There is a thing in the town where I grew up, where they make ravioli with cheese and raisins as the filling. You cannot wrap your brain around it unless you've tried it, and then you go "duh, of course." But as far as I know, 1 place on the planet currently makes it. And I don't choose to live in Bumfuck, WI, so I don't have it. But somehow I once met a girl who likes to cook and wanted to have sex with me and offered to make me cheese & raisin ravioli if I'd fuck her (I know, right? I don't even believe any of this as I type it, yet I swear it happened). It was awesome. And so was the sex.*
*Yet somehow, even though I knew sex was virtually a sure thing on this date, I almost managed to not get any. I really wish I'd had a mentor as a teen. Or a Dad who actually understood sex.**
**My Dad married very late. And when I asked my Mom how they met she said "[X]*** was the town with the most eligible bachelors, so I went there and went to the bars." (or words to that effect.
***I came from a place where a little under 2,000 people was a huge and booming size for a town and the next town over was 10 miles away.