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DOCTOR WHO IS FUCKING BACK TONIGHT (post in this thread about Doctor Who [please])

It makes sense to change things like the TARDIS interior and the sonic screwdrive when there's a new Doctor and production crew coming in. And RTD's episodes were referenced pretty heavily in the latest episode when the Doctor was talking about Amy not being able to remember the last Dalek attack. I doubt there's any insecurity involved.
It makes sense to change things like the TARDIS interior and the sonic screwdrive...
Change is good and I am fine with everything but the console. It looks retarded and hopefully will be phased into something less campy.

I've watched the remaining episodes following Eleventh Hour on The beauty of the regeneration concept is that you can always blame feelings of uncertainty on the fact that the Doctor is still getting accustomed to his new self.

I'm still not getting a confident feeling of him being the Doctor yet, and I don't remember ever being this uncertain for this many episodes in. I don't remember the C. Baker/S. McCoy change, though.

It's just different. They've added such a sense of the Doctor "loving" his companions as a lover, since the '05 reboot, that it's what seems to permeate the entire upcoming relationship between Pond and the Doctor. And the fact that both him and her are so perceptively close in age is just begging for them to fuck.
I hope they build a better sense of distance between the two, romantically.
I liked that.

I really like Matt Smith's Doctor. He really does feel like an old man as times and it works really well.

I also liked the use of the Weeping Angels. We learn more about them, and nothing we learn actually contradicts anything we saw in Blink, and the reveal that they had been walking through Weeping Angels all the time was excellent.

River Song is... well, she's alright. I mean she can be a bit annoying at times but overall she wasn't that bad. The Doctor's reaction to her (as he knows how she will die and all) was the best part.

Oh, and a good cliffhanger.

The worst part was the FUCKING cartoon Graham Norton popping up during a good scene. FUCK YOU BBC, don't start that shit.
No Norton on BBCHD.

I just felt the episode didnt have the tension of blink, since the Doctor and Martha were already in the past and the people in jeopardy were all unknowns, they could have died at any point, and that creates tension. Put the Doctor, Amy, and River in the same situation, and you know they will be ok, instant tension killer.

Not to mention the cliffhanger ending to this episode has been in all the new series trailers so far kind of robbed the moment of its Doctor firing a gun uniqueness, well that and he also did it at christmas.

Karen Gillan was really good. I liked the scene with Amy and the recording of the Angel. The bit where the Angel was speaking to the Doctor using Bob's brain patterns was quite creepy.

There was no Graham Norton in Scotland. I feel ripped off.
Really good episode! And I'm glad it's a two-parter because it would've been terrible if they had to rush it.

The only thing that baffled me was Mike Skinner's cameo right at the beginning. I thought the iPlayer was showing me the wrong programme for a second there. ;)

The Doc was good, Amy was good, the army guys were the interesting, believable variety, rather than being gung ho and stupid and River Song had lots of intriguing lines. Poor old Bob, eh? :( Looking forward to part 2!
Something I thought was cool:

You can see space suits of the same type that River and her team wear in the Library episodes in the back of the room where Amy looks at the Angel.
So I actually started watching Doctor Who when I remember to turn it on, I haven't watched it since Baker was the guy but I caught some of Tennant and it was pretty good. But I don't think they're showing them in any kind of order because the story lines are all jumbled. I think I just watched one of the last in the series with him, because it was a climactic episode where the Doctor gets aged about 900 years, his adversary the Master gets killed and he drops Martha with her family with a big goodbye scene. But it didn't really have a damn thing to do with the last episode I watched a couple weeks ago so I am still lost. Stoopid PBS...

Now I gotta go back to the library and get one of the series discs so I can catch up...