Troll Kingdom

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You're in good hands, Chatty. Shatna has done me again and again and again and I'm never disappointed. Each time is better than the last even...
Shatna said:
I'll try. Failing that, I'll make you some bizarre Delawarian anime tentacle creature thing. :D

FIRST of all, it's "Delawenian". They voted on it and everything.

SECOND of all, I AIN'T NO DELAWENIAN! I'm from a suburb of Philadelphia. Feel free to insert a cheesesteak somewhere on my person.

Pffft. We'd come from Jersey to Philly suburbs just to steal your women and take them away in our IROCs. :D
Lilith's character is delayed for a bit, but here are the other new additions.


Gagh, I will search high and low for at least the proper colours, if not the exact design, of your training uni. Sorry, man.

Chatty, I hope this is close enough. Look, she's even got a tail!

Shy made her request in the Chat room, I hope this will do.

Oh, and check it out: my first unauthorized-but-I-couldn't-help-myself TK Sim:

