXUS) is part of the tracking and AntiChrist-Call-Back Programming. Outside computers are able to interconnect with the Monarch Mind Control slave and call them back for AntiChrist activities. In other words, the Council of 9 of the Illuminati has placed an alter by the name of Alex or a similar name in high level slaves and they have either via implants or some other type of programming made these slaves available for programming via electronic communications that tie in with their ALEX computers. The Illuminati Formula 6. The Use of Electricity & Electronics

They have found that ELF and VLF electro-magnetic waves can be used to control people’s thoughts. ... Harmonic generators (code named "ether-wave") are able to imbed detailed commands which are linked to audible triggers. This is one of the standard features of the Monarch program. It allows the slaves to be controlled by trigger words which make no sense or seem to carry no negative connotation to outside listeners. For instance the words, "Mr. Postman wait and see" (a Marionette command) might set off an access sequence so that a slave living away from its master goes to its master (also called a handler). The Illuminati Formula 6. The Use of Electricity & Electronics

The use of harmonics has taken away much of the work of the big programmers. Now harmonic machines can implant the programming and codes that the Programmers put in. It’s quicker and perhaps more efficient, although the lesser cult groups have to get by with the older methods. And the Illuminati still have many excellent programmers in full-time and part-time use. According to an eyewitness, their top-programmers are far beyond their 1950-60 predecessors like Mengele. The Illuminati Formula 6. The Use of Electricity & Electronics

By radio, movies
The songs the slave hears on the radio, will for instance have code words. The Programmers due to the corruption of the music industry knows what hit songs are coming out, and they will haul their slaves in and program them according to the lyrics of the soon-to-be hits. The lyrics will be written so that programmed meanings can be attached to certain words and lines The Illuminati Formula 5. The Skill of Lying, The Art of Deceit

Programming put in under hypnosis
Also the Network has some high-tech equipment which stimulates the orgiastic state ..... Then sophisticated brain wave machines program thoughts into the person. A computer disk is put into the electric shock machine and it runs a program that sends electric jolts down six nodes. The brain’s reticular formation serves as the brain’s mechanism involved in regulating alertness and awareness. Various kinds of stimuli will enter the brain through its various methods of sensing and learning. With total sensory deprivation (done by placing the victim in a salt water tank with electrodes that shock the body until it stops all movement) the reticular formation will place the mind into a primitive state of consciousness where the programmers can place in post-hypnotic commands to do something on a certain date. The end time programming, that has Monarch slaves doing something at a specific date to create anarchy or to help the Anti-Christ come to power has been put in at this level The Illuminati Formula 4. The Use of Hypnosis

Hypnosis is used to steer a person’s mind in the direction that they have been labeled. For instance, if they have been selected to become a doctor, they will be programmed for success as a doctor. The Illuminati Formula 4. The Use of Hypnosis

When the Monarch Programming started, the top men were Illuminati. Originally, Joseph Mengele was the lead programmer. He had already achieved the rank of Grand Master (later Ipssimus) within the Illuminati. The Illuminati Formula 1: THE SELECTION & PREPARATION OF THE VICTIM

Many of the concentration camp children that Mengele programmed still survive and still love him to this day as "Daddy". Mengele disappeared from Auschwitz in Jan. 1945, several months before the final chaos began in the Third Reich. He disappeared so the Illuminati could smuggle him to the U.S. , so that his exceptional knowledge of programming--honed and fined tuned on thousands of concentration camp child victims could be put to use on a grande scale in the U.S

hierarchy, non-hierarchy
A big distinction must be made between hierarchy Monarch slaves, and non-hierarchy Monarch slaves. The reason there is such a big distinction is that they are not programmed the same way. Since this book is giving the recipe for how to create a Monarch slave, we will have to cover the distinction between slaves within the Illuminati and those slaves who function outside of the Illuminati hierarchy. Illuminati Formula 1: THE SELECTION & PREPARATION OF THE VICTIM

The Monarch program is based upon Illuminati and Nazi goals to create a Master race in part through genetics. If knowledge can be passed genetically (which it is), then it is important that parents be found that can pass the correct knowledge onto those victims selected for the Monarch mind-control. The primary important factor for the trauma-based mind-control is the ability to disassociate. It was discovered that this ability is passed genetically from generation to generation. The Illuminati Formula 1: THE SELECTION & PREPARATION OF THE VICTIM

The Illuminati create mind-controlled slaves who are to function within the Illuminati hierarchy. These slaves will usually have their genealogies hidden, and will be created to have excellent cover lives to insure that they are not detected. They will be given multifunctional programming, and will usually be used to help program other slaves. The abuse will not be as physically visible as it will be on the bodies of slaves who are not born to be part of the Illuminati elite.

In my (Fritz’s) other writings, I explain about how the Illuminati created the CIA. I know that some of its directors were members of the Illuminati and I strongly suspect that the other CIA directors were probably full-fledged members too......The CIA is a front for the Illuminati, and the CIA in turn sets up fronts. Some of those fronts, are elaborate well-staffed, well-equipped programming sites, (such as many of the state mental hospitals, McGill Psychiatric Training Network consisting of 8 Montreal hospitals esp. St. Mary’s, NASA in Huntsville, AL; the Presideo, CA; and NOTS at China Lake, CA, to name a few. (For a more complete list see Appendix B.) The Illuminati Formula 1: THE SELECTION & PREPARATION OF THE VICTIM

On August 3, 1977 , at a Senate hearing the then CIA director Admiral Stansfield Turner disclosed that the CIA had been conducting mind control on countless numbers of unsuspecting victims for years, without their knowledge or consent. These CIA mind-control operations were carried out with the participation of a least 185 scientists and at least 80 American institutions, including prisons, pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, and 44 medical colleges & universities. Many of America ’s most prestigious institutes of medical research, had cooperated with the CIA. as well as numerous big name corporations. Casey admitted that day that the CIA did mind-control consisting of drugs, hypnosis & electro-shock. The Illuminati Formula INTRODUCTION AND WARNING

Multiple Personality/Multiple personalities or MPD Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID
Multiple Personality/Multiple personalities or MPD Dissociative Identity Disorder or DID is the situation where different dissociative parts of a single brain view themselves as separate persons. The DSM-IIIR definition of MPD is the guideline for determining MPD for this book. The Illuminati Formula INTRODUCTION AND WARNING

The Monarch Programming is based on structuring MPD alter systems

Project MONARCH could be best described as a form of structured dissociation and occultic integration, in order to compartmentalize the mind into multiple personalities within a systematic framework. During this process, a Satanic ritual, usually including Cabalistic mysticism, is performed with the purpose of attaching a particular demon or group of demons to the corresponding alter(s). Of course, most skeptics would view this as simply a means to enhance trauma within the victim, negating any irrational belief that demonic possession actually occurs. Ron Patton( Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control )

Numbers of victims
There were, according to someone a few years ago who had access to the computer(s) which contains all the names of active monitored human slaves, 40,000 actively monitored Monarch slaves. The Illuminati Formula INTRODUCTION AND WARNING

Over two million Americans have been programmed by trauma-based mind control since 1947, & the CIA admitted its Mind Control publicly in 1970, and yet the existence of the mind-control is still secret to the general public. The Illuminati Formula Appendix I: The Programmers

The Illuminati is programming such vast numbers of children, they need everyone of their able members to help. Moriah's (Moriah = the Illuminati) Luciferian elite total membership worldwide numbers in the millions.The Illuminati Formula 1: THE SELECTION & PREPARATION OF THE VICTIM

"As of 1997, a high level former Illuminati programmer said that she saw documents that indicated there were at LEAST two MILLION people in the USA who were programmed under MK Ultra or Monarch programming. Her info does not include the approximate 10 MILLION young people who were programmed under the earlier phase of the "Montauk Boys" style of electronic mind control programming (1999 information). The Montauk programming takes less than a week for a full blown program install and less than 30 minutes for a typical tune up' or to add new programming. You no longer have to program one person at a time. The electronic method can insert the programming information directly into the subconscious mind for an entire room full of programming victims. The newer electronic method of mind control will work equally well on boys or girls, whereby the earlier phases of the Montauk programming were trauma based and would only work properly for young boys, thus it acquired the name of Montauk "Boys".
Today, there is a Montauk style electronic mind control programming center in EVERY MAJOR CITY IN THE UNITED STATES and they can easily crank out 1-2 million new 'recruits' each year, maybe more-maybe much more. I'm trying to remain conservative. What makes the mind control programming even more insidious and secretive is the use of the Montauk time tunnel. They take the kids from a point in time-let's say at 11 PM on Jan. 10, 2004. They will take the kid(s) into the time tunnel and deliver them to a programming center for maybe a week of programming. After the programming is completed, the kid will be REINSERTED in TIME to about one MILLISECOND after 11PM on Jan. 10. 2004. That person has just gone through ONE WEEK of mind control programming, but as far as HE knows, only one millisecond has passed in HIS time frame."--Ken Adachi

Time scale
There are some survivors and professionals who know that the British used programmed trauma-based MPD (DID) agents in W.W. I. In Jan., 1987, Richard Kluft submitted an article to the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis about 8 MPD patients who were between 60 and 72 years of age. Traugott Konstantin Oesterreich (1880-1949), who was professor of philosophy at Tubingen University , Germany studied MPD and demonic possession and wrote a classic study of it in 1921 entitled Possession Demonical & Other, which was translated into english in 1930. His classic work on this subject provides documented cases which reveal that the basic trauma-based mind-control was going on in Germany, France & Belgium long before the 20th century. The Illuminati Formula INTRODUCTION AND WARNING

1. Overview
"The elements that make up a single whole personality--family history, personal history and memories of abilities, talents and one’s self-image have all been stripped from the child when the mind divides itself up into sections walled off by amnesia walls. When the programmers work with each memory part, they have the option to give it all the elements of whatever personality they want it to have. They can even make it into an animal or an inanimate object, because that little fragment has no chance to contradict what it is being programmed to believe. The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

Sites & child procurement
The Jesuits were active in this part of the child procurement. Catholic adoption agencies (which are many), nuns who get pregnant, third world parents, and parents who will sell their children were all sources of children for programming. When one thinks about how many corrupt people there are and how many towns and cities are on the West Coast, and how many children are produced by Satanic breeders, illegal aliens and other parents who’d rather have the money than children and the reader begins to realize how procuring batches of 1,000 or 2,000 children was no problem for the Illuminati working through intelligence agencies such as the CIA, NIS, DIA, FBI, and FEMA. The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

" The Monarch Mind Control was carried out in large airplane hangers on the base which have been able to house thousands of tiny cages just large enough for human babies. Lots of 1,000 babies was a small batch. According to people who worked in the hangers helping program, many batches were 2,000 or 3,000 babies. Many survivors remember the thousands of cages housing little children from ceiling to floor. The cages were hot wired (electrified on the ceiling, bottom and sides) so that the children who are locked inside can receive horrific electric shocks to their bodies to groom their minds to split into multiple personalities. These cages are called Woodpecker Grids." The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

German & British scientists/mind control programmers came to NOTS after W.W. II, including Joseph Mengele (known as Dr. Green, or Greenbaum, and other pseudonyms). The Illuminati’s Dr. Black worked out of China Lake also. Dr. White (Dr. Ewin Cameron) worked on the east coast, although he did fly in every so often to the west coast to meet with the other top programmers. Dr. Blue was another of the important leading Illuminati programmers. These top programmers supervised other lesser programmers. If something went wrong, they might fly a child from a programming location to a specialist to get it special help for its programming. The men and women of the Illuminati helped the top programmers out. The Grande Mothers, and the Grande Masters of the Illuminati participated in helping with the programming. As a child of the Illuminati progressed through its programming, three people had oversight over its programming: its Grande Mother, its Grande Dame, and the Programmer. The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

Joseph Mengele, aka Dr. Green, was skilled at using German shepherds to attack people. Mengele got a reputation in the Nazi concentration camps for using German shepherds, before he was brought over to America . He used dogs to help program American children. (The Process Church often uses German Shepherds too.) The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

Many of the traumas and tortures are carried out by alters or persons who are sadistic. How does the Network get sadistic men to torture little children? Three different respectable studies (Harrower, 1976/ Milgram, 1974/ & Gibson 1990) show that essentially all human males can be taught to engage in sadistic behavior. There may be a few exceptions, but the point is that sadistic people are not in short supply for programming. Some of the alter systems have extremely brutal sadistic alters The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

increase in autistic
However, the increase in autistic children is believed by the authors to be the result of increased trauma-based mind control. MS (multiple sclerosis) is another side effect, which can stem from brain stem scarring. The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM
Interviewing Deprogrammers: In the House of the Strong Man Sodomy is the Key

Interview with Marion Knox by Elana Freeland

The doctors of the law, too, who had come down from Jerusalem, said, ‘He is possessed by Beelzebub’ and ‘He drives out devils by the prince of devils.’ So he called them to come forward, and spoke to them in parables: ‘How can Satan drive out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand; if a household is divided against itself, that house will never stand; and if Satan is in rebellion against himself, he is divided and cannot stand; and that is the end of him.

‘On the other hand, no one can break into a strong man’s house and make off with his goods unless he has first tied the strong man up; then he can ransack the house.’ (Mark 3:22-27, NE)

Marion Knox is a farmer in Lebanon, Oregon who more and more is called upon to do the work of deliverance, not deprogramming. For more information about how he works, feel free to contact him at 36185 Bohlken Drive, Lebanon OR 97355, (541)259-1839. Therapists of all persuasions may be interested in sending $5 to mkzine for xeroxing and mailing to read Marion’s 19-page “Biblical Perspective of Ritual Abuse” that lays out how Illuminati programming is structured and how Marion delivers -- and reintegrates -- DIDs through Jesus Christ.


E: Marion, where I want to start is with your statement that the presence of Elohim spirits usually indicate Freemasonic programming that is installed by sodomy. Does that ring a bell?

M: Yes, it does, and I would like to broaden that a little bit. Ron Patton once did an article on Monarch programming. Based on what you might call research or what I have discovered in maybe 500 people over a period of ten years -- I’m just guessing because I don’t keep records -- this is my impression: the most vulnerable age for preparing a person for mind control is between two and four years of age because of the development of the child’s mind at that age. Traumatic things can damage them worse than if they were younger or older. Also, in order to be programmable there needs to be a change in the way their mind works between two and four. That change can only be achieved by sodomy.

E: What is it about sodomy that does that?

M: It attacks the nerves at the base of the spine and causes something neurological to happen within the brain. It also has a spiritual, demonic component to it that affects the person’s mind in a way that nothing else will, as near as I can tell. In other words, I would state it this way: for a person to be able to develop multiple personalities, they would have to be sodomized between two and four.

E: For all multiple personality disorders?

M: As far as I know. It’s not commonly told this way because sodomy puts in a deaf and dumb spirit and causes memory loss so that some people may remember occult rituals but won’t remember the sodomy. But sodomy is the foundation of the whole thing. It is called “the key of David”1 by the Rothschild Illuminati.

E: When you say Rothschild Illuminati, you’re not talking about just the Rothschild family?

M: No, I’m talking about all of the occult people all over the world. This goes back to Nimrod. This is the Egyptian initiation of the child to open the third eye.

E: Are you saying that back in Egypt in 3000 B.C.E., when the priesthood was at its peak, they were using sodomy for their initiations?

M: As far as I know, sodomy is always used in the occult going clear back before the Flood. Sodomy is Satan’s sex or Satan’s new birth of the child. I don’t believe anybody can become fully illuminated unless they have been sodomized at around three years of age. If they wait to touch that person until they’re ten, twelve, fifteen years old, they will never be fully illuminated because you can’t open the third eye after about five or six years of age.

E: The third eye meaning the pineal gland between the eyes?

M: Yes. I have traced migraine headaches from anal sex. It comes up the spine, over the back of the head right into the forehead.

E: All migraines, or --

M: No, I’m not saying all migraine headaches are from sodomy because I had one once that was put on me by a retired chiropractor and he did not sodomize me. But I think he was a sodomite. Basically, Satan cannot sodomize someone on his own, but he can influence somebody to sodomize someone else and then it’s like having Satan sodomize them and put the sodomy power within them. Sodomy is spiritual. I get intense about this because it is so clear, and the Bible is the best source for discovering this.

E: Regarding Illuminati and Rothschild --

M: Let’s leave Rothschild out of this. Not everybody is Rothschild unless you are using Rothschild as a loose term like Illuminati. With Illuminati referring to the wider spectrum, there is a Rothschild element and a Masonic element, but probably as sinister as any is the Jesuit element. I cannot prove this, I wish I could, but I believe that to become a full-fledged Jesuit you would have had to have been sodomized by the time you were three years of age. I believe they’re all sodomites.

E: The entire Society of Jesus?

M: I don’t think you can become powerful in the Society of Jesus without being involved in sodomy at some point in time.

E: Marion, when you say the third eye, I think of the ability to see visions, to see things we normally can’t. Is that what you’re talking about?

M: To make a mystic with those capabilities requires sodomy because sodomy changes the way the mind works; it opens the mind up to the spirit world.

E: So it’s the same effect on male or female children?

M: Absolutely, and you never know what the effect is going to be. One might be one way and one another, but to be able to become a mystic, whether it’s a Catholic mystic or any other kind of mystic, that is the route to go. I call that the Legion mindset.

E: Let’s go back to the Elohim and Legion. What are the differences?

M: The Legion mindset has the Strong Man spirit in it. It’s like the House of the Strong Man: its foundation can develop into a mystic, or into multiple personalities. The Legion mindset would be what Alice in Wonderland is all about. The Elohim spirit is just one small item.

E: But they’re inserted through sodomy, as well?

M: Yes. I think the spirit called Elohim in people who have gone through Masonic ceremonies enters with sodomy.

E: But the word Elohim in the Old Testament is actually a good word --

M: Not always, because the word means “spirit.” I think if you check the original, when Samuel came up, the witch of Endor said she saw the Elohim coming up. So she saw the spirit coming up, not God Almighty. In the occult world, they have many Elohim. Why do you think that Wicca’s magic circle has the name Elohim and Adonai? Do you think that’s God Almighty? I don’t think so.

E: So they may have spirits that are stand-ins for other --

M: Basically, the sodomy spirits would call themselves the I AM spirits. When you have someone who has a sodomy spirit, that sodomy spirit claims to be God. So then it’s just the next step to use the names that we associate with God. Mormonism says that Elohim had sex with Mary to birth Jesus. Do you think that was Almighty God? I don’t think so. Joseph Smith was a peepstone gazer; he had the third eye open. He was a molester, had been a Mason and copied Masonic ceremonies for the Temple ceremonies.

E: From what you have learned from the people you have deprogrammed -- you don’t like that word, do you?

M: You can use the word deprogramming, but it is used in circles that are not Christian, and basically a lot of what they call deprogramming is reprogramming. I like to think of it as changing a mindset. But go ahead and ask your question.

E: I’m trying to establish a relationship between the Illuminati and Freemasons.

M: Okay. In the true sense of the word, Illuminati is a class of people that have illumination in common. In the political sense, you might have people who have joined an organization called the Illuminati -- like being a Democrat or a Republican. But in the true sense of the word, the Illuminati refers to enlightened or illuminated ones.

E: And they can be from any brotherhood or organization?

M: Yes.

E: And they have gone through some sort of initiation for that?

M: In a spiritual sense, they have been illuminated or initiated into the illumination of Lucifer. The initiation into the light of Lucifer is achieved by sodomy of the three year old. However, if that person does not follow through, he can become a dud -- he doesn’t go anywhere, so he hasn’t really risen to any rank within the movement of the body of the Illuminati. They have certain degrees associated with being a high-level Illuminati -- you wouldn’t get there simply by being initiated as a three year old. The initiation of the three year old is the beginning requirement of someday rising up into the ranks of a group that is considered to be the Illuminati. A lot of people think of the Illuminati as being a political group of people, but in another sense it’s a brotherhood of sodomites that’s like family.

E: When you say ‘like family,’ are some blood related and most not?

M: I’m saying sodomites feel a family bond, whether related or not.

E: Sodomites -- Illuminati or otherwise. Is sodomy ritually continued after three years old?

M: Let me try to explain it this way. Who is the Bride of Christ or who is the Church? Everybody who is truly born again is in the kingdom or family of God, right?

E: Uh-huh.

M: That is THE Church, right? But then you’ve got Methodists, Baptists, Nazarenes and all these different groups. The Illuminati is Lucifer’s church, the mystical body of Satan.

E: Is sodomy like communion for them?

M: No, sodomy is like being born again.

E: Do they do it over and over?

M: Yes, but especially in intense programming, like Monarch or mind control programming, sodomy is used over and over and over. Those who have programmers or keepers, they’re using sodomy all the time to keep the person in line.

E: Is sodomy a threat or is it pleasurable to the sodomized?

M: Those who have been programmed have a locked-in three-year-old mindset which is the core of the programming. Say they’re eighteen or twenty years old and somebody comes up and knows the signal or says the code word to call out the three-year-old core. The person then goes into the three-year-old state to be sodomized, then the sodomites program into their minds what they want to program in, and when that person wakes up they probably don’t even remember that anything happened. Basically, a person reverts back to the three year old to be a total victim to the sodomy.

There are many ramifications of this. If you read the book by Cathy O’Brien, she says that a high-level politician gave her messages to take to the King of Saudi Arabia. The politician would access her sex alter, repeat the message, bring her out of that sex alter, ship her overseas, and when she got there the King would access her sex alter and get the message word for word from the high-level politician and return an answer. That basically is a picture -- she didn’t say it was sodomy but that’s what they do. Sodomy puts them into a trance where you can program in directly to the subconscious memory file without any interference of the conscious mind. Sodomy is what puts the person into that state where you can do it. They might even get them so highly programmed that they can just say the word or repeat the code.

E: Can you use sodomy for programming after childhood?

M: You can program a 50-year-old person with sodomy.

E: But would you have had to have done it at least once when they were small?

M: To get a mind control slave, yes. You can’t take a 20-year-old person and make a mind control slave out of them by waiting until they’re 20 years old to do it. To program them like TV and movies do -- you could not make a Monarch programmed person if you hadn’t started with them as a child.

E: Have victims actually used the word Monarch to describe their programming?

M: One of the people I worked with came up with the idea that the wings of the monarch butterfly are actually the pelvic skeletal shape. Then if you add sodomy, you add the abdomen of the butterfly. The other thing about Monarch would be that these people are told they are royalty or “chosen ones,” given that a lot of bloodline families in power in the United States claim to be descendants of European royalty or descendants of monarchs. You could look at it that way. I say that Monarch programming is basically sodomy programming.

Some people are being kept in bondage by sodomizing themselves -- [Here the telephone turns into static that takes several minutes to rectify.] -- sodomy is used to re-boot the computer and reactivate the programming.

E: Do you think this is at all behind the big push to accept homosexuality as normal?

M: Of course.

E: Do you think all homosexuals are sodomized early?

M: I don’t think that very many homosexuals become homosexual without being sexually abused early. They may not all have been sodomized, but a large portion were.

As far as religions go, Catholics and Masons are at the top of the list. It’s possible that the Catholic hierarchy may even have an unofficial doctrine to sodomize three year olds so as to bind them to the Church. They say, “Give us a child until he’s five and he’ll always be Catholic,” but they don’t start any religious training with the children until they’re five. I recently freed a guy who was sodomized by a priest when he was probably three and then at thirteen was put in Boys Town in Nebraska, and the priest there would take him into a room, lock the doors, and make him do whatever he wanted him to do. A first-hand witness of the corruption at Boys Town.

E: What about Skull and Bones, Scroll and Key -- fraternities of elite sons -- do you suppose they’re using sodomy as well to make deep bonds for the sake of money and power in the families?

M: I can’t imagine they haven’t. What is Skull and Bones anyway but the order of death? Why are they doing things connected with the dead? Sodomy is the biggest occult power source there is, so how did they get their power without it? I was not there, I was never invited to go there, I could not have gone there because I was never a victim of sodomy as a child. Now, the Masons do recruit people who are innocent bystanders just for the image and the dues. But the real driving force of the Masons are the sodomites, just check the de Molay thing.

E: Tell me a little more about the deep bond that forms among men because of sodomy.

M: Let me tell you a little story. I have been trying to help a woman for the last five years to get free of the bondage and victimization that began when she was a child. She was married to a guy who’s wealthy and works for Nike, and is also a cross-dresser. I even met with the cross-dresser and uncovered that his grandpa was a Mason who treated him like a little girl and sodomized him. This was from his mind, not mine -- but he didn’t want to believe it and get right. They have four children, and she’s been sitting there with the damage to the children.

She’d been trying to get something to pin on him, like his pornography on the internet, but he always lied his way out of everything. I called her out of the blue the other day and she had filed for divorce but still didn’t have anything on him. So I said, “Do you suppose you might have a spirit of his, like the Strong Man?” So I checked it out and the answer that came from her mind was that the spirit of her husband had entered her on her wedding night by sodomy. All she can remember is that the wedding night was a bad night. I cast it out. She had a bright red rash on her when we were talking about this, but when I cast out the Strong Man spirit with her husband’s name, put in with sodomy, within minutes the rash was completely gone.

Within the week, she happened to be at her husband’s new house where the daughter was, and the daughter said, “Let me show you something.” They went into a big walk-in closet where there was a suitcase with another locked suitcase in it. The daughter got the key, opened up the little suitcase, and there were women’s paraphernalia, lingerie, even the tool to sodomize himself. She could not find any evidence on that guy until I got rid of that spirit of sodomy from him. Her eyes and the daughter’s eyes were opened.

Sodomy has a spiritual component in it that is far more sinister than anybody recognizes. It is the most underrated evil power to the general public. But to the people who are in the know, they know that this is the ultimate rebellion against God Himself. This is what they hope to use to gain the whole human race for their side and defeat God Himself.

E: I’m convinced you’re right that for both mind control and male bonds of power, sodomy is somehow key. What about another brotherhood, the Special Forces -- Navy SEALS, Green Berets -- elite cadres?

M: From what I can gather, I believe they are chosen because the men start out as victims as three year olds. I worked to help get a guy free whose mother ran a topless bar down in California and he had a tremendous internal rage. He didn’t do very well in school and he had his problems with drugs, but a guy came along and got him a full ride of four years at West Point. He should never have gotten in there. He went in on a football scholarship, but when they got him in there they switched him to a boxing scholarship because when he got into boxing, the rage could be turned on. He heard that some of the initiations coming up in the second West Point year included sodomy. I don’t know that they subjected him to sodomy, but he quit before he went more than one year.

Just like in war, where traumatic things happen that soldiers can’t remember, this is what sodomy does to the child. The denial system that kicks in produces at least in some people the ability to compartmentalize. When you compartmentalize, you can be in a certain compartment of your mind without detracting from other compartments of your mind. If you’re in the pure rage compartment, you don’t have any kindness or love diluting it.

E: So in the profiling that the military might use in order to find a man who fits the untapped rage pattern --

M: I could make a profile! I could take a few victims that are healed and sit them down beside me and we could bring the people through an interview and we could profile them.

E: Why do I think this programming through sodomy acts so much more powerfully on males than on females?

M: It doesn’t, but males and females are different. Females are best for becoming programmed computers or human recorders. Most women are more capable of creating multiple personality systems because of the way their minds work. But the fact is that men are more aggressive, so the percentage of women who are sodomized and become perpetrators is far lower than the percentage of men who become perpetrators. They’re all victims to start with, but women just go on being victims, they don’t tend to turn into perpetrators themselves. I’ve worked with men who did not become perpetrators and remained victims, just like the women; and I’ve seen evidence of women who became perpetrators. Witches are perpetrators and just like men, they’re molesters. I’ve worked with people who had women sodomizing them with objects, molesting children. But the percentage is lower with women than it is men. A higher percentage of men will transition from victim to perpetrator. And I’m convinced that there are some men who compartmentalize in such a way that they do not on the average remember acts of molesting; they will only remember if they get into that compartment. Otherwise, they have amnesiac barriers between the different compartments of their minds. Women are that way, too. A perpetrator with an amnesiac barrier is a sad, sad case because they can switch into that compartment and go out and molest, then switch out and not remember. This is the kind of person they use in Special Forces for their assassination teams because they can activate the hidden compartment that has been programmed for assassination and send them out on a mission. A man who claimed to have been in the South African Special Forces told me of two cases where he was sent to assassinate, one in a national park in South Africa, and another in London.

