The Jesuits had gained much information over the years on the effects of trauma on the human mind. They gained that information from such things as the Spanish Inquisition and what the Crusaders had done They learned how people were easily led once they've been severely traumatized and they had been keeping records of that information for many, many years. This information was merged with what the CIA had gleaned from the Hitler/Himler research of WWII. By combining their efforts and information, mind control capabilities increased dramatically.
I was subjected to occult rituals in keeping with the "reverse psychology" programming This "reversal" of the Catholic mass into a Satanic rite had an enormous impact on me because throughout my mind control victimization, I was manipulated by those things that I held most dear. I was manipulated by my religion, by my patriotism, and after my daughter Kelly was born, by my maternal instincts.
As a child, I was right there when the CIA was merging with the Catholics. I witnessed and experienced so much and even though I didn't consciously comprehend it then, through the deprogramming process I have recorded conversations photographically that I overheard surrounding the trauma.
I was taken routinely to Mackinaw Island, Michigan. Mackinaw Island is a political retreat because it is located between the US and Canadian borders. And it is where the Michigan governor's mansion is located. It was there that I was subjected to the sexual perversions of certain politicians like Gerald Ford. I'm not saying Gerald Ford is a pedophile, a person who just rapes children. Instead, Gerald Ford is what I refer to as "tri-sexual"--he'll "try" anything with anybody, any age, any time, any where, it doesn't matter to him, as long as he can be in control. He had a perversion for power.
It was in Mackinaw Island that I first met then-Prime Minister of Canada, Pierre Trudeau, a professed Jesuit. Through conversations that I overheard between him and Governor Romney, I learned how the CIA and the Catholics were merging their information for NWO controls.
Michigan's Governor George Romney was very much interested in implementing mind control of the masses. He wanted to bring the Satanic rituals of child abuse that were proliferating in the Catholic Church into the Mormon church. He wanted a robotic society growing up within the Mormon church so that they would give more money to the NWO effort.
One of the things that he instructed me to do was to attend the Muskegon Catholic Central High School -- which was very much involved in this ClA/Jesuit merger of mind control information. Through implementation of trauma in the school system, a person such as myself would photographically record whatever I was taught. I got all A's but I didn't gain any information I could use. I couldn't think to use anything that I had learned, but I was recording facts and that's what they were interested in.
......Governor Romney was also interested in an early version of the Global Education 2000 Program (Outcome-Based Education) that's infiltrated our school system It was designed to increase our children's learning capacity while decreasing their ability to critically analyze. As a result, the Michigan education system ranked first in the nation for many years but the devastation to the children was horrible