Where's Jack?


beer, I want beer
Well to be fair I didn't actually have to squish the bug. I just argued it into a corner and used its own bug insecurities to manipulate it into squishing itself.


beer, I want beer
Yeah I struggle with that.

I posting at a few too many forums atm anyway, need to whittle them down a bit.

I created a music forum Purely for music, so putting a lot of time into that.

Talk to Lox if you ever decide you want in. His is the deciding vote.


Retired Account
I'm in no rush, I never have hated him, just always enjoyed ragging on him, it's not as if he never gave back whats given.

No harm no foul here. Enjoy your forum.


beer, I want beer
I'm in no rush, I never have hated him, just always enjoyed ragging on him, it's not as if he never gave back whats given.

No harm no foul here. Enjoy your forum.
Your call. No one's trying to spank you for it and we all know how much Lox loves the spam. Just saying the door ain't locked.


Retired Account


Pinata Whacker
I'm in no rush, I never have hated him, just always enjoyed ragging on him, it's not as if he never gave back whats given.

No harm no foul here. Enjoy your forum.

Hmmm...it seemed(to me anyway) lately that the ragging was more hateful and genuine(?)(sometimes I take things too seriously)...thats why I voiced my objection to your SF membership(aside from worries that we'd spam flood the place). In light of this revelation, I'd say...."Welcome aboard, Seph!"


New Member
You're a mouth-breather, Cody. Your only purpose is to serve as a cautionary tale to school children. So why on earth do you think your opinion carries any weight at all? I squished a bug last week on my dashboard, and I'm sure he hated me too. The bug's opinion matters to me a tiny bit more than yours, because I assume he had important bug business to attend to that I interrupted by squishing him; you, however, have never done anything of any value in your entire existence. Squished bug>Cody. Reflect on that truth for a while...

Yet here is still sit with the first woman i married, you failed at that twice amirite?


beer, I want beer
Yet here is still sit with the first woman i married, you failed at that twice amirite?

What's funny is how much mileage I get out of this throwaway bait. Sometimes a person lets a little info go out which may or may not be true to certain specific individuals, then hints that using this info really gets under the skin. Then one sits back and watches where that same "bait" info surfaces to find out who is masquerading as whom, who is sharing private lovenotes....you know, fun stuff like that.


beer, I want beer
Ps Cody do you know what "tells" are? They happen in writing as well.


beer, I want beer