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DOCTOR WHO IS FUCKING BACK TONIGHT (post in this thread about Doctor Who [please])

Anyone else get a boner over Amy's scared little voice when she was dying?

I find it hard to believe that the Doctor didn't think, or even suggest, that he was the one River Song killed. Then again he couldn't figure out that Amy wanted to fuck. So much for his ego.
That was a nice enjoyable romp, I thought.

The biggest problem is, Moffat excluded, none of the other writers quite know how to write Matt Smith's Doctor juuusst right. Of course we've only had two non-Moffat stories so far, and it will no soubt get better with time.

I liked that the Vampires weren't actually Vampires or sort-of Vampires, but alien fish dudes who didn't really need blood, but moisture.

And I liked Rory, too. It was interesting to have a companion who really starts off not linking The Doctor very much (and with good reason from his point of view), and it was an interesting dynamic to have, but I'm glad he liked him by the end! I'd be happy if Rory stayed for the rest of the episodes, personally.

But next week's looks mind-blowing. Can't wait for that.
I found this week's ep a bit iffy. It wasn't bad by any means, but it didn't blow me away either. The pace was sort of choppy and the whole episode reminded me of that Shakespeare one with the witches that weren't really witches but aliens that looked like witches.

More Rory would be fine by me, too. His antics with the broom were pretty funny and the comedy elements throughout the episode were decent. Nice library card as well. ;)

Might need a while to really gather my thoughts on this one.
I think the biggest problem I have at the moment is that the Moffat episodes are so good, that the other episodes - episodes which would've seemed really good in the RTD era - just don't seem as good.

But that's not that bad a thing!
I thought it was a great episode, and I am looking forward to next weeks episode a lot more than I was the 2nd part of the weeping angels.
I didn't really notice the Doctor being any different in this one than the Moffat episodes. I laughed when he came out the cake (even though it was obvious) and the "you kissed her back?" "No, I kissed her lips" bit. There were one or two lines where I didn't quite understand what the Doctor said, but that was just Smith's delivery/my ears.

It was pretty good (BETTER THAN THE DALEK EPISODE) I thought. I did feel sorry for the black guy (A BLACK GUY IN THE PAST OMG IT'S PC) who lost his daughter than sacrificed himself and didn't even get a "hey was a brave black guy" acknowledgement from anyone. Also why did the mother fish have to take her clothes off at the end when they were created by the perception filter anyway?

Amy looked ESPECIALLY ravishing in the scenes where she was undercover in the school. Rory was good too and I'm glad Amy wasn't totally treating him like shit or anything.

Next week's looks good. Old people are creepy.
Yeah, I'm glad she's not treating him like Rose did Mickey, especially since the Doc kind of treated him like a wally with that "the good looking one or the other one?" thing, similar to how he treated Mickey.

I couldn't figure out everything Matt was saying either. Maybe the music was too loud again or it was something to do with it being filmed mostly on location.
We just got the first part of the Weeping Angels. One thing right off the back:

Alex Kingston is not aging well at all.

And two: I kinda don't like knowing that she's his future. I'm not really too keen on her, even when we first met her in the library. She's just a But then, I suppose one would have to be to be his wife, which is what I assume she is.

As for the episode, it was damned good. Those angels freak me out, but I would have liked a nod to Sally Sparrow.
Alex Kingston looks good sometimes, but then you get a close-up of her (like at the start where she was blowing a kiss to that guy) and her face is kind of scary. Being on screen with the flawless, half her age Karen Gillan doesn't help either.

OF COURSE if River keeps getting younger everytime we meet her she might be played by a different actress by the time she marries the Doctor (IF THEY GET MARRIED, AND IT WON'T BE A NORMAL MARRIAGE ANYWAY.)
The thing that will never ever let me truly love Alex Kingston as River Song is the fact that they originally wanted Kate Winslet for the role.

What could've been...
^Yeah, that's what I think whenever I see River Song. Cuz you know Kate would have found a way to get nude JUST LIKE SHE DOES FOR EVERY MOVIE SHE'S EVER DONE

I never knew about the Donna being the Doctor's mother rumor. Why would they think that?
A lot of people started to think Donna was a Chamleleon Arched Time Lady when she started hearing the hearts beat in her head in The Stolen Earth (the actual explanation was much stupider though). Also some stuff about "Well Donna means 'lady' in italian and 'Noble' like a Lord or Lady and she keep saying she's a temp, which is like latin for time! SO SHE'S A TIME LADY OBVIOUSLY!!!!!!!"