
  1. OS@M@

    Here is a gif of Jack and Sarek at their lunch break

  2. R

    Is Sarek Russian?

  3. Love Child

    Put Sarek in a Hidden Box

  4. OS@M@

    Who would win in a fight between Sarek and a 5-year old girl?

  5. OS@M@

    Who opposes the decriminalization of marijuana? Sarek.

  6. Weevil

    Sarek's secret identity revealed!

  7. OS@M@

    I will fight Sarek! I will fight him with my fists!

  8. Weevil

    What crawled up Sarek's bum those many years ago?

  9. S

    Gagh wrote 2,733 user notes to sarek on his profile....

  10. OS@M@

    I will fight Sarek! I will fight him with my fists!

  11. Mirah


  12. I Love Cunt

    I miss Sarek

  13. Mirah


  14. classichummus


  15. Love Child


  16. OS@M@

    If anyone can give me Sarek's work email address, you can have these six chix

  17. OS@M@

    Where is Sarek? Why has he not been handed over to me?

  18. Lilac

    Hey Sarek

  19. Dual

    I saw Sarek hitting on some chix at Hot Topic.

  20. Dual

    In a fight with Sarek, I will use my fists.

    Stop telling Lilac to shut up!