The Troll Kingdom Story Thread.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It's amazing watching BG champ at the bit like this.

It's like getting a free troll. Wheeze trolled herself out completely in this thread in her own unique. passive/agressive bullshit coy way, and thought she was getting somewhere til it became "put up or shut up" time. She won't ever give you a dime, but she'll always act like she's entertaining the idea.

Good work Mr Saint.

Remember folks...I'm the one that paid..I get to play.

Some of you will get to see the results.

BG, you won't be one of them, I'm afraid :bigass:

The Question

New material has been dispensed. The story is going to go in a particularly horrific direction. I know what tortures I have in mind, and because they're favorites of mine, I know exactly how to depict the victim's reactions to them. I have the sneaking suspicion that they will, by the time the story has ended, have horrified even Jack.

What can I say?

I give the customer his (or her) money's worth.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I love being horrified.

I really love how it about hitting the nail on the head lol


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
There's always TKR too, eh? Registration has almost doubled in the last couple weeks alone. Friends of friends of friends. The info chain of hands is pretty specific, but seems to get viral, depending on the intent of the contributors.

Just think're going to be FAMOUS :bigass:


Something Wicked
Cait, you naughty girl, where've ya been? I'm still working on that 30 page research paper -- just wrapping it up soon, actually -- and then it's back to work on Jack's wunnerfully gruesome order.

Me? Naughty? ;)

I've been around. Over on Sc and EI, but to be honest, since my move to the boondocks of Oregon, I just don't get on line unless I have to for work. I have missed you a LOT though. Us writers have to stick together, That, and I've always had a secret crush on you.

Well, once you finish the research project and get back to this one, add me to the list of readers. :D I'll find some way to thank you! LOL

The Question

Me? Naughty? ;)


I've been around. Over on Sc and EI, but to be honest, since my move to the boondocks of Oregon, I just don't get on line unless I have to for work. I have missed you a LOT though. Us writers have to stick together, That, and I've always had a secret crush on you.


Well, once you finish the research project and get back to this one, add me to the list of readers. :D I'll find some way to thank you! LOL

Research project's done. But you're going to have to ask Jack to see what's up on the story so far. It's on his dime, so he gets to say who can see it and who can't. :)


Something Wicked
If I beg here in front of everyone do you think Jack will take pity on me?

It's worth a try.

Jack, please let me read the story. You know how much I'd want to read it. The topic is cool, the writer is excellent [and cool], and you know I'll just die if I don't get to read it. [OK maybe not die, but swoon from despair and desperation for sure.] :p


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
There that's better :D. LOL of course you can read it.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It's going to be a wild ride, and he hasn't even really gotten started yet. He's claiming to be able to shock even me, and no one's done that since Bret Easton Ellis in his Bennington College days.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
E- TS owes me enough money that I could use it to trump Jacks story.

I didn't know we were even competing. And I was just reacting to how strong you were coming off about needing to one up me. If you can promise to keep it to yourself, you can have access after it gets finished.

You too Friday. I actually especially want some of your PhD (or masters, whatever) feedback.

This is fun :D


U mad 'bro?
Since I even got The Saint to unfriend me, the matter is mote.

The Question

It's, "moot." And I only unfriended one of your accounts, and only because it's almost impossible for me to not comment when I see somebody say something that indicates that she's as batty as the width, breadth and depth of Carlsbad Caverns. I thought I was pretty restrained with the comment, too. But sorry, man. Talking about lobsters being enslaved is riding-a-unicycle-through-a-library-wearing-nothing-but-clown-makeup nutty.


U mad 'bro?
discussion and debate is fine, but you also laced it with insults.
And like I said, that's fine for your own page, but to come across onto someone else's page whom you aren't even friends with to troll isn't acceptable.
Just because you have an opinion, doesn't mean that it needs to be sprayed all over. Especially when you know the person, and that they don't play the trolling game.
Keep trolling where it belongs.


beer, I want beer
All lobsters should be enslaved, and executed with boiling water and melted butter.

The Question

discussion and debate is fine, but you also laced it with insults.
And like I said, that's fine for your own page, but to come across onto someone else's page whom you aren't even friends with to troll isn't acceptable.
Just because you have an opinion, doesn't mean that it needs to be sprayed all over. Especially when you know the person, and that they don't play the trolling game.
Keep trolling where it belongs.

Like I said on FB, that wasn't trolling; I am honestly, sincerely stunned that an otherwise mature, stable human being would assert that what blacks went through in the antebellum South was of no more consequence than what goes on at Red Lobster. Frankly, I'm kind of hoping that she was trolling.


beer, I want beer
Like I said on FB, that wasn't trolling; I am honestly, sincerely stunned that an otherwise mature, stable human being would assert that what blacks went through in the antebellum South was of no more consequence than what goes on at Red Lobster. Frankly, I'm kind of hoping that she was trolling.

Wait, WHAT?

The Question

Wait, WHAT?

Someone on Facebook referred to the captivity and consumption of lobsters as "slavery" and "murder." The "murder" bit isn't all that uncommon among animal rights extremists, but the "slavery" bit is an entirely new one on me. Slavery to me indicates ownership of one human being by another, as well as, generally speaking, forced labor. I have no idea how many people have lobsters out behind plows and picking cotton and tidying their houses. :shrug:

Pointing out how crazy that sounds isn't trolling. It's a gentle (or not so gentle, depending on how you take it) indicator that you're crossing into Charlie Manson territory and it might be time to double back, or at least tap the brakes.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
discussion and debate is fine, but you also laced it with insults.
And like I said, that's fine for your own page, but to come across onto someone else's page whom you aren't even friends with to troll isn't acceptable.
Just because you have an opinion, doesn't mean that it needs to be sprayed all over. Especially when you know the person, and that they don't play the trolling game.
Keep trolling where it belongs.

ah so what you did in this thread is "payback"???

grow. the. fuck. up.

Thank you Friday, you are often the voice of reason. I will listen to you more when you post.

That's a promise.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
You're an asshole Blindgroping.