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DOCTOR WHO IS FUCKING BACK TONIGHT (post in this thread about Doctor Who [please])

I just watched the premiere on BBC America and I must say that I like Smith. My wife hates Doctor Who but she's forced to watch it, and she said that she already likes him better than Tennant. I don't agree, (yet) but for just one episode I can see that he's not that much of a shock in difference as Tennant was from Ecceleston.

Good sexual tension between the Doctor and Amy.
The comedic aspects of the show are good and not intrusive.

My main problem is the interior of the TARDIS, mainly the console. It's way too campy. It's ok to leave it like that as long as I don't have to see a tight-shot of it and the stupid ass type-writer.

Otherwise I think the show is gonna be good.
I loved the special weapons dalek.

Someone else has pointed out that all the cars from the 11th hour have 1990 licence plates or earlier, this would tie win with the ID badge being issued in 1990.

But wait, I hear you cry, what about the laptops and mobile phones?

Well I wonder what would happen if say, someone was to leave a genius cyborg alive in 1940s GB, might he for example, accelerate the advance of technology to the point where laptops and mobiles are 20 years ahead of where they should have been?

And the reason Amy had never heard of the daleks is because she came from a time before the invasion, and a totally differnt timeline to boot.

Maybe the crack in space time is a crack the doctor created by setting the events of this alternative timeline in motion.
Wow Jo Grant looks like Carol Channing.
I remember watching a Pertwee episode a couple months ago and Manning was a sexy little dish.
She bares little resemblance to her definitive former self.
Getting slightly annoyed with the perceived distancing Moffat seems to be doing with the RTD era.

New Doc and companion fine, but new tardis interior and exterior, new screwdriver, new Daleks, and his ridiculous attempt to get this series labelled series 1,.. just smacks of insecurity to me.

Its one thing to stamp your own authority on a show, I can understand that, but when the only things you bring back from the last 5 years are things that he himself created, it just seems a little small minded.

I am loving the little nods to the original show, but he would do well to nod to the last five years now and again too.
Well to be fair, RTD left things in a pretty shitty state.

He had an Earth that had been so many alien attacks and invasions that they should by know become blasé about it, and Daleks who would come back so they could be wiped out so they could come back so they could be wiped out so they could come back to be wiped out. It's a good thing that he's sorting those things out.

And really, it's his show now, he can do what he wants. The TARDIS interior was changed so it would look better in HD. The Daleks were changed because they were a new race of Daleks, and it's not like Daleks looked the same in every show they were in. Same with the screwdriver. And things being labeled Series 1 seems to just be on the production side of things at this stage, as it is almost a whole new show with a new head writer and producers.

And he has referenced the last five years. I mean the first episode has him in Tennant's suit for most of it, the Daleks are the same Daleks that appeared in RTD's era, and there was the Magpie Electicals sign in the Beast Below.

It's a new start, and there's only been three episodes. Moffat's trying to establish his own look to the show and you don't do that by making everything the same as it used to be in the first three episodes.
The introduction of new Daleks seems to be mostly driven by BBC Worldwide's insistence that they have more toys to sell.

Worldwide suggested that a new Dalek would come in very useful – and in return it is getting nothing less than a full set of entirely redesigned models in dayglo colours. The red, blue, yellow, orange and white Daleks – collect ’em all because your kids are going to nag you to death to do so! – will be unveiled in this Saturday’s episode and will appear in shops soon afterwards.
That seems like a really cynical way to look at it, frankly. If they wanted to save money and sell more toys they could've just some varients on the Gold design instead of making 6 brand new Daleks. I mean Moffat said himself that he wanted to redesign them and Gatiss said he specifically wrote in the script that they were bightly coloured as a nod to the Peter Cushing Dalek films.
Well, if it really was Moffat's decision, then good for him, I say. I'm thankful to RTD for bringing the series back and for making it successful, but he made far too many bad decisions over the years and I'm glad Moffat's taking the opportunity to put his stamp on things.