E: So sodomy doesn’t need to be used; the trigger word can just be used to activate that compartment.

M: I don’t know. I think that they could use sodomy and make them forget the whole thing. People have been sodomized and they couldn’t remember for three or six months after it had happened. We didn’t know what was wrong with them, and then later found out somebody took them out and sodomized them.

Sodomy is a spiritual thing. Let’s say Ben sodomizes either a man or woman. When he does that, that person has a spirit by the name of Ben that changes the way that person relates to things. This can even be as an adult. You can’t put the Legion mindset in when they’re 40 years old, but you can put Ben in when they’re 40 years old and it will change the way that person thinks. I’ve had different women who separated from abusive husbands and for some reason couldn’t break loose of the soul tie to their husband, but when we cast out the sodomy spirit by their husband’s name, their feelings about their ex-husbands changed. The most classic example is the lady who had slept with her husband before they were married, committed adultery at 40 years of age, and when I commanded the Strong Man to give its name it was her husband’s name that entered at 40 when he sodomized her. That spirit of sodomy was more damaging to her than the spirit of adultery or fornication.

E: What is the relationship between sodomy and the House of the Strong Man?

M: If a person is sodomized, the Strong Man spirit that Jesus spoke of will be the spirit of the sodomy. It’s actually an unclean spirit and a familiar spirit with the name of the person who did the sodomy. So when you sodomize a three year old, you build the doll house with the three year old trapped inside, and every time that person is sodomized from that point on a Strong Man enters. So let’s just say Joseph sodomized the child -- now Joseph and the three-year-old child are in the house locked in the core of the mind. Along comes Jack and sodomizes the girl later -- now, there’s Joseph, the child, and Jack. Then comes Ben later, then comes Sterling, then comes Red, then comes this guy and that guy -- you’ve got a whole legion of sodomites and every one of them has a name, which means that you’ve got many spirits of the sodomites in the House of Joseph the Strong Man, the original sodomizer.

E: You’re being literal when you say spirit -- that the dissociation that creates multiples is the entry of one spirit after another.

M: Well, some people would like to say that multiple personalities are not spirits. I would like to say that the whole multiple mindset is a demonic mindset, basically a Legion-style mindset of many, the same as the man in Mark 5 said: “My name is Legion, for we are many,” and Jesus released them all at once. For the benefit of anybody who was looking on, two thousand pigs went crazy and drowned while the man was again clothed and in his right mind. So basically all of his legion of spirits, multiple personalities, or anything you want to call them, all were gone and his mind was right. The whole multiple mindset is a wrong mindset. It’s a fantasy world mindset.

E: But it’s not necessarily possession by demonic spirits?

M: If you got rid of every demon that multiple personality people have, they would no longer be multiple.

E: So therapists who allow certain helpers or child alters to remain, they’re not doing a service to the person?

M: The person can’t get free as long as they have any of that left because their mind is not working like God intended it to work.

E: So with each sodomy the House of the Strong Man gets stronger and stronger?

M: That’s right.

E: With a believer who can accept that Jesus Christ can deliver them all at once, you have been able to free people from the House of the Strong Man?

M: I’ve had it happen on quite a number of occasions, not every time. There’s some times that I never did get them to leave.

E: With non-believers or believers as well?

M: Well, people who said they were believers. But it’s possible to have a compartment of your mind that’s a believer and another compartment that is a sodomite. So what are you? A lot of people do not believe me when I say that you can cast out the Strong Man, the child, and all of the multiple system at once. But I’ve done it, by the grace of God -- Jesus did it, and others have done it. So why would I spend my time with some lesser kind of benefit if I already know that the ultimate goal is to achieve what I just described?

I had a man once who was crazy. He had worked for twelve years to try to get free but was ready to kill his wife. He couldn’t work, his marriage was on the rocks, he was at the point of being committed. Somebody told him about me and I finally found a spot for him to come. I didn’t know anything about him. I met with him one day, uncovered that Joseph was the Strong Man, that he was Rothschild bloodline and they had used him as a male prostitute, sodomized him as a boy in rituals to get the power of the bloodline. I cast the whole thing out in one day. He didn’t talk to me again for two years. He got well, he’s still well. Two years later he and his wife came and told me the good things that had happened. He went to his 6,000-member church to give his testimony of getting well and they wouldn’t even let him use my name because they had believed negative propaganda about me. He could give his testimony but all he could say was he met with a man -- couldn’t use my name. I asked him, “What’d I do different from the rest?” He said, “They went after the stronghold, you went after the Strong Man.”

E: When you find out that the name of the Strong Man is Joseph, are you thinking it’s Mengele?

M: No. Joseph Mengele was THE biggest Joseph in the last half of the 20th century, but the name Joseph came out of the Jesuits.
and has been around since the 1500’s. It started with devotion to the husband of Mary, whom they call St. Joseph, and it became a symbol of the father of this system, the sodomizing father that cares for his children. When a man sodomizes a child at three, the child bonds to that man as if he were their father, and when he’s a man of the cloth, of the Church, the child bonds to the Church, too. This sodomy thing has been around for hundreds of years. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, was a Catholic mystic; he had to have been a sodomized one. He was the guy who headed up the Inquisition to persecute those who didn’t adhere to the tenets of the Catholic faith. Terribly cruel! How could you be that cruel if you didn’t have the sodomy rage? The torture they put people through! Later, Joseph Mengele developed the programming and brought it up to another level. He was a Catholic alter boy. I think he was also a Rothschild and a Jesuit. The founder of the Illuminati was Adam Weishaupt, trained as a Jesuit.

E: Sodomy stands behind multiplicity --

M: I haven’t found anybody who was just sexually fondled and became multiple, and I’ve never found anybody who went through occult rituals without sodomy. So I can’t tell you whether being put through a sacrifice ritual without sodomy makes a multiple. People are trying to say that would be the case -- that the ritual murders and sacrifices are traumatic enough to produce MPD -- but I’ve never found a case out there that only had sacrifice. They’ve always had the sodomy. They don’t always remember it, but when push comes to shove, they’ve got the symptoms. The occult groups know -- and they think all Christians are stupid and can’t catch on -- they know that sodomy is required to achieve what they want to achieve.

If you check this thing out, you’ll find that all the idolatry going clear back to the days of the children of Israel in Egypt have sodomy in it. Jesus said:

And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot: they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. (Luke 17:26-30, KJV)

Nothing wrong with marrying, buying and selling; every civilization does it. What’s the common denominator of these three times? We have more sodomy now out in the open than we’ve ever had. Lot was in Sodom -- that’s where the word sodomy comes from. It meant anal sex, or as they’re calling it now anal intercourse. What other kind of sex do you think they could produce on those angels that they tried to break the door down to get to? They wanted to get their supernatural power. The belief in the occult world is if you could sodomize God, you’d get God’s power. You become as gods through sodomy; that’s the way the Greek gods became gods. Alexander the Great was a great sodomizer and his Greek army was the most fierce. Hitler tried to pattern his SS and military after the Greek warriors using sodomy. When you put that all together, the civilizations that God wiped out boiled down to the practice of sodomy.

By the way, I’ve found that a lot of people’s hemorrhoid problems came from their sodomy.

E: So sodomy is a lot more common than people give it credit for.

M: Now they’re putting sodomy pornography on the internet. I met a lady who had a web cam set up in her home for the internet and would sodomize herself in the nude for the guys out there to watch. She had been a church secretary.

E: Is sodomy the connecting link between satanism, Freemasonry, and other groups, including Jesuits?

M: You remember Aleister Crowley. He was a 33rd degree Mason. I talked to Bill Schnoebelen one time and asked him, “Where did the Masons get the sodomy?” and he said, “It came by Aleister Crowley from black magic Hinduism.” Well, that isn’t the only place it came from.

E: Have you run across more satanic stuff now? It seems rife, or has it always been around about the same amount?

M: As far as American society is concerned, it’s increasing. As far as Masonry and a certain element they call Black Masonry, it’s been around all the time. I don’t use the term Satanism quite as much because the Masons would be more Luciferian rather than Satanist.

E: What is the difference between Satan and Lucifer?

M: Same person, but Jesus said Satan comes either as an angel of light or as a roaring lion. Satanism is the roaring lion principle, Luciferianism is the angel of light principle. Basically, in Masonry the white and black checkered floor is the light and dark balancing factor.

In the Bible, sodomy is translated as “uncleanness.” In Job 36:13-14, it says that hypocrites in heart die young and live among the unclean. If you take what’s in the margin of the King James or New King James and re-read the verse, it would read like this: The hypocrites in heart, their souls die and they live amongst the sodomites. Sodomy kills the soul, destroys the soul. Romans 1 describes the route to having a reprobate mind. It’s a progression:

Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves...

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness, full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity: whisperers,
Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. (Rom. 1:24, 28-32, KJ)

So all kinds of things happen when they go into perversion.

E: People talk about aliens. What is their relationship with demons?

M: I had a guy working for me whose brother-in-law works at Area 51. Top secret, can’t talk. This guy who worked for me asked his brother-in-law, “What about the alien thing?” He said, “The Stealth bomber is our most advanced technology that the American public is aware of and it was developed 30 years ago. What do you think they have now?”

I think the alien thing is a cover scheme made up by these Area 51 people. The second thing I notice is that most of the people who believe in aliens say that their first abduction occurred around three years of age. There are so many similarities to occult ritual abuse that -- Whenever you put together sodomy and ritual abuse, the demons are going to be layered in. They give you a new mindset at three years of age, the fantasy world. This is what the whole alien thing is all about. There’s no such thing as aliens from other planets. There’s demons.

E: How do you picture where demons live?

M: The demon is a figment of your mind, it lives in your mind.

E: Is its origin in your mind as well?

M: You take a three-year-old child, untouched. Somebody sodomizes the child, the guy’s name is Joe. Now, all of a sudden the child has a sodomy demon called Joseph riding with him. That thing was conceived or reproduced from the Joseph demon that the man had who sodomized that child. Where’d it come from? It was birthed in the child’s mind by the act. It didn’t have to come from anywhere; it just was birthed, reproduced right there. The child was given a copy. Joe is like a copy machine that can reproduce another copy. I don’t feel all demons are that way, but that kind are. They don’t live in the bloodstream, they don’t live in the genes; they live in the mind.

E: Is sodomy worse than incest?

M: A lot of the incest that’s occurring is sodomy. I’ve heard that in Mexico Mexican fathers sodomize their daughters to be able to control them and bond them to the family, but they don’t give them vaginal sex so they can preserve them as virgins for their husbands. What a crock of bull! I’m convinced that Muslim hatred for non-Muslims comes from sodomy. Their rage has to come from sodomy.

E: I’ve heard that sodomy is rampant among Muslims, but I thought it was because of the laws that support revenge against men who make advances on women -- that this Muslim law is what makes them turn to boys. But you think it’s more than that?

M: Of course. Why would any normal man turn to boys? Even with those laws, I wouldn’t turn to boys.

E: So men are conditioned because they’re sodomized as children?

M: I think so. One guy I know knew a Saudi who said that over there women are for children and men are for love. The violence and hatred in that kind of stuff is produced by sodomy; it produces the internal rage.

The massive buildup of Star Wars-type technology way beyond anything that they’re using for international policing is being developed in order to defeat Jesus Christ so the sodomites can take over the world. Satan can’t do it, so he’s using men to come up with the idea to try and do it. I know that what I’m saying is tremendously radical, but in the end the Lord Jesus Christ will win (Revelations 19 and 20).

1. Key of David: The Illuminati claim sodomy is the Key of David and they use this scripture to prove it: “I will lay the key of the house of David on his shoulder; what he opens no man shall shut, and what he shuts no man shall open. He shall be a seat of honour for his father’s family; I will fasten him firmly in place like a peg. On him shall hang all the weight of the family, down to the lowest dregs -- all the little vessels, both bowls and pots. On that day, says the Lord of Hosts, the peg which was firmly fastened in its place shall be removed; it shall be hacked out and shall fall, and the load of things hanging on it shall be destroyed. The Lord has spoken.” (Isaiah 22:22-25)

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“Physical Body Door: The First Chakra”

...Since it rules our first dimensional self that is unable to reflect upon itself, perceptions from our root chakra are usually unconscious. This first dimensional portion of us can only be aware of a "hive or species consciousness". Even though, the first chakra has many masculine qualities it is also the "seat of the Goddess Kundalini" and is therefore often associated with our relationship with our mothers and with Mother Earth. Our relationships with our mother set up our attitude toward home, security, and money. If we are cut off from our roots, we feel cut off from the earth as well.

The first chakra rules our survival consciousness and represents our deepest unconscious and most primitive self. This chakra represents the reptilian portion of our brain, which is our brainstem, our center for life support. The brainstem and the area immediately above it are called the reptilian brain because all creatures from reptiles to humans possess it. For reptiles, this area is their entire brain, but for humans, it is the base or stem of their brain.

The first chakra represents birth to two years of age. This is the time before we have completed our process of individuation and still perceive ourselves as a part of our parents. This chakra represents our struggle to come to terms with our physical life and physical body.

Each chakra feeds prana into a different endocrine gland. Just as there are seven chakras, there are seven endocrine glands. Both the chakras and the endocrine glands are located along the spinal cord. The endocrine glands manufacture hormones and supply them to the bloodstream. These glands are called "ductless" because there is not a duct to any specific part of the body. Instead, hormones are released into the bloodstream where they are carried by the blood to every organ and tissue to exert their influence on all functions of the physical body... The endocrine gland for the first chakra is the adrenal glands. There are actually two adrenal glands located with one on top of each of the two kidneys. The adrenal glands are the body's call to battle. When adrenaline is released into the system our perceptions become clearer, we have added vigor and feel more courageous. The release of adrenaline activates the fight/flight syndrome, which prepares us for battle or flight. Release of adrenaline and activation of fight/flight is brought on by real or imagined danger. Therefore, our emotions can activate a release of adrenaline when we feel extreme fear or even chronic anxiety...

The first chakra is located near the sacral plexus... the nerve center which rules the skeleton, legs, feet, eliminatory system, male reproductive organs, and the prostate...

The first chakra rules our first and second dimensional selves. Our first dimensional self represents the genetic coding, cells, and minerals of our bodies. It also represents our most primitive "animal self", which is represented by the fight/flight response that serves to assure the survival of the species. The root chakra also rules the male sex glands and the testosterone that they secrete. This testosterone drives the males in our society, and the male polarity of our psyche, to perpetuate and protect humanity.

The Muldahara chakra is the foundation for the whole chakra system. Its function is to respond to any issues concerning survival: eating, sleeping, exercising, recovering from illness, making a living, or simply feeling safe and secure. If our survival needs are properly taken care of, then we can safely focus on other levels such as learning, creativity or relationships. if there is some damage to this chakra, then we find ourselves repeatedly coping with threats to our survival, which keeps us from accomplishing other things.
Chakras: Tools for Transformation by Anita Slott, Alternative Culture Magazine

The chakras are the ancient depositories of all the divine energy given to humanity at the beginning of time, "the seven Spirits" guiding us on our path of transformation, our initiation into the mysteries of life. The knowledge and use of chakras as a means to spiritual awakening has been recognised through the ages in all the great religions in one form or another...

The Sanskrit name of the first chakra is Mooladhara. It means root and support. It is situated in males midway between the anus and the genitals at the perineum, and in the female at the cervix, where the vagina and the uterus join. Mooladhara is the lowest chakra in human beings, but the highest in animals. It is the chakra of group consciousness, in which animals live, and also humans who identify themselves only by family, nationality, race and religion, not yet able to detach from the group-soul and embrace their own individuality and independence. It is an energy which, in its most negative aspect, is heavily at work in all ethnic wars.

...The first chakra is depicted in Hindu teachings as a four petalled deep-red lotus flower. Its colour is red, the colour of passion and emotional love, and its number is four. Four is the number of manifestation, of matter, so we deal here with the energy of the material world. In fact, its element is earth. When the energy in this chakra is not activated and purified, when our consciousness has not developed beyond the three bottom chakras, we are unconscious of ourselves as individuals. We relate to the world out of our particular tribe at the exclusion of everything else. We are almost entirely self-centred and concerned with issues of survival in the material world and the energy manifests in its negative aspects in anger, greed, revenge, collective hatred, lust for power and control - all passions of our lower nature. The need for material security and control is the dominant energy.

From Mooladhara three energy channels - called nadis in Sanskrit - make their ascent to Ajna (the sixth chakra [third eye]) entwining around the spine, crossing each other at every chakra. Ida is the mental energy, related to the breath flow in the left nostril and to the parasympathetic nervous system. Pingala is the vital energy, related to the right nostril and to the sympathetic nervous system. The Chinese concept of Ying and Yang corresponds exactly to Ida and Pingala. The main channel, which flows through a central canal in the spinal cord, is called Sushumna and is responsible for spiritual awareness. Sushumna rises up to the crown chakra. Through this canal Kundalini rises, the divine creative energy in us which, when awakened, transforms us from unconscious into conscious human beings and gives us full control of our body, mind and soul... Because Mooladhara is directly connected with Ajna through Ida and Pingala, awakening of Mooladhara awakens also Ajna, the centre of spiritual intuition and spiritual vision. And visa-versa.

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Sex magick...

Kenneth Grant. The Magical Revival. London, England: Frederick Muller Ltd., 1972.

In Aspects of Occultism, [Dion] Fortune mentions the vibrations detected in sand. She attributes Egypt's strange influence to "the electricity generated by the ever-moving sands of the great Sahara desert, which so changes the normal rate of vibration, that an extension of consciouness is the result." The Ajna chakra, commonly called the third eye, has been found to consist of particles of very fine substance resembling sand, or the crystals in a wireless receiving set.

The affinity between the secretions of the endocrine glands and the vibrations radiating from the subtle chakras explored by yogins, forms the basis of sexual magick which utilizes these vibrations in a way as yet unknown to science. All the so-called phallic cults originally possessed the true knowledge of these matters before it was lost or perverted by improper use. What remains of the ancient wisdom is the remnant only of debased and phallic rites...

The Consciousness-Current is twofold: magical and mystical. The former operates in the lower chakras, the latter in the higher. That which ejaculates as semen is unabsorbed energy (prana or ojas), and it always contributes to the creation of material forms, whether lodged in a womb or not. If not, the overflow (as in masturbation, sodomy, fellatio, etc.), is taken up by the astral and quphotic entities and built into organisms already existing upon the subtle planes. Paracelsus refers to homunculi (artificially generated creatures) made from sperm independent of the female organism, and to astral larvae and parasitic monsters built out of the substance of voluptuous imaginings...

The Work that lies ahead may be described symbolically as the marriage of the Beast and the Woman, the formula of which I have attempted to explain. Its hieroglyph is the Eleventh Key of the Book of Thoth. In the union of electrochemical and stellar vibrations represented by Babalon and the Beast, lies the key to the next stage in the advancement of evolution upon this planet. It will be achieved by a willed congress with extra-terrestrial entities of which, in a sense, Aiwaz is the immediate messenger to humanity...

We are on the threshold of profound and far-reaching change. The Aeon of Horus is the Aeon of Magick, which is Change; but unlike all previous changes in the history of the race this Change will be of cosmic magnitude and it will occur in conformity with will, or, alternatively, it will terminate abruptly in chaos and disaster... Crowley illumined and exalted this simple yet radiant rite [the Ritual of the Pentagram] to a cosmic formula, merely by interpreting it in terms of New Aeon potencies. To the East, the place of the rising Power, he attributes the Phallus (the Beast), which represents the active terrestrial currents as they impregnate the earth. This activity stirs the sleeping Fire of the infernal regions (the subconsciousness) in the South [Ed.: the first chakra via the anus?], the abode of Set or Teth, and the phallic lion-serpents are set in motion. These are the electromagnetic lightnings that permeate Space; they are concentrated symbolically in the sphere of Sirius, the Sun in the South. The terrestrial and celestial vibrations are fused and polarized by Babalon (the Dragon of the Western Deep), to be transmitted by her and later transformed into regenerate Man, represented in the North by the Eleventh Sign of the Zodiac (Aquarius) whose elemental attribute is Air or Space. Through regenerated Man flows the influence of Nuit - the sky-goddess - a symbol of the cosmic energies of Infinite Space.

In this simple circular process - more properly spiral, for it includes Height and Depth - is contained the entire formula of Magick in its new and cosmic mode. With very slight variation, the formula can be made the engine for invoking those extra- terrestrial energies with which Crowley had intermittent intercourse.


[Ed.: It is crucial to understand something of how the occult works, given that the founding of America and the struggle to maintain it is steeped in it (e.g. Freemasonry, Theosophy, Satanism, etc.).

The spiritual movement of Theosophy presently works internationally through Lucis Trust, umbrella for a variety of endeavors, including a publishing house, consultative status to the United Nations via the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) like World Goodwill and Triangles in Education. Robert Muller, former assistant Secretary General of the United Nations and winner of the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education in 1989 for his World Core Curriculum, espoused theosophical teachings: "The underlying philosophy upon which The Robert Muller School is based will be found in the teaching set forth in the books of Alice A. Bailey by the Tibetan teacher, Djwhal Khul.” Unfortunately, pedophilia -- often entailing sodomy -- is not restricted to priests of the Roman Catholic Church but may be involved in any occult or religious movement attempting to create “avatars” and mystics (the “Indigo children”?). We must learn to read between the lines of “spiritual” teachings and leaders and their “revelations.”

The example below concerns theosophy and the dubious relationship between Leadbeater and the child Krishnamurti -- Krishnamurti’s parents eventually had to sue Besant and Leadbeater in order to get their son back -- but the problem can surface anywhere in any religion, as the recent scandal surrounding Sri Sathya Sai Baba proves (see ).]

It is not enough to say that Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, a.k.a. Madame Blavatsky, was the primary force behind the emergence of the esoteric tradition called Theosophy. Indeed, Blavatsky might well be called the matriarch of the New Age and the catalyst for the current revival of the paranormal in all aspects of American society. Allegedly trained in occult philosophy in Tibet and influenced by Hinduism in India, Madame Blavatsky, a Russian-born psychic, settled in the United States in 1873. She claimed she had been sent to America by her Lodge (populated by members of the Universal Mystical Brotherhood) to share truth and unveil error. Two years after her arrival, she cofounded the Theosophical Society of New York City with Colonel Henry Steele Olcott, a lawyer with a keen interest in psychic phenomena. Theosophy was dedicated to the blending and promotion of ancient and occult religions and philosophies. These included, but were not confined to, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, the Egyptian Hermetic traditions, Neoplatonism, the Cabala, Rosicrucianism, Freemasonry, mesmerism, and spiritualism...

After Blavatsky died in 1891, the Society she founded split into various branches and splinter groups. The most notable branch was led by Annie Besant, an Englishwoman who had converted to Theosophy in 1889 after reading Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine. A colleague of Besant was C. W. Leadbeater, an ex-Anglican minister turned Buddhist and clairvoyant. Leadbeater and Besant attempted to strengthen the ties between Theosophy, science, and psychic phenomena, coauthoring a book called Occult Chemistry. Besant spent a number of years in India developing the society Blavatsky had founded in Adyar, Madras. She was joined by Leadbeater, who had been expelled from the Theosophical Society earlier following charges of pedophilia [mkzine emphasis], but was readmitted by Besant after she became president. In India the two began to groom a young boy named Krishnamurti to be the next vehicle of the Supreme World Teacher or Christ. (Theosophists believe the “Supreme World Teacher” periodically enters the body of a human disciple to provide new revelation and guide the spiritual evolution of humanity.)
2. Theory

The ones who can survive the most rigorous programming live on to become what are known as the Montauk boys. Duncan Cameron is such a person. In general, the boys and young men are trained to be couriers, assassins and super soldiers and even psychic killers. The women are mostly used as sex agents. Cathy O' Brien's story is an example."---Andy Pero

"The essence of their control tactics is of splitting the mind at a young age. This entails a process of trauma, torture, degradation and humiliation of the subject. The process is different for each individual, but in essence they go to your subconscious mind and find out what the most personal parts of you are. Then they essentially use this against you to break you down and rip your mind apart. What happens is this: An individual who possesses special mental abilities is selected at a very young age. (Very often they are from military families or from multigenerational Satanic ritual abuse families-EL) Then they are subjected to various stages of terror and horror to begin to separate them from their own minds. It is a process of progressive dissociation and compartmentalization of the mind and personality.
They control your mind through various complicated hypnosis techniques and commands until they create the perfect Manchurian Candidate. (See The Greenbaum Speech by D.C. Hammond) They program you to do something, then erase the memory. Basically they program your mind as if it were a computer. Once they install the magic word, all they have to do is say it and you're under their control. This happens from an early age so it is easier to control them if they are conditioned and dissociated into several personalities.
Another method of control is that they send in special people in your lives, handlers and controllers who pose as friends, teachers, "deprogrammers", roommates, lovers, etc. who are actually operatives for the mind control projects. Some are sleeper operatives who don't even know they are being used to a certain extent. It makes it hard to trust anyone at this point."-----Andy Pero

A "stage trick" is to use a multi-needle device to scar the tissue. The scar which is made in a pattern, a popular one is the satanic Goat’s head of Mendes, can be made visible by hypnotic command. This allows the handler to look powerful to uninformed viewers. (This is further discussed in chapter 8.) This stage trick has been done by the occult world for centuries. The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

The program is placed into the mind at the same primal level that the mind uses to tell the heart to beat. The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

Another thing discovered about trauma memories is that they are stored in the sensory motor processes, rather than just in the normal memory sites of the brain. These memories are called body memories, and they do not lie. The False Memory Spindrome is way off base on their attacks, but then all of us who know the real story realize that they are just a coverup damage control scheme of the CIA. The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

Each section is walled off from another section by amnesia. Each trauma has an amnesia wall built around it. Each trauma memory is sectioned off. That walled off section is a piece of memory that will be identified, and a hypnotic cue attached by the programmers that will pull it up to the conscious mind. And further, if the programmers so desire, it can be given a history, a name, a job, and developed into a full-blown personality. It’s important to grasp that the entire mind is not sectioned off into parts. Some areas of the mind, such as the area that holds skills & talents, is available to all the alters who want to access that talent. The talent doesn’t belong to that alter but to the System. The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

The PTSD in Monarch victims is masked by the MPD/DID and the programming. Then in turn, the programming masks the MPD. When the programming is complete, front alters have been created which can function with smiles and cheerful attitudes, while underneath, the mind is full of shattered hurting alters, who the slave is unaware of. Self-punishment and social withdrawal are natural symptoms of PTSD, and the programmers have no trouble enhancing and programming these functions into their alter systems. Certain alters end up holding the anger, the fear, the social withdrawal, the guilt, and the desire for self-punishment. These are held in check by the programming, and take the body when the slave steps outside of the programmed path.The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

It is interesting to see how each different alter has a different EEG profile. One of the primary brain areas affected by the torture and programming are the areas which store event (personal history) memory. These areas are the hippocampus and the cortex of the frontal brain lobes which work with the two thalamus. General knowledge is stored in the neocortex (the grey area of the brain or the outer thin layer. The brain has practically no limit to memory. However, it will select what it wants to remember, and it will decide how it will file what it remembers. Hypnotic suggestions to "forget" something often simply means the person remembers the event--but labels the file "forgotten". The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

anchored upon some type of trauma
All the programming of each & every slave is anchored upon some type of trauma. One of the first fundamental traumas will be watched, filmed, coded & used as an anchor. For instance, the most brutal rape of a girl by her father will be used as an anchor upon which to build the Beta programming. The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

One way of describing the split, is to say that the child’s mind is saying, "This isn’t happening to me, its happening to some one else" and a split in the personality occurs. The new split will have the characteristics of what it split from. The programmer will ask the alter being tortured to create something in the mind when the split is created--such as "I want 12 white fluffy kittens." The programmer, demons, and the child’s creativity work together with the dissociation to create alters. Those 12 white fluffy kittens will have the characteristics and memories of what they were made from. However, they are separated from each other by dissociation, and they will be given their own script and own separate identity by the programmer. The dissociation between some alters who are co-conscious is not full blown amnesia. The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

the System (metaprogramme)
Another better way of looking at what happens is to understand that the part of the brain that records personal memory--that is the personal history memory section, is divided up into little pieces by amnesia walls built to protect itself from the repeated traumas. Each section is walled off from another section by amnesia. Each trauma has an amnesia wall built around it. Each trauma memory is sectioned off. That walled off section is a piece of memory that will be identified, and a hypnotic cue attached by the programmers that will pull it up to the conscious mind. And further, if the programmers so desire, it can be given a history, a name, a job, and developed into a full-blown personality. It’s important to grasp that the entire mind is not sectioned off into parts. Some areas of the mind, such as the area that holds skills & talents, is available to all the alters who want to access that talent. The talent doesn’t belong to that alter but to the System. The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

The alters created to be fronts to normally hold the body will be given lots of programming to help them hold onto certain denials, so that they will find it necessary to ignore or reinterpret dreaded associations linked with dissociated memories. For instance, a Christian front alter is sincerely very righteous and holy. The thought that this person (technically the alter’s System of persons) could have done the most horrible savage demonic activities is inconceivable. The memories of ritual are safely ignored, because the reality would undermine everything the person is. The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

3. Alters

There are four types of brain waves: alpha, beta, delta, and theta. The four basic models of Monarch slaves have the same names as these four types of brain waves. High level Illuminati models may have programming that includes all of these types. According to one ex(?)-government source, the CIA has been labeling their harmonic-created total Mind-controlled slaves by the following: Bravo 2 series models are men programmed to run the Beast computers. Delta series are models for espionage and assassination. Juliet series are sexual mind controlled slaves. Kilo 5 series is military espionage. Michael 1 series slaves are CIA agents under total mind-control. Operation Greenstar was the Mind-control project to create UFO abductions scenarios. Much of the high level programming in the 1980s and 1990s is no longer done with human programmers, but is done via programmed machines using drugs, electricity and harmonics. The Illuminati Formula 6. The Use of Electricity & Electronics

Cocaine (addictive, blackmail, the availability of cocaine may pull up certain alters who are addicted to it) The Illuminati Formula 3. THE USE OF DRUGS

Experience shows that during deprogramming most of the lower level alters will want to escape their abuse, but the higher level ritual alters are so separated from the abuse they don't want to give up their status and culture. The Illuminati Formula 5. The Skill of Lying, The Art of Deceit

Now I know patients who’ve gone to other states and simply had deep-level alters pick up the phone and call and said, “This is our new address and phone number” so that they could be picked up locally. D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D.

