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Wacky Reviews: Star Trek

KIRK: There's a Bird-of-Prey on the lookout for us. And she can fire while cloaked.
SULU: Surely not!
KIRK: Unfortunately it's true. And don't call me Shirley.


I really like this movie. When I saw it in the theater, I had a boyfriend and we saw it together. Good times.
Actually that kind of sucks for Iman then, being trapped in the Nexus after being blown out of Engineering on the ENT-B, then being talked into leaving it by Picard, only to die violently falling down a rockface soon after.

It was fun, my ass.
Star Trek: The Next Generation

Encounter at Farpoint parts 1 and 2 - Some English guy is reading the "space, the final frontier" speech! That's the TMP theme! That's a different Enterprise! It's all familiar but...different!?

We start with Picard looking out a window and then the camera is really shaky as he walks around Engineering. Why was it so shaky? I don't know, but there's a lot happening here so I don't think I can recap everything! We're quickly interoduced to Captain Picard, Counselor Troi (she senses a powerful mind!), Data the robot (he doesn't know what "snoop" means which seems weird), Worf the Klingon, and Tasha Yar is there too I guess. A big fence in space stops them and Q appears, saying "thou" and "art" a lot. He freezes a secruity guard just by looking at him and Troi shouts "HE'S FROZEN!" in the first hilariously bad Troi moment of many. It's actually a pretty good start though as we go right into the action of the episod before the first ad break. Q switches to various different outfits through human history, talking about humans being a violent childrace. Worf asks to CLEAN UP THE BRIDGE. Q disappears and Picard decides to seperate the saucer (they sure got that in early) at warp speed and says "NOW HERE THIS" for the first time.

They try to outrun Q's flying orb thing but it can go faster than them. Worf doesn't want to run from a fight because he's a Klingon but Picard rightly tells him to shut up. It's a ship with families on it (even a kid Vulcan!) so they all go into the saucer (under Worf's command) while Picard and the others go to the Battle Bridge. And there's the first appearance of the legendary Miles O'Brien! The theme music plays again as the saucer seperates. It's a very impressive looking sequence. Picard surrenders to Q and eveyrone looks shocked. Kirk never would have done that!

Picard, Data, Yar and Troi are transported to a post nuclear courtroom full of dwarves. Troi says this isn't an illusion, it's all real. There's a guy who keeps shooting a gun for attention and Q comes flying in wearing an awesome judge's outfit. It's 2079 so hopefully we'll all live long enough to see this happen for real! One of the dwarves is really into ringing a bell! Q freezes Yar and it looks hilariously bad (Troi's acting is also still hilariously bad.) The trial goes on and Picard's all sassy saying there's no charges against his crew. Q forces him to plead guilty but Picard asks for them to be tested instead. Q agrees that Farpoint Station will be their test. They're sent back to the Battle Bridge and O'Brien doesn't even know they were gone. He fell asleep I guess.

Now, finally, half an hour into the episode, HERE'S RIKER. Holy shit he looks young. He meets with the excellent named Groppler Zorn and asks how farpoint station became so impressive so quickly. Some apples magically appear. Riker's the man! He meets with Doctor Crusher and her annoying son Wesley. Picard brought Wesley's father's body home. A happy memory. There's also a guy with a hairband over his eyes named La Forge. Riker introdcues himself to Picard as "Riker, W.T." which is kind of awesome? Picard shows him a video of Q which uses all the same camera angles the show did, somehow. Picard is really cold to Riker and forces him to manually reconnect the saucer. O'Brien smiles because Riker's got the RIGHT STUFF. Riker tells a story about not letting his Captain beam down to a dangerous mission. Picard orders Riker to stop him from making an ass of himself with children. It's a bit weird!

George expositions about his VISOR. Data talks to a really old Doctor McCoy who's gone all southern again because he's 137 and says "boy" a lot. He talks about Vulcans and tells Data to treat the Enterprise like a lady while nice music plays. It's a cute scene thanks to the viewer's affection for McCoy, but the make-up and the way he says "boy" so much is distracting.

We're into part 2 now. Worf nearly shoots a hole in the viewscreen when Q appears on it. Troi talks to Riker in his HEAD and it's really cringeworthy. Even Troi gets in on the exposition explaining to Groppler Zorn that she's only half Betazoid. She senses pain and loneliness. The second half of this episode is really bad, folks! Picard makes a comment about the Ferengi eating people.

