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DOCTOR WHO IS FUCKING BACK TONIGHT (post in this thread about Doctor Who [please])

So I actually started watching Doctor Who when I remember to turn it on, I haven't watched it since Baker was the guy but I caught some of Tennant and it was pretty good. But I don't think they're showing them in any kind of order because the story lines are all jumbled. I think I just watched one of the last in the series with him, because it was a climactic episode where the Doctor gets aged about 900 years, his adversary the Master gets killed and he drops Martha with her family with a big goodbye scene. But it didn't really have a damn thing to do with the last episode I watched a couple weeks ago so I am still lost. Stoopid PBS...

Now I gotta go back to the library and get one of the series discs so I can catch up...

That episode barely makes sense even when you do see them in the correct order.
Us in the states just got "The Beast Below."

It was pretty good, although I had just one question:

If the Star Whale doesn't kill the kids, what happens to them when they become adults? Do they have to protest or forget when they come of age?
Us in the states just got "The Beast Below."

It was pretty good, although I had just one question:

If the Star Whale doesn't kill the kids, what happens to them when they become adults? Do they have to protest or forget when they come of age?

Where are you getting these? I don't currently have cable and PBS is showing older stuff...
Lucy was pretty hot.

I didn't really understand why the children were still being sent to the starwhale when the smilers knew the whale wouldn't eat them. Maybe they were put to work maintaining the propulsion system or grew up to be the next generation of secret police or something.
Yeah, a few things in that ep didn't make sense, like the whale having two mouths. I liked that The Doc's apparent kookyness at the beginning (picking up the glass of water) actually played back into the story, though. If it was an RTD ep he'd just be doing that as an in-your-face way of reminding you that he's an alien and he's weird and "like, totally, like random".

This week's ep has had really positive feedback. Haven't read a single negative comment about it so far, which is a far cry from what happened last week. Maybe the new Doc has hit his stride? :)
Should we make a new thread for those of us who are a week behind? Or just not look in this thread until after we've seen the latest?
"Dr Who (BBC America pace)"

I don't mind, but it can get a bit confusing when "this week's ep" means something different depending on who's reading it.
I've been on IMDb a lot and the only thing anyone complained about was the sound mixing, which I must admit was a bit messy at the end. I like that action theme, but sometimes it's so loud and distracting that you can't hear the dialogue properly.

Oh and someone has a cool theory

that in every episode we've heard the TARDIS sound in the background at some point, which means that somewhere down the line, the Doc will travel through all the previous eps closing up those cracks. Nifty idea, if it's true.
Double post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Time of the Angels part 1...very good. Best episode so far. My certainty of the Doctor is beginning to solidify.

Let's play "The Doctor...Where Are They Now"
or better yet, what do they look like now (with the exception of Ecceleston and Tennant)

Paul McGann: August 2009

He straightened and lightened his hair!!!
Sylvester McCoy: May 2009
Colin Baker: 2010 Hustle (film)

He has, hands-down, aged the worst.
Peter Davison: Dec 2009 during the Legally Blonde musical
Tom Baker: Aug 2009

Not terrible...just really fat.
Jon Pertwee: 1995 - the year before he failed to regenerate :phpsad:
Patrick Troughton: 1985 - two years before his death
William Hartnell: 1999-Sci-Fi convention in Arizona