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The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 4 (YES IT'S A FUCKING KIDS SHOW ALRIGHT)

^You can watch it on iPlayer.

Why did UNIT need to show up with loads of guns and stuff just to tell Sarah Jane about the Doctor being dead? And wouldn't she have asked why he didn't regenerate?

Her initial racist reaction to the vultures turned out to be correct. And LIKE TOMTREK I hate the random alien/old black woman showing up to say "HE IS COMING. HE IS THE DOCTOR BY THE WAY! THIS IS FORESHADOWING."

Where was Martha and why wasn't she hugging Rani?

Jo Grant's face was kind of scary (sorry.)

But all the emotional stuff was good and Matt Smith was awesome and Laila Rouass is fit.
Ah hahahahahahahahahahaha awesome.

I mean, yes, techicnically it was flawed, but on an unshamed nerdy fanwank level that was very enjoyable.

Matt Smith was, as ever, fantastic. Clips of old episodes? Always welcome.

But that lovely run-down of old companions was fantastic - THEY FINALLY ANSWERED WHAT HAPPENED TO ACE. Even Ian and Barbera are still kicking it. That's really fantastic.

Okay yes, rest of episode was good. Amy and Rory on honeymoon, good. THEY MENTIONED ACE FUCK YEAH. The regeneration limit thing - it seems ambiguous as to how serious The Doctor was being with Clyde, but they at least have an excuse to use if they need, or they can write it off as The Doctor being strange if they want to do something else. Heaven knows what happens when the Five Hundredth and Eighth Doctor dies...

One slight fan nitpick - but in an episode this steeped in continutiy I think it's only fair OKAY. Sarah and Jo were remembering the TARDIS key, and what was appearing was the Yale key that we see nowadays. However in Jo and Sarah's time the TARDIS key looked like this:


So that's what they should've been remembering!!!!!!

Only seen first ep so far. Signs that it was an RTD episode:

- Characters named Smith and Jones in same scene.
- Apparently good intentioned/concerned character foreshadows an important plot development, but in such a vague way that it's virtually useless, when they could presumably just reveal the whole plot if they felt like it.
- Midgets can only talk like Gordon Ramsey. Yes?

It was an ok episode. I liked the "since when did we judge by appearance?" line, even if SJ's racism was justified in the end. And I was surprised that Clyde said "my hand's not white!", but that was kinda good. Also, the reference to his height! Having Luke appear in every episode isn't what I was expecting (they should Skype Steph Scully while they're at it), but at least he's kept to a minimum.

The whole funeral idea seems a bit cobbled together and brings up lots of difficult to answer questions, but it's better than some RTD episodes. The new guy seems ok too, but not especially interesting so far. I hope Clyni aren't divided!
To be fair to RTD, Sarah Jane's last name is of course from the classic series, and last we saw Jo Grant she was marrying enviromentalist Clifford Jones, so...
Just watched both episodes, pretty good.

Either RTD really knows his original Who, or he has some good researchers.

Did they use any clips from the five doctors? I saw some from the three doctors, but the clips were coming thick and fast.

I suppose the 507 regenerations could be because the time lords arent around to enforce the old 13 limit, plus they firmly answered the question about whether the doctor can ever be black.
It would have been funny if they did think of the Ank key, and it wouldnt fit in the yale lock.
Was the 13 regenerations thing actually a big deal in the old series or was it just something that was mentioned in one episode and everyone remembered it so they could say "WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE GET TO THE 13TH DOCTOR!?!" forty years later?

ANYWAY, good episode.

Hot UNIT woman hinted at a dark backstory ("there's nothing left for me here, not now") but then just died(?) at the end. So I'm guess she survived somehow and will come back for hot revenge.

Next week's looks like the perfect opportunity for some Clyni action.
It was first mentioned (I believe) in the 3rd Doctors last story, where an old friend of the Doctors died peacefully, and his body vanished (a few years before star wars), and the Doctor mentioned that he must have been on his last regeneration.

I guess when you are only about to write for the fourth regeneration, the writers must have thought 13 would be enough.

But since 10 potentially wasted one by shooting it into his hand (oo err missus) the 11th Doc would on the old limit have only one life left, and that could be the Valayard (the doctors evil last regeneration) , who himself could have been hinted at by the dreamlord.
The 13 limit was first mentioned in The Deadly Assassin, a Fourth Doctor story, where we saw The Master at the end of his last life as a skeletal husk. It was basically invented by Robert Holmes to give motivation to The Master, and to also explain why he no longer looked like Roger Delgardo who had died by that point.

The line where it's introduced is totally throwaway, and from then on in the classic series it's not really mentioned that much, except a couple of passing mentions such as by the Eighth Doctor in the TV movie. It's only as we approch no. 13 that it's become an issue.
The 13 limit was first mentioned in The Deadly Assassin, a Fourth Doctor story, where we saw The Master at the end of his last life as a skeletal husk. It was basically invented by the writer Robert Holmes to give motivation to The Master, and to also explain why he no longer looked like Roger Delgardo who had died by that point.

The line where it's introduced is totally throwaway, and from then on in the classic series it's not really mentioned that much, except a couple of passing mentions such as by the Eighth Doctor in the TV movie. It's only as we approch no. 13 that it's become an issue. There is also the Valeyard which isn't actually a proper regeneration of The Doctor - it's made rather confusiong due to trouble with the writing but the basic idea is that during his regeneration from the 12th to 13th Doctor, The Doctor somehow removes or siphons off the evil part of him (such as what we saw in The Dream Lord). It's that evil part of himself that forms to become The Valeyard who then frames The Sixth Doctor to steal his remaining regenerations.

But it's always been speculated that the 13 limit was something imposed by The Time Lords, ever since The Master was offered a new set of Regenerations in The Five Doctor, and actually got a new set when hte was ressurected during the Time War.
507 seemed like a totally throwaway answer because he was talking to a child and didn't really want to come to terms with his life (well, "lives") coming to an end, just like when he sidestepped Jo's comment at the end about the Timelords, which she assumed were still alive and well.

I mean, 507 is as good a number as 13, but I think in this case you weren't supposed to take it at all literally.

Anyway, it was a good follow up ep. RTD wrote the Doc just as Moffat would have, really. No farting or shouty bits and I liked his over all demeanor in the ep. Also, a second comment by Clyde about skin colour. I wonder if this is RTD's new thing? :) I thought both comments were entirely natural and fine to have in a kid's show, though.

Good call, Wacky! I wondered what the Evil UNIT woman's story might be, but forgot about it after she "died". Maybe she escaped through one of those absurdly large air vents (I know it's an underground base, but the place must have more internal volume taken up with air vents than actual rooms to require ventilation).

So the Doc visited every single companion before he died? Crikey, how many is that? I know he's a Lord of Time, but that's a bloody long death. And we complained about how long the abridged version was.
Of course we'll probably never see evil UNIT woman again and in five years I'll still be waiting for her to show up as a cyborg and explain why there's nothing left for her, not now.
Good Ranisode. Does Rani say "bum" in every episode now? Is it an in-joke? I liked how Clyde kept trying to steer the conversation back to the possibility of them having sex. The robots were cool.