Riker DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO ASK THE COMPUTER WHERE DATA IS. Apparently that's a new fucntion of Galaxy Class starships. He goes into the Holodeck to find Data because we need to introduce everything in this episode. Data can't whistle and definitely has emotions. They walk around the holodeck for ages and Wesley falls in water. What does this have to do with Farpoint Station?

Riker's away team investigate the station and Troi senses pain again. She's really bad. Everyone walks around tunnels for a while. Wesley rides the turbolift to the Bridge and Picard's like "WHAT THE HELL" until he sees Beverly. Then things get weird! He's all like "your son!?" and it REALLY seems like they were planning to make Wesley Picard's secret love child. He lets Wesley onto the Bridge and we get to see it through Wesley's eyes (it looks the same.) A huge weird ship shows up and Picard asks if it's the Ferengi. It fires on the old city on the planet but not Farpoint. The old city looks like something out of TOS.

Q shows up again when Picard locks phasers on the ship. Riker and Data find Groppler crying in his office. He's beamed away by someone. Q keeps going on about how hard this puzzle is to solve. But actually it's just really boring? Picard goes to Beverly and asks if she wants to leave the ship but she doesn't. It's another awkward scene that could have been left out.

Riker's team goes to the other ship and it looks like the tunnels below Farpoint. Troi sense emotions AGAIN and it's really wearing thin. They find Zorn being tortured. Picard finally figures out what's going on: the spaceship is alive and so is Farpoint. The ship turns into a space jellyfish right when he figures it out. Was it listening to him? Q admits this was too simple a puzzle. It really was. The two jellyfishes are in love! Picard frees the Farpoint jellyfish. Groppler was forcing it to be a space station, the jerk. The two jellyfish touch tendrils (ooh err!) and fly off together for space sex. Fucking Troi's all "I feel great joy!" as if we can't figure it out from the tendril touching. Q disappears but won't promise not to return. Picard says "let's see what's out there!" episode over.

Imagine it's 1987. The Voyager Home came out the year before and it was great and you've never loved the original crew more. A new Star Trek series with an ALL NEW CREW arrives on tv! You're not sure about it, but you give it a shot. And you get two hours of space jellyfish. I can see why a lot of Trekkies hated TNG from the start.

TO BE FAIR, the episode isn't all bad. The first part is pretty decent! The Q stuff is considerably better than the Farpoint Station stuff. Yes he's another variation on the familiar original series "godlike alien judging humanity" but John de Lancie does a great job playing the character (even without the humour Q will eventually be associated with.) Parick Stewart does his best acting of the episode playing off him. The saucer seperation may feel a little unnecssary but it's an exciting sequence. And Q freezing people is fun. But the second half of the episode is pretty bad. Everything involving Farpoint Station is bad and boring. This is supposed to be a huge test for humanity but it's actually really easy to figue out what's going on! The space jellyfish look stupid. And the episode introduces a million things: not just all the regular characters (and Q) but also a five minute scene on the holodeck, McCoy's cameo, an explanation for Geodie's VISOR, Wesley being annoying...there's too much stuff slowing the episode down.

As far as the characters go, Picard is quite good. He has some weird moments (anything with the Crushers) but it's nice to have a Captain being presented as intelligent and thoughtful and trying to avoid violence against a superior foe (though it's not like Kirk actually shot people for no reason either.) Patrick Stewart is a great actor and always compelling to watch. I quite liked Riker too though obviously I'm biased because I love Riker. Worf wasn't intended as a main character at first but Michael Dorn makes an impression in the few lines he has. Data is prety different from the Data we all remember but Bret Spiner is already very good at playing a robot. On the other hand, Troi is terrible. Just terrible. Marina Sirtis completely overacts in every emotion sensing scene and it becomes embarrassing to watch. Wesley...I know Wil Wheaton was young but the character was annoying. He just was. Yar seems quite ropey too.

So yeah, it's not the best start. But the good thing about it being thirty years old(!) is that I know it's going to get better!

(I'm waching the HD remastered episodes on Netflix by the way and they look great.)

SCORE: 5/10
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The Naked Now - Everyone on a research vessel sounds drunk. Then they blow themselves into space. Riker, Data, Gerodi and Yar beam over and find crewmembers frozen. Hey, this is starting to sound a bit familiar! Doctor Crusher can't find any unusual readings, which is weird. Troi stands over Crusher's shoulder when she's doing scans for some reason. Geordi starts acting weird. Riker thinks this has all happened before because he's watched TOS like I have. Geordi escapes Sickbay because Crusher didn't even lock the door. Crusher sucks. Geordi goes to hang out with Wesley who has invented a tractor beam that can pick up chairs. Geordi's a boring drunk. Also Wesley has a soundboard of Picard giving orders because he's a fucking nerd.

