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DOCTOR WHO IS FUCKING BACK TONIGHT (post in this thread about Doctor Who [please])

The look old school, like maybe how they would have done the old daleks if they had todays budget.
They seem to be harking back to the original Dalek design which had the horizontal metal bands across the Dalek's middle, unlike the vertical metal plates later Daleks had.

Also like the ones from the Cushing films, which is funny, as the tardis is also close to the one he had now.

Well yes the ones from the Cushing films are based on the original designs but with different head lights, skirt, and no plunger.
I'm a big big fan of Doctor Who. The show has been a major staple in my life since I was a little kid, during Peter Davison's Doctor (who is still my favorite).

BBC America shows the first Matt Smith episode this Sat, so I made sure not to read too many of the posts here.
I was suspicious of Tennant because Eccelson was so good, but I came to really like him a lot, so my suspicions of Smith are easily pushed to the side. He does kinda look retarded and his youth is a bit much (even though Davison was only 2 years older when he started...but he didn't seem so young).

Amy Pond is a hot little piece of ass.

The new theme song is ok for now, but it reminds me a little of how they cheaped it up with Colin Baker/Sylvester McCoy's techno version. This one is more of a subtle change though.

That's it for now. I'll chime back in after this Sat.
ANOTHER good episode.

The WWII and Churchill stuff was great, and it was nice to have The Doctor meet a historical personality and not spend all his time saying how wonderful they are.

The Daleks were good, too. I like the new (HUGE) Daleks, there was some nice shades of Power of the Daleks and Evil of the Daleks (this is now the second time The Doctor has procaimed the Daleks' "Final End") and it's really good they actually got away so that next time they come back we don't have another "But I wiped you out!" "NO LIKE ONE OF US SURVIVED AGAIN REALLY DOC-TOR YOU SHOULD DOUBLE CHECK THESE THINGS IT'S BEEN LIKE FOUR TIMES NOW."

Spitfires in space. Awesome.

AND I hope Amy not remembering the Daleks will lead into something where we can have an Earth that doesn't remember all the retarded things that happened to it during the RTD era.
I liked it too, and am a fan of the new Daleks, I guess when they destroyed the old ones, it was another example, like the 11th Doc walking through the image of the 10th, or destroying the old screwdriver, or redesigning the Tardis, that this is a new era with its own identity, and if it does hark back to the past, it harks back to the old series rather than the new one.

The obvious exceptions being things that Moffat invented in the first place, like River Song and the weeping angels.

The crack is back again, I wonder if its somehow following the tardis, or maybe the Tardis is causing it.
I love how piece by piece, The Moff is wiping away everything RTD did. RTD Daleks EX-TERM-IN-ATE-EDDD, new TARDIS inside and out, everyone forgets the London/Cardiff invasions... maybe next week we'll find out Martha and Mickey got divorced and married white people.

I didn't enjoy all of this episode, but it was pretty good. Churchill's lines rang true and hey, at least the Doc didn't save the day by pulling some levers. Stopping the bomb through sheer force of will was a bit wishy washy for my tastes, but okay...

The crack doesn't really intrigue me much yet, because it's kind of in your face. It's more interesting when the threat following the Doc is subtle, than when the camera zooms in on it at the end of every ep.

Anyone pick up on this week's SCOT AGENDA references? :D
I think the biggest problem with the episode was it being squeezed down into 45 mins. If we could''ve got a bit more of the subserviant WWII Daleks and The Doctor going round going "No no no they're evil don't do it" it might've been better, instead of the

"You're evil!"
"You're evil!"
Yeah, that was my main thing with it. Obviously the Daleks were gonna turn out to be their normal evil selves, but I was surprised they revealed it so quickly. And I would've enjoyed seeing more of them making tea and all that. It's not like we'll ever see that again.
Yeah, I was going to come into this thread and say I liked it but I had a few more complaints than the previous two, but I don't want to seem like A JERK.

Anyway, here are some complaints.

1) Felt WAY too fucking short. Like at four minutes past seven the Doctor had already stopped the bomb going off with love and I thought "okay, but something else must happen now!" Then it just went on for another five minutes and ended. BARELY forty minutes long, I'm SURE they used to be closer to the full 45.
2) I really liked the tension at the start when the Daleks were pretending to be nice and the Doctor was getting all angry and Amy was freaked out by him. But then they just really quickly said "yeah, we're evil, hehe!" and ran away. Then the new Daleks showed up and, well, I didn't find them scary or menacing at all, really. When the Doctor was all "OH NO I'VE BROUGHT THE DALEKS BACK!" I wasn't really feeling it. I hope they're not in the series finale.
3) There was a bit at the start with the girl worried about her boyfriend/husband, then at the end she's crying and Churchill tell's Amy that he was shot down over the channel and Amy's like "oh, that's a shame"...but I'm buggered if I know what the point of this was. Unless it was just to show that people DIE in wars, but we already saw quite a few chararacters die. I thought for a SECOND that Amy was going to tell the Doctor and they'd rescue the husband/boyfriend from drowning or something. It felt like a subplot that was mostly edited out but they left a few lines.
4) NOT REALLY A COMPLAINT, I've lived in Scotland all my life and I really wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a Paisley accent and a Glaswegian one. And Amy hasn't lived in Scotland for fourteen years and does it right away! I know it was just to establish a bond between them, but it felt really forced.

Yeah if this had been a two-parter it would've flowed better. The whole Daleks pretending to be servants thing is what made Power of the Daleks probably the best Dalek story ever (in my opinion), and having the go on for - say - a whole episode with the reveal as the cliffhanger would've been good.

BUT on the other hand I did quite like that they didn't go nuts and give the Daleks a two-parter just becuase they're the Daleks so they must be trated special, which means we can have two-parters about other things instead.

Of course all off this would be solved if they went back to the serial format!!!

Also I'll miss the gold Daleks, they did look good and modern but classic. I like the new Daleks as well but in a different way, they really feel like NEW Daleks (which I guess was the idea). And it's a shame we'll never get to see a gold version of the Special Weapon's Dalek.
Well, got to watch the premiere last night, and damned if I didn't like it. I was skeptical because I just didn't think anyone could compete with David Tenant. But Matt Smith was great, and now I'm hooked again.