Where is the Random Thread of Randomness stuff that doesn't belong in other threads thread?


I want to smell dark matter
I wish i had a seal daughter.
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I want to smell dark matter

Probably better that she's not my daughter. :sarek:

(Doesn't really make sense since she isn't Seal's daughter but she's cute.)


Zombie Hunter
HOLY SHIT. I'm finally reading The Bible. Just gotta get through the last half of Ezekiel and I've read the whole thing. And while Quentin Tarantino made (a fictional version of) 25:17 famous, 23:20 is pretty off the hook. It is literally about a whore whose lovers are hung like donkeys and come like racehorses.


Zombie Hunter
The entire chapter is about 2 slutty sisters who are metaphors for...Samaria?...and Judea.


I want to smell dark matter
Why do they always show the Back To The Future movies at Christmas? What's so Christmassy about them?

Alos the first is by far the best and perfectly stands on its own.


I want to smell dark matter
They should make a fourth one where Doc and Marty go back in time and accidentally stop the birth of Christ and when they return to the present day there's a new religion based around worship of Biff.


Boobie inspector
Half way through John Wick 4, didn't have another hour and a half in me, the thing just feels boring, three guys in armoured suits go after John, he kills them, three more arrive, repeat until John is tired then send in a level boss.


I want to smell dark matter
Half way through John Wick 4, didn't have another hour and a half in me, the thing just feels boring, three guys in armoured suits go after John, he kills them, three more arrive, repeat until John is tired then send in a level boss.
I want to watch it but every time I think about it I realise I don't have 3 hours.


Boobie inspector
Just spent ten minutes looking for my soft jogging bottoms to wear to sleep, only to realise I had been wearing them all day.