Geordi asks Yar to help him and she says "Geordi, my job is Security!" It's hilariously bad. Geordi starts talking about how he wants to see like everyone else and Levar Burton does some pretty good acting. You'd think a good Doctor would isolate everyone Geordi's been in contact with, but no, Crusher lets Yar walk around. Kirk gets named dropped as Picard, Riker and Data read about the last time this happened. Drunk Tasha wants to wear Troi's girly clothes because she doesn't have any. Data keeps asking what words and phrases mean. Tasha walks about shaking her hips and the camera lingers on her bum. THE MALE GAZE. Wesley uses his soundboard to trick the (lady!) Chief Engineer and the chubb Assistant Chief. He plays a recording of Picard saying acting Captain Wesley Crusher is in command now. OH DEAR.

Wesley takes over Engineering because that's what drunken teens do in the 24th century. I'd have been shagging in the Holodeck. Data nearly says "penis" and Picard's reaction is pretty funny. Data goes to bring drunken Yar to Sickbay and she starts talking about "rape gangs" on her home planet. And somehow it's the funniest thing to happen so far in the episode? Just because it's so random and out of place in a comedy episode. Then they have sex because Data's drunk too somehow. Drunk Troi hits on "Bill" Riker. The Assistant Chief stacking up computer chips in a pile is quite funny. Wesley tells Picad he feels "hot and strange" and this is getting uncomfortable! Meanwhile a star is collapsing and the ship can't move because of Wesley.

Data does a "I just got laid!" walk onto the Bridge and says "if you prick me, do I not leak?" so the episode is up to three funny parts at least. Drunk Crusher starts hitting on Picard. Remember last episode Picard thought she didn't like him because he killed her husband (or something)? Turns out she just wanted to shag him! And you'll notice that all three female main characters, when drunk, have just started hitting on male characters, whereas the male characters all got to do individual drunk things. That's bad. Picard's drunk too now and there isn't much time left until they get exploded or whatever. Drunk Data has to rearrange the control chips quickly. Picard goes to visit Bev and does a funny hope as he walks through the doors which makes me laugh. Wesley comes up with a way to save he day (showing that he's smarter than the Chief Engineer) and Crusher cures everyone. The Enterprise gets away just in time (THANKS TO SUPER WESLEY) and Data and Yar have an awkward reunion on the Bridge. Picard randomly says "I think we shall end up with a fine crew...if we avoid temptation!" As if temptation was the problem and not spave drunkeness.

As you might have gathered, this is a remake of the original series episode 'The Naked Time'. It's a bizarre choice for a second episode for several reasons! Why remake an orginal series episode so soon? Surely they'd want to avoid comparisons to the much loved original. Why have any episode where all the characters are acting abnormally when we don't even know how the characters act normally yet? People were no doubt already saying "THIS PICARD IS NO KIRK" so having him doing drunk comedy scenes with Crusher in his second episode was hardly likely to win anyone over. Another problem with the episode is that it just isn't that funny. 'The Naked Time' wasn't great but it had memorable stuff like shirtless Sulu running around with a sword and Spock being tempted by Chapel. This one just has the female crewmembers trying to get laid and some weird Data comedy before we really know Data's character. Some of it is funny, but it's not funny enough to justify the remake. Wesley outsmarting everyone to invent a reverse tractor beam is a pretty groan worthy ending. So yeah, the episode has some entertainment value (Picard's hop!) but really shoudn't have come this early in the season.

SCORE: 5.5/10
That was my biggest problem at the time, we have barely seen them act in character, so how do we know when they are acting out of it?

Still at least they told us those engine chips were important, I bet we see a lot more of them in the future.
I was thinking "HOW CAN DATA HAVE EMOTIONS WHEN HE'S DRUNK" but the series hasn't even established that he doesn't have emotions yet.
Code of Honor - The Enterprise is at Space Africa (okay, Ligon 2) to pick up a rare vaccine. Their leader is shocked that the Chief of Security is a woman and imprssed when she beats a guy up. The actor playing the Ligonian leader (Lutan) goes for a super campy performance, which is at least...interesting to watch. He wants to watch Yar beat things up on the holodeck. Women on his planet aren't like her, you see. They just own the land, they don't fight. He kidnaps Yar while Picard and Troi just stand there, not reacting at all. Picard casually calls for a Red Alert. It's so weird, like he doesn't actually give a fuck about Yar. Maybe he doesn't!

