Community (season 1-2)


Touching the monolith
Staff member

There are two more episodes, one tonight, and one next week. I MISTAKENLY thought that Modern Warfare was the season finale.


I want to smell dark matter
I didn't think this week's episode was very good. And not just becaue it was following the paintball one, it just felt off. What was the point of the scenes with Troy being a plumber? I'm sure it was referencing a movie or something, but what was the point of it in the context of this episode?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I missed it, and was trying to watch it at work, but it kept on freezing. So I gave up. :(


Is this real life?
I felt it was a bit off as well. I liked the bit where we thought Troy was going to be a maths genius, only for him to fix the sink, but they never concluded that plotline. I don't know if it was a reference to anything, though it could have been Finding Forester; where the black kid is discovered to be a literary genius by Sean Connery, who convinces him to pursue his dream rather than just taking on the menial job he's expected to.

Anyway, otherwise it was an okay enough episode. Had some laugh out loud moments ("She's the Ark of the Covenant!") and wasn't predictable or anything. Kinda had the feel of an episode from earlier in the season, though. A bit subdued and less ott or referencey.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I have a feeling I'll be comparing later episodes to "Modern Warfare," which isn't fair, but damned if that wasn't awesome.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
These last two episodes are the extras NBC ordered after they decided Community was good. Maybe that has something to do with the episode being a little off. It was still good, just not as jam up as usual.

I guess Britta and Jeff are never going to mention having sex on the table? :rwmad:


Pinata Whacker
These last two episodes are the extras NBC ordered after they decided Community was good. Maybe that has something to do with the episode being a little off. It was still good, just not as jam up as usual.

I guess Britta and Jeff are never going to mention having sex on the table? :rwmad:

Probably saving it for a big reveal next season, or this season's finale.


Is this real life?
Maybe it'll come up if/when Jeff and Annie get it together.

I can picture it, Annie has an argument with Britta over something and accuses her of being jealous that Jeff never got with her, so Britta blurts out that actually, she did.


Sex Panther
The Troy plot was a reverse Good Will Hunting.

It made sense to place it in this episode because everyone was making plans for next year, and Troy was being offered a chance to not come back at all, at least not as a student.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Oh.. well that makes sense. It's been years since I've seen that movie.


I want to smell dark matter
But it just kind of ended when Abed said "it's from a movie." It was too much like a random Family Guy "look here's our characters saying lines from a movie" bit. THAT'S MY COMPLAINT AND I'M STICKING TO IT.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Well, I AGREE with your complaint Wacky. I'll just have to take your word for it about Family Guy (cuz I don't watch it) but it didn't seem to fit into the show as well as it should have so YEAH it was off. Maybe the movie reference was too obscure and then it didn't go anywhere.


I want to smell dark matter


Sex Panther
But it just kind of ended when Abed said "it's from a movie."
Which was good, since the only way for it to continue was for Troy to actually quit school.

Mind you, it could be they're setting up an ongoing plot thread where Troy is tempted for a few episodes. Troy hasn't really had his own plot thread since Annie got over him.


I want to smell dark matter
Maybe she should get under him.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
OMG.. good season finale! SURPRISE TWIST ENDING.


Is this real life?
As soon as she turned up again you knew what was going to happen, but good ending. The "take a picture, it'll last longer" line was unusually unoriginal for Community. The Simpsons did that joke 15 years ago.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Well, the guy did say OK and then whipped out his camera phone, adding a TWIST to it.

All those Jeff and Annie shippers out there will be excited. I wonder if Dan Harmon got the idea from the fans, cuz he linked to one of the Annie & Jeff youtube videos on Twitter.


I want to smell dark matter
It was a good finale. I like how they brought back so many guest stars. ALSO, Lost reference when Chang said he'd "find a loophole." And Troy ate a giant cookie. I think they could just blow-off the Jeff/Annie kiss in the first minute of the next season though.