Is this real life?
I really enjoyed this episode. Mostly because it was wall to wall Gary. I'm SURE the IMDb crowd will have thoroughly enjoyed it for the same reason.
The use of the girl was something different (if really stretching credibility) and I liked that the team didn't entirely win the day, since the truck still blew up. That seems to happen quite often in this show, which makes a change.
It really is ambiguous whether the team are on the good or the bad side. Makes me feel like the writers aren't sure either, but maybe it's a bit of both anyway.
The pusher was so exasperated with her limited role in this episode that she did an over the top tit bouncy walk at one point.
The use of the girl was something different (if really stretching credibility) and I liked that the team didn't entirely win the day, since the truck still blew up. That seems to happen quite often in this show, which makes a change.
It really is ambiguous whether the team are on the good or the bad side. Makes me feel like the writers aren't sure either, but maybe it's a bit of both anyway.
The pusher was so exasperated with her limited role in this episode that she did an over the top tit bouncy walk at one point.