Troi explains that Yar is physically attractive (thanks Troi!) but it goes beyond that with Lutan. They decide to just wait and see what he does. Crusher decides that even with this deadly plague killing people and Yar being kidnapped, now would be a good time to ask if Wesley can come on the Bridge. Seriously, fuck Crusher. Picard lets Wesley sit at Ops. Data calls French an "obscure language" which seems stupid since I doubt French will have died out by the 24th century. It's just there for more awkward comedy while Yar is being held prisoner by a man who's sexually obsessed with her. Picard politely asks for Yar back (because of the CODE OF HONOUR) but Lutan invites him to the planet to get her back. Picard and Troi beam down after convincing Riker to let Picard go because Gene put it in the series bible that Captains won't lead away teams and now it always has to be justified.

Lutan puts on a really shitty looking party with axe juggling and stick tapping. Picard formally asks for Yar to be returned. Lutan refsues becasue he wants Yar to be his wife. Lutan's current wife wants to fight her to the death. Picard says no so Lutan says "then you shall have no vaccine, no treaty and no Lieutenant Yar. THEN THINGS GET SUPER WEIRD as Troi makes Yar admit that it was a "thrill" to be kidnapped and Yar admits that yeah it did turn her on. Yep, the same Yar who once fled rape gangs is turned on by a good kidnapping and attempted enforced marriage! Yar and Troi try to convince Picard to let her fight. Picard tries to be bros with Luton by calling Yar "a rather lovely female!" Turns out Lutan actually has no money and that's why he wants the fight to happen (I guess?)

Data tries to tell Geordi a joke about kidneys. I don't know why that's there but the actors have good chemistry. Picard talks about the Prime Directive and having to stick to the code of honour blah blah blah who cares get to the girl fight. Lutan's wife (who is bizarelly named Yareena) thinks that every woman loves Lutan and Yar just wants him for herself. Also she can fight so why was Lutan saying earlier that it was so amazing that a woman (Yar) was good at fighting and stuff? Now Data asks Yar if she loves Lutan because that just keeps coming up! Yar says she's attracted to him because she's a weirdo. Just when it seems we're about to get the fight it cuts back to the Enterprise where Data is briefing Riker about Picard's secret plan.

FINALLY WE GET TO THE FIGHT and it's...really shit. Remember how great 'Amok Time' was? This isn't! It takes place inside some weird climbing frame thing and it's mostly just the woman ducking around poles. And a man dies accidentally from the poisoned weapon. Yar wins the fight and seemingly kills Yareena, but Crusher beams her up to save her (she doesn't save the man who died as well though!) The treaty stands because Yareena died before she was brought back. Also Yarina was in love with Lutan's friend all along I guess! Kind of like in 'Amok Time' when Spock's wife turned out to be a bitch. Yar is still turned on by Lutan despite his attempt to get his wife murdered but says she can't be with him because there would be "complications." Wow.

Yeah, this episode is terrible. You hae the (nearly all) white Federation crew arriving and criticising a "backwards" space African culture. You have Yar being the worst character ever and being all turned on by a man who kidnaps her and plots to have his wife killed. Seriously they could have done some kind of story about Yar's past history with sexual abuse and how it's made her more likely to be attracted to an abused (or something) but the episode isn't interested in anything other than Yar being turned on by big bad Lutan. The only entertainment comes from one decent interaction between Data and Geordi and the amusngly campy acting by the guy playing Lutan. It feels like a season three episode of the original series and not even a good one! As well as the offensively one note black characters and Denise Crosby's bad acting (sorry, but it's true) it's also pretty boring in general. TNG needs a good episode fast.

SCORE: 1.5/10
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I remember the planet looking like a cheap set and the sky being just one solid colour, like on the original series, but without the excuse of having no money or technology.

I'd call it a homage, but they did it for the whole 1st season.
I read somewhere that the studio had so little faith in the concept of the new show that they had an agreement that if it was cancelled after one season it would just be bolted to the end of the original show in syndication.

