The thread that started it all.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Because it's a gated community, I can't link the thread, therefore I choose SB to be the ref that I didn't edit anything or play it out of sequence.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

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Lady Gaga

« on: May 23, 2011, 11:45:11 PM »

I'm bored with her and everyone trying to be like her now.

Can we move on to something else now?



Pretty please with sugar on top?


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Re: Lady Gaga

« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2011, 06:30:35 AM »

She was pretty funny on SNL but I detect a certain arrogance from her when she talks. Usually that's about when fans turn on their idols...


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Re: Lady Gaga

« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2011, 06:45:03 AM »

Who's that? Is that a real person?

OMFG it is!!! lol She's slike Christina Aquilera on belladonna


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Re: Lady Gaga

« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2011, 01:19:29 PM »

Quote from: donovan on May 24, 2011, 06:30:35 AM
She was pretty funny on SNL but I detect a certain arrogance from her when she talks. Usually that's about when fans turn on their idols...
I detect brain cells and air escaping when she talks. That being said...I like the songs Poker Face and Bad Romance.


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Re: Lady Gaga

« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2011, 01:36:26 PM »

Can't live with her. Can't kick her in the face.

Remember when young women were sexy?



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Queen Mud


Re: Lady Gaga

« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2011, 05:04:50 PM »

Quote from: Riotgear on May 24, 2011, 01:36:26 PM
Can't live with her. Can't kick her in the face.

Remember when young women were sexy?

Young women are still sexy, you're just looking in the wrong industry... find a snake handler


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The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Donovan replies:

She was pretty funny on SNL but I detect a certain arrogance from her when she talks. Usually that's about when fans turn on their idols...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
jack replies:

Who's that? Is that a real person?

OMFG it is!!! lol She's slike Christina Aquilera on belladonna


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Loktar (posting as Kal-El) replies:

Quote from: donovan on May 24, 2011, 06:30:35 AM

She was pretty funny on SNL but I detect a certain arrogance from her when she talks. Usually that's about when fans turn on their idols...
I detect brain cells and air escaping when she talks. That being said...I like the songs Poker Face and Bad Romance.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Riotgear replies:

Can't live with her. Can't kick her in the face.

Remember when young women were sexy?



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Queen Mud replies:

Quote from: Riotgear on May 24, 2011, 01:36:26 PM

Can't live with her. Can't kick her in the face.

Remember when young women were sexy?

Young women are still sexy, you're just looking in the wrong industry... find a snake handler


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
jack replies:

^loving you


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Mirah responds:

I happen to turn on HBO last night and didn't realize Lady Gaga was on, It took me forever to figure out who she was. I enjoyed the show, and I enjoy her performance and voice, but man whenever I look at her for a while I keep thinking, "Is she a dude?"


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
eloisel responds:

Sans makeup and wardrobe she is an ordinarily cute person. She can sing. She has some good songs. I'm just tired of it all. Everything she does has to be a major production.

I could never hang out with her because I'd miss every exciting thing that happened that wasn't planned. We'd be sitting on the back porch playing Canasta and drinking iced tea and a guy doing a travelling magic show in a horse drawn wagon would come down the street and everyone would be screaming because he was doing fabulous things that I wouldn't get to see because first I'd have to wade through Gaga's 52 layers of taffeta encasing 26 pool boys spray painted gold and striped with black dyed silk glued to their bodies - and that would be just so I could get out of my chair. By the time I got to the street the travelling magic man would be long gone, ... gone, gone, gone. She would be no fun.

All the older songstresses are trying to emulate her now - Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez - it is sickening.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Riotgear replies:

Classic butter face.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Donovan responds:

She reminds me a lot of Madonna in earlier years with the overblown production numbers. It remains to be seen if she'll be able to transition when her stage shows and meat dresses can no longer satisfy the crowds. When the extra crap falls away you see just how strong the talent actually is or isn't. See Elton John or KISS.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
eloisel responds:

Madonna and KISS are still in the game and making tons of money. They aren't in "my face" all the time anymore though.

I liked Poker Face and Bad Romance better before I saw their accompanying videos and got bombarded with Lady Gaga everywhere on everything all the time. At some point, all her music sounds the same - or like old Madonna music.

Have to give her credit for achieving so much success and she is only 25. I would apreciate her just toning it down a bit and giving it a rest once in awhile.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
donovan replies:

I meant with regard to talent level. Madonna has talent but is inactive. If she toured she could sell it sans gimmickry. KISS is a shitty band with a hot gimmick. If they ever dared take off the makeup like they did in the 90s people would figure out they suck. What will remain to be seen is if GAGA can hold a crowd without meat dresses and nudity...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
eloisel responds:

Oh, I agree Madonna is pretty much a hack with gimmicks but she did an outstanding job on the songs for "Goodbye Argentina."

And Kiss without the show isn't interesting at all. Even though watching Gene Simmons' daughter twist him around her finger on their Family Jewels TV show is kind of interesting for a few minutes every now and then.

But, Gaga is for a different demographic than me. I'm attracted to the sound of music first and the performance artristy later, if at all. Her target audience is fickle and she'll be old news before she's 30.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

I don't really think Madonna is a hack, per se, she has a very keen set of talents in dancing and performance and her singing is better than average, but she is an amazing businesswoman with a great sense of timing. Not my cup of tea really, but far from horrible.

KISS is crap, pure and simple. Comic Book rock created by the mind of Gene Simmons.

As for Gaga: I've heard several of her songs and I pay no attention to the flash and spectacle. Some of her first were really good. This last one she released is awful. It'll be interesting to see how she recovers from having a mediocre offering, but the rabid fans have bought it en masse so maybe this doesn't yet qualify as a sophomore slump...


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Fuck the silly music, I like looking at the little peach. What that one from Nickelodeon, Victoria? Yumm.

[creepy old guy chuckle]

Edit: WAIT! Selena Gomez too. Can't forget that little poptart.

/lipsmacking slurp sound
« Last Edit: May 29, 2011, 12:58:41 PM by Riotgear »


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

What's up Gear? Been sniffing a little wood glue? Spending too much time isolated? Not getting enough sunlight and green veggies?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

If sunlight and green veggies stops me from leching over Disney's latest tidbit, I'LL HAVE NO PART OF THEM!

Spending too much time watching Nickelodeon with the kids more then likely.