Monarch slaves are threatened with fire, like the Scarecrow. They also see people dismembered like the Scarecrow was dismembered. For them it is not an idle threat. The front alters also have hearts full of pain like Scarecrow. Certain alters are not given courage and most have their hearts taken from them. The alters who are programmed not to have hearts are hypnotically told the same thing the Tin Man says, "I could be human if I only had a heart." .....Some alters are taught they are stupid and have no brain. The Illuminati Formula 5. The Skill of Lying, The Art of Deceit

This part of the book is used to help teach the child alters which think they are tigers to be cannibalistic and actually participate in eating babies. This is all filmed to be used against the mind-controlled slave. The Illuminati Formula 5. The Skill of Lying, The Art of Deceit

Gatekeeper alters will appear near the surface of a system, and then again deep in the System about level 10, and 12. Gatekeeper alters are alters that the programmer must go through to get to deeper levels. The Gatekeeper alters are very heavily programmed to keep them in place. They will receive intensive lies. Some of the access triggers which must accompany the verbal codes are kept secret, by virtue of the fact that no person in their right mind would use them, such as needles, electro-shocks, or slaps to certain parts of the body to trigger deep alters to take the body. The Illuminati Formula 5. The Skill of Lying, The Art of Deceit

"Alpha was the basis for all the other programs," she continued. "It seems to be where a lot of information was stored in my memory, in my mind, that was used by programmers to develop the other programs. It's where some of my more generic alter states were also stored. Beta was the sexual servicing part of me. They also sometimes called the alter state 'Barbie'. It was supposed to be named after Klaus Barbie." Like Barbie doll? MIND CONTROL SLAVERY & The NEW WORLD ORDER - by Uri Dowbenko

Survivors Cathy O'Brien and Brice Taylor were also subjected to Beta, or sex-slave, programming. They, like actress Marilyn Monroe, were called "presidential models", mind-controlled slaves for the use of high-level politicians. According to Springmeier's book, " 1981, the New World Order made training films for their novice programmers. Monarch slave Cathy O'Brien was used to make the film How To Divide a Personality and How To Create a Sex Slave. Two Huntsville porn photographers were used to help NASA create these training films." Sullivan recalled: "I was used both as a child and as an adult in those alter states, and I had more than one. In those alter states I would not resist. I had no anger. I was an absolute sexual slave and I would do whatever I was told to do." MIND CONTROL SLAVERY & The NEW WORLD ORDER - by Uri Dowbenko

Delta programming is military-assassin programming that has trickled into popular consciousness through movies like La Femme Nikita, its American remake, Point of No Return, and The Long Kiss Goodnight. Regarding the Delta programming, Sullivan said: " was when I was used to do hits, kills, and also body guarding and hostage extraction. I had a great number of alter personalities that had specialised training and had different modes to do different things." MIND CONTROL SLAVERY & The NEW WORLD ORDER - by Uri Dowbenko

If they shoot someone, then they will be told all kinds of lies about the person they are to kill. They never are really given a chance to step outside of their deep trance and to ever hear the truth about what they are doing. They live their lives in a surreal fantasy world where nothing really makes sense. They don’t try to think for themselves, they just follow orders. ........They never are really given a chance to step outside of their deep trance and to ever hear the truth about what they are doing. They live their lives in a surreal fantasy world where nothing really makes sense. They don’t try to think for themselves, they just follow orders.The Illuminati Formula 7. Engineering & Structuring Of An MPD System

If the programmers get tired of the slave’s programming breaking down.....then they will simply give the slave an assignment in which the slave will end up dying, i.e. a suicide mission......An example would be a lady who is getting too wise about the New World Order, so a Delta is assigned to crash their car into the lady, and its written down as "just an unfortunate ACCIDENT with fatalities." A shop owner refuses to pay the Mafia for protection; so a Delta vandalizes and tears up the shop and has a fatal shootout with the police. The Illuminati Formula 7. Engineering & Structuring Of An MPD System

Sullivan's description of Theta programming seems to correlate with the development and use of so-called extrasensory powers and extraphysical abilities. "Theta was where they used - I don't like the word 'psychic' because I think it's been so misused - thought energy," she said. "I just knew it as magnetic-type energy from the individual to do a number of different things that they were experimenting with, including long-distance mind connection with other people - even in other countries. I guess you would call it 'remote viewing' - where I could see what a person was doing in another state in a room or something like that.
"It was both actual programming and experimentation. Because what they did - they kept it encapsulated in several parts of me, several altered states. It was a lot of training, a lot of experimentation."
Theta programming also implies the use of thought energy to kill someone at a distance.
"A lot of times I ran across other victims with Theta programming," Sullivan said in a recent CKLN radio interview. "One of the movie and book themes they used extensively was Dune, by Frank Herbert. It won't be too hard to figure because what they taught us was that we could cause things to happen to other people. It was to build up rage inside. It would come out in a form of pure energy that would hit them... They had talked about people imploding internally in their digestive organs. I don't know because I can't see what goes on inside another body, but I do know that it does work." MIND CONTROL SLAVERY & The NEW WORLD ORDER - by Uri Dowbenko

My psychic alter is very powerful and deadly. ......At the same instant, my mind opened to me like the pages of a book. I connected to my psychic alter and my killer alter. I 'saw' some of the psychic terminations that I had done, and I experienced the unemotional ruthlessness that was my 'mind set' when I completed them. This connection lasted only about 20 seconds, but it left me gasping afterwards. I remembered everything because it had been triggered by the exercise, not by the shadow government. This incident has totally convinced me that my psychic alter and killer alter do exist; logically, if these parts of me exist, then the other parts must exist as well. If the other parts exist, then, logically, something had to have happened to me to create them. The Mars Force:

Theta Programming got its name just as the Alpha, Beta, and Delta Programming in part from the four types of EEG brain waves. Theta waves are frequent in children. The 4 types of waves are rated according to their wave frequencies which are delta- 1-3 cycles/sec; theta 4 to 7 cycles/sec; alpha 8 to 13 cycles/sec; and beta 13 + cycles per second. Psychic warfare became a branch of the Monarch Programming. This is the Theta Programming. The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler

Alphas appear to represent general programming, the first kind of things put in. Betas appear to be sexual programs. For example, how to perform oral sex in a certain way, how to perform sex in rituals, having to do with producing child pornography, directing child pornography, or prostitution. Deltas are killers trained in how to kill in ceremonies. There’ll also be some self-harm stuff mixed in with that, assassination and killing. Thetas are called psychic killers.......Then there’s Omega. I usually don’t include that word when I say my first question about this or any part inside that knows about Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, because Omega will shake them even more. Omega has to do with self-destruct programming. Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. This can include self-mutilation as well as killing-themselves programming. Gamma appears to be system-protection and deception programming which will provide misinformation to you, try to misdirect you, tell you half-truths, protect different things inside. There can also be other Greek letters. D. Corydon Hammond, Ph.D.

These notebooks have color-coded graphs showing the arrangement of alters, the structure of the system, the training of the alters, the history of the alters and other details. All the primary tortures carried out on a slave are coded using dates/no.s so that the memories can be pulled up by the programmers. The Illuminati Formula INTRODUCTION AND WARNING

Another way of examining this convoluted victimization of body and soul is by looking at it as a complex computer program: A file (alter) is created through trauma, repetition and reinforcement. In order to activate (trigger) the file, a specific access code or password (cue or command) is required. .... Subjects are used mainly for cover operations, prostitution and pornography; involvement in the entertainment industry is notable. Ron Patton( Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control )

who do not know each other:
"The basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control programming is that different personalities or personality parts called alters can be created who do not know each other, but who can take the body at different times. The amnesia walls that are built by traumas, form a protective shield of secrecy that protects the abusers from being found out, and prevents the front personalities who hold the body much of the time to know how their System of alters is being used. The shield of secrecy allows cult members to live and work around other people and remain totally undetected. The front alters can be wonderful Christians, and the deeper alters can be the worst type of Satanic monster imaginable--a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde effect." The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

programmed to commit suicide
Alters programmed to commit suicide are also built into the Systems. For instance, for a system hacker--an outsider-- to work with the alters of an internal Grand Druid Council (aka Executive committee alters, or judge alters) or a System almost insures 99% of the time suicide of the Monarch slave. In at least 99% of the cases where Monarchs who have come in for therapy, they still lack safety, which is a higher need than trying to go against their programming. This is why so few people have really gotten freeThe Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

victim themselves to themselves
If the Programmers want, they can shatter a front Christian alter level and create a new level of New Age believing alters to replace the original front. The abuse can be done by the victim themselves to themselves, because programming alters are given the ability to pull up horrific memories via codes. Those traumatic memories, which shattered the mind the first time, are still capable of doing it again when they are abreacted (that is relived by the body & mind). More and more people are experiencing working with someone with multiple personalities. However, very few multiples ever discover more than the front parts of their systems.The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

deeper alters
The deeper alters have never had the chance to experience life outside of their programming, since they hold the body only at infrequent specialized moments which are disjointed in time. The alters created to be fronts to normally hold the body will be given lots of programming to help them hold onto certain denials, so that they will find it necessary to ignore or reinterpret dreaded associations linked with dissociated memories. For instance, a Christian front alter is sincerely very righteous and holy. The thought that this person (technically the alter’s System of persons) could have done the most horrible savage demonic activities is inconceivable. The memories of ritual are safely ignored, because the reality would undermine everything the person is.The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

different EEG profile
It is interesting to see how each different alter has a different EEG profile. One of the primary brain areas affected by the torture and programming are the areas which store event (personal history) memory. These areas are the hippocampus and the cortex of the frontal brain lobes which work with the two thalamus. General knowledge is stored in the neocortex (the grey area of the brain or the outer thin layer. The brain has practically no limit to memory. However, it will select what it wants to remember, and it will decide how it will file what it remembers. Hypnotic suggestions to "forget" something often simply means the person remembers the event--but labels the file "forgotten". The Illuminati Formula 2: THE TRAUMATIZATION & TORTURE OF THE VICTIM

programming alters
The next stage is to embed and compress detailed commands or messages within the specified alter. This is achieved through the use of hi-tech headsets, in conjunction with computer-driven generators which emit inaudible sound waves or harmonics that affect the RNA covering of neuron pathways to the subconscious and unconscious mind. “Virtual Reality” optical devices are sometimes used simultaneously with the harmonic generators projecting pulsating colored lights, subliminals and split-screen visuals. High voltage electroshock is then used for memory dissolution. Ron Patton( Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control )

The programmers are very much into demonology. Before therapists close their minds to this subject, the authors would like to point out, that they personally know of cases where Monarch slaves whose Christian personalities & other alters didn’t believe in demonology were talked into participating in real deliverance, and the slaves discovered much to their surprise that work they had unsuccessfully tried to do for years with their therapist was accomplished in a day or two. The Illuminati Formula INTRODUCTION AND WARNING

One of the biggest secrets kept from most of the slave’s alters is that their System was demonized while a fetus. First, this would give religious front alters the information they need to get them on the right track towards healing, and it could also adversely affect the programming lies of some of the front alters who don’t realize how premeditated all the trauma and torture is. The front alters of victims themselves remember the cover story that the moon children were produced via torture in the cages as little children.

Project MONARCH could be best described as a form of structured dissociation and occultic integration, in order to compartmentalize the mind into multiple personalities within a systematic framework. During this process, a Satanic ritual, usually including Cabalistic mysticism, is performed with the purpose of attaching a particular demon or group of demons to the corresponding alter(s). Of course, most skeptics would view this as simply a means to enhance trauma within the victim, negating any irrational belief that demonic possession actually occurs
For an extremely technical definition of what the Monarch program was: it was used as US Department of Defense code name for a subsection of the CIA's Operation Artichoke which is also known as Project MK-Ultra. However, this technical definition is misleading because the Monarch programming under various names such as marionette programming has been going on since the Nazis.


The basic component of the Monarch program is the sophisticated manipulation of the child's mind to protect itself from extreme trauma by creating Multiple Personality Disorder. The most inhumane severe torture is used on children to create extensive MPD. Then the various alters [personalities) are found and programmed using state of the art mind-control.

Harmonics and sound waves are used to manipulate the RNA covering of neuron pathways to the subconscious. Harmonic generators code named 'ether-wave' are able to imbed detailed commands which are linked to audible triggers. This is one of the standard features of the Monarch program. It allows the slaves to be controlled by trigger words which make no sense or seem to carry no negative connotation to outside listeners.

For instance the words, "Mr. Postman wait and see' might set off an access sequence so that a slave living away from its master goes to its master (also called a handler).

Some slaves are turned into sleepers. They live normal lives but perhaps carry out an assignment 40 years down the road at a prearranged date or a prearranged trigger. Some of the Illuminati hierarchy have been turned into sleepers so that they can be available when the AntiChrist begins ruling, to train the large influx of new people into the Illuminati and Satanism.

Another basic component of the Monarch program is lots of electroshock. Stun guns, staffs with hidden electric cattle prods, and cattle prods are frequently used on the slaves. Electroshock is used to create MPD in the creation of the slave, and later it is used to remove memories after the slave has carried out a mission, or to instill fear and obedience in a reluctant slave. Slaves generally carry horrible body memories of excruciating electroshock tortures to their entire bodies. As the slaves begin a therapeutic deprogramming process they will recover these horrible memories, not to mention many other painful memories.


Every Monarch slave has thousands of Internal safety devices {programs, etc.) to prevent anything from freeing the slave of her or his programming. IF YOU DISCOVER A MONARCH SLAVE--BE CAREFUL NOT TO TELL THEM WHAT YOU KNOW OR YOU MAY CAUSE THEM TO COMMIT SUICIDE. If any of the readers of this article do find a Monarch slave I suggest they call and talk to me about any steps they plan to take. Suicide programs are attached to all types of things within a Monarch slave. Do not mistakenly think you can tamper with the programming. Do not think that you can merely tell the slave that you want to free the person, and expect that they will automatically want your help. Working with Monarch slaves (also called Marionette survivors) is touchy, like handling ticking bombs. It also calls for extreme dedication and patience. [H: It appears the first part of this writing comes from someone called Fritz Springmeier and at this point we only have some extracted pages from a document regarding or issued by this person. I have no further information, yet, to offer about him, However, the other parties (and from whom this information also comes) are Mark Phillips and Cathy O'Brien (to name two) and we will have information on them a bit later in the writing.]


In the summer of 1991, I decided to put out a chapter I had written on a book I was putting together on Mind Control This chapter was Chapter 3 and concerned the Monarch project. I put out this chapter in its rough form as a monograph about the Monarch program, and have mailed out hundreds to people free of charge. Everyone who subscribed to my newsletter at that time got one. [H: Ah, still no address but we have a clue; this came from A Newsletter from a Christian Ministry, Dec. 1993]

In the summer of 1993, I began getting information from Mark Phillips concerning the Monarch program. Mark's information dove-tailed with what I knew and his information gave me a greater perspective on things. Mark Phillips has been deprogramming Monarch Mind-controlled slaves. He and Cathy O’Brien, who was a presidential model slave, have written over 76 papers on various aspects of the Monarch program. I have some, but not all of those papers, and I am now going to make the inventory lists available to my newsletter subscribers. At the end of this article I will reprint Mark's Information Inventory List. Those who are interested can either write Mark or contact me. Both Mark and I are extremely busy - so I don't know which of us is better to contact. Mark is currently working with at least six Monarch slaves to deprogram them, and I am working with about the same number on more of a friendship level to try to be supportive in any way for these people.

A book with excellent documentation exposing the Monarch Project is on the drawing boards and, when this book comes out, I and others will distribute it. Plans are to provide all readers of this newsletter a copy. [H: Our prior information regarding Mark and Cathy came from them directly to us so I will suggest you contact them and obviously they will be in touch with this party.]


The present day trauma-based mind-control is an outgrowth of practices that the Mystery Religions practiced in deep secrecy. Satanism has been alive and well for many centuries but has remained unexposed behind its religious fronts due to the ability of generational Satanists to create MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder). Many of the European kings were Satanists who had MPD. The royal families of Denmark, the Netherlands, Spain and England are all involved with the occult and Satanism. The Romanov family which had branches in Prussia and Russia was also deeply into the occult. An examination of the jewelry that the Romanov family had while they ruled Russia is an eye opener. Their jewelry was very occultic, even though they had a good Christian front for the public.

Unless a Satanist has MPD they will go insane due to the horrifying things that high level Satanism is involved in doing. Only Satanists with MPD can survive. It goes without saying then that people in the higher levels of the Illuminati have MPD, but that does not mean they are highly structured MPDs such as the Monarch slaves. Monarch slaves have their MPD structured so that they become human computers or human robots - human zombies in a sense, except that they have front alters that can look and act like most everyone else. The name Monarch does not derive from its royal heritage, but rather refers to the Monarch butterfly. Children who are traumatized have their legs tied and are electroshocked and tortured so that alters (personalities) form that think they are butterflies. This was the original reason for the name Monarch being attached to this trauma-based mind control.

Under the Nazis, the satanic use of MPD was refined. After W.W.II, the CIA smuggled into the U.S. German and Italian scientists and specialists who were developing the Monarch programming. The Monarch programming is also referred to as Marionette programming. A marionette is a puppet and Nazi German psychologists were working hard at creating the perfect human puppets. The end result of all the hard work put in by German, Italian, American and British researchers was the creation of an almost fool-proof, impossible to detect, human mind-controlled slave.

Over the years since the 1940s, over 1 million Americans underwent Monarch programming; however, only 40,000 have extremely detailed records kept on them, and are also entered on a computer data base. Only privileged people have access to that data base. Reprogramming centers have been set up around the country to insure that any Monarch slave which might escape can be reprogrammed. The chance of any Mind-controlled slave escaping is exceptionally small due to the fact that the programming is so powerful and is so difficult to counteract.

[H: We may as well pause right here and let you in on a ‘biggie’ which some of your regular readers might have forgotten as well - the WACO fiasco was Just that - a fiasco. That whole project at Mr. Carmel was an MK-Ultra {Monarch} programming set-up. There were sleepers involved - only these guys got to working with God and when the programming said wake up - most of the player puppets DID NOT! IT IS A SMALL WORLD ISN'T IT?]


Not all Monarch slaves live with their masters. Monarch slaves who live and work apart from their masters must be accessed, which is done by the use of cryptic keys. I have begun to identify various localities which are being utilized to access the slaves. I will now discuss some of these cover activities.

The entire country western music industry is a cover for drug running and the Monarch program. Many of the country western songs are tailored to be utilized for programming. In recent years, 'Karaoke' singing has become popular in the U.S. Karaoke singing is just one of several ways that Monarch slaves can be taken away from their homes for accessing, reprogramming, and for assignments. Various Monarch slaves are becoming acquainted with each other via this method. If anyone examines the pioneer Karaoke version of such songs as White Rabbit you will easily see that this film with its song is a tool used by select Karaoke spots for triggering Monarch slaves who have 'Alice in Wonderland' programming. Alice in Wonderland programming and The Wizard of Oz programming are two popular base programs still in use today. Walt Disney productions have played a major role in the Monarch program and some of their children's films are being deliberately constructed with Monarch triggers and keys.

Besides using Karaoke Bars as a place to secretly bring Monarch slaves in for accessing, the Illuminati uses fraternal meetings and churches. Some churches have lights and other items which reinforce and interact with the programming the Monarch slaves have. Church leaders will say buzz words and use hand signals to interact with the Monarch slaves who have been ordered to attend these churches.

In the Portland area, we have a man in his twenties who is named Rex who has the job of accessing Monarch slaves and bringing them into one of the five reprogramming centers. I have been in the process of identifying where these centers are located. I have had the opportunity also to identify two of the programmers in this area, one is a middle-aged man named Ed, who uses his sales work with meat as a cover.


The most important duty of the Monarch slaves is to perpetuate the horrible secret satanic activity of the Illuminati. Much of the horrible deeds of the Illuminati would be impossible for a normal person to do, but someone who is Monarch programmed and who is so controlled that they will not even have the most common human feeling of self-preservation, these slaves can be gotten to do the evil dirty work. Bear in mind that 'snuff' films and other gross things are being made daily and Monarch slaves can help with this type stuff. Slaves are also used in the regular entertainment industry because they have no moral barriers to orders and because they have photographic memories to learn their lines. Slaves are used in professional, college and high school sports, such as baseball and basketball. Slaves are used in the military as hard core soldiers (and they can't be beat for suicide missions), and by the intelligence agencies as spies. Slaves are used for drug running, money laundering, prostitution, pornography and acting. The slaves are also good for shooting up people and places to insure stiff anti-gun legislation is enacted and that the public is scared and dysfunctional.


Bo Gritz is-just one of several male Monarch slaves who have been used to infiltrate the opposition to the NWO.

The newer slaves that I am seeing have got various kinds of Alien programming, so that they believe aliens are communicating to them in their heads. The various alien programs appear to be part of a vast scheme to create a strong belief in aliens and to create a mock alien invasion to provide justification for a strong One-World-Government.
[H: Moreover, these aliens will be represented as LIZARD-SERPENT-LIKE BEINGS! God's hosts NEVER appear as such! EVER!!]


Because the public has suffered so many atrocities from Monarch slaves who have gone berserk or who have carried out horrendous assignments, the CIA launched a secret COVER-UP project called Operation Armageddon to convince people that the Monarch slaves are demonic possessed people who are merely the result of an influx of evil supernatural forces in the end times. Although Christians realize that Satan is working overtime in these last days, the world is not undergoing an influx of new demonic forces, so much as it is simply coming under the stronger domination of evil forces.

The CIA has also targeted psychologists who are trying to advance therapies to help Monarch victims. So far American psychologists are losing about 95% of the Monarch victims who come to them for help. Only a few of the over 1 million people programmed have ever been successfully deprogrammed. That is not to say that efforts are not underway to rectify that, but the solution is hard enough to apply even without the interference of the Illuminati and the government intelligence agencies which work for them.

One of the most interesting items for me to observe is how professional and smooth the secrecy that covers the Monarch programming has been. Very little over the years has been done to arouse suspicions. Monarch slaves carry out their assignments and are accessed right under the noses of ordinary people. Even when ordinary people observe Monarch slaves, they are incapable of accessing what they are seeing because people interpret events from their own frame of reference.


People in the Illuminati, even some of the neophytes at the lowest levels are allowed the of privilege of owning a Monarch slave. The various smaller occult groups have learned the basics of Monarch programming and are now carrying out their own programming. One of the these is the KKK, which is covered in a previous article in this newsletter.

An owner of a slave will ordinarily carry a stun gun (up to 200,000 volts DC) to erase the memory of his slave, and they will also carry a black or grey spiral book with all their own slave's access codes, triggers, cryptic keys and programs. All this will fit into a briefcase. A working knowledge of hypnosis is helpful to understand how to deal with the slave in certain instances. Because the slave is under the most powerful combinations of mind-control and is so divided against his or her own self, it is almost impossible to have many problems with the slave if the handler does what he is supposed to do. However, some handlers get drunk or loan the slave to inexperienced people, etc., and problems do develop. Of course the slaves always end up taking the blame for everything that goes wrong.

In other words: a briefcase with the programming book and stun gun are basically all that is needed to control a Monarch slave for the rest of his or her life.

Some of these stun guns are only a few inches long and look like boxes.


Kittens and cat alters are frequently the sexual alters. Sexual alters and sexual slave models are frequently labeled Betas. The Illuminati found out how to create women with insatiable sexual appetites. This is done via torture and rape early in the child's life. After the initial personality splits, using rape and electroshock, the father figure {called 'Daddy' by many Monarch slaves) carries out repeated sex (incest) to develop the sexual desire. Experts in sex will often give 'finishing lessons' to the slaves so that the sexual alters can perform incredible sexual feats with which normal prostitutes are not likely to be able to begin to compare. Marilyn Monroe was a Monarch Sex slave. It is public knowledge that she was sexually abused as an orphan, but it has been skillfully kept from the public that she was a Presidential Model Monarch Slave. President Kennedy found her more entertaininstyleg than Jackie, which is no surprise.


* Monarch victims have structured MPD. Their MPD may be detected through a whole range of clues. It is not within the scope of this paper to give all the many clues and indications of MPD, but the following might be tip-offs:
o the person changes tastes and behavior and is self-contradictory in what they say they like.
o the person believes that aliens are talking inside their heads.
o the person is not able to comfortably watch certain films such as the Wizard of Oz, or Alice in Wonderland or some other particular non-horror movie.
The list of clues could go on for a long ways on how to detect structured MPD.
* Older ones may have tattoos with a Monarch butterfly. (This applies to CIA and Government Models especially.) Since the 1970s most Monarch victims have no longer been tattooed but wear butterfly barrettes, large butterfly ear rings, pins, necklaces, bracelets, or embroidered insignias. Illuminati Monarch slaves often do not have any tattoos because their bodies have to be blemish free to be qualified for the higher ranks within the Illuminati.
* Victims will have scars of various kinds on their bodies, including multiple electric prod scars or the resultant moles on their bodies. The type of scarring that these victims have is a long subject just in itself.
* When the victims get memory most if not all victims have participated in weird sex and pornography.
* Monarch victims suffer all types of problems, including confusion, fears, headaches, program-induced medical problems, hurting feet, dizziness, seeing black and white spots, etc., etc.
Men who are active in the programming will often have multiple marriages and will most often then marry a woman of striking appearance and who is much younger - but with little show of emotional attachment.


