What religion are you?


Forever Empress E
Luci, are you a homo as well as a necrophiliac? Eww. And, ewwww.


Forever Empress E
It doesn't matter when he was born etc; its His message that matters, or not.
Philistines & Pharisees!!!

I think there is some importance to when he was born. If Jesus had been born today, how would he have delivered his message? Considering that in his time, his death had to have been spectacular to gain attention and keep it, it would have to be even more so now. People are jaded to the horrors of another person's torture and death. It is entertainment with the reality removed.


Not really.....its a distraction. We know the rough time and thats all the info that is required.
If it was imperative to know, it would have been detailed.
Besides, believers don't really care, only the unbelievers give a shit about minute details; and they disbelieve in teh God they are trying to disprove. Its what you call interfering bullshit.
Knowledge has its place, but remember it was the tree of knowledge that fucked eve up ;)

There are many places in the modern world where birth 'dates' are not recorded, but other details are, such as seasons etc and 'birthdays' are more of an aniversary of time,
rather than a specific date.

Dirk Funk

Evil Penguin
Not really.....its a distraction. We know the rough time and thats all the info that is required.
If it was imperative to know, it would have been detailed.
Besides, believers don't really care, only the unbelievers give a shit about minute details; and they disbelieve in teh God they are trying to disprove. Its what you call interfering bullshit.
Knowledge has its place, but remember it was the tree of knowledge that fucked eve up ;)

There are many places in the modern world where birth 'dates' are not recorded, but other details are, such as seasons etc and 'birthdays' are more of an aniversary of time,
rather than a specific date.

I agree with most of this, however, I have to quibble about the tree of knowledge. It wasn't the knowledge that was their downfall. It was what the tree symbolized. It stood for God's right to decide what's good or bad. By eating the fruit, Adam and Eve were saying to God that they wanted to decide right and wrong for themselves. "Here the man has become like one of us, knowing good and bad" The Hebrew word "knowing" in this case, indicates deciding for ones self rather than simple knowledge.

And I agree. If, God thought it was important for us to know the date of Jesus' birth, he would have made sure it was recorded. Considering Jewish tradition at that time looked down on the observing of birthdays, it makes sense that the date wasn't a big deal.


Thats exactly right Funkster, its symbolic.
My appologies for not alluding to the symbolism further ;)

Odd Sock

I'm agnostic I guess.

I do have regular convos with God, so I'm pretty sure I believe in his existence, and my favrit Fairy Tale is the Sermon On The Mount, so I guess belief in Jesus is somewhat prevelent in there.

But I don't "do" religion, except for The Pathwork, perhaps.

you regularly converse with god?
