Top 100 genre tv characters discussion thread


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
^yeah, it is. :)


I want to smell dark matter
Is MacGyber sci-fi or fantasy?


Boobie inspector
The series wasnt either, but they had a tv movie where he found atlantis, so it might just scrape by, I think you would be well within your rights to get rid of him though, he could always be replaced by Jack O'Neill anyway.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Jack O'Neill is already on there!


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, I'm afraid MacGyver is DISQUALIFIED. Sorry, BDM. If you think of a replacement post the details in this thread and I'll edit your post.

EVERYONE ELSE continue as normal.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Is that a Charmed thing?

Eggs, you posted a pic of Locutus instead of Picard. ;)
I knew this would come up... ;)

I don't consider Locutus to be a different character than Picard. Picard's duplicate in Time Squared, for example, might be a different character. But Picard as Locutus is just Picard in an affected state.

Would you consider the primitive creatures that the crew devolved into in "Genesis" as different characters?


I want to smell dark matter


Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Yay. Because it was such an awesomely sweet pic I HAD TO USE IT so I'm glad I could rationalize it. :)

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
BTW, does it seem to anyone else like we could do a 200-character list without breaking a sweat? ;)


Boobie inspector
We could probably make a 1000, but by the end we will be onto Engisn Sonya Gomez, and Jackie Tyler


I want to smell dark matter
She spilled coffee on Picard!


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe we should slow down for a few hours to let Tomtrek add someone. BUT IT'S SO ADDICTIVE


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I'll quit for the day...

But another question (suckas). Would the cartoon Wolverine (from the 90's cartoon) count as well? Or Rogue? Not that I plan on doing that, but just trying to get a feel to see if there's something that seperates the cartoons and stuff. Is X-Men considered a genre, or because it's based on a comic book, on a different level?

Am I making any sense? I'm sorry...Rush Limbaugh just sucked my brain out.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, they'd count.

I could change the name to "genre tv character database" or something but then we'd keep adding people until we're adding Porthos and Spot...maybe change it to the top 108 since that's the number from Lost...or just leave it as it is.


Staff member
Just added a few that just have to be on there. It's a really good list so far.

We're nearing the end and it means that some great characters are going to get bumped which is a shame.

The problem is a show like Star Trek has so many classic characters that it's hard to just pick the absolute best of the best and leave others out.



Boobie inspector
I say take the number out of the title, and just let people add characters until the thread dies on its own


I want to smell dark matter
Do we need Bender AND Flexo? If I take the number out, yeah, but I don't know...I suppose I could have a poll about taking the number out (since we're all about polls here!)