Which might explain some of the aesthetic choices.
The Last Outpost - The Enterprise is chasing a Ferengi ship, a race they've only heard rumours of before. The Enterprise is immobilised somehow around a planet (Worf says "immobilised by the damn Ferengi!" which is a weird thing to say of a species of which they know almost nothing?) Communications don't even work inside the ship because all power is being drained (except the Bridge is still working fine...and the turbolifts.) Data talks about the Ferengi being "yankee traders" and mentions "Uncle Sam" and Worf says "Uncle WHO?" This episode has a lot of moments of attempted humour like that. Riker comes up with a plan and Geordi says, and I quote, "yeah, wooo wheee!" Luckily that won't become his catchphrase. Picard sends a message to the Ferengi then looks all proud about it. It's kind of weird. Riker's plan to escape doesn't work. The Ferengi are seemingly unbeatable.

There's a lot of character stuff in the first half of the episode with Picard and crew discussing what to do. Yar and Worf want to fight, Troi wants to talk. Picard decides to surrender because that's Picard's thing (he did it in Farpoint too.) The Ferengi finally talk and say that unconditional surrender is unacceptable. They thought the Enteprise was asking them to surrender because their ship was disabled too! Picard gets them to communicate physically and we find out what Ferengi look like (they look like Ferengi.) Now the episode gets silly as two kids are playing in the Observation Lounge. I already think it's stupid that kids are on the ship at all, but surely there would be some system in place to stop them entering important parts of the ship? Data talks about the extinct TKon Empire who used to live on the planet, but gets stuck in a Chinese finger trap that happened to be lying about. Maybe the kids left it there, it's not clear. Brent Spiner plays it well but it's kind of a weird thing to stick in this episode. Geordi continues to make comedy quips and also whistles.

Data says "yankee trader" when they talk to the Ferengi Daimon and the word "profit" is used in relation to the Ferengi for the first time. Picard and the Daimon make a deal to work together to solve the mystery of the planet. Riker, Data, Geordi, Yar and Worf beam down to the planet along with three Ferengi (one played by Armin Shimerman) and this is where the episode completely falls off a cliff. The planet looks shit again, like something from the original series except even worse because it's twenty years later. Everyone beams down in different places (Geordi's upside down!) so we waste time trying to find them all. The Ferengi have shitty looking energy whips and they stun Riker with them just for a laugh or something. Meanwhile the power is now draining super fast on the ship and everyone's cold and dying. The Ferengi just want to steal gold (I guess it's valuable to them!) and whenever there's thunder they have to cover their ears. Then there's a fight scene where they jump around like monkeys. It's bad. They're shocked that human females wear clothes (that was a thing from the start then!) You know, everyone on the Ferengi ship must be dying too so I have no idea why they'd wasted so much time trying to steal combadges and stuff.

A big scary face appears. Its name is Portal and it guards the Tkon Empire. It makes a physical body to talk to Riker. He explains that the Empire has been dead for many years. The Ferengi keep writhing about telling lies so that Portal will take their side. They also try to molest Yar. Portal challenges Riker to solve his riddle(!?) and spins his spear around and stops it right at Riker's face. Riker doesn't flinch because he's fucking Riker. He says that "fear is the real enemy" which seems completely random and has nothing to do with the rest of the episode but it impresses Portal. Riker and Portal instantly become bros and he restroes power to the Enterprise (there's another weird "Crusher really wants to fuck Picard" bit in here.) The whole thing was a test by Portal to see who was worthy of living (I guess.) The Ferengi keep hopping around making ridiculous gestures while Riker and Portal talk and it's pretty funny. Portal goes back to sleep "until needed again" whatever that means. Riker asks Picard if he can beam a box of Chinese finger puzzles over to the Ferengi and Picard says "make it so!" That zany Enterprise crew!

The thing everyone remembers about this episode is that it completely failed at turning the Ferengi into the next Klingons or Romulans. They were first mentioned as rivals to the Federation in 'Farpoint' and for the first half the episode it looked like they could be good villains. Their make-up is good! The actor playing the Daimon was pretty good. But once we get to the planet it's clear that the Ferengi are a joke. No one could ever take them seriously as a threat to the Federation. If that was the point of the episode then it was a big success...but I don't think that's what they were going for. The thing is though, what everyone forgets is that the first half of the episode is actually really good! There's a lot of tension as the Enteprise crew try to figure out what's going on. As I mentioned earlier there's a lot of character work as they discuss indepth what to do. Granted the characters aren't who they'll eventully become (Geordi in this ep is nothing like Geordi of even season two) but it's still quite well written stuff. The real problem is that the second half of the episode feels really disjointed from the first half. Suddenly everyone on the Enterprise is dying and it was all a test by an ancient alien who we don't see until the last ten minutes! The actor playing Portal isn't all that good either. The idea of an ancinet guardian outliving his whole species is a good one, but they really should have spent more time on it. Another problem, I have to admit, is Riker. Now I love Riker MORE THAN ANYONE and will defend Jonthan Frakes TO THE DEATH but he isn't really the Riker we'd go on to know and love yet. He feels really smug here? And gets kind of irritated and snappy with the crew a lot. So him and Portal suddenly becoming bros feels completely nonsensical. It's a shame becaue this is actually the best episode yet and with more time on the planet it could have actually been good. But as it is...yeah, those Ferengi were funny.