This is a very brief look at the Monarch programming. This Mind-control is a very serious threat to survival of civilization as we know it. There are many more sophisticated mind-control techniques such as using microwaves hooked to a computer, and brain stem implants, and still other methods, but the Monarch type of trauma-based Mind Control programming is likely to be around for a long time. Today this programming can be carried out in a house or other small facility, making it a highly possible cottage industry of the 21st century. Following this article, I will have a question-and-answer section on commonly asked questions on the Monarch programming, and then that will be followed up with an article about a specific Monarch slave being used as a spy against us.

Directly following this is a list of material Mark Phillips (a deprogrammer) and Cathy O'Brien (a deprogrammed ex-slave) have written on the Monarch project.


Q: Are many of the random killings, assassinations, and murders actually caused by Monarch programmed people?
Yes, mind-controlled slaves are often the culprits to these seemingly 'random' events. The reason I can give that answer is that I know to some degree what the insiders are planning. But when a person is very familiar with how Monarch mind-controlled slaves act one can also pick tiny clues that would tend to support my yes answer. When I listen or read about current murders there are frequently clues that would often point that direction.
An example of a case which a brother recently brought to my attention is Mark Chapman who killed John Lennon. The book Who Killed John Lennon by Fenton Bresler shows that Mark was put under some type of CIA mind control. On pages 174 and 221 of the book one gets some glimpses of Mark's fascination for the Wizard of Oz. The lyrics of the Beatles' songs (also used for Monarch programming) were also important to him. (Remember how Charles Masson - also a Monarch program victim - liked the lyrics of the Beatles music in his own weird way?) Bresler writes about Mark Chapman (p. 220-221), '...Mark did a strange thing: he set up, on a bureau in his room, a display of his most treasured possessions ... They were designed to show the police the 'real' Mark when, as he anticipated, they later entered the room after he had accomplished the murder ... there was a movie still from The Wizard of Oz showing the young Judy Garland as Dorothy wiping away the Cowardly Lion's tears with 'To Dorothy' written on it in Mark's own handwriting.' Basically, all the Monarch Mind-controlled slaves I have worked with have set up displays with memorabilia/knick-knacks of items associated with the type of programming they have had.

Q: How many Christians know about this?
Rebecca Brown in her last book talks about someone who has escaped from the Temple of Set. Her description of the person indicates that the person was a Monarch slave. Whether Rebecca Brown knows about the Monarch program she has at least tried to work with one of its victims.
Bob Larson on a recent show had a Monarch person call in. This Monarch victim had different alters speak to Bob on a couple of different days. How much Bob Larson knows is hard to pin-point - but he was saying various things on the show that indicated to me that he knew some of the treatment process that psychologists are offering to victims of MPD.
Bill Schnoebelen, who has a Christian ministry and who had written several informative books on the occult, and who was not from a generational satanic family but who was allowed to reach the neophyte level of the Illuminati is familiar with the Monarch program. I will be sharing more with him about it in the future.
Christians who are in ministry where they deal with Satanism are going to encounter Monarch victims, whether they realize what they are working with or not.
Christian psychologists who have bumped into the Monarch program's victims are under professional standards not to talk about their clients, and they by-and-large have only spoken to their peers about what is going on. My guess is that there are only around 100 Christian psychologists nation-wide who specialize in disassociative disorders such as structured MPD.
In summary, although there are some very knowledgeable people who know about the Monarch program, knowledge of it has not reached people in general. Percentage wise perhaps 1 Christian in a thousand knows about the program. When one considers how dangerous this Monarch project is and yet how it is still a secret, then one realizes that our work is cut out to inform the public while there is still a chance.

Q: Isn't MPD really demonic possession?
No, MPD has been clinically proven. Anyone can look up in the DSM-3 or DSM-4, which is the standard work for mental health professions, and you will see that MPD has been scientifically identified and recognized. Anyone who really gets to know what they are working with - that is if they really get into working with Monarch victims for a long period of time - then he or she will realize that the MPD is for real, and that it is not demonic possession. That doesn't mean demons are not attached, because demons are certainly attached to Monarch slaves. Illuminati Monarch Slaves likely had Moon Child ceremonies done for them when they were yet a fetus in order to demonize the fetus.


After my last article in my January ‘94 newsletter exposing Be Gritz as a Monarch slave, I got wind through the patriot 'grapevine' that Bo Gritz was planning to come to Portland and make a big production in confronting me. Supposedly by confronting me unexpectedly he could make me look bad. Afterwards I got further news that he had decided not to come but simply to confront me with a phone call. [H: Yes, Dharma has had the same good old offers! You will note, however, that Col. Gritz avoids ME at all costs! THAT IS ONE WAY YOU CAN KNOW FOR SURE THAT HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHO I AMI] That has not happened, so I imagine his handler and the CIA are trying to make sure they have his programming protected before he confronts someone like me. Depending on what the situation is, I might feel obliged to try to shake up his programming. [H: It's easy, friend, I already HAVE!] Anyway, I would like to go easy on Bo, because he is only following orders and his front alters do not know what he is all about. Further, I do not suggest readers of this newsletter confront Bo with too much because, like many Monarch slaves, the exposure may lead to his death. Still it's hard to feel too sorry knowing that the names of patriots Bo has gathered is going to cause the suffering of a lot of people. [H: It is also hard to let something like "Wolfgang" go unrewarded.]


Bo Gritz is-just one of several male Monarch slaves who have been used to infiltrate the opposition to the NWO.

The newer slaves that I am seeing have got various kinds of Alien programming, so that they believe aliens are communicating to them in their heads. The various alien programs appear to be part of a vast scheme to create a strong belief in aliens and to create a mock alien invasion to provide justification for a strong One-World-Government.
[H: Moreover, these aliens will be represented as LIZARD-SERPENT-LIKE BEINGS! God's hosts NEVER appear as such! EVER!!]


Because the public has suffered so many atrocities from Monarch slaves who have gone berserk or who have carried out horrendous assignments, the CIA launched a secret COVER-UP project called Operation Armageddon to convince people that the Monarch slaves are demonic possessed people who are merely the result of an influx of evil supernatural forces in the end times. Although Christians realize that Satan is working overtime in these last days, the world is not undergoing an influx of new demonic forces, so much as it is simply coming under the stronger domination of evil forces.

The CIA has also targeted psychologists who are trying to advance therapies to help Monarch victims. So far American psychologists are losing about 95% of the Monarch victims who come to them for help. Only a few of the over 1 million people programmed have ever been successfully deprogrammed. That is not to say that efforts are not underway to rectify that, but the solution is hard enough to apply even without the interference of the Illuminati and the government intelligence agencies which work for them.

One of the most interesting items for me to observe is how professional and smooth the secrecy that covers the Monarch programming has been. Very little over the years has been done to arouse suspicions. Monarch slaves carry out their assignments and are accessed right under the noses of ordinary people. Even when ordinary people observe Monarch slaves, they are incapable of accessing what they are seeing because people interpret events from their own frame of reference.


People in the Illuminati, even some of the neophytes at the lowest levels are allowed the of privilege of owning a Monarch slave. The various smaller occult groups have learned the basics of Monarch programming and are now carrying out their own programming. One of the these is the KKK, which is covered in a previous article in this newsletter.

An owner of a slave will ordinarily carry a stun gun (up to 200,000 volts DC) to erase the memory of his slave, and they will also carry a black or grey spiral book with all their own slave's access codes, triggers, cryptic keys and programs. All this will fit into a briefcase. A working knowledge of hypnosis is helpful to understand how to deal with the slave in certain instances. Because the slave is under the most powerful combinations of mind-control and is so divided against his or her own self, it is almost impossible to have many problems with the slave if the handler does what he is supposed to do. However, some handlers get drunk or loan the slave to inexperienced people, etc., and problems do develop. Of course the slaves always end up taking the blame for everything that goes wrong.

In other words: a briefcase with the programming book and stun gun are basically all that is needed to control a Monarch slave for the rest of his or her life.

Some of these stun guns are only a few inches long and look like boxes.


Kittens and cat alters are frequently the sexual alters. Sexual alters and sexual slave models are frequently labeled Betas. The Illuminati found out how to create women with insatiable sexual appetites. This is done via torture and rape early in the child's life. After the initial personality splits, using rape and electroshock, the father figure {called 'Daddy' by many Monarch slaves) carries out repeated sex (incest) to develop the sexual desire. Experts in sex will often give 'finishing lessons' to the slaves so that the sexual alters can perform incredible sexual feats with which normal prostitutes are not likely to be able to begin to compare. Marilyn Monroe was a Monarch Sex slave. It is public knowledge that she was sexually abused as an orphan, but it has been skillfully kept from the public that she was a Presidential Model Monarch Slave. President Kennedy found her more entertaininstyleg than Jackie, which is no surprise.


* Monarch victims have structured MPD. Their MPD may be detected through a whole range of clues. It is not within the scope of this paper to give all the many clues and indications of MPD, but the following might be tip-offs:
o the person changes tastes and behavior and is self-contradictory in what they say they like.
o the person believes that aliens are talking inside their heads.
o the person is not able to comfortably watch certain films such as the Wizard of Oz, or Alice in Wonderland or some other particular non-horror movie.
The list of clues could go on for a long ways on how to detect structured MPD.
* Older ones may have tattoos with a Monarch butterfly. (This applies to CIA and Government Models especially.) Since the 1970s most Monarch victims have no longer been tattooed but wear butterfly barrettes, large butterfly ear rings, pins, necklaces, bracelets, or embroidered insignias. Illuminati Monarch slaves often do not have any tattoos because their bodies have to be blemish free to be qualified for the higher ranks within the Illuminati.
* Victims will have scars of various kinds on their bodies, including multiple electric prod scars or the resultant moles on their bodies. The type of scarring that these victims have is a long subject just in itself.
* When the victims get memory most if not all victims have participated in weird sex and pornography.
* Monarch victims suffer all types of problems, including confusion, fears, headaches, program-induced medical problems, hurting feet, dizziness, seeing black and white spots, etc., etc.
Men who are active in the programming will often have multiple marriages and will most often then marry a woman of striking appearance and who is much younger - but with little show of emotional attachment.


This is a very brief look at the Monarch programming. This Mind-control is a very serious threat to survival of civilization as we know it. There are many more sophisticated mind-control techniques such as using microwaves hooked to a computer, and brain stem implants, and still other methods, but the Monarch type of trauma-based Mind Control programming is likely to be around for a long time. Today this programming can be carried out in a house or other small facility, making it a highly possible cottage industry of the 21st century. Following this article, I will have a question-and-answer section on commonly asked questions on the Monarch programming, and then that will be followed up with an article about a specific Monarch slave being used as a spy against us.

Directly following this is a list of material Mark Phillips (a deprogrammer) and Cathy O'Brien (a deprogrammed ex-slave) have written on the Monarch project.


Q: Are many of the random killings, assassinations, and murders actually caused by Monarch programmed people?
Yes, mind-controlled slaves are often the culprits to these seemingly 'random' events. The reason I can give that answer is that I know to some degree what the insiders are planning. But when a person is very familiar with how Monarch mind-controlled slaves act one can also pick tiny clues that would tend to support my yes answer. When I listen or read about current murders there are frequently clues that would often point that direction.
An example of a case which a brother recently brought to my attention is Mark Chapman who killed John Lennon. The book Who Killed John Lennon by Fenton Bresler shows that Mark was put under some type of CIA mind control. On pages 174 and 221 of the book one gets some glimpses of Mark's fascination for the Wizard of Oz. The lyrics of the Beatles' songs (also used for Monarch programming) were also important to him. (Remember how Charles Masson - also a Monarch program victim - liked the lyrics of the Beatles music in his own weird way?) Bresler writes about Mark Chapman (p. 220-221), '...Mark did a strange thing: he set up, on a bureau in his room, a display of his most treasured possessions ... They were designed to show the police the 'real' Mark when, as he anticipated, they later entered the room after he had accomplished the murder ... there was a movie still from The Wizard of Oz showing the young Judy Garland as Dorothy wiping away the Cowardly Lion's tears with 'To Dorothy' written on it in Mark's own handwriting.' Basically, all the Monarch Mind-controlled slaves I have worked with have set up displays with memorabilia/knick-knacks of items associated with the type of programming they have had.

Q: How many Christians know about this?
Rebecca Brown in her last book talks about someone who has escaped from the Temple of Set. Her description of the person indicates that the person was a Monarch slave. Whether Rebecca Brown knows about the Monarch program she has at least tried to work with one of its victims.
Bob Larson on a recent show had a Monarch person call in. This Monarch victim had different alters speak to Bob on a couple of different days. How much Bob Larson knows is hard to pin-point - but he was saying various things on the show that indicated to me that he knew some of the treatment process that psychologists are offering to victims of MPD.
Bill Schnoebelen, who has a Christian ministry and who had written several informative books on the occult, and who was not from a generational satanic family but who was allowed to reach the neophyte level of the Illuminati is familiar with the Monarch program. I will be sharing more with him about it in the future.
Christians who are in ministry where they deal with Satanism are going to encounter Monarch victims, whether they realize what they are working with or not.
Christian psychologists who have bumped into the Monarch program's victims are under professional standards not to talk about their clients, and they by-and-large have only spoken to their peers about what is going on. My guess is that there are only around 100 Christian psychologists nation-wide who specialize in disassociative disorders such as structured MPD.
In summary, although there are some very knowledgeable people who know about the Monarch program, knowledge of it has not reached people in general. Percentage wise perhaps 1 Christian in a thousand knows about the program. When one considers how dangerous this Monarch project is and yet how it is still a secret, then one realizes that our work is cut out to inform the public while there is still a chance.

Q: Isn't MPD really demonic possession?
No, MPD has been clinically proven. Anyone can look up in the DSM-3 or DSM-4, which is the standard work for mental health professions, and you will see that MPD has been scientifically identified and recognized. Anyone who really gets to know what they are working with - that is if they really get into working with Monarch victims for a long period of time - then he or she will realize that the MPD is for real, and that it is not demonic possession. That doesn't mean demons are not attached, because demons are certainly attached to Monarch slaves. Illuminati Monarch Slaves likely had Moon Child ceremonies done for them when they were yet a fetus in order to demonize the fetus.


After my last article in my January ‘94 newsletter exposing Be Gritz as a Monarch slave, I got wind through the patriot 'grapevine' that Bo Gritz was planning to come to Portland and make a big production in confronting me. Supposedly by confronting me unexpectedly he could make me look bad. Afterwards I got further news that he had decided not to come but simply to confront me with a phone call. [H: Yes, Dharma has had the same good old offers! You will note, however, that Col. Gritz avoids ME at all costs! THAT IS ONE WAY YOU CAN KNOW FOR SURE THAT HE KNOWS EXACTLY WHO I AMI] That has not happened, so I imagine his handler and the CIA are trying to make sure they have his programming protected before he confronts someone like me. Depending on what the situation is, I might feel obliged to try to shake up his programming. [H: It's easy, friend, I already HAVE!] Anyway, I would like to go easy on Bo, because he is only following orders and his front alters do not know what he is all about. Further, I do not suggest readers of this newsletter confront Bo with too much because, like many Monarch slaves, the exposure may lead to his death. Still it's hard to feel too sorry knowing that the names of patriots Bo has gathered is going to cause the suffering of a lot of people. [H: It is also hard to let something like "Wolfgang" go unrewarded.]

Bo Gritz lives in Nevada. He has an airport and an airplane in his yard at Sandy Valley, NV. He flies all over the country. Bo got a temple recommend from the local Mormon bishop, EVEN THOUGH HE DOESN'T EVER ATTEND CHURCH THERE. That is unusual, and smacks of CIA pull. Although Bo and his wife, Claudia, have joined the Mormon church (on orders from his handler}, Bo Gritz went to Pastor Pete Peters' church in Colorado and was also baptized into Pete's Christian church. This double-mindedness may simply be the result of Bo having Multiple Personality Disorder, or it may be due to instruction given to some alters by his handler. Bo never told Pete that he was a temple-recommend Mormon when Pete was baptizing him. When Bo speaks to Seedliners he is supportive of the seedline doctrine which believes Eve's sin was copulation with Satan thereby producing a race of unredeemable half-demon 'Jews'.

America West and its tabloid Phoenix Liberator were supportive of Bo's presidential campaign. IT IS KNOWN BY SOME OF US THAT THE CIA IS PROMOTING SPACE RELIGION, SO THIS WHOLE AREA NEEDS INVESTIGATION. JUST WHAT WENT ON BETWEEN AMERICA WEST, Bo GRITZ AND THE CIA? [H: Yes indeed and a lot of the ones who no longer associate with any of those people - would certainly like to know because America West's George Green have stolen, outright, around half a million or more dollars directly from the ones he lied to, thieved from and pretended to work with. But I CAN tell you what happened - he could NOT BEAR THE PRESENCE OF CHRIST ENERGY in his presence so he ran away from California to Nevada as rapidly as his big Chrysler would take him when it was going to get tight for him. Who are his handlers and how about his wife? Well, he gets a bit confused in his stories end even if just telling a story his facts will not match twice out of ten times. The LIGHT OF TRUTH will always back-off the bastard adversarial workers. Did George KNOW? Well, he certainly DID when he skived the gold and now argues into infinity that he somehow bought it from himself, was given it as a secret gift, bought it from The Ekkers and on and on ad infinitum. The cases in legal ongoings also seem to go on into infinity as he accumulates ones who work the system without morals or integrity. He made his own bargains with the evil adversary - he also made his own dealings, while selling out everybody who passed this way, and bargains with those who would share his programs including Bo Gritz. Why was this allowed? - SO YOU WOULD SEE AND KNOW AND REALIZE THAT THERE IS A WAR AGAINST GOD, MY GOOD FRIENDS - AND HIS HOSTS. THE ADVERSARY WILL SEND HIS WORKERS AMONG YOU EVERY TIME - AND THEN LET PART OF THEM DESTROY THE OTHER HALF OF HIS OWN TEAM WITHOUT SEEMING TO CARE AT ALL - ALL THE WHILE USING THEM, TWISTING THEM, TAKING FROM THEM WHILE THEY CAN'T FIGHT BACK OR UNDERSTAND! IT IS A DIRTY GAME, READERS, AND YOU ARE IN IT! WELL, THE GREATEST JOY I HAVE IN A DAY OF YOUR COUNTING IS WHEN "I" PULL AWAY KEY PLAYERS FROM MY ENEMY! OH INDEED, I HAVE - AND DO; JUST STICK AROUND A WHILE LONGER.]

Bo has been noted to not remember people from one setting to another. This is simply his MPD. Bo has also been noted to speak differently at different places. In eastern U.S., Bo tells people he is a born-again Christian and that they should 'forget about your guns, just love the Lord Jesus Christ.' But in Utah, Bo Gritz speaks as if he were a die-hard Mormon. Bo Gritz has been teaching people self-defense training which he calls SPIKE training. However, at a SPIKE training around Oct., ‘93 Bo Gritz was teaching people how to break into all kinds of locks, and sold people illegal lock-smithing tools at a discount. What is behind this? Bo Gritz has been strongly denying to the people he leads that 'there is no such thing as black, unmarked helicopters, UN troops, handcuffs, shackles, and guillotines, or concentration camps.' These things do exist, a great deal of witnesses have reported these things.

Bo Gritz denies in his newsletter that he is a CIA agent. Linda Thompson and Bill Cooper, who are two people exposing the NWO, both claim to have proof that he is a CIA agent. I don't know that that is any secret. I heard Bo say on a radio interview here in Portland, "I am an intelligence agent." He has said it himself, at least one of his alters said it. When Bo gives a speaking engagement, people who attend have been video-taped. When asked about this Bo has told people not to worry about it.

Again, as a final note, I have learned about Bo Gritz from the best of sources. People simply need to be aware that a civil war is going on in the CIA, and some of the CIA are trying to dismantle the NWO from within. They know exactly what Bo Gritz is, and if you have read last issue of this newsletter or this issue, then you know too.


Well, I'm glad that there is no listing of this author's address, etc. I don't think we want to make his life any more miserable. I would still be most happy to share with ones such as this Springmeier, Thompson and yes, indeed, my old debate person, Bill Cooper. I can't say too much for George Green and his confrontation with Bill but I can promise him that Doris and E.J. Ekker are NOT "slimy little pukes" out to hurt, steal or damage him in any way whatsoever.

I would offer one more observation about Bo, however. He took the most insulting approach to my people in quoting the most stupid and garbage material from a set-up story by the Associated Press - and used it on his radio program. However, when an Associated Press series of articles about him were run - he was indignant and spent days on his radio talking about the controlled and lying media. To what type of article do I refer?

LOS ANGELES SENTINEL, Thursday, Feb. 24, 1994


PORTLAND, Ore. {AP)--Former presidential candidate James "Bo" Gritz is establishing a center for white supremacists in central Idaho, a human rights group said Friday.

Gritz and some ultra-conservative Christian leaders has purchased about 280 acres of land near Kamiah, Idaho, according to a report issued by the Coalition for Human Dignity. [H: This coalition involves several of the major players in the "Wolfgang" Project. His SPIKE training sessions involve one who offers "trusts" and yet has given information to the IRS, etc. It involves one who sets up his scheduling (or did do so) called Gary Anderson who used to SELL THESE TRUSTS and also set up a genuine Constitutional Law Centres Trust in the same building with the Constitutional Law Center and he and George Green managed to bypass the intended receiver with checks, etc., and directly deposited them into a bank in Colorado. George denies involvement even though the checks bear his name and signatures and involvement - along with Gary's. Some of the sidetracked money even came from the same beautiful person, Dave Overton of Texas, from whom George stole the $350,000 in gold coins. But no one in the Sheriffs Department - or in the court system, seems to think this is unusual - perhaps IT IS NOT UNUSUAL IN THEIR CIRCLES??

There may, further, be denial of the intent of the place in point here, in Idaho. I find it remarkable because the place is called, PER GRITZ, the CHRISTIAN COVENANT COMMUNITY.]

The land is held in trust by the Oregon-based Almost Heaven Properties and the Western Development Trust, headed by Jack McLamb, a former Arizona police officer and associate of Gritz, according to the report. Jonathan Mozzochi, the coalition's research director, said the move is 'perhaps the most significant development in the white supremacist movement in recent years.'

Efforts to reach Gritz, who reportedly has a home in Nevada, were unsuccessful.

Gritz ran an unsuccessful campaign for president in 1992. He also served as an intermediary in the surrender of white separatist Randy Weaver after a deadly firefight with U.S. marshals in northern Idaho in August 1992. Gritz conducts paramilitary training in Oregon called SPIKE sessions, or Specially Prepared Individuals for Key Events, the coalition said.

The training grew out of his role in the Weaver case, which ended in Weaver's acquittal last year on all charges related to the shootout and ensuing 11-day standoff.
The Scarring of the Brain Stem

Early on it was discovered that the brain would overcompensate for scarring on the brain stem. This is a principle similar to weight lifting. By tearing down the muscle fiber by overexertion, the body rebuilds the muscle stronger. By scarring the brain stem, it was discovered that geniuses who had photographic memories could be created. Brain stem scarring was used to create the whiz kids that the NWO needed to run their big computers. For instance, the computers that just NASA alone uses require people who can work in


It takes a good memory to remember computer languages and programming. These whiz kids, who were both programmed with Monarch programming and had their brain stems scarred can be seen in some of the University computer departments and the intelligence/military agencies’ computers rooms.

For instance, at Ft. Meade , the NSA has 2 buildings which contain a completely self-sufficient intelligence operation. (The complex has its own stores, bank, dry cleaning, dentistry, barber shop, PX, hospital, as well as the normal snackbars and cafeteria that Federal buildings often have.)

This complex which is internally guarded by cameras watching all the corridors, has several major computer rooms where whiz kids are employed. Movement by these whiz kids, requires that they have the proper I.D. attached to them. The CIA which has had an ongoing project to create them, has called them "Compu-kids." Some of the elevators are private and operate only with the proper key. The NSA’s computers participate in electronically watching the world. Another example of where compu-kids (slaves with scarred brain stems) work on big computers (incl. a Beast computer) is at Area 51 (Dreamland), NV.

The method of scarring the reticular formation of the brain stem is accomplished electronically. The RNA piles up and breaks the continuity of the signals coming through. Different people’s bodies are able to tolerate different levels of abuse. Many of the brain stem scarring victims die, or end up with a pseudo-Multiple Sclerosis. Many children are coming into hospitals and being misdiagnosed as having Multiple Sclerosis when in fact they are damaged from programming and brain stem scarring. If the victim is successfully given a photographic memory through their entire alter system due to brain stem scarring, then they are often programmed to see what are called "hieroglyphics" (that is the cover name) which is really just the ‘Intergalactic Language" that NASA developed in the 1960s and then turned around and used to program slaves with photographic memories. Under the cover of research projects like N67-3042 (17 p. 3022) "Language structure and message decoding for interplanetary decoding." in 1967 and N65-32284 20-3414 in 1965 entitled "Symbol science for communication language of humans, animals, and inanimate objects --application to mathematics, cybernetics, and automation."

The actual study no. or no.s for the Intergalactic Language is not known, but they should appear somewhere in the voluminous Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports that NASA puts out each year. The script of this language was shown in the beginning credits of the strange movie Lawnmower Man. Some of the symbols are similar to Ascii Computer language (which is a language that interfaces with many other computer languages, so that one language can be translated into another language.) The Monarch slaves are told that this is an alien language. This is the Way the Script of the Intergalactic Language Looks:


Another method that has also been used to enhance memory is hypnosis. Estabrooks was able in the 1930s to create Multiple personalities via hypnosis and get incredible mental feats accomplished by those parts which were asked under hypnosis to have photographic memories. Still another method is to place small transceivers into the head or body of the person. These implants have been attached in the neck or other places, and have been connected to various parts of the brain. They have literally created what the movies called "terminal man."

This has allowed special intelligence agents to be linked to large computers. The intelligence asset can get continuous information on anything the intelligence agencies have managed to get into their large computers. Brain implants can down load incredible amounts of information to the brain, however, the ability to use this information wisely is still a skill. Having a library of information available doesn’t necessarily mean a person is wiser. For more on slave-computer interfacing see the index for information on ALEX, Amalgamated Logarithmic Encrypted Transmissions, and UNIX systems which are used to tie the Monarch Mind to computers.

Drugs and torture are also used to enhance memory. Brain stem scarring is not the only method to enhance memory, but it has been a "highly successful" (if one doesn’t count all the ruined lives when it’s failed) good method. MPD also naturally increases the brain’s functioning several fold, and can help give photographic memories. In review, drugs, torture, hypnosis and MPD all work to enhance memory. Most slaves have some photographic memory capability. The most serious form of memory enhancement is brain stem scarring, which produces a strong system-wide photographic memory.

B. Split Brain Work

The brain is "bicameral" or two-sided. The two-sides (called hemispheres) communicate via a superpowerful connector called the corpus callosum. The left hemisphere is specialized in verbal-linguistic transduction of speech and analytical thinking (logic, math, cause & effect, language, & sequential thinking). The right side plays more of a role in holistic-metaphorical information transduction such as imagery (art, dance, intuition, subjective, spontaneous, holistic, & dream imagery). The primary role of creating imagery is carried out by the right side.

