Top Tens For 2010

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
The only quibble I have with your list is that Ellen Page is NOT cuter than an otter. The only thing cuter than an otter is my new baby boy!


I want to smell dark matter

1) Natalie Portman - I like her!
2) Michelle Trachtenberg - Her too (BUT WHICH IS BETTER?)
3) Sunshine Martyn - Nope, not ready to forget JUST YET...
4) Allison Scagliotti - She was hot in Smallville!
5) Deborah Ann Woll - She has red hair.
6) Ellen Page - She's a cute unit.
7) Kristin Kreuk - In Chuck.
8) Rachel Riley - Hot bum.
9) Caoimhe Guilfoyle - She's physically attractive, let's leave it at that.
10) Ashley Eckstein

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
I wonder if there will ever be a time when either Natalie or Michelle aren't in the #1 spot?


I want to smell dark matter


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Closer was on last night. Forgot how good she looked in a wig. Natalie, that is.


Your most recent top 10 does not include Karen Gillan. That is an oversite so vast that it calls into question the validity of all list, past and present. I am afraid a complete list audit needs to be done, and may result in the toss out of all Wacky lists.


I want to smell dark matter
I don't work for you.


I want to smell dark matter
This is not to say I don't like Karen Gillan....



Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Eh, she don't do much for me. LoL.


I want to smell dark matter

1) Natalie Portman - The Black Swan promo pics have finally arrived and I think it's going to be even better than I imagined.
2) Michelle Trachtenberg - Bumped from the top spot at the last minute for Natalie. I'm sure she'd understand.
3) Marina Diamandis - She's a talented, spunky young singer!
4) Deborah Ann Woll - I like her face.
5) Karen Gillan - She's scottish.
6) Caoimhe Guilfoyle - Shut up, Josie.
7) Avril Lavigne - Good old Avril.
8) Kristin Kreuk - I think she's finished on Chuck already.
9) Allison Scagliotti
10) Talulah Riley - Pale breasts.
11) Rachel Riley - Curvy maths.
12) Layla El - Of wrestling fame.
13) Ellen Page - Ticklable.


I want to smell dark matter


I want to smell dark matter

1) Michelle Trachtenberg - Yeah, this is the right one.
2) Scarlett Johansson - She's back.
3) Natalie Portman - She's cute.
4) Marina Diamandis - She has nice hair.
5) Deborah Ann Woll - I'd lick her face.
6) Caoimhe Guilfoyle - She looked nice at her non-eviction interview.
7) Summer Glau - Remember her.
8) Lady GaGa - Seriously, I've been asking myself "is Lady GaGa hot?" for a while and just randomly decided the answer is "yes, sometimes" today.
9) Evan Rachel Wood - Pale breasts.
10) Sunshine Martyn - Previously unseen VT footage so it's okay to include her again!

(I forgot it was Thursday.)


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I can't go there with ya on Lady Gaga, though.


I want to smell dark matter
Lady GaGa reminds me of Sunshine.


I want to smell dark matter

1) Michelle Trachtenberg - Who else.
2) Natalie Portman - HER ELSE.
3) Scarlett Johansson - Oh look, it's just the top three from the Wacky Hot One Hundred.
4) Avril Lavigne - In a bikini.
5) Evan Rachel Wood - I don't understand why everyone hates her.
6) Sunshine Martyn - I think she's probably the coolest person ever.
7) Genevieve Buechner - She looked nice in the Caprica trailer (shame there's 28 years to wait now.)
8) Freema Agyeman - I think she's a bit underrated.
9) Kat Dennings - I don't even know who she is but she's in Thor and she was in some video talking about it with Natlaie and looked nice.
10) Karen Gillan - PALE BEAUTY.
11) Alessandra Torresani - Yes she's hot.
12) Kym Valentine
13) Ashleigh Brewer


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Where's the Sookie love? I think she's looked gorgeous this season. Especially the fairy sequence.

But I still love you and your top 10's and know that this is not my list. ;)