Community (season 1-2)


Is this real life?
Oh yeah, meant to mention the Lost ref, that was great! The Happy Days/Shark Jumping reference was really odd, though. It just came out of nowhere and didn't seem to relate to anything.


Touching the monolith
Staff member


Is this real life?
201 Anthropology


Felt a little bit "off" at the beginning. I know they did the wacky paintball episode, but the bit when Betty White fired the blowpipe at Starburns just seemed a bit shark jumpy to me. But it settled down into a satisfying episode in the end. I liked all the Abed stuff the most, as well as the references to Shit My Dad Says. Were the two shows in the same timeslot?

Should Chang be the 8th member of the gang? I would've thought he'd work better as an independent character.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
It went by so fast! Too many things happened, but I thought it was a good start to the season. They've gotten the romance stuff out of the way so they can get on to more wacky hi-jinks.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Of all the shows I watched last night, it was the only comedy where I literally LOL'd at something (the guy texting his comeback to Chevy Chase's insult to everyone but Chevy).

So I think I'll be watching more regularly now.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Yeah, I laughed out loud during that too. I'm actually thinking of buying the season 1 DVDs for the outtakes.

(Shit my dad says was so terrible I stopped watching about 2 minutes into it)


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Dammit! I hate that I missed it, and that I don't have TIVO like every other fucking person on the earth. Cocksuckers. But usually FB puts the episodes up eventually, so I can catch it then.

Joel McHale will be in Dallas October 8, so I may have to put my stalker panties on.


I want to smell dark matter
I didn't really like the Betty White character. Felt out of place and too over the top with the violence.

Was the Dean in the episode at all? I guess that was his voice at the start but I don't think we saw him.

But it was still funny, yes. I liked the bit where Annie punched Jeff from a running start and Chase helpfully throwing urine in his face later. There were probably a lot of references I missed: I caught all the Shit My Dad Says stuff, obviously, and Troy waking up dressed as Spider-Man referencing the Twitter campaign to have the Troy actor play Peter Parker.


Is this real life?
Yeah, the Dean was only heard at the beginning, and then his name was on the blackboard showing his place on the evolutionary tree. I didn't mind the bit at the end when Betty White used the uberweapon, but the blowpipe was too much.


I want to smell dark matter
Apparently it was a parody of the over-use of Betty White by other shows!


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I don't think Betty White's character will be back as a regular, I guess they wanted to get as much out of her as they could in one episode. The blow gun thing didn't bother me that much, just another THING in an episode packed with things.


Is this real life?
What worried me about the blowpipe thing was that it was reminiscent of the crazy stuff that started to creep into Simpsons episodes as it went downhill.


I want to smell dark matter
Ke$ha opening for Community next week?

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts



Is this real life?
202 - Accounting for Lawyers


Probably the weakest episode so far. I didn't find much to laugh about for the first 15 mins, but the chloroform scene really saved it. The end scene with the painted wall was really good too.

Chang feels a bit tacked on, like they want to keep him in the show, but don't know what to do with him. The dancing scene had potential, but somehow didn't quite hit the mark IMO.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Yeah, I totally agree with you. I literally lol'd when Annie chloroformed the janitor the second time, but the Senior Chang stuff was kinda lame.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, it definitely wasn't one of the best episodes, but once it got going it was quite funny and Annie, Troy and Pierce all made me laugh. Black woman (it's really bad that I can't remember her name) is just a waste of space at this point, really, but maybe she's got a centric episode coming up. Have to admit I laughed when the guy with the hole in his hand shook hands with Jeff and you heard a whistling through the hole.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
I find this show funny, but not funny enough to discuss on the internet most of the time.



Is this real life?
It's ok. I mean, I mostly just wanted to post screencaps.