Where is the Random Thread of Randomness stuff that doesn't belong in other threads thread?


I want to smell dark matter
Anyone ever dealt with someone who has Dissociative Identity Disorder? Because I've been doing that all night.

Are they called Colonel Kira's Right Tit and do they look exactly like you but mirrored...


I want to smell dark matter
How long does it normally take your fingers to go back to normal after a panic attack?


I want to smell dark matter
It's annoying moving the mouse. Need robot body.


I want to smell dark matter
That's a 3-Ball!


Zombie Hunter
The real reason Obi-Wan spirited off Leia and Luke is that their Dad wanted to name them Ella and Exca.


Boobie inspector
I thought someone had keyed my car, but the current theory is that someone on a pushbike where the metal handlebar has come through the rubber grip rode too close to it while drunk on his way home as the second lower mark would match someone trying to pull their brake.


I want to smell dark matter
Or it was a fox.