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Where is the Random Thread of Randomness stuff that doesn't belong in other threads thread?

The Cohen Brothers "True Grit" remake is on MyTV right now. I'd forgotten how good it is. I mean, I remembered it being good, but it's very very good.
I'd forgotten why the novel about Gettysburg is called "The Killer Angels." Chamberlain, who plays an important role in the battle for the Union, is supposed to have recited a Shakespeare line to his father about man being angels and his father replying that if they are, they are "murdering angels," to which he does an essay or recital or something in school about "the killer angels."

They really did a good job, in the 2010 "True Grit," of showing how stupid and weak and fallible and nasty humans are.
I failed horribly at executing my weekend plans, but I'm 2 for 2 on cool movies. "Galaxy Quest" on Comet tonight. It's funny, because I would've SWORN I watched this in college in the early '90s, but there's a there's a LOT of CGI in it. 1999. Same year as "The Matrix." Even as I type this, I can't believe it, but it's hard to argue with fact.

Anyway, last night was "ghost/haunted house" night on Story so I wound up finding "True Grit." Tonight was "Documentary," but they were doing one on Earnest Hemingway that I've seen fairly recently so I surfed around. PBS had something on Dante but "Galaxy Quest" trumped that.
Weight management tip 2.0: Get a (suit) vest. A vest has to be the most unforgiving piece of men's apparel out there. One that looks good standing is too tight sitting (especially if you're eating dinner), one that's comfortable sitting looks baggy standing. It's easy to rationalize that you haven't gained any weight or that you look good, but when you watch the fabric strain as you try to button it it's impossible to pretend you haven't packed on the belly fat.
Incidentally, is it "By Grabthar's hammer, by the sons of Warvan..." or " the suns of Warvan..."? I'm leaning towards the latter, but evidence is inconclusive. Too bad Alan Rickman is dead. :(
If vests hadn't fallen out of fashion (for the above reasons) before the early 2000s, they'd replace the silk back with Spandex and everyone would've been happy
"I'm learning to play the theme from 'The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly," on my ukulele."
"No way."
[flips uke over and starts banging on the back] [thump-thump-thump thumpa-thump-thump-thump-thumpa]
"Wah, wah, wah, [thumping the back of the uke the whole time]
"Wah, wah, wah..
"Wah, wah, wah,
"Wah, wah
[whistles]Wah, wah, wah,
[whistles]Wah, wah, wah,
[whistles]Wah, wah, wah,
[whistles]Wah, wah
At this point I have to actually flip it over and use the strings but I think I figured out he bit before I shout "YUM-YUM-ECHO!" twice. But after that it gets trickier.
The Louisville Orchestra is torturing me this season. I want to do culture but the cash flow isn't there yet.

They did Beethoven's 9th. (tickets started around $100)
They've also done a new score for Murnau's "Nosferatu" that they're going to perform live while the movie plays
And also a music from "Star Trek" night.