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Top 100 genre tv characters discussion thread

While it's true that a list like this will always be subjective to an extent I believe that when we make a decision we should weigh up our own personal fondness of the character in question against whether deep down we really believe they deserve a place on a list that is trying to list the best that genre TV has given us. Only icons of the genre should be listed. Characters that have progressed the medium in some way.

But that's me.

I'm sure some might argue about my Gabrielle pick (or one of the others I listed) but you can't have Xena and not her. Both were crucial to the show and paved the way for female heroines such as them.
I don't know enough about her to make a judgment. But Xena definitely deserves a place on the list and so I'll take your word for it on her as well ;)

How we've managed to get through 100 without getting Angel up there is beyond me. I kept meaning to add him but oh well..

Flexo just shouldn't be on. The joke was it was Bender with a beard and not as evil. That was it. His voice and everything else was exactly the same. I'd put Fry, Leela, Zoiberg etc on before him if there was going to be a second Futurama character.

Boba Fett, AND SORRY IF IT LOOKS LIKE I'M PICKING ON WHISKY, shouldn't be on either as he'd a movie character and it's a tv list and one appearance in a sub-standard cartoon shouldn't count.

Anime characters of course should be allowed. I don't know who any of them ARE but I assume the people who added them do and had a good reason for including them.

MacGyver has been disqualified and unless BDM posts in the next couple of hours I'm going to edit him to John Locke who obviously should be on and is someone I think we can all agree should be on (RIGHT?)

If anyone from Voyager should be on I'd much rather have Seven of Nine than Janeway but that's just personal preference of course.

Other characters I think should be on but aren't even though we're at 100: Odo, Rupert Giles, Angel...probably some more I can't remember.

I'd argue that Janeway is far more iconic than Seven (who I like as well) since she was the first female captain and was one of the few gambles that Voyager did well and pulled off.

Angel and Locke should be on without a doubt. Anime characters are tricky because it's such a HUGE sub-genre with tons of great characters. A list could be dedicated to them alone with ease.

How we've managed to get through 100 without getting Angel up there is beyond me. I kept meaning to add him but oh well..

I was thinking the same thing, but as much as I enjoyed him, he was too angsty for me, and I much preferred Spike until the devamped him.
And I guess Ahsoka would be a controversial inclusion by me but I think Clone Wars is a damn good show and deserves recognition and they did a great job making her a likable protoganist who seems like she belongs with the Jedi.
I just realized Jessica Alba's Dark Angel isn't up there. But I don't like the bitch, so bwahahahaha!
I thought about Dark Angel. It wasn't terrible but not great either. Aeryn Sun should be up on the list way before her IMO.
We could have seperate 100 males and 100 females, that would give us plenty of extra spaces to play with.
I nearly put on Juliet from Lost because I like her tits (and because I thought there was a lkac of females and she is a good character.)
Or make a separate thread for cartoon characters. Also, Rod Sterling isn't a character.