Community (season 1-2)


I want to smell dark matter
I liked the 8 Bit SANDERS graphics.


Is this real life?
405 - Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples


Well that was just weird. There were a few laughs, but I was mostly left bewildered, wondering what they were trying to say and what was meant to be amusing.

Next week's Halloween ep sounds like it should be good though.

"Pierce and a few other Greendale students ingest a biohazard substance at the school Halloween Party, causing them to exhibit flu-like symptoms and begin turning into zombies. It is up to the rest of the gang to save themselves and the school when Dean Pelton locks them in with the zombie-infected student body."


Touching the monolith
Staff member
The best part was when the dean started talking about Ricardo Montalban! They should have had more dean in this episode to counter the slightly confusing and not very funny Abed and Shirley stuff.

Maybe they felt we needed to be reminded of the characters' roles in the Community universe. Jeff and Britta are the mom and dad, Pierce is the crazy old person, Shirley is the religious one, Abed is the meta character... Troy and Annie were kinda skipped over this week, I guess they figure we remember who they are.


I want to smell dark matter
Yeah, the Shirley/Abed story just wasn't very funny. Or touching. Or anything really. The Pierce story was a bit better. The guy who plays Leonard has been acting for a loooooong time...

Only other thing I noticed this episode is that Britta is getting hotter.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I loved the Halloween episode! Lots of fun. I wonder if Shirley will ever remember getting it on with Senor Chang, lol.


Is this real life?
That was a lot of Troy! :)

Best costume was definitely the Dean as Gaga. Just inspired.

The Troy/Abed argument could've been saved for another episode, though, as it would've been worth a full story of its own.


I want to smell dark matter
Best episode of the season.

I'm sure Chevy Chase dressed as Shatner was a reference to something.


Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
This show consistently delivers solid LOLs. I used to be in love with 30 Rock, but aside from this season's live episode (which was fucking hilarious), it's been mediocre at best. Community is always solid. I still like Modern Family better, but Community is catching up.

The Halloween episode was great, Community is the only show that can have a zombie episode and not reveal that it was somebody's dream or a mass hallucination.

Anyone watching "Outsourced". Yeah, it's not that funny, but the girl who plays Asha is HOT, and I keep watching because I'm a sucker for "forbidden" romances. Oh, and the dude who plays Manmeet is funny as well.


Is this real life?
I'm sure Chevy Chase dressed as Shatner was a reference to something.

I read on the reputable interwebs info source IMDb that in his younger days he was in an SNL sketch as Spock, so making him Shatner was a reference to him now being old and fat and bald? Something like that.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
Oh Em Gee, did ya'll notice that the opening credits were all Halloween-themed?? It was totally tubular.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Yeah, the paper thingy was cool.

I REALLY want a dean episode. He is so fucking funny.


Is this real life?
A Day in the Life of Dean. It MUST happen.


Touching the monolith
Staff member
I'm going to tweet this idea to Dan Harmon, which he will IGNORE.


I want to smell dark matter


Is this real life?
She's even hotter than I remembered! And look at those shoulders!


I want to smell dark matter
Sh'es like the third hottest girl in that clip.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
"Still cool as a zombie." LoL


Touching the monolith
Staff member
Dan Harmon ignored us! THIS IS WAR :rwmad:

Srsly though, we should try to come up with some funny way to get his attention.