Roger Sperry, a neuroscientist won a Nobel Prize for feeding information to only one side of the brain, and also for feeding simultaneously both sides of the brain different information. His results showed that the two hemispheres could operate separately at the same time. We hate to rewrite history, but the work that won Sperry a Nobel Prize was being done to unwilling human victims before his publicly known experiments. Sperry’s research left people wondering if it wasn’t possible to have one personality located in one hemisphere, and another person in the other.

Psychologist Julian Jaynes wrote a book arguing that mankind used to have two personalities before the two hemispheres evolved an ability to integrate. (His book is The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind.) Before the public had heard about the ability of the two hemispheres to work independently, the Illuminati and MK-Ultra programmers were carrying out split brain programming, by two methods, 1. shutting down one side and communicating only with one side of the brain, and 2. by simultaneously feeding different information to each hemisphere. This is often down by the victim being locked in place with their eyes forced open, and different movies shown simultaneously to both eyes. This creates a form of split brain programming. High speed films will be shown with one hemisphere receiving horror scenes and the other getting family settings. This makes the two hemispheres work separately and the victim feel crazy. The mind feels ripped apart. One hemisphere is trying to dissociate and is having a miserable experience, while the other side is experiencing something just the opposite.

When high speed films are shown for split brain programming, the films are shown in 5 minute increments. Front alters may be shown good films to make them believe they live in a perfect world with a good family life. Right side satanic alters may receive horror films shown via the left eye. The right side of the brain doesn’t verbalize well, so this is one reason slaves have emotions without the ability to verbalize.

A possible third method is to use drugs that block the two hemispheres from communicating. A fourth method in split brain work is to speak into the left ear while giving the right ear confusing noise. This last method is sometimes done to force alters to concentrate when learning scripts. The split brain programming done by the Illuminati is grotesque. A drug is injected at the base of the skull into one hemisphere of the brain to shut it down, while the other hemisphere is kept awake. Torture is then carried out to split the mind. What this does is create programs and alters which are associated with only half of the brain. The brain is being further divided from itself.

Work is done by the Programmers to develop the thinking of alters from one side of the brain to think differently from those of the other side. Split brain programming is not just hypnosis, as some have been led to believe. Split brain programming provides the Programmers one way to keep the left hand from knowing what the right hand is doing. It also gives them the ability to put in body programs or memories which effect only half of the victim’s body.

When one hemisphere is dominating in what the brain is doing, the opposite nostril will open and take in air. When the right hemisphere is doing most of the thinking, the left nostril will be doing most of the breathing. Voluntary changes in nostril breathing can help shift the center of brain activity from one side of the brain to the other. When a person lays on his side, the downward side hemisphere will be activated, because the top nostril will breath best. The control of nasal breathing has been part of the Yogi’s art to achieve Samadhi.

The distinctions between the two hemispheres or two brains are used by the occult world. Moriah values the intuitiveness of the right hemisphere. As one Illuminati mind-control programmer said, "It’s the right brain that has an inbuilt propensity for accessing timelessness. There is bound to be some unconscious prompting therefore that alerts us to the imminence of forthcoming disaster, that is, if we are sufficiently sensitive to its message....unless we have the wisdom, the soul age, to affect the use of those additional facilities (to access right brain knowledge) we will find our intelligence sadly limited to the left brain logic of the material world."

While this book is not about occult philosophy, occult philosophy is part of the motivation behind some of the split brain work. In order for the Illuminati to create alters which are highly intuitive and which are able to access the higher demonic spheres, they need to shut down the logic hemisphere. When the left hemisphere is shut down, then the right brain (which controls the left hand and left side of the body, i.e. the left hand path) is able to function without competition. The victim must be able to get in touch fully with his or her intuitive side to go into the "spiritual dimensions" where demons exist. This is very nasty work, because this split brain work involves high level demonology. Most of the deeper Illuminati alters are right brain alters so that they will be very spiritually intuitive.

The Lesser Key of Solomon is an important teaching book of the Illuminati. It states, "An adept enters an abnormal plane and equips himself to ‘charge’ with magical energy the pentacle and talismans." The training that this takes is called "training of the higher will" and split brain programming is part of how it is accomplished.
Medical Technologies

Medical science has been probing the gray matter that makes up the human brain for several hundred years and they continue to probe it. With the use of various new techniques they can look inside the human brain in ways that were not available before. An enzyme called horseradish peroxidase (HRP) which serves as a marker or highlighter allows brain researchers to visually look at brain cells on functioning brains. Researchers such as Frank Putnam, at the National Institute of Mental Health, have taken PET scans of the brains of people with multiple personalities, whose brain scans from one alter personality to another are very different.

This doesn’t occur in non-multiple people who pretend to have different personalities. The brain scans have shown that brains with multiple personalities are physically different than other people’s brains. The different personalities are often in different neurophysiological states. Medical science has helped the programmers put people into different neurophysiological states for programming. Some of these states are dangerous unless trained medical personnel are available to insure the victim doesn’t die. Which, according to ex-Programmers, does happen anyway.

Medical science has identified glutamate which is an amino acid as an important neurotransmitter involved with memory storage. However, after countless tests and all types of research, we still do not know completely how the brain stores memory. However, the NWO’s Network understands far more than they have let the public learn.

Having Skilled Medical Lab Technicians

Having the medical know how doesn’t get the job done in itself. Obviously, the Network has needed to have both hospitals and trained medical personnel. Having skilled workers is part of the success of the Monarch Programming. For instance, the simple interpretation of Alpha BFT instruments, requires that the operator be able to understand what is background interference. Everywhere the instrument is located there is going to be some amount of background interference. Only the good operators can realize when a pseudo-alpha wave has been produced, perhaps from the child sweating in the location of the electrode, or hair movements, or eye blinks or twitching.

The Illuminati has their own midwifery training program, which will take teenage Monarch slaves and train them. They also begin training their people in programming and observation from infancy up. By the time they are an adult, the programming alters know programming as second nature. They have no shortages of doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, and other well educated people. If they have to save an important Monarch slave, they may fly in a specialist from wherever the right specialist is.

When it comes to research, some of it done by professionals who don’t realize how their research is going to be used. Many researchers are great on seeing detail, but not the bigger picture. They usually don’t realize how their research is going to be misused, and are very gullible people. The CIA finds that the researcher is quick to justify in his or her mind the moral value of the research they are doing.

Many members of the Illuminati are involved in secret genetic research. Having control over numerous big hospitals, is an important link in the ability of the Network to program so many people successfully. Medical personnel are participating in acts that help mind-control. One Christian nurse quit the University Hospital here, because newborns are secretly being given implants. A few years ago, it was discovered that The Upjohn, an American multinational company was involved in placing radiotransmitting material in with their liquid cortisone preparation Depomedrone, which created an implant when medical personnel put Depomedrone into their patients.

D. Histamines

Histamine is a chemical (a particular molecule) which the body uses to defend against alien cells. It also has the ability to lower blood pressure and to flare up the skin. The auditory sense can effect histamine production via programming. Histamine is a molecule which is part of the immune system. Changes in histamine levels effect moles. It effects skin changes in scars. This is how the abusers can magically make scars appear and disappear, which makes the programming seem even more real to alters. The abusers like to create invisible scars that form patterns and pictures. The most popular is the Baphomet head (which stands for Satan). Upon command they can trigger the skin to make these scars visible.

If one pricks someone’s skin with a needle having histamine on the tip, it will cause the skin to flare up red. Biofeedback has allowed people to mentally talk to their skin. Hypnosis has controlled people’s immune system. States of mind effect the immune system. Somehow a combination of these is used to allow the handler upon command to trigger the correct state of mind within the victim to increase histamine production within the skin area.

The bone marrow of the body produces stem cells. The stem cells are capable of growing into many different types of cells. First the stem cells grow into some basic different cells and those in turn grow some more and further differentiate. For instance, a stem cell can become a myeloid, which can become a polymorpho nuclear granulocyte which in turn can become a basophil or mast cell. Both basophils and mast cells are leukocytes and they are part of the body’s immune system. Both basophils and mast cells are carriers of histamine.

Histamine does several things in the body. Histamine causes dilation of blood vessels, and it allows blood vessels to become permeable (leaky so to speak) which allows other chemicals and fluid to go through the blood vessels into the area between cells and tissues. All CNS (Central Nervous System) cells of the body have receptors that the histamine can attach itself to like a ship docking. When cells are damaged, or alien cells enter the body, the basophils and mast cells release their histamine. For the body to have more histamine, it must increase the number of basophils and mast cells. This can be accomplished by changing the ratio of stem cells that develop into other types of cells. The core of the histamine molecule is an ethylamine. Antihistamines are molecules that resemble histamines enough that they can attach themselves to the histamine receptors on regular cells and prevent the histamine molecules from attaching. If the histamine molecules don’t attach, the body disposes of them. The point being that histamine remains in the skin only so long before the body disposes of it.

Histamine levels in the body can raise IF the cells which carry the histamine are increased. This is the Structure of a Histamine Molecule:


It is believed that breast implants have some kind of effect on raising histamine production levels in the body. Whether these breast implants are identical to what all breast implants are, or whether they have something special to agitate the body into higher immune cells’ production of the mast cell & basophils type is not known. However, there seems to be some relationship between the Network’s need to raise histamine production in their slaves, and the breast implants that they are putting in them. Putting the pieces together leads one to believe that the implants agitate the body’s immune system into raising the level of its histamine carrying cells.

A number of women who have gotten implants speak about an increase in allergies. The allergic reaction is caused by high levels of histamine. Whether this happens to some or many is not known at the time this is written. The three big Illuminati chemical companies are I.G. Farben, DuPont, and Dow Chemical. Dow Chemical began research with implanting silicon in 1956. After 35 years of studies in which they implanted thousands of various animals with silicon, the company knew exactly what silicon would do in the human body. The FDA had public hearings in 1992 where internal documents of the Dow Chemical Co. were released which showed that the company knew all along that their breast implants were very dangerous, years before they put them on the market. There is an incredible search going on for a anti-silicon antibody so that they can clean up the mess they have created in millions of people who have silicon implants. The immediate chest wall and area around the breast implant gets highly agitated. The silicon leaks through the membrane, and then causes great difficulties in the body. Many of the female Monarch slaves have received breast implants.

E. Body Programs

Researchers have come a long way toward understanding the mind. They have discovered, for instance, that under stress the brain will convert nerve signals into "messenger molecules" who then in turn direct the endocrine system to produce steroid hormones, that can reach the nucleus of various cells and cause them to change how the body’s genes are written out. These genes will then direct the cells as to how to make a variety of molecules which are used in growth, metabolism, sexuality, and the immune systems.

In other words, the mind can rewrite genetics. This was the secret that helped get the Monarch program off to its scientific foundation. Now the actual mechanics of this have been observed by researchers. One of the leaders in understanding the mind-body relationship was Franz Alexander. Black was one of the researchers into how hypnosis can be used to regulate the body and the body’s functions such as the immune system. Ken Bowers also worked in this area. Dr. S.M. Lambert of the Rockefeller Foundation studied how voodoo could cause death by creating certain thoughts in the mind. Most of the research in this area was monitored, if not sponsored by the Intelligence agencies under the auspices of the Illuminati.

The Hypothalamus bridges the mind and the body. It works as part of the Limbic-hypothalamic system. This system is a determining center for what state of mind the brain is placed in. The immune system communicates directly with the hypothalamus part of the brain with its own "messenger molecules" known as "immunotransmitters". This then is mind-brain link that the Monarch programmers have taken so much advantage of.

Barbara Brown, a physiologist at Veteran’s Administration Hospital (in Sepulveda) wrote a book New Mind, New Body. Barbara Brown’s research was government funded. Her book got the public interested in biofeedback. Because of repeated success at getting patients to control such things as their heartbeat, Dr. Brown is convinced that a person’s heart rate, breathing, muscle tension, glandular responses are all subject to a person’s will. Those who have worked with victims of U.S. government MK Ultra mind control know that what Dr. Brown writes is correct and was known years before she published her book. Biofeedback is now required training in some prisons for some inmates.

It is clear from the final results that Monarch slaves have programming which can carry out the following functions:

control the pulse rate and heart beat
control the body’s temperature
control the temperature of individual body parts or sides of the body--such as the right side of the body might get hot, and the left side of the body get ice cold. Fritz has observed this by touching the left and right sides of a victim who was burning hot on the right and ice cold on the left.

The secretions of various enzymes and histamine production has been trained into the victims and attached to various body programs to keep the slave in line. Histamine production appears to be regulated via surgery carried out on women’s breast. It appears, but hasn’t been confirmed that the surgery where breast implants are placed into female Monarch slaves plays some role in histamine production & programmed control.

allow the body to pretend that it is dead, when actually it is in an altered state similar to being comatose. The internal defenses consists in part of body programs that are triggered if the Mind-controlled slave steps out of line.

Here is a good list of some of these body programs:

Auditory problems, a Bone disorder, Blood flow/circulation, Coma (zombie death sleep which makes victim appear dead), Digestive failure, Headaches-split brain, Heart failure, Histamine production, Optic problems such as blindness, Respiratory failure, Sleep deprivation, Sleeping program, and Temperature change.

Body programs will be put in across the board for all alters. The same code will work for all alters when the internal programming alters want to trigger a body program. If a body program is placed into the slave it may be anchored to something, and that might be something as drastic as the heartbeat. One of the programs causes the victim to hear a heartbeat which is refrained in their minds as the "heartbeat of Satan."

Some of the body programs are carried out by creating an alter which has one mental state--such as an alter fragment which is burning or one that was created by ice torture. This alter or this feeling of being hot or cold is then attached to something in the mind. For instance, if the victim moves toward the world, a cold alter or a cold feeling of a memory is hypnotically programmed to come up behind the alter holding the body. Sometimes the sensation of burning can be eliminated by getting a firechild to back up from the front of the mind where another alter is holding the body.

Many feelings, body sensations, and drugged states are attached to programs. When the alter hits a stringer, he will go through a series of memories, false memories, hypnotic commands, and body sensations that have been attached together in stringers. The stringer type of programming is often put in to set in a front program which is to deceive an alter.

The abilities of the human brain to control the body have been seriously underrated by people. Bio-feedback researchers in the 1960s were surprised to find out that if a single nerve cell’s activity is placed upon a screen so that the subject can see its activity graphed, the subject will be able to mentally identify that cell apart from any other nerve fiber cell, and will be able to have voluntary control over that single cell apart from any other. Just to show how complex the body is, a single nerve fiber cell will have 600 connections. This mental feat is simply mind-boggling for researchers.

The Mar. 5, 1972 L.A. Times reported that patients were being taught how to alter their heart rate without drugs. This had already been happening within the Monarch Programming. The heart is controlled by the mind and works with the emotions of a person. There have been people who have literally died from a "broken heart." This is a historical fact. The Monarch programmers have long been taking advantage of the mind’s ability to control the heart’s beating. A tiny little bit of tissue not really visible to the visible eye called the sinus node, sends out electrical signals that regulate and initiate heart beats in an unbroken rhythm. The genetic code concerning the body’s metabolism and the genetic code for the sinus node somehow get the entire heart beat generator mechanism started.

Two areas of the brain control the changes in heart beats that the sinus node would make. The sinus node sends out the signals but it doesn’t change the rate. A very primitive part of the brain stem is one of the control areas, and the other control area along the spine. Both of these areas connect to the higher thinking areas of the brain. The three most frequent events that change heart beat are emotions, sicknesses, and muscle activity. Since the will influences emotions, the higher brain can control the heart beat and its pulse.

Alters are programmed so that they will trance out if anyone tries to prove to them that they have a heart--which they have been programmed to believe was taken away from them by the programmer. The occult world learned this ability from the Indian yogis who have been controlling their hearts for centuries. Some have even shown in the scientific laboratory that they can stop their hearts for up to 30 seconds. (See Green of Menninger Foundation’s work.) The yogi’s also developed the skill of changing their body temperatures. For instance, Swami Rama in the lab of Dr. Elmer Green could make one side of his palm hot and the other side of his palm cold simply by mental efforts.

This type of body control was learned by the Illuminati years ago, and has been applied to the Monarch programming to make the programming lies seem more real to the victim than the outside world. A Monarch slave can get cold on the left side and burn on the right side of his body. It has been well-documented that the mind can control the blood flow to various tissues and in this way change temperature in various different parts of the body. This was first reported to the public in 1978 (Barabasz & McGeorge). It appears that a combination of yogi type bio-feed back techniques along with classical behavior conditioning is able to account for some of the body programs in slaves.

Other body programs appear to be connected to the memories of alters. For instance, if the Programmer wants the body to burn--he has the System pull up an alter which was tortured with fire who comes up behind the alter holding the body, and the body then abreactes and feels like it is burning. As mentioned, one technique is the split-brain programming where the functioning of the two hemispheres of the brain are separated, which allows the patient to feel the "right hand path" and the "left hand path" separately. This type of programming is very powerful in making the programming script seem more real than outside reality.

High blood pressure or hypertension has been found to be largely a function of the mind. However, conventional medicine has ignored this for years, and has a large volume of confusing and misleading research to the opposite. Rather, than admit the cause, the medical establishment has labelled the largest percentage of hypertension cases as "essential" or "idiopathic" which are labels to cover up that they don’t know (or refuse to recognize) the cause of the high blood pressure.

At any rate the cardiovascular systems (heart and blood vessels, etc.) is so complex that it has been very difficult for researchers to get a grasp on many issues involved in blood pressure such as the release of hormones into the blood, and the result of long term stress on the cardiovascular system. When tests show that the stress of unemployment increases high blood pressure problems among men, it would seem that the medical establishment would begin to see the link that the mind has with controlling blood pressure. Again bio-feedback and classic conditioning have been successfully used to radically change a subject’s blood pressure. This along with the ability to go into deep trances, are abilities that the Monarch slave is programmed to have to control their blood pressure. Again the question may be, why would they condition a slave this way? Because, if the Master can call out a hypnotic trigger and change the slave’s heart beat and blood pressure, does the reader see how "puppet-like" the slave feels? The slave’s mind and body are literally owned by the master. The slave is not even allowed to control his own body. This is what total mind control is all about.

The medical profession uses the term "pathways" to describe the ways the mind creates biochemical and physiological changes. In other words, how does the mind consciously decide to change its body? When medical researchers began to understand how the two hemispheres worked, they began to understand better how to facilitate mind-to-body communication so that they could program the slave’s mind to control its body.

One of the better books on this subject is The Psychobiology of Mind-Body Healing by Ernest Lawrence Rossi. Rossi and Erickson devised a three-stage approach to accessing the person’s inner resources for therapy. This type of hypnotic-induced healing is a clue to part of how the Body programs are structured in for body control by the programming. What some use for good, is used by others for evil. During the hypnotic work, Rossi uses what is called the "inner mind" of the person.

For instance, to get a person to stop bleeding indirect hypnotic suggestions are made in the following 3 stages,

a. a time-binding introduction of "Why don’t you stop bleeding? Now!"

b. there is an accessing of state dependent unconscious processes that can control the bleeding, and

c. there is a response by the person which ratifies that the inner process of stopping the bleeding has actually happened.

The hypothalamus is a very small part of the brain. It is only the size of a pea, but it contains an immense amount of important tissues which control all types of inner activities of the body, including the endocrine, the immune, the neuropeptide and automatic systems. It is this area of the brain which is manipulated by hypnosis. The limbic-hypothalamic system is in a constant process of shifting what state of mind the brain is in.

There are numerous unconscious and conscious states that can be shifted to. These are labeled "psycho-neuro-physiological states" because researchers now realize how a state involves the entire person. All learning is associated and depends upon the state it was learned in! A new sense organ was discovered, and US. News & World Report, July 19, 1993, p. 61 reported on it. We do not know when this tiny sense organ, which is located in the nasal cavity, was discovered by the people doing mind-control, but it is already being exploited. This organ responds to chemicals called pheromones, which play an important role in human emotions, such as fear, hunger and love.

Human skin gives off odorless pheromones which other people can detect. Basic human drives are controlled by Pheromones. Endorfin is a peptide, of which at least 50 have been charted. By manipulating these chemicals, people can be biochemically put into a different state of mind, and victims have been manipulated by these chemicals. These chemicals are being used in conjunction with Virtual Reality to control slaves’ minds. In the March-April ‘94 edition of The Futurist the author Glenn F. Cartwright, of McGill University announces in his article "Virtual or Real? The Mind in Cyberspace", "Strangely, the developers of virtual reality seem largely unconcerned by the possible dangers inherent in launching individuals into another reality." This is because Virtual Reality is being developed as another tool of mind-control. Computers can dynamically control and synchronize all that needs to be coordinated to give someone a virtual reality experience. The researchers/programmers are trying to immerse as many of the victim’s senses into their virtual reality trip as possible. It becomes almost impossible to distinguish reality from the trip for the victim of this type of programming. McGill University, Dr. White (Cameron’s) old stomping grounds did some virtual reality research.

People are now getting involved with what is called MUDs (multi-user dungeons) where a person via virtual reality can create a parallel life. Some people are spending up to 120 hours a week immersed in their virtual reality second life. In 1992, Internet had 207 such games. Now the programmed slave only needs to hook into Internet to be programmed. Cartwright’s article warns that a person’s ego-center can be projected somewhere else via virtual reality, which destabilizes one’s actual understanding of where their own identity is. He also warns that Virtual reality will create other personalities. He writes on page 24, "Multiple Identities. If it is possible in virtual reality or cyberspace to enter an altered state, become disembodied, swap genders, create a virtual ego-center, decenter the self, and assume a different identity, then it may also be possible to assume more than one identity at the same time. In this context, the exponential increase in multiple-personality disorders in recent decades may be of more than just passing interest .... having multiple, serial, and simultaneous personae in cyberspace may not only be possible, but may even be encouraged as a part of interacting with others.’’ Virtual reality via the computer Internet has now become another tool of the Programmers.

Music Dissociated tones, beats and music may accompany hypnotic induction drugs. Pulsing beating sounds in the ears can change the brain’s waves. It is no secret that music will put someone into an altered state. Music will change moods, heart rate, and even one’s state of consciousness. In a home church setting, that Fritz participated in, the question was asked of a group what they do to overcome depression. Everyone present listed "listen to music" as one of the things they do to overcome depression.

Sound will change body chemistry, blood pressure, breathing and digestion. (See Jacobson, Steven. "Media Mind Control", Media Bypass, Sept. ‘95, pg. 50). To quote Jacobson, "Fast music will speed up the nervous system while slow music will slow it down. Sounds vibrate in different parts of the body. Low tones will vibrate in the higher portions and on into the head. Much of today’s popular rock music is built around a heavy bass pattern louder than the melody. These low-frequency vibrations reverberate in the lower parts of the body so that the music ‘feels’ good. These loud, low-frequency vibrations and the driving beat of most rock music affect the pituitary gland, which controls male and female responses.

The repeating sound pattern induces the hypnotic state of mind that is similar to day dreaming, thus clearing the mind of all thought so that the message can be implanted in the unconscious without resistance. " It is important to note that the lyrics of many rock songs are not clearly distinguishable consciously. When you do not hear the message clearly, you cannot make the conscious choice to accept or reject it. When you cannot make that choice or when that choice is taken away from you, the message is programmed directly to the subconscious, thus circumventing analysis and choice in accepting the content of the message.

Sixties rock superstar Jimi Hendrix said: ‘You can hypnotize people with music, and when you get them at their weakest point, you can preach into their subconscious whatever you want to say.’" Long term exposure to the heavy metal themes of sadomasochism, satanism, suicide and drug abuse can only have a negative influence on the minds of the listener. Today’s generation of children are being raised on this type of music. Many of the big rock bands consist of satanists. This statement isn’t made flippantly, but from having learned from many witnesses of the rituals these Satanic bands participate in. Some of these satanists, as the reader can already guess, are programmed multiples. For those programmed multiples who participate in heavy rock music, they are simply adding one more type of bondage and mind-control to their already long list. The spiritual damage done by rock music will be briefly addressed later in Chapter 10.

Programming Damage to the Body

Many of the body programs that activate via trigger codes are simply memories of severe torture. For instance, the victim might be placed naked on a block of ice, which contains the body of a frozen person. (This is a common trauma used in programming.) When this memory is triggered, via an alter or alter fragment, the victim’s body abreacts and gets very cold.

Another common torture is to stick a ureteric catheter up the external urethral orifice (whose channel is called the urethra). This is painful. Then the urinary bladder is filled so that the victim is in extreme pain, and is made to hold their bladder in silence. This torture to the body is painful. But the long term effects of this torture, which is done repeatedly to slaves to teach obedience, is to seriously damage their urinary bladders. The abreaction of memories of this help blackmail alters into obedience. The body of many slaves are only kept functioning, because they are given repeated surgery by doctors working under the auspices of the Illuminati. These doctors can be trusted on to keep quiet about the abused bodies they have to keep fixing.

It was mentioned in chapt. 2 that some people suffering from autism are failures in mind control programming. We know of one case where a brilliant autistic teenager who’d not talked during childhood began talking, and shocked his parents because he began talking about his spirit guides (see Chapter 10 on spirit guides.) Some people diagnosed as MS are really failures of the mind control’s brain stem scarring. Many hundreds of women w/ breast implants are coming down w/ symptoms that look like MS & Lupus. This may be because part of the women w/ implants are programmed multiples. Another disease that is believed by some to be caused by programming failures is lupus (aka lupus erythematosus or systemic lupus erythematosus). Establishment medical science claims that the cause of lupus is unknown. Modem Maturity (Ap/My ‘93) & Nations Business (May ‘93) are examples of magazines that have run articles about Lupus. Ronald I. Carr and the Lupus Foundation of America put out a handbook on the disease in 1986. The director of the Lupus Foundation has been an Illuminati programmed multiple.

The effects of the programming are not just in the mind. It has been scientifically shown that the torture memories are enbedded in the cells of the body. In fact, the Illuminati intentionally wants the body injured by trauma pains & trauma memories, because they want to prevent the possibilities of the sanctification of the body such as written about in 2 TM 2:2 1. Also, the Programmers intentionally & zealously prevent the deeper alters from wanting to love as 1 COR 13 describes.

Physical Aspects of the Human Brain

Neurobiologists and chemists have learned a great deal about the physical aspects of the brain. One has to be careful about simplification. The concept of the split brain has been over simplified, because the best researchers on the two hemispheres know that there is constant interplay between the brain’s two halves--unless the Illuminati have tampered with someone’s brain.

The split brain concept has been replaced with the Penta-Brain (something akin to a pentagram). The Penta-Brain takes the triune-concept of the brain conceived by brain scientist Paul MacClean and adds it to the split brain hemispheres and the duality of the frontal-posterior dimension also. In this process, "mammalian" & "reptilian" brains (those parts of our brains that mammals & reptiles also have) are accessed and worked on in people. The best description read by co-author Fritz of the intricate chemical changes that happen during Learning and Memory is a Special Report entitled "The Chemistry of Learning and Memory" Chemical & Engineering News, Oct. 7, 1991, pp. 24-4 1, by Karen J. Skinner, Yale Chemistry Ph.D. in ‘73, Masters from Kennedy School of Govt., Harvard. This is a very technical report.

The programmers do not learn this material, but those who want to understand the nitty-gritty molecular-biology of how the complex memory processes work in the mind might want to try to study the report. In very basic terms, what it is communicating is: Neurons (nerve cells--of which the brain has 10 billion) meet each other at junctions (gaps) called synapses. At the synapses (gaps), neurotransmitters allow them to communicate. There are 60 trillion synapses. As a person gathers information, the brain changes the synapses, in a sense rewires itself. Part of memory is how the brain "rewires" itself, to use a layman’s term.

Genetics have an important role in the initial hardwiring of the brain. Genetics also determine receptor diversity (at the synapses) which relates directly to learning & memory because it increases the ways neurons can perceive, process and recall information. The Hippocampus has been found to play a role in long term memory storage. The Hippocampus stores memory in the cortex to be encoded into long term memory.

