Wacky Reviews: Things He's Watched On Netflix


Pinata Whacker
Ah yes fried food, especially if its spicy is my kryptonite. I only regretted my purchase at the Fair today of fried jalepenos a few hours later when they gave me a little bit of gas,farts, and tummy upset.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Am I an old lady pussyboy fartknocker if I say that I tried to watch Rick & Morty but got turned off by the violence?


I want to smell dark matter
I'll probably watch it after Luke Cage but before Star Trek season 2.


Is this real life?
Designated Survivor is pretty good. It's a new Keifer Sutherland show where he acts. He's the lowest ranked politician in the American government when everyone else gets blown up, making him the de facto president. There are just two episodes so far.


I want to smell dark matter

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts


I want to smell dark matter
I started watching Rick and Morty. It is funny. I thought I was going to be put off by Rick's constant spitting and burping at first but they toned it down.


I want to smell dark matter
...and now I've just downloaded season two because it's not on Netflix and I can watch season 3 when it's new, wubbalubbadubdub!

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee
I assume that because you're downloading Season 2 now instead of waiting for it on Netflix that you liked it?

(season two is really good BTW)


I want to smell dark matter
Well, yeah. It would be weird it downoad it if I didn't like it!


I want to smell dark matter
They put Mr. Poopybutthole in the opening titles.


I want to smell dark matter
Am I an old lady pussyboy fartknocker if I say that I tried to watch Rick & Morty but got turned off by the violence?

Don't watch episode nine of season two then!

I finished the second season. For the first five or so episodes of seaosn one I thought it was a funny (often very funny) show but didn't really get why people were so crazy about it. But then they started inserting really good character moments and using the show's continuity to make you care about the characters and that really elevated it. Plus it is really crazy inventive with some amazing animation. My only concern is near the end of season two they started breaking the fourth wall a bit more and it reminded me of Community where that got too out of control at times (in my opinion.) But then the finale was great so I probably shoudn't worry!


I want to smell dark matter
I'll watch this.



Is this real life?
Loving Rick and Morty and I'm split between wanting to just binge watch the whole lot (I'm half way through season two now) and really taking my time to savour each new episode.

It's so good, though. So creative and clever and just unlike anything else.


I want to smell dark matter
They put season two up right after I'd already downloaded it, but its their own fault really.
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