SCORE: 6/10
The Ferengi continue to get sillier and sillier with every new series, but they're still not as bad as Neelix :rwmad:
They turned them into comedy characters after this because they were so silly...but they went too far with the comedy eventually (Trans Quark.)
Where No One Has Gone Before - A propulsion expect named Kosinski and his assistant beam over to improve the Enterprise's engines. Riker is suspicious of Kosinski because his equations seem to be gibberish. We meet Chief Argyle ("one of our Chief Engineers") who I guess job shares with that woman Chief Engineer. Kosinski's an arrogant jerk who doesn't want to explain his equations, but Riker forces him. WESLEY'S JUMPER IS AMAZING. He impresses Kosinski's assisant by doing some science stuff to Kosinski's equations. They start the test but the assistant does something and the warp core starts going all weird. The Enterprise passes warp ten(!) and galaxies go flying by. They end up in the M33 galaxy and Geordi says it'll take three hundred years to get home. It's one weird looking galaxy!

Wesley says that space and time and thought aren't seperate things and the assistant warns him not to say such things. Kosinski keeps acting like he's responsible for all this (Argyle sasses him. I like Argyle!) Wesley tries to tell Riker that the assistant did all this but Riker keeps telling him to shut up. Kosinski tries to take them home but this time things get even weirder and the Enterprise ends up a billion light years from home. A Klingon targ appears on the Bridge (Worf's pet from home) and also Yar's cat who she saved from the rape gangs (there's a cringey flashback to a rape gang with rape torches.) Other werid things happen like an Ensign turning into a ballet dancer? Then Picard's mum turns up and wants to make him tea. It's quite creepy. They finally figure out that the assistant did it all but he's dying and can't bring them home. Wesley starts whining that the alien is his freind and can't die. He gets pissed at Riker calling him "the boy" all the time.

The alien is name The Traveler and he's just curious about reality, man. The power of thought is what took them so far from home. He keeps saying things like "as you understand the concept..." to explain his vague answers to questions. When he's alone with Picard he explains that Wesley is a special snowflake, like a Mozart for space travel. Well, okay then. We've kind of gotten away from the whole "thoughts become reality" thing so Picard encounters a crewmember trapped behind some fire to remind us of it. All the things you could imagine to become reality and fire is the best you can do? We get a really good shot of a man in a skirt uniform! Everyone on the ship thinks nice thoughts about the Traveler to give him the strength to get them home. There's a nice bit where the Traveler says he needs Kosinski's help and Kosinski's all happy. It doesn't work until Wesley holds the Traveler's hand(!) and that gives him the strength to phase completely out of existence(!?) and bring them home. Everyone bullies Wesley some more until Picard makes him an acting Ensign as a reward for being so special.

This is a weird episode. Once again it starts off very promisingly. It looks amazing with some great special effects when they're flying to the new galaxy. The music from Ron Jones is great and makes it all feel very important. Kosinski is a good character as he's not just a one note jerk and the actor does a good job. But it's once thoughts start becoming reality that things get a bit too silly. The idea that if you travel far enough your thoughts will become real feels too much like fantasy for Star Trek. And even if you're fine with it, the "thoughts becoming real" portioin of the episode is really unimaginative. I mean we get a cat and some fire and Picard's weird mum. That's it. Not very exciting! The Traveler is well played but all his talk of space and thought being one sounds like nonsense. Wesley being some kind of super powered genius is hard to take when Wesley's already been pretty annoying, though to be fair Wesley doen't know about it himself and Wil Wheaton is actually pretty good in this episode. So again it's down to the early season one episodes feeling a bit too "off" with the rest of TNG, but this is certainly a perfectly enjoyable episode of televisioin with some cool stuff included.

SCORE: 6.5/10