The Tisiphone adventures:On a boat!


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Love Child & I must still be in bed.


I want to smell dark matter
He talks like an authentic chinaman.


Touching the monolith
Staff member

(once you begin a continuing story you will be hounded for moar CONSTANTLY)


I want to smell dark matter


Touching the monolith
Staff member


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Dr Cave, I will hunt you down.

Dr Dave

Episode 4: Info from the bartender

Having sent Love Child on her way (after several hours of hot lesbian sex) Tisiphone went around the ship with a large knife.

Two things were bothering her, the fact that there were chickens on the ship and the fact she didn't have a drink in her hand.

Up to the bar she went.

Barkeeper Tomtrek was on hand, mixing drinks and flirting with girls, PRETTY GIRLS!

"What will ya have" asked Barkeeper Tomtrek.

"Tequila, and keep it coming" replied Tisiphone.

Tomtrek handed her a large glass of Tequila.

"Ahh hellz yeah!" Said Tisiphone.

"Have you heard THE NEWS?" asked Barkeeper Tomtrek

"I've been rather busy having hot lesbian sex, what's the good word?" asked Tisiphone

"Some guy got pushed off the boat, they caught it ON A SECRET CAMERA!" said Tomtrek.

"Did they catch him?" asked Tisiphone

"Alas not. Oh and also Chickens have been causing trouble. Apparently some of the chickens that Cassie girl brought on were Pirate Chickens." Said Tomtrek.

Tisiphone downed her glass of tequila "Then I have work to do"

"And I need to adjust my monocle" said Tomtrek.

To be continued...


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Tequila and sex (sorry not lesbian this time) sounds just like my weekend. YOU'RE AN ORACLE DR. DAVE


I want to smell dark matter
Good use of lesbianism.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I already want MOAR.


I want to smell dark matter
When it's between a man and a horse.

Dr Dave

Episode 5 Captain Kirk Visits Cassie

Cassie sat at her desk and looked at a box that was left on her bed.

She wondered who had sent the box, what was in the box, and where Tisiphone was.

Cassie opend the box and look what she saw...

"CAPTAIN KIRK!" she shouted.

Somebody had sent her a new Captain Kirk Vibrator. She looked at the note "From the MineField Gang" on it.

"Awww" She said.

Suddenly Tisiphone broke though the door. "The chickens are marching torwards THE BAR, we must KILL THEM ALL" said Tisiphone

"Nobody is going to ruin my birthday, and the dinner later at THE CAPTAINS TABLE" Said Cassie.

"Then lets go" Tisiphone said tossing a LARGE FUCKING KNIFE to Cassie "Oh and Happy Birthday".

To be continued...

[Anoucer]Next time on The Tisiphone Adventures: On a Boat..[/Anouncer]

"They're coming right for us" Shouted STUPID BOAT PASSANGER 22

"Who will save us, and eventually get this story to an end?" Said Random Naked and soon to have his dick cut off by a chicken passenger 35

"I will bitches" Said Tisiphone