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DOCTOR WHO IS FUCKING BACK TONIGHT (post in this thread about Doctor Who [please])

Twas another goody, nice to see a on location and not some welsh rubbish...

im liking the whole fractures throwing out all sorts of things through time and space, lots of possibilities there...
Did Kate do one of those "I REALLY want to be in Doctor Who!" interviews then when they actually asked her say "oh, I don't REALLY want to be in Doctor Who!"?

(Or she was just busy with something else.)
Like when Sean Connery was meant to be in DS9 because he was friends with Patrick Stewart (no, I'm not sure how that makes sense either). :(

Kate Winslet would've been really good as River, but she'd cost so much to hire we'd probably only have seen her in the library episode and then never again. Moffat's budget surely wouldn't stretch to hiring a movie star.
Maybe if she was a fan. She did work for peanuts in that movie with the guy with the big wang though (Eggs would probably know which one I'm thinking of).
Googling "the reader winslet wang" confirms it, yeah, it was The Reader. Um... this probably isn't the right thread for screenshots though. Maybe it's why she broke up with her husband. "And THIS is what you could've had!"
Damn her breats aren't looking as good in those The Reader screenshots. Unless they made her breasts look different for the movie because she's a nazi in it and nazis can't have nice breasts?

Umm, anyway, Doctor Who. Which episode are the Cybermen in (or is it just one injured Cyberman)?
I thought that was... pretty good!

It was a really interesting idea that the Dream Lord was actually The Doctor himself. I didn't see it coming and it gave us an interesting look into The Doctor's thinking, and even his self doubts and such. I guess you could link it into the Valeyard but really that's a stretch.

Plus the TARDIS looked cool when it was frozen because it looked all white like the old TARDIS.
Oops, posted at the same time!

Good episode I thought, you would never have thought it came from the guy who used to write men behaving badly.

I like the fact that the Doctor was the villain in the end, and the reflection in the console there to remind him it would always be in him.

No crack this week, unless I missed it.
I dont suppose you have a screen grab of the eyeball things sticking out of the old peoples mouths do you?
Looks like it deserves a second watch in order to figure out exactly what the Doc was thinking.

Good ep, anyway. I wonder if it might've been a little too grown up for some younger viewers. All that relationshippy stuff. And the old people getting hit... wonder how many busy bodies will complain about that.

I hope they'll be putting the "will they/won't they" thing behind them now. Amy was too hesitant at times in this episode when her choice was brought up and it's been difficult to tell if it's just down to her having fun with the Doc and enjoying their adventures, or if she has some deeper feelings. But now she's shown that she really does love pointy nose they should leave it.

I did predict that both realities would be dreams, but not that The Doctor would be the Dream Lord (I actually thought it was The Master for a bit and they'd somehow kept his return and re-casting a secret.)
Ok, saw "Flesh and Stone" (I think that's right) and just have a couple of questions.

I don't remember River Song being so devious. Maybe that's not the word, but something was off about her.

Also, did I miss something at the end? WTF is wrong with Amy? Or am I not supposed to know. Sorry if I'm asking stupid questions.