Welcome Wordforge posters


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Still getting server errors over there. No pics, vids or messages can be posted.


Zombie Hunter
I stand corrected. "Spud Monkey's." https://www.restaurantji.com/or/gresham/spud-monkeys-bar-and-grill-/ I knew there was some kind of baked potato connotation to the place, but thought I must be imagining it because...let me just say, from a marketing perspective, you can have a themed bar, but you cannot have 2 random unrelated themes for the same bar.


Zombie Hunter
Not Trunk Monkey?
Trunk Monkey was also Portland. Suburban Auto Group, IIRC. Ads on the air around the time I moved there.


Zombie Hunter
I thought of a couple more similies: Posting there is like playing "got your nose" with a toddler. Or fake-throwing the ball for a dog. Which makes me feel bad about the occasional threads I start there. Because fake-throwing the ball is a 100% dick move.


Zombie Hunter
OK. I might have to take a break for a bit. It's fun to pop in occasionally, wind them up, and watch them run around in circles, but goddamn, there's some stupid people there. 100% "Idiocracy": "PLANTS CRAVE BRAWNDO!" It's frustrating to make someone look stupid but everyone sides with them because they are also stupid and don't see what you've just done.