
  1. Mentalist

    So Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize...

  2. A

    I Believe in Barack Obama. I Believe in Tomorrow. :)

  3. A

    What if President Obama joined The Badlands?

  4. A

    Who will succeed Barack Obama as President in 2016?

  5. A

    missmanners, would you sell this here Troll Kingdom to President Obama?

  6. Dual

    Obama on Acid

  7. Hasan78

    Brother Obama Praises Islam in an Islamic Tradition Iftar In the White House

  8. A

    Mount Obama

  9. bad dog

    I want a BEER SUMMIT with Obama!

  10. Big Dick McGee

    Take that, Obama!

  11. Blackfoot's Dick

    I LUV Obama!

  12. Conchaga

    Is "Black Jesus" an incredibly accurate title for Obama?

  13. Dr Dave

    Health tips from Obama.

  14. Dirk Funk

    Obama's doin' drive bys

  15. A

    President Barack Obama is my Leader.

  16. Hasan78

    Obama bows to the Saudi King

  17. CaptainWacky

    Obama Depressed, Distant since Battlestar Galactica finale

  18. Volpone

    Obama's Teleprompter Gives Second Prime Time Press Conference...

  19. Caedus

    Obamaton Heartache: Obama's approval rating falls to 50%

  20. Big Dick McGee

    Thanks, Obama!
