What are they going to do, one up our "Freedom Fries" cringe by changing the name of the dish to "Freedom"... I dunno, "Freedom Slop" or something?Attention Canadians:
That pretty much sums up my hatred of flying: You are cargo. Livestock. You have zero control over your fate. When you're driving, if you get in a traffic jam you have the option of picking an alternate route. If you have car troubles you may be able to effect repairs--or hire a mechanic. You may not have any good options, but at least you get to choose. Coming home to Portland through Seattle one night and a storm grounded all outgoing flights. Headed for the rental counter. I don't remember if they were out of cars by the time I got to the counter or if I was just proactive but I caught a guy who'd snagged a car and asked if he wanted me to pay gas money. The drive down was a bit hairy with rain and some downed trees, but we made it. And he didn't even take any money. He was just glad to have someone riding shotgun.Back from the resort trip. It was actually a little more fun than I expected and definitely good for me to do something different (get out of my pandemic shell).
Totally fucked up was the return flight home. Flight delayed an hour (not a huge deal so we checked our bags), but then it grew to two hours, then they back pedaled twenty minutes, then they added another hour. Ended up spending 4 hours at the airport waiting for the god damn flight with no other flight options (which perhaps was okay because our luggage was already hostage at that point).of f
When we finally landed it hit me that it was like getting released from airport jail. The airlines and airports own you flying (and heaven forbid you want to go outside because then you have to go through screening again). That sucked.
Glad I went but glad to be home too.
Use my pen knife, my good man.The ring came off my pudding can.