Where is the Random Thread of Randomness stuff that doesn't belong in other threads thread?


Zombie Hunter


Zombie Hunter
Since I've considered myself a Christian all my life it seemed like, after more than a half century, maybe I should read the Bible. Catholics aren't really big on reading the Bible but nonetheless...

It's slow going. My only hope was to read it out of order. Do the New Testament before slogging through Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers, etc.

There is finally a light at the end of the tunnel. BUT! Apparently the Catholic Bible has extra books and additions to existing books in the Old Testament. And some of them are quite lengthy, so I'm not as close to the end as I thought I was.

OK. All that said, I'm working on "Minor Prophets" right now and reading "Hosea." And if I had to sum it up neatly, I'd describe it as "Go home, God, you're drunk":
GOD: "OY! Turd. Marry a slut. When she has a kid, name him Pig Cunt, because Israel has been a Pig Cunt and I hate all you fuckers. And a slut is all you miserable turds deserve. ..." It goes on like that for like, 8 chapters. But at least they're short chapters. Eventually I'll have to circle back for Major Prophets, which is a lot longer. and the Catholic only books, but for now I'll keep plugging away at Minor Prophets.

Colonel Kira's Left Tit

Bearded Belly of Bajor


Zombie Hunter
Elon Musk looks a bit like John Travolta in "Pulp Fiction."


Zombie Hunter
Dean Cain looks a bit like late 2000s Steven Seagal.


I want to smell dark matter
Kevin Sorbo looks a bit like the guy who played Hercules in the nineties.


Zombie Hunter
I want to live in the reality where "Rogue One" and "Solo" are 2/3 of the prequel trilogy and Anakin Skywalker's story is a Disney+ series by Vince "Breaking Bad" Gilligan.


I want to smell dark matter
I can't deny.


Zombie Hunter
I wanna do a Venn diagram of Freddy Mercury, George Washington, and Sir Mixalot.


Zombie Hunter
Dunno what's going on or if it helps, but for what it's worth, I'd say "completely pointless" is a bit melodramatic. At the very minimum, the BSG Thread of Doom was of great use to me and I'm glad for its existence.

Colonel Kira's Left Tit

Bearded Belly of Bajor
Dunno what's going on or if it helps, but for what it's worth, I'd say "completely pointless" is a bit melodramatic. At the very minimum, the BSG Thread of Doom was of great use to me and I'm glad for its existence.
Just more IRC BS, I suppose. I need to just realize that my so-called "friends" there are not my friends at all, aside from here.


I want to smell dark matter
I remember one of my friends randomly turned on my on AOL Instant Messenger twenty years ago. He aplogised in a "I guess I should apologise" way and we never talked much after that. The lesson: never use AOL Instant Messnger (it doesn't exist anymore.)

Colonel Kira's Left Tit

Bearded Belly of Bajor
Dunno what's going on or if it helps, but for what it's worth, I'd say "completely pointless" is a bit melodramatic. At the very minimum, the BSG Thread of Doom was of great use to me and I'm glad for its existence.
I forgot to say, thank you for the support, I quite enjoy your input as well here and elsewhere.

Never forget.


I want to smell dark matter
I'll ask her if she'll record a video message inviting people to the Mine Field Reunion in three weeks!