Numerous areas of the brain are busy with processing only one type of memory. In a macaque monkey, around two dozen distinct visual areas of the brain for memory storage have been discovered. In other reports, it has come out that memory is stored holographically. German researchers have been trying to figure out at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research at Frankfurt, Germany what mechanism is used to bind the many various parts of information stored into a coherent recollection.

The point that should be made at this point, is that an alter does not exist in one spot in the mind. The mind perceives that an alter does, but an alter in terms of physical change in the brain is actually a multitude of synaptic changes scattered throughout the brain. The brain's concept/image of an alter and the dissociated state can be played with by the programmers, but they really don’t kill alters like they pretend to do during programming. Alters can’t be "killed" in the mind. As the mind consolidates info, it fires neurons in harmony (in phase) called a "binding" process. Perceptions which are not memories are initiated this way. It is these perceptions that exist without memories that are so important to the programmers. Some have called these perceptions "global unity" of the brain. These are in phase frequencies from 40 to 70 Hz.

NMDA receptors can perceive patterned firings from nerve cells that are active at the same time, which allows the brain to strengthen some synapses and let others grow weaker. Synaptic efficacy is called LTP. Interested readers can study LTP’s molecular mechanism, etc. in Karen Skinner’s Report.

Changing subjects slightly, let’s discuss how Moriah fertilizes two zygotes and intentionally kills one of the twins in the womb. Studies have shown that in cases where one twin dies in the womb, the other twin usually tries to lead two lives. This has nothing to do with DID (MPD), except that the surviving twin will later be made into a programmed multiple. The Illuminati doctors have perfected a method to kill a developing twin so that the other engulfs it in the womb. This is skillfully done, and creates some interesting mental changes in the survivor. Moriah also believes that it endows the survivor with twice the spiritual power.
Genetic Engineering to Create Programmed Assassins

This next section is somewhat of an appendix to this chapter. Readers may want to skip it, if readers are only wanting to just learn HOW the mind-control is done. However, we felt that since genetic engineering went hand-in-hand with Moriah’s mind-control that a look at one specific type of military mind-control model would be worthwhile for some readers.

An example of how genetic engineering is couple with the trauma-based mind-control is Amphibious Man, a particular top secret model of Monarch slave. The following section is taken from an earlier article by Fritz on this. As far as we know, this was the first and only article ever written on the subject (not counting classified secret documents). When the public saw the British Royal Navy locate the sunken Lusitania in 1935 using the Iron Man Diving Suit, the British Royal Navy told the public that it had no interest and no use for the suit. The Royal Navy lied about the Iron Man Diving Suit that, "no use could be made of it as the Navy [had] no requirements for deep diving." The Royal Navy had no use for deep diving! Do you swallow that? That’s a bold enough lie to drown on. They had just used it to locate the Lusitania!

The lesson here is that when the World Order is using a particular advanced technology, they will tell the public that they have no interest in it. The British, American and German navies continued after W.W.I to do research beyond what the public knew they were interested in. While the public thought that Aquaman was simply a comic idea--the research went on to develop the ability for humans to swim like fish. When the World Order has discovered a technological breakthrough they pretend that they are still researching the basic concept. Often they prepare the public for their inventions via science fiction novels and movies. The reasons include their need to avoid the future shock that can incapacitate a people.

If the reader has gone fishing, she or he may be familiar with how fish can breathe in the air, they don’t die automatically. They have gills which are designed to take oxygen from water, but their gills do absorb some oxygen from the air, enough to keep them alive on land for a while, so that if they are left on the bank after being caught they may jump back into the water and escape. Likewise, people don’t automatically die from drowning. Near drown victims have been recovered after 40 minutes of being immersed in cold water. However, normal humans do not survive breathing water as well as fish breathe air. There are some animals though which can breathe both air and water, amphibians.

Over the years, the New World Order has secretly developed the ability to create a subspecies of people who can swim and breathe water. Recently, the Oregonian newspaper (July 28, 1995) Arts & Entertainment Guide, p. 22, ran an article entitled "Brave New Waterworld". This is an example of a fictional supposedly futuristic setting for a movie about a technology they already possess. The movie Waterworld is the most expensive film made recently. It is estimated that it cost between $140 million to $200 million to make it. One of the main characters in the movie is Mariner, who is a human who has been genetically changed to have gills behind his ears. As mentioned already, they use movies like this to convince people that their present technology is only something of the future, while still preparing people mentally to accept it. That way the culture is not overwhelmed if they encounter the technology in the near future.

When secret researchers discovered that a particular chemical(s) added to the bloodstream would enable the human lungs to take oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from water, they had the ability to have men swim in water like fish without scuba gear. Now they needed to cover their tracks, so National Geographic Society (which has great respectability in the public’s eye) has written about experiments to find a way for men to breathe water. In the National Geographic book Exploring the Deep Frontier The Adventure of Man in the Sea, published in 1980, they show a GE experiment on pg. 248. The picture’s caption reads, "To dive like a whale and breathe like a fish: Scientists search for ways to increase man’s freedom and range in the sea. In a tank at a General Electric research laboratory (right) fish swim past a parakeet separated from their watery world by a transparent membrane. Watertight but porous, the membrane allows oxygen and carbon dioxide to pass in and out. Equipped with artificial gills, man may one day breathe liquid while diving."

The example here is that they cover their tracks when they make a discovery by setting up experiments that are allowed to be published that make it look like they are only beginning to understand the subject. Bear in mind, the Allies captured secret Nazi German records, and the Germans did not research using parrots--they used live but expendable people. The Nazis were not above injecting drugs that induce respiratory paralysis or other responses and testing how the person’s body would respond to drowning. I would suggest that they analyzed 02 contents in the human guinea pigs with mass spectrometers. The paperwork of the secret Nazi research projects that the Navy confiscated at the end of W.W. II, would provide a better picture of what was researched and discovered.

The National Geographic article admitted that they had a membrane through which a parrot could get oxygen via the water around it. Now, logic would tell you that if they have a membrane that will allow a parrot to breathe surrounded by water that the technical difficulties of adapting this to a person can be easily overcome--so the concept of gills for people is quite achievable--however, the ability for humans to directly breathe from water is already achievable due to some other advances they have already used secretly for years. In order to capitalize on their discovery of how to create Amphibious Man, military minds in the Illuminati went to work trying to think up schemes on how to use men who can swim like fish to their own evil advantages. Here is a discovery that could benefit mankind and yet they are thinking of ways to use it for evil.

They basically realized that amphibious man could be used like a glorified Seal team. Seal teams are the navy’s semi-secret group of well-trained men, who do primarily land operations after swimming ashore. Monarch slaves are being used in the Seal teams. The Seal teams are being secretly used to carry out assassinations, such as recently they were used to assassinate people in Iraq. They are trained in the ability to land and disguise themselves as natives and carry out illegal assassination work during times of peace. For missions like this only programmed slaves will work, because they need to erase their memories.

Seal teams are located around the world, especially in the San Diego HO area. The Seals were originally given dolphins to train and communicate with via clickers but these were turned over the EOD (the navy’s ordinance group) so that the dolphins can be used to disarm mine fields or carry explosives. The comic book scenario of Aquaman with dolphins is not fiction anymore. The Seals use SDV (Deep Vehicles) which are tight fitting 4-person minisubs to submerge deep into the water, before swimming with gear. The name which is being used world-wide by people familiar with the concept of men swimming like fish is "amphibious man".

There are groups secretly world-wide working on the use of this new sub-species of man. They are genetically trying to engineer new skin and other parts of the human body to make people more suitable for living underwater. In line with this, men, like Frenchman Jacques Rougerie, have been designing and building Aqua-cities so that people could live underwater and have industry such as fish farming to sustain themselves economically. Special "geothermal" generators would help generate heat for the Aqua-cities. Amphibious man is alive and well today.

Understand that the people who are being genetically engineered by the Illuminati are also being raised under their mind-control. The structures of their alter systems are very complex on Amphibious Man models, because so much secrecy is riding on these slaves. The internal systems of these slaves are booby trapped every which way so that no tampering can be attempted, plus the design work on these Systems is some of the best. Things are tied together like a jigsaw puzzle. Fritz’s Summer ‘95 newsletter, revealed for the first time that today, there are genetically engineered Amphibious men who are able to swim underwater without air tanks.

There were a number of difficulties that the elite’s scientists had to overcome to create Amphibious man. Scientists had the benefit of being able to make lots of comparisons - between various animals. Some animals can use water, some water and air, and some just air. There are many other comparisons that have been used in underwater research. In almost every physical aspect related to animals living underwater there are differences between various animals which can be compared so that the technical feature which allows one animal to do something underwater that another species can’t can be identified. Once the feature is identified, then research can begin on how to obtain this feature for human swimmers.

For instance, one type of snake (the pelagic yellow-bellied sea snake) which breathes air, can under optimum conditions stay underwater indefinitely. Turtles have an incredible tolerance for anoxia, in comparison to other reptiles, which go underwater. And sea turtles have the best tolerance of all the various turtles. This is the type of difference that lends itself to comparison research. Underwater comparison research had already begun clear back in 1869, when Paul Bert examined the differences between domestic chickens and mallard ducks. Doing comparisons it is easy to find out that birds and mammals which dive have greater storage in their bodies for 02 than humans.

The Japanese Ama divers were studied in the early 1930s by German underwater researchers. However, the public has been told that very little research in this area occurred until the 1960s. Kooyman, Gerald L. Diverse Divers Physiology and Behavior. Berlin, Ger.: Springer-Verlag, 1989, p. 33 states, "Little further experimental work was done on the subject of gas exchange in human breath-hold divers until the early 1960s." Can you believe that the British, Germans and Americans didn’t research such an important underwater subject for 30 years? Yes, they did continue frantic secret research, and they eventually learned how to solve a number of undersea problems facing humans.

First, the regulation of respiration is carried out by what is called the Chemoreceptors which are carotid and aortic bodies which detect the changes in the partial pressures of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. The CO2 break point mechanism is sensitive to a number of phenomena, which can prevent it from protecting a person. When a person breaths, he has an ingassing and an outgassing of oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and other gasses. The levels of each of these gasses and their nature are important factors in how a person’s body underwater functions or dies. If the level of CO2 gets too high, the person can become unconscious. The human circulatory system has to be changed to be able to adapt to the ocean environment.

In dealing with men swimming underwater all the laws of gasses that regular divers have to deal with still apply to Amphibious Man--such as Amonoton’s law, Boyle’s Law, Charles Law, Henry’s Law, and Haldanian’s Theory on gas absorption and elimination by body tissues. Blood glucose is the only source for carbon when humans dive, which forces muscles to rely primarily on anaerobic glycolysis. This means that oxygen depletion is not the only major problem for those who hold their breath and swim. Blood glucose levels must be attained for underwater swimmers that will sustain activity. Breathing water must assure the proper functioning of the circulatory system. The high salinity of sea water causes hypertonic reactions in the lungs. Fresh water has too little salt in relation to the human blood & it causes hypotonic reactions. Either way, the water (either fresh or salt) causes the alveolar tissue to damage and the body begins leaking proteins out of the mouth.

Secret naval intelligence researchers tied to the Illuminati studied what happens underwater to the heart rate, cardiac output and stroke volume, blood pressure and flow, the various important organs and the human brain, the muscles and bones and venous circulation, the hemoglobin affinity for 02, the effect of being submersed on blood gases, how oxygen is stored, and how hemoglobin concentrates in the body.

Another advancement was to discover how to manipulate the genetic codes for the growth of skin, so that very dense skin could be created. The genetics for all types of animals have been spliced and diced and all of weird humans and creatures have been created. Many are freaks and serve the NWO no benefit. One of the big underground facilities for genetic research is Area 51, which is also close to San Diego, where the Seal Teams are HO.

Area 51 is also an important mind control programming center. Fritz’s June-July-August Newsletter ‘95 further discussed the underwater bases, underwater supply depots, underwater mining research, undersea warfare systems, Tektite II, the mind-control research during the Consheif underwater living experiment, the U.S. Navy underwater research ship the Eagle, Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Physiological Research Laboratory for Naval Intelligence use, underwater research by Rothschild and Bowers, Remote Controlled Vehicles (RCVs), & CURV (cable-controlled Underwater Recovery Vehicle), and special underwater tools such as the hydraulic underwater saw.
Teaching Occult Philosophies

Learning plays an important part in perception. The Programmers try to get their victims to subscribe to philosophies and ideas that will make it hard for them to rebel against their controllers. This is what is termed indoctrination. The same methods of teaching that others find useful are employed. Ways of thinking are incorporated by the slave via handlers, programmers, and the cult they belong to.

Everyone tries in their own way to make sense of life. This is a natural brain function, so that the human mind can understand how to deal with the future. The mind takes raw data, and then applies some type of logic, and comes to conclusions. Once accepted these conclusions can be as hard as nails, and they will defy any attempt to change them, even in the light of new evidence. If the Programmer is smart enough, he can get an alter to logically believe anything. Once the belief is embedded, it will remain there tenaciously.

In the Illuminati, "great" masters and adepts teach "hidden mysteries". The slave feels the authority that emanates from this teacher with special gifts and abilities. The slave is hardly in a position to question the teachings being given from on high. Circular reasoning, lies, and other tricks are used to convince the person that the occult world is true. For instance, "God abandoned you, therefore you need to cling to us, the only ones who would see any use in you." (The truth is that the cult staged a crisis where their actor playing God abandoned the child to the cult’s abusiveness. The whole event was simply cult abuse--with God taking the blame.)

"We are trying to fashion a better man, a man with far more capabilities than before, with better genetics. Those who oppose us, are trying to keep humankind back in the dark ages." This is circular reasoning and outright lies. (They are not interested in helping mankind, only destroying it.)

To make occult philosophies more palatable, the occult world attacks the character of anyone whose life would dispute their false claims. They also use a great deal of rationalization, where the end justifies the means. Many slaves have had to sit and listen to their masters rationalize their brutality.

Within the Illuminati, ranks are achieved with much learning and ritual. Within the Temple of Set , a member is required to read certain books. Fritz, the co-author has a list of books a Temple of Set member is asked to read, with the comments attached by the Temple of Set to each suggested title.

In their suggested/required reading Category 19 entitled "The Metamind" is Metropolis by Thea von Harbou. Their comments are "An Expressionistic portrait of a negative utopia in which humans are controlled by machines.. .the basis for many electronic/audio-visual ritual techniques employed by the Church of Satan and further developed by the Temple of Set ." (p. C21-2)

Another is Physical Control of the Mind: Towards a Psychocivilized Society by Jose M.R. Delgado. Their comments, "Delgado, Professor of Physiology at Yale University , is one of the most distinguished authorities in the field of Electrical/chemical Stimulation of the Brain (ESB). This book is necessarily dated, but it is so well-written that it deserves to be perused as a preface to more recent works on the subject." (p.C-16?-2)

The Psychology of Anomalous Experience by Graham Reed. Their comments, "This book addresses unusual, irregular, and puzzling experiences- dejà vu, illusions, delusions, hallucinations, etc.-in terms of the mind’s normal psychological processes of gathering, monitoring, processing, and storing information." (ibid.)

This is just a brief look to illustrate to the reader that leaders of groups like the Temple of Set are avid students of mind-control. (An almost complete membership list of this group at one point in time, is provided in Appendix A.) The librarian of the Multnomah County Detention Ctr. shared with co-author Fritz that Sheila, formerly second-in-command of the Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh’s commune at Antelope, OR studied, via jail/prison interlibrary loan, books on Hitler’s mind-control techniques.

Many other examples could be given of how mind-control is being studied and taught by these groups. One more book on the Temple of Set ’s reading list would be worthy to point out, The Psychology of Man’s Possible Evolution by Peter D. Ouspensky. Their comments, "Should be read especially by those members whose magical ability is hampered by flaws in their balance factor....A series of lectures which explain the Gurdjieff approach to the concept better than G. himself was able to do."

There is an important link between Gurdjieff, mind-control, MPD, etc. but the subject is big and needs to be further investigated. Co-author Fritz has been investigating this link, including talking with leaders of the most successful Gurdjieff commune. As with so many groups, what you see, is not what you get.

Teaching The Ideologies Of War

One of the ways to control a person is to get them angry and then channel that hate. Wars have been used for centuries by the oligarchies that run things to control their people. Right now, the New World Order is carrying out a Drug War, an Environmental War, and a Bosnian conflict for the express purpose in their own plans to control us. They have a mock-alien invasion planned to further justify more control over our lives.

Over the years mankind has created an entire industry around warfare. There are long traditions within military units, that for some reason must be "upheld" by the men who serve in those units. When people buy into the philosophies of war, they can generally be persuaded to give up or do anything to contribute to that war. After all, any sacrifice will be minor compare to the large numbers of bodies that will end up dead.

One of the large purposes of the Monarch type of trauma-based mind-control is to produce robotic soldiers who will do anything. Normal military training is usually sufficient for most military needs, so it is clear that Monarch slaves have some ulterior uses that the military doesn’t want the public to know about.

Various Delta Forces

The military as well as other groups have created numerous delta teams, delta forces, delta groups etc.

Delta Assassination Teams

These teams are projects that the Satanic Hierarchy and the CIA collaborated together on. The programming that was placed into people was ingenious and very complex. As the program progressed over the years, the programming became more sophisticated and past mistakes were improved upon. The Delta Teams were programmed to carry out various assignments such as political assassinations. The members of these teams are housewives and other ordinary people who were programmed years ago.

The Delta Teams are part of the CIA’s psychic warfare bag of tricks. The CIA works so closely with the military that the Delta Force is easily expected to be tied in with the CIA & U.S. intelligence.

Delta Force

The system tapped Frank Burns to create the Delta Force. Frank Burns was a Green Beret. What kind of things did Frank get involved with AFTER joining the military? Hold on. Frank Burns was an SDS (Students for a Democratic Society--an Illuminati organization) organizer. He was also deep into Zen Buddhism, which is the same as mysticism. Frank Burns as an officer also studied under the Esalen Institute. The Esalen Institute is at Big Sur , California and is the American equivalent of the infamous Tavistock Institute. The Esalen Institute created "sensitivity training" programs for the business world under the title "Organizational Development (OD). Esalen people were brought in to Fort Ord where Frank Burns was the commander and began training people. The army promoted Burns to work in the Chief of Staffs office as a "senior organizational effectiveness consultant", which allowed Burns to introduce Esalen programs all through the army. This could not have accidentally happened.

Frank Burns in a conversation with a two-star General about the need for "wholistic" soldiers coined the slogan "Be all that you can be in the army." Burns phraseology began the army’s recruiting slogan. It refers to the Human Potential Movement that the army has incorporated from the New Age movement. The army is moving toward becoming an occult fighting force that practices witchcraft with its warfare. Some of the units moving that direction are Psy-Op operations, which has included Satanists within its officers.

The Delta Force network of various Generals and other high ranking officers is merely one facet of the drive by the Illuminati to transform the American army into something akin to occultic warriors that will be as fierce as the Nazi Death head units. Bear in mind that George Bush, commander-in-chief of Burn’s Armed Forces has come from an Illuminati family/ & the Ill. Skull & Bones chapter that was part of the secret support for Hitler. They have been using as an insignia what they themselves (the Skull & Boners) call "the Death Head".

It is not surprising then that support for the Delta Team activities has come from the very top. Frank Burns set out to create a warrior monk. Lt. Col. Jim Channon, in Delta Forces, also put forward the idea. Channon visited more than 130 New Age groups in California doing what was called "social experimentation." It is an idea that the occult have repeatedly carried out.

Hitler’s S.S. were a special elite group of warrior monks from which about 3,000 went through religious initiations. (As the war progressed the primary focus of the S.S. shifted from being the Black Order to merely being a reliable military group called the Waffen SS.) There were 3 levels of initiation, the last reserved for the hard-core Satanists at the top. The Nazi initiation seems to have been an attempt to get the force of the Vril.

The Ordensburgen (Castles of the Order) were training centers for the elite Nazis, including the S.S. (Having been in the military, I know first hand that the success of the S.S. and Waffen S.S. units in being fierce warriors is attributed by some of our leading military men to their training to be warrior-monks.) One group of the S.S. called Knights of Poseidon volunteered themselves for castration, in an experiment to change them back to the supermen of the mythical and magical Hyperborea. Some of the best Sufi organizations were warrior monks.

Burns and his Task Force Delta generated the First Earth Battalion, which is an occult military unit trained in martial arts, and witchcraft. Men who are selected for First Earth Battalion are given an occult initiation which includes the following oath: "I have the capacity and therefore the duty to contribute to the development of myself, my associates, and our planet, simultaneously now! I take personal responsibility for generating evolutionary conspiracies as a regular part of my work. I will select and create conspiratorial mechanisms that are not costly in time or resources because I am aware of the five channels available to me (such as radio, television, and word of mouth.) I will organize a self-supporting high commando group that will create and perform evolutionary breakthrough actions on behalf of people and planet. One people, one planet. I will then pass this concept on to others who are capable of generating further self-organizing commando teams.’’

What ever happened to defending this nation? Military units such as the First Earth Battalion although they are supported by American tax dollars are not here to protect America. They are global minded. They are here to protect an occult world government. They are out there actively promoting the New World Order.

Several years ago, Egendorf states that $4.5 million (which came from you and I, and other Americans) had already been spent on Delta Force’s 80 different projects.

The Green Berets is another organization that has been heavily targeted by the Satanists, to indoctrinate and recruit. The Green Berets are increasingly moving toward being warrior-monk group. Many of them are now programmed multiples. One man who is being looked up to by many American Patriots and Christian Patriots as the leader to help them oppose the New World Order is Bo Gritz.

He was a recent presidential candidate. Bo Gritz was a Green Beret and a Delta Force commander. Bo Gritz is very proud of the fact that he wrote the manual for the Delta Forces. He also worked for the CIA. Bo Gritz is one of the military’s best programmed multiples, and perhaps one of the most dangerous. Insiders have told me he IS the most dangerous. Numerous insiders both for and against Bo, have talked about Bo Gritz, and that he is a programmed multiple.

According to Bo Gritz’s campaign literature for President he was a commander in Delta Forces. Reproduced on a previous page is Bo’s own presidential campaign literature where he states that he is "Intelligence Officer & Reconnaissance Chief, Delta Force." He is also "Chief, Special Activities, U.S. Army General Staff, the Pentagon" and "Principle Agent, National Security Council, Intelligence Support Activity". Under qualifications Bo states that he is a "Security & Counter-terrorist Specialist."

Within the government, they are already referring to Christians who are against the NWO as terrorists. Bo is their greatest counter-intelligence counter-terrorist they have. He came in like a storm and took control of the Patriot movement, and it has been like pulling teeth to warn patriots about who he is.

Bo Gritz himself was a Green Beret, and was used to assassinate 300 people. His blood lust caused him at one point during the Vietnam War to shoot 30 prisoners in cold blood. I also heard Bo talk about say being Temple recommend Mormon. That means he was at that time in good standing with the LDS Mormon church so that he could go to the Temple and participate in its rituals.

Those who are alert realize that the temple rituals are like Masonic and Witchcraft rituals. Now he is no longer a Mormon. But he still continues in the military philosophy he believes in. Bo Gritz is going around the nation teaching SPIKE training to anyone who wants martial arts skills. Bo has done an excellent job in identifying for the New World Order every person in the nation who could threaten their plans for a martial law NWO takeover. Bo Gritz likes to call attention that he is one of this country’s foremost counter-terrorist agents. This is true. The New World Order believes patriots and Christians are terrorists, because they stand in the way of the world’s acceptance of their world dictator. Bo Gritz has done a great deal to infiltrate and neutralize the opposition to the New World Order. He has been their best counter-terrorist agent.
Internal Computers--Perfect Delegation;

Internal Computers Which Auto-Control A Slave

If a master has to constantly spend time whipping and motivating his slave, as well as forever watching that the slave doesn’t escape or do shoddy work, or physically or verbally injure the master, then controlling the slave can end up to be a full time job. When the master gets too much involved in the control process, he ceases to be master, and becomes a slave to the control process.

The intelligence agencies knew that they would have to create mind control slaves who could police themselves. If the master has to constantly guard his slave, the slave will be more trouble than he is worth. Many successful people have gained their success because they knew how to delegate. The most successful supervisor is the one who can delegate the best. The programmers had to find ways to cut their supervisory requirements to the bone if they were to make owning a Monarch slave worthwhile.

The method chosen was to build "computers" into the slave’s mind that would internally regulate everything. They do this by taking hundreds of the alters and dehumanizing them and turning them into parts of a computer. For instance, the shutter on the All-seeing eye of the computer, which is seen in the mind like a camera shutter, is a child alter who's job is to open and shut. (Another primal part is inside the eye’s pupil.) This shutter part knows what goes on in all the system subconsciously but if discovered by a therapist and pulled to the front of the mind will not be able to vocalize about the system. The software for this "computer" could be programmed into it, and all the individual programming of every alter can then be tied back to the computer.

In other words, each alter would be programmed on how to view life, to act, to think, and to function in their job. This programming would be linked to a computer. The programmers invented the perfect method to decentralize their control over their slaves and yet still supervise with the tightest of control. Each alter is linked to a computer (internal-not an external one) built from a foundation of fear and trauma. Since each section of alters was to remain secret, each section of alters for a slave is given its own computer, and then linking computers were built to link the various sections, and then finally a major backup computer is built, and then finally the internal Beast computer.

Bear in mind that this is all built internally in the mind of the victim. We are not talking about actual physical computers built out of physical microchips, wires, condensers etc. If the programmer concentrates on a single point when giving instructions he will get better results. Rather than complicating things for the slave, you gain power over the slave (and any subordinate) if you can give simple clear instructions. For this reason, a large share of the alters in an alter system are given very clear straight forward jobs. Because their jobs are so straightforward, these alters will often remain fragments, rather than alter parts with full blown personalities.

The programmers don’t cloud the issue. An undeveloped alter will be given one single clear, basic job. By stringing 1,000’s of alters together with single tasks, a highly sensitive system of alters can be created. Each piece of the System is separated by some degree of dissociation to make it a separate piece. By dividing the mind so much, it is incapable of fighting what has been done to itself. Before we begin describing the technical details of an internal computer, bear in mind that every Monarch System is unique and yet they all follow certain patterns & methodologies. Most of the models for the first few decades follow these patterns, some of the newer ones have more updated imagery.

Power Sources

In an Illuminati System, a computer is created for each section of alters. That computer will be given a "power source", which if unscrewed like a light bulb will go out. The light from one of these power sources might be emerald blue or emerald green or other color. The reader may want to refer to chapter 4 for the codes to understand the structuring of the various computers and systems.

Color Codes And Ribbons

In a standard 13x13x13 Illuminati alter system, 13 colors were used, and each computer was given a color. (Color Programming) These would be pink, orange, yellow, white, red, brown, blue, green, black, purple, silver, gold and platinum, and clear.

Color programming is reported to have been developed at UCLA. Whatever the case, Systems all over the United States have color programming. The hierarchy of colors in a System is often as follows (from top power down): Platinum, Gold, Silver, Purple, Black, Red, Green, Brown, White, Orange, Yellow, Pink. Clear is also used as a color for secret areas of the system. This hierarchy of color coding can be switched. The internal programmers can reassign colors if they need to, in order to protect the programming. Alters, sections, and parts of the computer are all color coded. The color coding for alters is not the same just because the alters are in the same section. The color coding within the Illuminati Mind Control is fairly consistent, however a sample of an alternative Illuminati color scheme will also be provided. A survey of colors is as follows:

CLEAR. Secret or shell alters who can take on any color are coded clear. These are alters who serve as images or as a stage for other alters. This would include "Guardian of the Vail" alters.

GOLD. This color is for the supreme leadership in the System, which includes the Grand Druid Council.

SILVER. This color is for the Satanic alters who perform high level Satanic rituals. The Mothers of Darkness have silver coding.

