The thread that started it all.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

"video for Alejandro adds another layer of interpretation to the song by giving the words a deeper meaning."

It's deep alright.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Her meat dress OMG



The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Ugh. I'd say spray her with a fire hose, but why waste water when a .22 cal bullet is so much cheaper?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
end of thread. It picks up in another where she admonishes Mirah to stick around "since she's leaving"

The rest she picks up here.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
snippets from another thread. This after she left in a huff over the penquin thing, and then suddenly returned.

Quote from: jack on June 01, 2011, 08:52:01 PM

Actually, you win. Ive never seen such fail from Wheezie.

It wouldn't be the first time I've said to you, "et tu, Jack."

So, I've lost - what, I'm not sure - perhaps a pissing contest with Gear. So, perhaps I should leave and not come back. Would you like that? Just say so and I'm gone.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Call me a fool for enjoying your ebb and flow then, whatever you need


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Yeah, I want to ask you to leave when the essence of what you're posting exemplifies the excellence of my attempt with this messageboard.

Just pay attention for a minute, k?


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Quote from: jack on June 01, 2011, 09:07:18 PM

Don't lose yourelf within yourself, in other words. I don't want you to do anything. I simply adore reading wjat comes out of your fucking brain.
Be careful or we'll have to have makeup sex and then you'll have to smoke a cigarette. You owe me for three years and counting.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Punish me for distance

3 years? Holy fuck


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Sadistic Bastard:

Isn't nice to be wanted, even if it's a long distance or "never to be in real life" type relationship?

There's an odd beauty to unconsummated lust/love. I've had one of those relationships for 10 years...may NEVER end up with her face to face (although now that I'm a free man, I've thought about it more than once). But the affection goes on, and now it's got kind of a unique life of it's own.

Hope you two enjoy it. Flirting is highly under-rated.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I owe her at least a couple hours of tongue swrodfighting.

Certainly THAT isn't adultery.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Quote from: jack on June 02, 2011, 05:59:31 PM

I owe her at least a couple hours of tongue swrodfighting.

Certainly THAT isn't adultery.
Couple of hours my foot. You promised me one hour of soul kissing for every day I didn't smoke. Three years is 1095 hours. That is more than a month and a half solid kissing - something would happen!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Mouth rot most likely.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom

Quote from: Sadistic Bastard on June 02, 2011, 03:37:35 PM

Isn't nice to be wanted, even if it's a long distance or "never to be in real life" type relationship?

There's an odd beauty to unconsummated lust/love. I've had one of those relationships for 10 years...may NEVER end up with her face to face (although now that I'm a free man, I've thought about it more than once). But the affection goes on, and now it's got kind of a unique life of it's own.

Hope you two enjoy it. Flirting is highly under-rated.
If Jack wasn't a happily married guy it might be more than an online flirtation. Can't tell you why but I like Jack. Have ever since the time he was really ugly to me and I called him on it and he apologized. Ever since he laughed at my joke about the pregnant Pewter Queen in the War that didn't happen with Messenger and his side kick VKD. Some people I just like and he is one of them.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
She was talking about having a "high dollar mouth".

The rest of the thread degenerates into hilarity!


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
*shrugs* looks like more El baiting to me.

Yknow what fuckley? You've just been owned deeply. You asked me to post the threads. I did. If they don't prove the point I'm trying to make (clearly) then it's genetic as far as your developmental disability is concerned.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Weasel, again. Fuck you, bitch.