History Channel series' fall into basically 3 paradigms:
1) Obvious absolute garbage: Think "Bigfoot Alien Space Hookers of the Bermuda Triangle."
2) Actual interesting historical documentaries: The Civil War, FDR, how Stonehenge was built
3) Things that look legitimate but are actually just shell game/3 card monte garbage to suck you in: American Ripper, Looted Japanese Gold of the Philippines, or tonight's "Hunt for the Zodiac Killer." They trot out credible experts and have them chase after clues. They build each clue up to the Landbreaking Break in The Case and play it for 45 minutes before going, "yeah, no, we didn't actually find anything when we dug there." Then they just drop that and move on to the Next Landbreaking Break in the Case. You're like "what about the AI supercomputer?" And it's just like "forget that, we took a crossword puzzle, some Scrabble tiles, and some Yahtzee dice and figured it out." BUT! Next week! A tremendous break in the case that will blow the lid off everything we know! I hate being suckered by it. Especially when I know I'm being suckered by it. I'll pop onto the computer during a commercial break and see it's only 5 episodes so I might as well ride it through to the end and of course it ends with "we found out some interesting new stuff but as yet, the case remains unsolved, despite compelling evidence."