PURPLE. These alters see themselves as the abusers, rather than the Illuminati. These alters were involved with the programming. They have been taught to forget the abuse and to reframe it in their mind as training.

BLACK. These alters were born out of Satanic ritual, and are Moon children. The Delta and Beta alters are black coded. They do the dirty work for the cult, such as blackmail and assassination.

RED. These altars see themselves as witches. They were born out of witchcraft ritual, believe they have great spiritual power, and tend to deny that they have been abused.

GREEN or EMERALD GREEN. These cat altars recognize they have been abused. They still see themselves as belonging to the cult family, and deny that they have been abused to protect their cult family.

BLUE ALTERS. Clones, armies and the ribbons appear to have blue coding. These alters will go so far as to hurt the body to protect it from leaking information or deprogramming.

WHITE. ‘These are Atlantean alters who have been given Aryan type racial nonsense to think they are superior. They believe in genetic engineering, and a master race.

ORANGE. These special protector alters are scouts who warn of danger from internal or external threats.

YELLOW. These are the strong Christian alters of which there will only be a few in the System. They help serve as a balancing point to control the System as well as to hide what the System is all about.

PINK. These are core related alters. They maintain the true feelings of the true self apart from the cult programming and the cult family’s programming. These alters are viewed as weak because they are emotional and often break down and weep. They are fragile emotionally.

An alternative color scheme that is used:

DARK EMERALD GREEN. This color is assigned to the AntiChrist-Satan alter(s). Green is the occult color for Satan and happens to be the most sacred color. Few people outside of Satanists know that Green is more sacred for them than any other color.

LIGHT GREEN. The gods and goddess alters which are triads which function in Illuminati ceremonies get this color coding. WHITE. The internal programmers who come around in white robes get this color assigned to them, as if they are doctors or angels of light.

RED. Sexual alters are given the natural color of sex and arousal red.

BLACK. Connecting alters that are Nexus alters between various system parts. PINK. Reporting alters.

DARK BLUE. Non hierarchy cult alters.

LIGHT BLUE. Alters in charge of the way the system runs, such as the judges.

YELLOW. Alters which are ritually and sexually twinned with alters of other systems.

ORANGE. Guard alters which are heavily programmed for obedience.

VIOLET-PURPLE. Front alters and small child alters placed into boxes.

CLEAR. Shell alters to deceive the outside world.

GOLD. The traumatized alters upon which the programming is built on.

Joseph Mengele and the programmers who worked with and under him, used a large dollhouse with 26 rooms. Each of the rooms were painted with one of the 13 different colors in order to build into the child’s mind, the 13 front and the 13 back computers. The internal computers worked off of color codes, as well as other codes. A dollhouse was used to instill into the child’s minds the compartments of the computer. Each room was done up in a different color.

One particular room was a secret room, and this represents the secret world of Petra which is hidden behind two large rocks. This secret world is coded the color clear.

Besides the special color clear, the following colors appear in the system: Gold, Silver, Purple, Black, Red, Green, Blue, Brown, White, Orange, Yellow, and Pink. Each color has meaning and a rank. Just as the hour glasses could be turned, the color coding can be switched in rank. This is why in some systems there is a "Computer Operator Black", a "Computer Operator Green", and a "Computer Operator Purple", etc.

During the programming a black box with needles and wires which attach to the body for electroshock is used. While electro shocking the victim, colored scarfs coming out of a box are showed to the child. The scarfs would help form the imagery needed to build colored ribbons internally. Alters would be created using the Tall Book of Make Believe story of the Pancake people. Using this as a base or foundation, the alters would then be dehumanized one step further into thinking they were ribbons--such as ticker tape, which could transmit information from one computer to another area of the mind. The Ribbons had the ability to travel between the different levels and to transmit messages through the System, especially to the computers. It is believed they could do this because they were spirit.

When a System is accessed by a programmer, one procedure is to obtain a Ribbon alter and then inform the Ribbon what he wants. The ribbons transmit messages to the internal computers. The ribbons on older systems use morse code.

Who are the Ribbons? The Ribbons are the beginning of the Luciferian alter-like demons and alters. They are primarily the message bearers from the computers to the different computers, levels and alters. The Ribbons might have angelic names (Michael, Gabriel, etc.). The word angel means messenger. The ribbons serve a very similar function. They transmit ticker tape with morse code messages. They are at work most of the time for a System. A sample cover story for what they guard--which is the main computer with the gems and the core, is that the ribbons guard the System’s "Garden of Eden". Some more of the cover story that may be given is this: Ribbons were supposedly formed out of the dust of the ground and were placed in the Garden of Eden to create every pleasant tree. (See Genesis 1.) The ribbons relate to the Tree of Life. But to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil will cause death.

The name of the first river of four in the garden is Pashon. Out of the first river come four heads. The River Pashon has gold, ballium, onyx, rubies, diamonds and precious stones. These gems are the programs the dwarfs mine. If the System has charismatic programming, the alters will have porcelain face programming. In this case each ribbon’s color will match the color of the stones in the masks--that is yellow, white, blue, green, purple, red and black. The colors of the ribbons correlate or match the colors of the Dollhouse rooms. What do ribbons do? The Ribbons serve the programmers and the computers, who in turn serve the evil master Spirits.

Things that the Ribbons do for the computers have been identified as follows:

a. The Ribbons eat from the system’s internal "Tree of Good and Evil".,

b. Ribbon programming consists of several things--where they reside, who they are and what they are to protect.,

c. Ribbons must protect the computers in order to protect their own life.

The Ribbons will be programmed to believe that reversing the computer will reverse the Ribbons’ life. The ribbons themselves operate with mechanical hearts (not human hearts). The cover stories may include the following: All Ribbons are hid behind a little girl, who is a front for them & who tells the creation story. The little girl will tell the creation story which included the Ribbons. Behind her runs a silver cord. The silver cord has to do with heart programming. The silver cord has 3 strands that cannot be broken as per ECL 4:12. This silver cord goes off if the Ribbons are touched. Ribbons are set up so that suicide programming is triggered if they are cut. Actually, french braiding conceals a 4th strand.

In review as stated, during the programming, a box with colored scarfs was shown the child while severe electro-shock was given to the body. A colored scarf represents a ribbon which runs a message from a colored room to a similar colored alter. In a System which is structured into families and cities and worlds and sections, these "geographically different" structures in the mind of the victim can be connected via the color coding.

In other words, the alters are structured into a 3-D cube structure. Then a fourth dimension (the color coding) is added to tie in all of the three dimensions. A central computer was placed in at the bottom of the mind. Using various techniques the victim is brought to the deepest altered state possible, and a computer is built into the mind via hypnosis and alters. This can be done by freezing the entire body and just keeping the head active. Or it can be done by bringing the body to a comatose state where the heart is beating faintly. This step can only be done under the strictest medical supervision.

The memory storage area for the computers include the Emerald City Library (staying with the Wizard of Oz theme) which contains alters who's only function is to memorize & retain with photographic memories pages and pages of information. The layout with codes of the entire system can be stored in a storage bank, so the programmer could access this area if his own records were lost. The libraries contain the historical genealogies of satanic iniquity from early ancient times to present.

This ancient occult information has been reported by at least half a dozen Illuminati slaves as being retained internally by demons.

How Monarch Slaves Are Designed To Interface With The Unix System Of The Beast Computers

In line with what is being done by the Illuminati around the world with their network of computers--the computers have access codes similar to 666 666 666, and back out and close down codes similar to 999 999 999. These are the codes that the UNIX universal system uses, and the Monarch slaves are being created with codes that interface with the UNIX system for computers. (On some systems if the computer is shutdown it will request an input code of 666fff666fff666fff666... This can then be reversed F6F6F6F6F6F6F6F6F6F6.)

The UNIX system is being used to allow the New World Order’s big BEAST computers to communicate with any known computer, including the minds of their Monarch mind-controlled slaves. In the 1960s, the U.S. Department of Defense began linking computers together into a superhighway now developed into the Internet. Hundreds of thousands of computers around the world are tied in. Like buildings in a city, each computer has its own unique address. Most of these addresses are registered at the Network Information Center in Menlo Park, CA. Individuals can also be registered at the NIC too.

The U.S. Military links into the system with their Arpanet and Milnet networks, which tie together such divergent things as MIT computers, West Point computers, NORAD computers, Air Force Systems Command Space Division computers at El Segundo, CA and U.S. Army DARCOM at Seckenheim, Ger. (to name a few). These are all being tied together to form one vast electronic brain.

There are nine secret BEAST computers of the New World Order, at the time this was written. "Big Bertha" is the nickname of the BEAST computer located at the secret military installation called Dreamland at the secret Groom Lake, NV test site facility. Papoose Lake is referred to as S-4. The other super-secret facilities in the area are named S-2, 8-6, and S-66. This area has become the Illuminati’s prime programming facility for turning out Monarch slaves, and the Monarch slaves which are turned out from this area have turned out to be the worst basket cases.

In other words the programming is very severe which is carried out in this area. This area has also been used for the space program, for the U-2 & SR-71, for the CIA’s A-12 spy plane, for the Stealth fighters (Lockheed F-1 17A Attack plane) and bombers, the Aurora, and for the U.S. government’s "Above Top Secret" flying saucers. The Big Bertha computer (named after the Illuminati Mother-of-Darkness Bertha Krupp) can be talked to in half a dozen languages and will answer a person back in the language they speak.

On a daily basis, airplanes fly into the Groom Lake facility. The callname of flights bringing workers and people go by the call name "Janet". About 12 Janet flights come into the facility everyday. These flights are usually Boeing 737s and arrive from places like a secure terminal run by EG&G at McCarran Alrport in Las Vegas and from the military’s Palmdale, CA facility. These 737s are unmarked except for a red stripe running down the fuselage. Large military C-130 arrive with cargo, and Illuminati dignitaries arrive in smaller twin-engine craft. Victims for the programming are brought in via planes, & other routes.

One of the BEAST computers occupies three floors of the headquarters of the European Economic Community building in Brussels, not far from the important Illuminati Mother-of-Darkness worldwide headquarters castle near the Fr.-Bel. border near Muno, Belgium. Another BEAST computer is in Luxembourg. In observing the operations of the Illuminati, it has been seen that telephone area codes are used as part of a mind-controlled slave’s code. We do not understand everything about their codes, but it does tie in with other things that are happening.

Every person in the world has been assigned an 18 digit tracking number, which consists of 3 groups of 6 numbers. The first 3 numbers assigned in the BEAST computer to everyone are 666.

The next is one’s national code. The U.S. national code is 110. Then the next 3 numbers are your telephone area code, and then finally your 9 digit Social Security number.

The code then is 666 + Nation code + Tel. area code + social security no. = BEAST I.D. no. for an individual.

According to Dwight Kinman’s book The World’s Last Dictator, 2nd ed., (Woodburn, OR: Solid Rock Books, p. 256) VISA has already begun issuing VISA cards using the BEAST 18 digit number. When an American makes a bank transaction on an autoteller within a matter of seconds the BEAST has been informed of the activity. These computers use UNIX.

The particular programs for the economic transactions just described are a worldwide computer network called SWIFT (Society For Worldwide Interbank Financial Transactions). The SWIFT works off of the UNIX system and can communicate with any computer. It was developed by AT&T and uses C language. (Bear in mind that there are dialects of UNIX, such as the standard AT&T UNIX and for instance Berkeley UNIX. The UNIX system uses both timesharing and multitasking. The mind of a Monarch slave also does both multitasking and time sharing.

One of the nice UNIX features, is "protected memory", which is also part of the Monarch programming. A kernal is what the UNIX programmers call a "protected person". It is very similar to the internal "person" (alter) who helps the Monarch slave’s programming functions. The big item about UNIX is that it has permissions granted. This is similar to the Monarch programming. Permissions are granted to 3 types of entities. The Top Programmer or "god" as he is called, of the UNIX System receives what is called the individual permission. The next permission is called group permission, and it is given to insiders who work with the system. The final permission type is the world, which has very limited access. The parallel between this and the Monarch programming is surprising. In some cases the programmers may have matched things on a one-to-one correspondence. The Monarch program also has a Top Programmer who is called "god" to the System. He has total control over the system. His programming permissions can not be deprogrammed out by others who might want to usurp his power. Hidden from the casual user of the UNIX system are the Daemons and Demons.

The UNIX programmers decided to use the old English spelling for demon = Daemon. These are computer processes which work secretly behind the scenes and are given actual demonic names--some corresponding to actual names of historically known demons, such as Asmodeus. Asmodeus is also a demon which is placed into many Monarch slaves. In the UNIX system these demons are treated like persons in the computer’s user director. Demons in the computer system do not have to log onto the computer, but they work behind the scenes and are given the same powers that people users are given. They are set up in the same structure as how the computer treats people.

Permission in the UNIX system is granted using an 8 bit count with 0 through 7. The three kinds of permission are the read, write, and execute permissions. If no permission were granted in any way the UNIX system would indicate" "on the screen which means 000000 000 or nine 0’s. The super user called god is given the code 777 which means super user. However, the permission of 666 gives the user the power to everything the 777 permission gives, except that the 777 permission allows the god the master programmer to execute not executable programs. The Postmaster Demon is the head demon, and his permission level in UNIX is 666. (In the Monarch Programming "Mr. Postman" is a code word used internationally.) The most important part of the BEAST system is its communication power. The Electronic Mail System of the BEAST allows it to communicate worldwide, and along with electronic mail comes levels of permission to super user (god) is called Root. A programmer on the Beast must get permission. His program must get permission. That program that gives permission must also get permission. In other words, there are levels of permission that must be gone through. This is similar to the Monarch program. For instance, the alters personalities which would control the body during Illuminati gatherings have very tight access permission. It is very hard to access these hierarchy personalities.

Both the UNIX system (and the Monarch programming) creates "children" by "spinning". The "child" spins off. When the "child" is finished it is "killed" in UNIX lingo. When the programmers created child processes in the computer, they were having problems with the child processes killing the parent processes. The same type of problems have had to be dealt with in the Monarch programming. The initial programmer is often the biological parent of the child, and this parent is very responsible for extreme tortures being applied to the child who is being programmed--not to mention all of the expendible children, who are killed in front of the child to highlight the reality of the trauma. The natural reaction of the child being created is to hate the programmer. Naturally, the Monarch programming had to overcome that natural tendency, which it does very successfully.

The UNIX system uses an internal clock within its computer system. The UNIX clock is called CRON. CRON checks files to see if the programmer has put in any files to run. The UNIX system uses data bus lines, which are like the Monarch programming ribbons, which go through the system. These ribbons or data bus lines take information and commands from the computers to other computers.

Within the UNIX system, insiders have revealed that the Daemon (Demon) processes of all the UNIX systems have a security flaw. That flaw is that the Postmaster Daemon has access to them in spite of who the god is of that particular UNIX computer system. So while owners, who purchase UNIX systems think that they have exclusive control over their system, an external Postmaster Daemon coming from the Beast could use its permission levels to over ride the power of the local owner of the system.

The Monarch system has a similar feature, the Illuminati programmers know how to access the base or primal anchors to the programming and yank out any programming they want. All the slaves of these lesser groups such as the CIA, Church of Satan, Mafia, etc. can all be reprogrammed rather quickly to serve the Illuminati, if they are not already due to the Illuminati programmers extra knowledge on how to get into the base programming. In these many ways, the UNIX system serves both real computers and also for the internal computers of some slaves’ mind.

The slave’s system becomes a computer system. It functions as a series of computers that are connected to the master computer which is sunk into the mind at the lowest hypnotic level, which is a level often placed even below an internal "hell pit". To access the different computers, combinations of cards were used for the codes (numbers are also used. See Chapter 4.). Various parts of a Monarch system correspond to what any computer would have. A microprocessor register has 3 sections on a computer to make it functional.

In Monarch Systems, you would find these 3 represented by 1. stored data in the library and alters with photographic memories, 2. an instruction section with codes, and 3. stacking mechanisms.

Linked to all this were a crystal, clock, hour glasses, a compass and an entire demonic command structure. The eye in front of the big computer will be protected by legions of spirits. The front big computer runs front quadrants and the back computer runs the deeper quadrants. The software so to speak for the Omega programming (computer) may be set up to include a stacking program called the Potter’s Wheel. The Potter’s Wheel is a misuse of the Bible, and is a type of programming that the Charismatic/pentecostal movement carries out. The Mormons and the Catholics have their own distinctive "software" programs.

An initial stacking mechanism would work by telling alters to "Stand in Order according to rank and serial no." Another code along with a hand signal would place the Gatekeeper alters up on the Potter’s wheel for their "creator" to work on them. A group of alters could be taught to go up on their Potter’s wheel by seeing a pattern of dominoes. It is whatever the programmer decides. The dominoes were used for coding, but they also had the programming feature of being able to tie alters together so that if the System is tampered with out of sequence, a domino effect would take place. This domino effect is for one program to set off another program to set off another program.

Soon the Monarch slave’s mind is trying to deal with dozens of suicide programs running simultaneously, along with perhaps other programs such as scrambling programs. For instance, one story line used is the mice run up and down and open up new levels of programming and are tied to the pendulum/clock mechanism. The mice can activate the hour glass, and a gold-winged green skirted fairy Whisper balances the hour glass on her wings. If the slave goes toward freedom, the slave’s mind triggers programs of all kinds, and the mind ends up not knowing if it was coming or going with all the different programs which activate.

A more exhaustive look at all the craziness and activity of the Omega & Gamma programs which activate to defend the Illuminati’s Mind Control are given in other chapters. The programming has been designed that if it was taken out improperly, it is to come back Seven times Seven stronger. This is also a clue that the programming is partly a demonic manifestation, cf. MT 12:43-45 et al.
Components Of The Controls

At the center of the System are the mechanisms that control it, such as the Master Computer, the All-Seeing Eye, the Compass, the Master Clock, and the Quadrants that tie in together. The System may have 3 hourglasses spinning on axes. These hour glasses can also be called matrixes, which are on your standard 3 axes, a X axis, a Y axis & a Z axis. The worlds are various sections of these matrixes. There are backup worlds & mirror image worlds.

Occasionally, there will be a double system. Some of the more important alter System are even far more complex than a double System or a double Double System. Each alter is split so that every alter has another alter created from it. Then there are demonic doubles--demonic mirror images in the System. The double images shown in the picture are very real when describing our System. Some therapists have noticed "Satanic Guardian Angels" which talk to their patients. They do not know what to make of these. Some classify them as hallucinations, because they do not have any room in their belief system for demonology. These are the demons that do control the multiple’s mind.

Thor, with his huge hammer is a painful demon. Thor’s image is made of cast iron & carried an iron mallet. Thor is a black strong figure. When his hammer strikes, the slave gets split brain headaches. Programmers can use the story of the Giant with the Hammer in the Ozma of Oz book (pp. 141-155) to give the imagery when programming. A special series of sweeping motions with both hands will relieve the split brain programming, but some alters can only tolerate these hand signals being done by the master.

By the way, Thor is an important protector in Satanic/occult beliefs, & the religion of Thor now has equal stature/popularity in Germany as the Lutheran church. The programs are put into a System and given codes. These programs use Greek, Hebrew and Druidic letters (or other esoteric languages) in their activation codes. Actually, these alphabets also are the way these people numbered with, and the Greek, Hebrew & Druid letters were used as numbers. These programs could be called Utility Programs, because they function much like the utility programs of a computer. Along with all the programming comes cover programming.

Generally, front stories cover almost everything in a System. Dominos have been used in Monarch programming as the basis for what is called a "Mother Board" in actual computers. Telephone tones key in on a slave’s computer matrix. At times, telephone tones in everyday life will make slaves accidentally wacky. All computers run off of base 2--which uses the numbers 0, and 1. 0 and 1 can be represented as on and off. In the programming, they were represented by "He Loves Me", "He Loves Me Not." The Programmers, especially Dr. Mengele, enjoyed taking a daisy and pulling its petals off one at a time. First petal, "I love you". Second Petal, "I love you not." IF the last daisy petal was "I love you not"--then the child was dramatically killed in front of other children to be programmed. The Illuminati’s method of death--skinning alive--has been developed into a fine art, for both programming and ceremonies. A drawing of this skinning procedure by a witness is on pg. 338.

The daisy game, which was scary for a child, heightened the victim’s attention. Matrixes were built upon this deadly game. How did it feel to be programmed with Mengele’s "I love you, I love you not" programming? A victim recalls, "The child was placed in a cage exposed and naked. The low voltage wires were rigged to the metal of the cage. The child experienced a continual erratic or sporadic prolonged voltage of shock until the heart would pulsate and the anxiety level of the child became out of control. "Then the Dr. would enter the scene with his sneering taunting smile while holding a daisy in his hands. The sporadic voltage would continue to flow through the child’s body. As the shock continued, the Dr. stood before the child pulling petals off the daisy. His only communication was voiced in these words, "LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU NOT, LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU NOT," while pulling off the daisy petals. This action would drive the child crazy because the child knows full well if that last petal is pulled off it meant death. The child that is not loved is skinned alive before the other children. "...we can now begin to understand that the expendable children were in other cages placed all around us for the eye to see. They went through the same process as we watched. When the last petal of the daisy was pulled from the flower they were killed. Then the terror of what we had just experienced through the seeing and hearing, let us know we were next, but when? By the time the doctor got to "He loves me not" some children no longer knew fear. Their ashes were taken from the crematorium and used in the garden for fertilizer, as a reminder to all what happens to unloved children.

"In the clinical room, the lights were used to program the day’s events. The bright light continually flashed starting with 7 lights, then six dots, then five dots, then four dots, then three, then two dots, then 1 dot. In the blindness of the lights, we could hear the doctor’s voice, "LOVE YOU, LOVE YOU NOT." over and over again. A child could have a false trust when the lights flashed 7 dots. By the time one dot was flashing, the child’s terror had once again risen. The doctor never pulled the last petal off for us, but we can’t forget how he teased us. He smiled and walked away, ‘NO, I LOVE YOU.’ and walked away."

If we use L=I love you and N=I love you not we can build the following matrix for the internal computer: L N L N L N 1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 5 6 1 2 4 5 6 1 2 3 5 6 1 2 3 4 6 1 2 3 4 5 This type of configuration can even be tied to color programming, and to dominoes, where the numbers are represented as the dots on a domino. By making numbers into dots--the numbers can be represented by lights in the same patterns of black domino dots. This means that dominos can be used to program a child, and who would suspect anything about dominoes? Another thing that lends itself well to use as a programming code are a deck of cards. Many slaves have this. It can be tied in with the Alice In Wonderland story. When cards are used, a section (also called a world or city) of alters will be given its own computer. To access that computer, a code consisting of several things including 2 cards can be used.

In review of what Chapter 4 said about codes, often double codes are employed--what is meant by that is that suppose we have 13 important alters in a section. They will designate each of these "A" alters. Then they number them each 1 through 13. But then they will double code them so that as we count up, we also count down. Then they attach a generic level number to them, say 2,000. So putting this together we have Emerald Green 2001-13a for our first alter, then next is Emerald Green 2002-12a, the next is Emerald Green 2003-11a, and so on. Then the magical name of the alter or the Tribal name of the alter can be attached onto this to complete an access code. While it seems perhaps complex at first, all an alter is remembering is a color, a common section no. and their rank no. and their file letter, and their magical name. (The name to pull them up--will not be their name for public use.) Alice In Wonderland, the Wizard of Oz and the Tall Book of Make Believe played a fundamental role as "software" in a System. The Wizard of Oz stories are often used to show how & what structures to put in the small victim’s internal world.

The stories even teach HOW to create an internal world and its parts. Some of the T.V. shows & movies, which served as Monarch programming scripts (i.e. the software) include:

Batman Bewitched Bobby’s World Cartoons (deliberate triggers) Dameon/Omen movies Disney movies (all of them, some with deliberate triggers) Duck Tails Cartoon (deliberate triggers) ET (used in alien programming) Fantasy Island (deliberate triggers) Ghost Busters (used for "who ya’ gonna call" theme) Love Boat (used for mind control of cruise prostitutes) My Fair Lady (finishing school for slaves, such as Youngstown, OH) Star Wars Steven King Horror Movies Tiny Toons Cartoons of Steven Speilberg (deliberate triggers) Wizard of Oz movies Some of the books which were used as programming scripts, which haven’t been mentioned yet, are the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Egyptian Book of the Dead (satanic rituals follow closely the rituals of the Egyptian Book of the Dead), Steven King novels, & Wilbur Smith’s. The Mother Goose nursery rhymes were used prolifically for internal codes in slaves.

Now that we have discussed the widely used "soft ware" available to the programmers, we don’t want to forget the root program, the tree which was used as a method of organizing the various programs, just like a computer’s subdirectories branch out more subdirectories. If the programming is tampered with, the slave will want to cut the tree--however, since the tree is in them, this means they will want very badly to cut their arms, especially their veins. The programming is not guarded as much as the computers. Everything guards the BEAST computer including deaf alters who have to be communicated with using a hand number code system. Such a code might resemble finger signing 1,2,3,4,5,10 = 15 & following this with a shutdown code which simply reverses the access equation. Surrounding the central All-seeing-eye will be alters & programs with insanity, fear, hopelessness, cutting, burning, aloneness, etc.

Strong demonic forces are attached to these alters & programs. They also can trigger the slave to have abusive behavior as punishment. A System is given a life force which is able to regenerate a system, the jokers who protected the programming, and you have the alpha-numeric codes, the cards, and dominoes (represented by a dice) that formed the access codes to parts of the System. The alters will often feel the heartbeat (which may be an alter) associated with the computer. In the background is a Luciferian blue light. This Satanic light empowers the Joker. It along with the Joker and the internal programmers give a System the ability to regenerate itself. One can shut down internal computers which run programming to the levels of the System using the same codes that the original programmers use, but until one also takes care of the 13 Jokers & the faceless white-coated programmers who control the Omega Programming, then the back up computers can regenerate the programming & rebuild the system.


If the computers are given cards as access codes--it works in well to create Jokers who are wild cards within the system, which can imitate anything. The Jokers have a Luciferian form. Luciferian is the term that the programmers used. This means that it is spirit. Because the Jokers are Spirit, they can take any form they need to and they can do what they want to do, until they are bound & cast out with the rest of their hierarchy of demons. The Jokers will pop up when a victim tries to study the codes & programming that direct that victim’s life. Around this cult core are the jewels (which are the programs the dwarfs mine). Remember the story of Snow White and the Seven dwarfs? Also swirling around Silence are ribbons which we will discuss later.

TREES. The trees bud at certain times. This is one way the imagery of the tree to connect to the time that rituals are to happen. If the tree is barren of leaves (no programs--i.e. deprogrammed), then the system is to grow more leaves.

C. Internal Hierarchies

The programmers build chains of command within the groups of alters that they create. They credit themselves with bringing order out of chaos. When a system of multiple personalities thinks of rebelling, they are in the similar situation as a colony wanting freedom from its mother country. Can we govern ourselves, and what governing structures can we keep--since the structure itself is colonial? Can the mind work together to help itself? The concerns are legitimate questions. And yes, the multiple’s mind can function outside of the control of the programmer’s hierarchial arrangement, but not without alters taking on different job assignments. In the slave’s hierarchal chain of command, adult alters are assigned to insure that child alters don’t get out, unless the abusers want a child alter out. Likewise, commander alters are needed to keep the switching smooth, and to keep things orderly. Subordinate alters are taught to submit to their king, or governor, or queen alter. Immense power and indoctrination is given to the key cult alters ruling a system. The internal hierarchial arrangement means that the host alter coming into therapy (often a Christian) may not be as completely open as therapists think. They must play an internal game of going toward health while not pushing the buttons of deeper more powerful alters. A lot of internal politics may go on. A front alter may promise a deeper alter secrecy in order to consult with it. This makes for all kinds of triangulation and manipulation within the alter system itself. The entire hierarchy of alters has a lot invested in protecting the core from trauma, which was why the core was split in the beginning. Trad. therapy goes after the core & the multiplicity that protects it, thus insuring resistence from the entire hierarchy incl. front alters, who in MPD systems seeking help are often close to the core. The core self is best not directly pursued by the therapist, but gently encouraged on its own to reconnect.
Methods: Behavior Modification, Psychological Motivation and NLP

One way to explain how the slaves are conditioned is to relate an episode where the two authors observed a Satanic family carrying out conditioning to reinforce their children’s mind control as their family "ate" at a restaurant. After relating this interesting incident, the chapter will cover the various psychological methods used to condition slaves.

A. Observations of a Satanic Family Carrying Out Monarch Conditioning on Their Children

The husband of the family was about 28 and the wife was about 26. A young man (perhaps an uncle of the children) about 25 also sat at the table with them. The family had 5 children, ranging from about 1 1/2 years old to about 7 years old. During the entire time we watched them, which was over an hour, we never saw one act of love, not one act of nurturing on the part of the parents. Everything was programming, programming and more programming.

The husband had an attitude of control over his children. He was a young somewhat wild cock-sure type. From piecing together things it was clear that he made a good salary and that he and his wife enjoyed profanity. His wife had the most dead looking eyes we have ever seen in a person. She looked every bit the part of a Satanic priestess of the worst type. The young man of about 25 had a very large knife hidden on his back that we noticed only by close observation of his movements. Although it was 1 o’clock , the adults were calling their meal "breakfast." The main male child was about 5 years old. He had an older sister and two younger sisters, and they all had a baby brother.

During the entire time that the family was there, the children ate almost nothing. The 5 yr. boy munched on a watermelon rind, trying to draw some sustenance from it. Part of mind control is depriving the body of food. The poor children never once asked for anything; that is a clue that something wasn’t normal. During most of the time that the family was in the restaurant, the mother and father took turns shooting one question after another at the five year boy. The questions were like: What is the capital of Florida ? What is the 70th element on the periodical chart? What are the names of the first five presidents? What is the square root of 121? The boy would robotically answer each question successfully. The questions were not questions but programming and commands. The mother sternly said, "What make of car was that? That’s a question." (Actually what she was saying was a command.)

Around this time they said, "Wake up, wake up, wake up." (hypnotic command.) A couple which was in the restaurant was watching how obedient the children were, and they were also overhearing how excellent this little boy could answer difficult rapid-fire questions. They were impressed and the lady came over to tell the parents how wonderful their family was. After oodling for 10 minutes over how great this family was the woman went on to other things. It was difficult for both of us watching to stomach the compliments this stranger was giving to these parents. The natural impulse was to get her to shut up her compliments. She naively made all these compliments little knowing, that these parents were practicing one of the most hideous if not the most hideous type of mind control invented. Asking questions rapid fire is another mind-control technique.

In fact, all of the elements of what Fritz watched at the table that day were practiced on Fritz, the co-author, when he was in Beast Barracks at West Point , USMA. The little girl was repeating her programming, "I don’t have anything inside me." She was actually singing it. One of the girls had different alters coming out and was having a conversation with herself between different alters (personalities). She placed her hand over her temple in scarecrow fashion (Wizard of Oz) programming. Her head movement was a dead giveaway to those of us familiar with Monarch programming. The parents had chosen the spot to eat because of the large surreal picture above them on the wall with blue & red flowers, water and mountains. The picture was acting as a scrambling-scattering mechanism, when the boy studied the picture, which he did for the longest time in a trance.

The middle girl was dropping crayons into a styrofoam cup and saying "get into the fire." Then she would say "I’m purple." "I’m pink." "I understand you're purple." "I understand you’re pink." "Get out of here for a minute." What she was doing was giving the crayons personalities. In the Monarch programming, the person is totally dehumanized so that some alters think they are ribbons, some monkeys, some clowns, some dolls, some trees, some lions or tigers, etc. The sexual alters are often programmed to think of themselves as cats and butterflies. While the girl was coloring, her father reached over the table without warning and took her colors, "You don’t deserve these colors and I should have taken them away before now. The girl had done nothing wrong. This is part of mind control. The person learns that there isn’t a right or wrong only that they must be obedient. The little girl did not even respond when her colors were yanked away. When the mom talked to them, she said "children"--she never once personalized things.

The parents began another programming session and said something like, "I will spank you. If you don’t count then you can be spanked, we will count 20 times." The constant double messages were obviously breaking down the children to think as programmed rather than respond like normal people to the outside world. The woman turned to her little baby and said, "Tell daddy good-bye". When the child waved good-bye, the woman snapped, "You're not going anywhere." This serves to create confusion. Then she kissed him and said, "Baby, do you want a picture?"

We decided to say something to them, and we did so in the form of a compliment about their children. Neither parent showed any pride in the children when the earlier lady had gushedly complimented the children, nor when we complimented them with a sentence. Instead, when we complimented the children, the father began shooting off a series of difficult questions to the boy. This was simply more programming, but apparently he must have thought that we’d be impressed with the boy’s ability to answer difficult questions that seemed way beyond what many teenagers would know.

Two strange things happened during the course of our verbal interaction with this satanic family. First, the waitresses had given the family free ice cream coupons, but the parents gave them to us without the children even batting an eyelid. Second, I asked the father what the age of his children were and he didn’t know, or acted like he didn’t know. Then he blurted out, they are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 years old. His wife knew that that answer must have looked bogus to us, and she reprimanded him, "You don’t even know the age of your children." To which he replied, "Yes, they are 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6." His second answer was equally implausible, but his wife didn’t protest, and the poor mind controlled children were experiencing just one more element of Satanic mind control. They are not even allowed to realize how old they are. Dates, and times, and ages are kept very confused in the children’s minds for secrecy and control. Not only that, but by giving a hypnotic induction "1, 2, 3..." the father had lowered each of the alters which were holding the bodies of his children into a deeper trance. With these alters tranced, another word from the father could have easily pulled up other alters.

Other Items That Parents Do To Their Monarch Children

Double bind communication is commonly given multiples by all of their abusers. Some of these double binds are well thought out and some just occur due to the craziness of the entire thing. For instance, in ritual or programming, the child may have the option to stab or be stabbed. In fighting the programming, if an alter goes toward health, the programmers have set in a booby-trap. Which evil does the slave live with--the lies of the programming or the lies of the external world? How does one tell the truth to a therapist, when the therapist is not capable of hearing the truth, and yet still demands to be told the truth? Yes, double-binds abound.

Another trick is to alternate leniency with harshness. This trick is done in the military also, and has been worked with success by the Chinese government upon the people of Red China. When leniency is alternated with kindness, the effect is devastating and disconcerting because the person looses the ability to predict what is going to happen. Everyone likes to control his or her life. Predicting what is going to happen is part of a person’s mind gaining control over their environment. Even that control is stripped from a slave. They soon learn to quit trying to protect themselves, and they quit trying to think for themselves but docilely submit to whatever fate assigns them. The mind can’t figure life out, so it quits trying to understand life, and just fatally submits.

Dr. Green (Mengele) was very gentle when drawing blood, and he was very gentle when giving the children X-rays. He would sweet talk them and give candy. But he was very sadistic when he’d follow this up with abuse. The programmers have preferred to be inconsistent with the children like this. Soon the child doesn’t know what hate and love are anymore. The person, who claims he loves them, gives them torture or abandons them to be tortured by someone else. A third trick is to give the victim monotonous tasks, such as chanting or copying long amounts of written material. This helps prod the dissociation, and is a torture that doesn’t leave marks.

An Overview

All of the elements of mind control are incorporated into the Monarch program. If a person surveys what the everyday cult mind control which is NOT part of total Monarch mind-control looks like, you will find the same elements of everyday cult control also are employed at various places within the Monarch programming of a person’s alter system. (This didn’t happen by accident either, the Illuminati have examined all these lesser cults to see what they could borrow for their own mind control.)
Some of the elements which the Monarch program shares with other typical types of cult mind control are:

1. The Needs Of Individuals Are Promised To Be Met, But Are Ignored For Group Goals. The Illuminati handler (master) will promise to meet individual needs of alters, but these needs are ignored for group goals. For instance, certain Monarch alters of a person’s system may be told they have no faces and no hearts. They are programmed not to see their faces and not to hear any heart beat. If a pulse monitoring machine is hooked up to the alter, the alter will go into a trance. For instance, the handler might promise faces and hearts but will never give them to the Monarch slave when he could. The promise is a control mechanism.

2. Isolation From The World, So That the Only Reality Is The Leader's Reality. The Illuminati isolates the slave so new ideas are available or allowed except their cult leader’s ideas. "Whatever the Papa Bear [master] says is reality." Each alter will only communicate with a few other alters. What this does is divide the person from their own parts. The will and mind is broken so that there is no organized resistance, nor any access to other alters who might know something. The slave will often be denied mother, grandmother, grandfather, aunts, sisters, children, grandchildren, & friends. They will be deprived of all naturally occurring relationships via the mind control. This doesn’t they mean exist in a vacuum, it means that the handlers will prevent natural relationships to develop. Isolation is very key and parts are made to feel like animals rather than people to isolate them from humanity. No ideas are allowed the slave to confront their programmer’s lies. They are programmed to hate Christ and the God of the Bible, so that they are isolated from the true God and His abundant spiritual resources.

3. The Person's Sense Of Identity Is Lost. The Monarch slave lose his/her sense of self to the cult and to the person’s master. No sense of where I begin & end, and where the Master begins and ends. The Monarch programming goes beyond what many cult have done, the alters are hypnotized to not see their faces, which is part of their identity.

4. Altered States and Hypnosis Is Used. The handlers/programmers use hypnotic techniques. They induce dissociation by songs, chanting, guilt inducing sessions, torture, isolation, as well as using songs, repeating triggers 3X, and lots of hypnosis.

5. A Sense Of Peace Is Induced, Especially When One Merges With Whoever Is Leading. The Head Of The Cult Will Take Credit For What The Slave Is. They induce a sense of peace leading to the fantasy of merging with leader, often suggested by leader. Then the victim has the abuser placed internally in them. For example, the master may say he was one with the slave and that he "created" the slave. The handler will claim to be God. 6. Out Of Body Experiences. Out of body experiences (O-B-E’s) are induced by the torture & Illuminati training, as well as splits.

7. Sensory Bombardment And Fatigue. Sensory bombardment used, such as prolonged sleep deprivation, environmental control, and love bombing. Cages, love bombing of certain alters, and a sterile nursery/toddler room are employed.

8. Critical Thinking And Disagreeing With The Leader Is Forbidden. The slave must suspend ability to think critically or disagree with leader. The slave must never question the Master (also called the handler), never get angry at the handler, or else the slave wants to be punished. The slave must always obey or pay with pain. The alters are splintered from others so can’t use their information for analysis.

9. The slave must reorganize reality through identification with aggressor (Illuminati master). Strong identification is created with the master. The slave is programmed to protect the master.

10. Individual sees locus (location) of control with the Master and the Illuminati rather than self. Programming overrules self.

11. Black and white thinking is created by the programming.

Many of the Gnostic cults (see the Fritz’s Be Wise As Serpents book for an examination of what a Gnostic cult is) have employed these tactics. People in the Jehovah’s Witnesses and CUT, which are Gnostic cults, as well as members of many other groups--such as the CIA will recognize that these methods were used on them. (The CIA is in reality just another cult, and an Illuminati-controlled cult at that.)

Isolation For children who are being taken out of Day Care Centers and programmed without their parents knowledge, they will be isolated from their real parents. The abusers will tell the children that they are actually the "real parents" and that they intend to come and take the child away from its parents later. They will make the innocent child feel like it is cut off and rejected by everyone including the world at large. In a sense, this is true, because the child is expected to endure the most horrible abuse and yet has no one to talk to. Feelings of isolation and despair take control over the child’s mind. These ways of thinking are also spiritually enhanced by rituals to bring in demonic spirits that will help insure the child is dominated by feelings of hopelessness.

During the entire life of the slave, the handlers and programmers are always trying to sow distrust in the victim. The programming is often designed to sow distrust in everyone on the outside except the godlike figure the Master. Even the Master is not trusted so much as feared and obeyed by the slave. The slave is also subjected to isolation as a child being placed into freezers, closets, dark rooms, boxes and isolation tanks. Sensory deprivation is a serious thing, that has been discovered to cause people to hallucinate. The brain goes into an altered state just from sensory deprivation. Polar explorers who see only white for days on end must deal with this danger.

Handwriting Modification Psychology developed over the years a number of projective, objective and subjective tests of personality. Ludwig Klages (of Germany), H.J. Eysenck (of England), and M.N. Bunker (of the U.S.) are some of the notable researchers who took handwriting analysis out of the occult realm and into the scientific realm. (The co-author, Fritz, happens to be a certified Graphoanalyst through IGAS, who has done Graphoanalysis professionally. IGAS has strict standards not to allow members to do anything associated with the occult, but insists they keep their work on a scientific basis.)

When a person writes, he will use about 200 separate muscles in the hand, arm, and body. The mind coordinates all these muscle movements. A good handwriting analyst has about 800 different things that he can look for in a sample of handwriting, such as how hard did the writer write with his instrument, how big, where did he start on the paper, how did he cross his "t" etc. In other words, the mind in order to write had to make hundreds of decisions within seconds. There are too many decisions to make them all the decisions consciously. This is why document examiners can authenticate signatures. Most of the many decisions as one writes are done subconsciously, and the decisions are influenced by state of mind, personality, the state of the physical body, and the environment. The good handwriting analyst is able to work backwards. Why was the decision made to make the capital P look like an L? Why did the person start their writing half-way into the paper and waste half the piece of paper? Through scientific studies and observations, a vast wealth of understanding has developed by graphologists about why certain decisions are made. Some graphologists use a wholistic method, others like graphoanalysts, analyze each stroke. Both methods will give the same results if the handwriting analyst is skilled at applying the principles of graphology.

Handwriting analysis has not gotten the credibility it deserves, in part, because it is such a powerful diagnostic tool, the intelligence agencies have wanted to keep it to themselves. However, the nation of Israel, uses handwriting analysis to hire with, and a high percentage of the businesses use it in hiring also. The nation of Israel has had a high rate of success with handwriting analysis.

How does handwriting analysis play a part in the mind control? Several ways. A number of the programmers are skilled in handwriting analysis. They are well aware that the abuse of their slaves will show in the handwriting. Through behavior modification (usually torture) the front alters are trained to write in a fashion that hides the abuse. The abuse will show in the handwriting of most of the alters, so many of them are programmed not to read or write. This is why some of the child alters will have older alters write for them. The programmers were also aware of how the mind heals/changes itself via handwriting therapy. If the mind will place enough energy into writing a particular way--it will go ahead and put enough energy into becoming what it writes. In other words, if I am lazy, but I get determined enough to focus the brain so that it doesn’t make handwriting strokes that indicate laziness, then my brain will also change its lazy attitude in other ways. In other words, I can begin to change a personality trait by working on the handwriting decisions that stem from that trait. The programmers can and do help modify their slaves’ personalities this way. They of course will employ a number of personality changing techniques as a group package. The goal is to bring as much pressure to bear as possible to get the original trait modified. This will be done in accordance with the programming goals for the various alters within a system. Remember, some alters need to be outgoing and other reticent, some melancholic, and others sanguine or choleric. The programmers know what they want and how to modify what they have to get the temperament and personality traits they want.

B. Behavior Mod (Modification)

Behavior modification comes in various packages. One package has been called ELT (Electrolytic Trtmt) developed by H.C. Tien. One simple version of behavior mod is to find out what someone has done which is good, and praise and reinforce that behavior. Then state the goal. And then continue to reinforce promptly the good things the person is doing. The goal in mind must be measurable. An example of this, might be for a handler to praise his kitten and to purchase it nice things if a client is satisfied with the sexual service he got. The reinforcement needs to be soon, and appropriate. ‘‘Thinking behavior’’ is a term that behavior mod scientists use. "Adverse conditioning" is another. Anectine, which paralyzes the body and makes one think they are suffocating, can be used for aversion conditioning. The victim is told not to do a particular behavior or else experience discomfort. When behavior modification is done in programming, you can be sure that there is paper work done to chart the progress. Rather than worry about what a person is thinking, the behaviorist charts a person’s behavior and then gives reinforcements of correct behavior (or the opposite adverse rewards of punishment) to modify it. Victims are conditioned to carry out certain behaviors. If an alter does something wrong, there is an immediate consequence set up for it. Soon it is conditioned not to do what the programmer doesn’t want. The behavior mod scientists believe that creativity can be controllable. When a child creates a new form he is rewarded. Soon the child learns to create.

Illuminati Delta-Beta alters will be trained in espionage. They will be trained to recognize a person’s physical identity instantly. One method of training which has been used is to teach people to remember reflexively rather than analytically. Thousands of faces or thousands of license plates, or whatever are flashed on a screen, and when a repeat is shown the person must press a button. If a mistake is made, the slave is treated to a nasty little shock. After a while a person develops the correct reflexes. Slaves are being trained in recognition from the time they are small children, this is important so that they can build their internal worlds with mirror images and other confusing things. The following "deeper" programming is an example of classical conditioning. The child’s hand is cut so that the child goes into a trance of shock, and then each time they use the word "deeper" they cut deeper to enhance the shock/trance state. By pairing the word with this trauma, when they are through, the word "deeper- asleep" will throw some alters instantly into a very deep trance.

E. Psychological Motivation

When a person has been knocked down and degraded, traumatized by poor sleep and little food and water, he is more susceptible to suggestion. He can then be told that he himself is the cause for his own degradation. If he just behaves better, his treatment will improve.

When the person accepts his guilt for the bad situation he is in, then the programmers give a target for the blame--God, country, or whatever the person had depended upon. The programmer then aggravates these hostile feelings, and keeps nurturing them until the person is livid with anger toward the object of blame. The victim is coached to project their blame onto this target of blame. When this is accepted, the conditions for the victim improve. Once the person has targeted their blame, then the Programmer becomes the friend to help one fight the evil target. Anything and everything is rationalized in this "All becomes fair in war."

Enemies are easy to create. People readily accept them. The intelligence community has long played on people’s fears about communism. People might be shocked to realize that this was one of Hitler’s favorite methods to recruit loyalty from people. It is why the Nazi’s secretly burned down the Reichstag, and then blamed the communists. The Illuminati are masters at making Christianity the fault for everything from homosexual suicide to the world wars.

F. Neuro-Linguistic Programming

NLP means Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which are practical communication skills. Programmers were using NLP before it became known as NLP in 1976. Some NLP techniques are obvious truths, and some are more subtle truths in dealing with human nature. NLP can be more of an art, than a science. One of the truths in NLP is "Everyone lives in their unique reality built from their sense impressions and individual experiences of life, and we act on the basis of what we perceive our model of the world." (O’Connor, Joseph & John Seymour. Introducing NLP. San Francisco, CA: Aquarian Press, 1993, p.4.) That is why alters have their worlds created by their programmers, and then the occult alters are indoctrinated with satanic beliefs. ( Chap. 11 Part A deals with this indoctrination.)

Let’s list some other "assumptions" that NLP practitioners believe in without explaining them: Almost all communication is non-verbal. Knowledge of content is not required to make behavioral changes. Our internal representation of the world is not the world but only our own feeble map of it. The map is not the territory. People will choose predicates which correspond to what representational system they are using, and which one they choose can be seen from eye accessing cues.

If one studies NLP, one will find that NLP books such as Basic Techniques Book II by Clifford Wright, teach people how to create dissociative states which are alternate personalities, and that they teach people how to develop different states of mind, and pseudo multiple personalities. It is difficult to express all the different cross-overs that NLP has with Monarch Programming, but at different times the concepts of NLP certainly would be helpful to the handlers. However, it must be stressed that NLP IS NOT Monarch Programming.

One of NLP’s suggestions is that a person assess their "present state" and their "desired state." This simply common sense suggestion is often carried out during programming. The Programmer will tell the victim WHAT KIND of alters they want produced and HOW MANY when they begin the torture. The motivation to do this is also suggested by NLP and is accomplished by the programmers threats to the person’s life, and by the person’s desire to be free of pain and torture.

Milton Erickson’s work on altered states has been picked up by NLP. Likewise at least part of the programming hypnosis is based on Erickson’s ideas.

Clues For Observing A Victim Lateral Eye Movement (LEM) can be a useful skill to the programmer. Monarch victims are sometimes programmed so that the real LEM is not done publicly by the victim, to prevent people from getting visual clues as to what is going on in their mind. A person who is thinking in visual images will generally speak more quickly and at a higher pitch than someone who is not. These types of clues help the Programmers be more skilled, but it isn’t a necessity.


NLP researchers have noticed that people have emotional states in which the entire body will take up a posture in carrying it out. Memories can come into a person that causes the body to take up the negative states again. The NLP practitioners have developed language which includes such terms as Anchors, emotional states, and triggers. These words are used to describe ideas that have long been in use. For instance, let’s say that when you heard a particular song at some point in your life you were having a good time (emotional state). Now that every time you receive a trigger to that memory, such as the song, you regain that good feeling that is attached to the memory of the song. Every time you hear the song, you feel good, which then in turn, continues to act as reinforcement of the association of a good feeling to the song. A stimulus that is linked to and triggers a physiological state or emotional state is called an anchor.

Our lives are filled with naturally occurring anchors, such as our favorite childhood smells, or the alarm clock. One of the Illuminati kingpins in Germany, a Krupp, liked the smell of manure, and built his house so he could smell horse manure all day.

NLP is the art of building associations with an anchor. A past emotion can be linked to something today. If a person is afraid of public speaking, then a good feeling can be linked to giving talks. The skilled programmer will anchor an emotion with several sense cues--including auditory, visual, and touch. The person visualizes an emotional state from the past. When the state is reaching its peak, the anchor is placed in. The anchor needs to be unique, distinctive, & easy to repeat in the exact form that it was done.

Much of the trauma-based programming is actually setting anchors using extreme trauma. When the anchors are tested (fired), if the emotional state is pulled up, then the anchors have worked. Firing two separate anchors at once is called collapsing anchors. Two separate states can be fired at once. There is a methodology for collapsing anchors together.

Future Pacing

Future pacing can be used to help program a person toward his occupational objective which was charted for the victim when they were small. Future pacing is a mental rehearsal that is practiced in the imagination so that the person can deal with some future challenge. Expectations can often become self-fulfilling prophecies.

NLP also is used to teach people how to learn. It teaches people to learn a variety of methods for a single skill. However, this type of self-help info is not freely given to the slave. It might be used if the programmers needed to develop the person hypnotically in a certain direction.

Pacing For Hypnosis

Because Milton Erickson stands out as a genius among those who have used hypnosis, and people are still trying to figure out fully what he did, it is appropriate to mention his work. We don’t know how these ideas of Milton Erickson’s are used by the Programmers. We do know that the CIA has paid close attention to his ideas, and that some of the Programmers have some of the smoothest tongues. If there is some way to utilize Erickson’s work to help control Mind-controlled slaves, then the Intelligence agencies have no doubt found it. On the flip side, several deprogrammers used Ericksonian methods to unlock the programming of the people they want to help. What we describe in this section is just a small sampling of Erickson’s methods.

Another type of NLP pacing besides the one just previously mentioned was developed by Milton Erickson. He would gain rapport with anyone by describing to them what they were feeling, hearing and seeing. He would induce a peaceful state by speaking slowly, using a soft tonality, and pacing his speech to the person’s breath. Gradually hypnotic suggestions are introduced to lead them into what is called "downtime." He would gently encourage people with gentle suggestions such as, ‘It’s easy to close your eyes whenever you wish to feel more comfortable..." But you may wonder how can anyone know what someone else is thinking?

Erickson developed language that was vague enough for people to match their own thinking to what he described. He would use smooth transitional words such as "while", "and", and "as". The type of vague sentences he would say are "It is well known that people can read books and make changes." Milton Erickson learned to distract the dominant brain hemisphere, and also speak in a complex way that all seven (plus or minus two parts of the conscious mind) would get engaged in trying to figure out what his ambiguous statements meant. Milton found that he could say anything if he set it up in the context of someone else saying it. He also found that the unconscious mind does not process the linguistic negative. Rather than tell a child "Don’t fall" tell it "Be careful."

Reframing With Metaphors

Metaphors, some from Druidism or from some other occult teachings, are used by the Programmers. For instance, the seasonal changes that leaves on trees make is an example of a programming metaphor. For those readers who don’t know what reframing is, the following in the book Reframing, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning by Bandler and Grinder (Moab, UT: Real People Press, 1982) is an excellent story to explain it: "A very old Chinese Taoist story describes a farmer in a poor country village. He was considered very well-to-do, because he owned a horse which he used for ploughing and for transportation. One day his horse ran away. All his neighbors exclaimed how terrible this was, but the farmer simply said ‘Maybe.’ "A few days later the horse returned and brought two wild horses with it. The neighbors all rejoiced at his good fortune, but the farmer just said ‘Maybe.’ "The next day the farmer’s son tried to ride one of the wild horses; the horse threw him and broke the leg. The neighbors all offered their sympathy for his misfortune, but the farmer again said ‘Maybe.’ "The next week the conscription officers came to the village to take young men for the army. They rejected the farmer’s son because of his broken leg. When the neighbors told him how lucky he was, the farmer replied, ‘Maybe.’"

The meaning of an event depends upon the FRAME we place upon it. Those frames are perceptions. Occult fairy tales are great for reframing events. A frog turns into a prince. Rudolf's embarrassing red nose becomes a guiding light to bring happiness to people. Many of the common things in our everyday life are reframed by the Programmers to have hidden mind-control meanings. The Teddy Bear the child is given by her Daddy is to remind her how helpless she is to prevent him from raping her. The carousel toy is to remind the child of dissociation and the internal carousel built into the mind. Many of the things that parents, who are intentionally raising a programmed child, do, look nice on the outside unless one can reframe what they are doing in the context of total-mind-control based on trauma and fear.

Reframing can be done by collapsing anchors. For instance, the sober part of an alcoholic and the drunk state of the alcoholic are given the same anchor and then these are collapsed together to get the drunk to stay sober. The two states are taken in a process of integration for the reframing to occur. Reframing someone with MPD is almost impossible without integration, but reframing a particular alter with metaphors is not out of reach. The programmers have much more chance to reframe while they program than the therapist, because the programmers set in defensive programs to prevent other’s from reframing.

Power Words, Reversals And Puns

In NLP, 7 senses are taken into consideration. First we see, then we hear, and finally we have the senses of internal kinetics and our emotions. The Programmer also takes into consideration what are called "power words". Those are words which have specific meaning for the person. The programmers also love to use reversals and puns, for instance in Disney’s Ducktales the character says, "I stole ‘em fair and square." Other typical reversals are "Life is death, and death is life", "Pain is love, and love is pain."

Another example is one used on Cathy O’Brien, where the words "Service Entrance" were used to mean "Serve us. En-Trance." Naming an alter "Allison Wonderland" --a pun on Alice in Wonderland--is another example of a programming pun. The programmers love to use these types of things.

The Mind's Natural Alarm Clock

The programmer’s have made use of the mind’s natural ability to wake itself up like an ‘alarm clock' if it wants. Slaves may be given the coded message that the draconian enforcer will come by to pick them up at 1 a.m. The slave will automatically wake up in the middle of the night, and in a trance like a sleep walking, a deep LGP alter will take the slave out to the street to be picked up. Many slaves are being used at night without their families suspecting anything. Sleeping patterns are also related to personality. REM sleep is believed to help restore the effectiveness of certain brain pathways in which norepinephrine is a transmitter substance. By programming different alters to have certain sleep patterns, their personalities can be adjusted. Of course this is done in conjunction with many other aspects of mind control.

The Right Brain And The Unconscious

The Programmers are also aware that right-handed people use their left brain hemisphere for highly conscious processess which require good attention, focus and intentional decisions; while their right brain will tend to work on the unconscious and automatic chores. Split brain programming takes this contrast into account.